fire on fire | void stiles [a...

By -finstocks

30.7K 641 1.3K

❝ you burn me, i burn you, and yet... we keep coming back for more. ❞ in which an affair between two contrast... More



1.4K 39 166
By -finstocks

chapter ten


The words were followed by the not-so-subtle racket of her bedroom door opening; along with the prominent footfalls of someone walking into the room. Avery groaned, twisting further into the sheets and hoping the person would just shut up and go away. All she knew was that it was too early to care about anything else except sleeping.

Her eyes shot open though when she felt a substantial weight suddenly collapse onto her curled-up frame, focusing on the lean but heavy boy with curly brown hair and green eyes that smiled cheekily at her. She blinked, trying to adjust to the early morning light that flooded through her room before she allowed her face to settle into a frown. He only continued to grin down at her, amused at the discomfort written all over her.

"Hi, sis."

"Get off of me! Did you gain a hundred pounds or something?!"

She shifted, annoyed, from underneath of him until he finally decided to ease off of her and stand up. He sure did take his time though. "Only in muscle."

She sat up on her bed, frizzy and tangled hair reminding her brother of a lion's mane. A slight pout had graced her lips while she rubbed her eyes, trying to get rid of the small amount of crust that had formed in the corners over night. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep, but it was obvious the energetic boy wasn't allowing that.

"What are you even doing here? Shouldn't, you know, be at college?"

"You think I would miss my little sister's birthday?" He plopped down at the end up her bed, one hand placed on the mattress for support while the other one went to his chest. "That hurts."

She grabbed a pillow from beside her and threw it at him, but he easily caught it, making her huff in discontent. Avery forgot how irritating he could be, but despite that fact, he was still a good brother and she missed him. If only he realized almost crushing your sister to death wasn't the way to say good morning — or happy birthday.

"Why didn't you fly back with Mom and Dad then?"

"Would you want to be on a plane stuck between Mom and Dad for five plus hours? I would have gone deaf. Besides, I can't miss that much school."

"So you're only here for the weekend?" She questioned, pressing the home button on her phone to find out it was just past 8am. She had planned to sleep in until noon, but obviously that didn't happen.

"Yup. And for Mom's cooking. She told me to wake you up because your birthday breakfast is done."

"Oh, did she make chocolate chip pancakes?!" Avery asked, excited. She was hungry.

"Duh," Chance confirmed, standing back up and slowly yet suspiciously walking towards the door. "Race you!"

He darted into the hallway, making Avery spring out of bed and follow after him. She sure was awake now. "No fair! You had a head start!"

Avery heard him laugh as he ran down the stairs, skipping two at a time, which uncontrollably made her smile. They brought out the inner five-year-olds in each other, something that their mother didn't exactly adore. That became clear when she started shouting at them from the kitchen to quiet down.

Of course Chance made it to the kitchen first, sliding into an open seat at the small dining table placed by the large window, the white, lacy curtains drawn so they got to see the view of their backyard. Avery joined the family seconds later, and her brother didn't hesitate to stick his tongue out, which made Avery roll her eyes before sitting down next to him. She swore she was going to beat him next time.

"Happy Birthday, honey," Her dad said once she was fully settled in at the table, taking his eyes off his tablet. He had an obsession with playing Angry Birds.

"Thanks." The girl replied, feeling the quick peck her mother gave her on the top of her head before serving the food. She placed bacon, eggs, and pancakes out on the table, smacking Chance's hand when he reached to serve himself first.

"Let your sister get her plate first."

Avery smirked at Katherine's comment, sending a prideful glance towards her brother before she got her food. When he thought his mom's back was turned, he mouthed her words mockingly, but that only received him a slap on the head because the blonde woman had caught him. When he looked at Lawrence to defend him, his father just shrugged before returning back to his game.

"You know, that's a rude way to treat your favorite child."

"You still think you're the favorite?" That's funny." Avery said with a mouthful of pancakes, amused from the situation.

"And you're disgusting." He scoffed, beginning to make his own plate along with his Dad. Their mother had finally joined them at the table.

A knock on the door interrupted the family, and since her mom had just sat down, the brunette decided to just answer it herself. She stood up, casting a warning glance at her brother to not steal her food before walking towards the front door. With her over-sized t-shift that went down to her knees and tangled hair, she didn't exactly look presentable, but she didn't really care. She thought it might've been the mailman anyway.

After the lock was turned and the knob was twisted, the door opened to reveal that it wasn't a mailman or any sort of stranger. "Teddy."

"Happy birthday." He smiled, not fazed at all by how crazy she looked this Saturday morning.

Her surprised eyes drifted from his welcoming face to the package in his hands, which wrapped in light pink wrapping paper, a white bow stuck in the center. He was here, and with a gift — for her. After their conversation a few days ago, Avery wasn't sure when or if Teddy was ever going to talk to her again. He hadn't answered her texts and avoided her at school. So his arrival really was a shock.

"What are you doing here? I... I thought you still needed space."

"Well, I thought everything over, and I wasn't being fair to you. The way I acted towards you wasn't right. I'm sorry," He apologized, raising the present towards her, "Forgive me?"

She grinned, taking the gift and stepping aside to welcome him in. "Of course. Come on in. Mom just made breakfast."

"Actually, I can't stay. I have work unfortunately, but I'll see you tonight"

"Why would you see me tonight?" She frowned, confused. Her parents had took her out to dinner yesterday for her birthday, so as far as she knew she had no plans tonight.

"Oh shit." He whispered, blue eyes going wide and face paling. The dirty blonde had slipped up.

"Teddy, were you invited to a surprise party for me?" Avery asked sternly, tucking the present under her arm. She wasn't exactly one for parties, and has repeatedly let that known to all of her friends and family.

"Sorry, Ave. It was Lydia's idea." Teddy finally broke, wincing slightly at the way the girl glared at him.

"Of course it was. At her house, right?"

"Yup. She said she was going to surprise you later with a shopping trip to the mall and bring you back to her house for the party."

She groaned, not liking the fact she was going to be the center of attention tonight. Since Lydia Martin was hosting the event, you could count on the whole school being there. There would be alcohol, loud music, and a lot of dancing — things Avery wasn't really into. On the upside, maybe there was going to be cake, which made her feel a little better.

"Hey, maybe this could be good for you. You've seemed really stressed lately. I know Stiles being put in Eichen has been worrying you. This is your chance to let loose."

"Yeah... I don't know."

"One night of fun won't kill you. Just think about it, okay? I have to go before I'm late. See you later." Teddy replied before turning around and heading for his parked car, his words more convincing than she expected. Perhaps this party wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

"Bye." Avery waved to him, shutting the door closed right after. She found herself smiling again; it was a relief that their friendship was back to normal.

"Hey, who was that? Your boyfriend? I'll beat him up if you want me to," Chance asked, checking up on her since she had been at the door for awhile.

"No, it was Teddy. And you can't even open a jar so who are you beating up?"

He dismissed her insult, following her back into the kitchen. "That was Teddy? Didn't even recognize him."

"Yeah, well, he got a job over at the gym, and since he's been working there, he's been exercising more," His sister explained, turning her head to see the interested expression on his face. "But you can do me a favor."

"Okay I'll do the favor because I may have accidentally forgot your present at my apartment."

"Wanna go to a party tonight — my party I guess?"

"Will there be beer?"

"Probably." She answered, joining her family back at the dining table and placing Teddy's gift in her lap.

"I'm in."

THE FIFTH SHOT OF TEQUILA sizzled on her tongue and burned all the way down her throat, but with the buzz of her first two already settled into her veins, it was way more bearable. There was no cringe etched into her face and there was no coughing spurt unlike the first time she allowed the alcohol to enter her mouth. She just placed the empty glass back on the tray Lydia, being a good hostess, had in her hand. She felt alight — she felt good.

The loud music wasn't as much of a bother as she thought it would be, especially now when the beat practically matched the pace of her racing and energetic heart. Teddy twirled her around the wooden floor in Lydia's living room that had now transformed into the dance floor, slow dancing with her despite the fact a fast-paced song was playing. It was the only kind of dancing she knew how to do anyway.

Scott and Kira weren't too far from them. He was guiding the girl he liked while they attempted to move in sync, but that wasn't that easy with Kira's awkward and unsteady movements. Scott grinned the whole time, admiring how adorable she was. He didn't care that she didn't know how to dance; he was having fun just being with her. His best friend willingly admitted himself into a mental institution, and Scott was still looking for a permanent solution for the possession with Deaton and his friends, but he allowed himself to enjoy Avery's party. At least he was safe in there.

Allison was sitting on the couch next to Lydia who had just sat down, taking a break from walking around in her pretty yet undoubtedly painful pumps. Allison was still concerned about Issac, who was in the hospital because of getting in middle of one of Void's disastrous outcomes. Her best friend keeping her company though did help ease her mind.

"Wow who are you and what have you done with my sister?" Chance popped up once the song had came to an end and the pair of friends had came to a stop. He had gone off to talk to some of his friends that were now seniors about an hour ago, and then went off to play some beer pong in the kitchen. When he left Avery, she was very sober and kind of nervous — now she was the complete opposite.

"Brother!" Avery gasped before throwing her arms around him in a hug, tripping over her feet, and she would've fell if it weren't for Chance's arms keeping her up. Teddy helped her get steady as well, sharing an amused glance with Chance.

"You okay there, Ave?" Teddy asked.

"I'm okay! It's all good."

"How much did you drink?" Chance questioned, grinning back at her.

"Not a lot." She stated, the flashes of light in the dimmed room adding to her deliriousness.

"She had a few shots. And a glass of punch before that. I don't think the last few have hit her yet though." Teddy clarified, clearly watching out for her the whole night.

"Aka not a lot. Like I said." Avery expressed, looking at the boys with a certain flare in her eyes.

Chance raised his eyebrows, lips upturned a little as he raised his cup to his mouth. Teddy just laughed at the sassy remark, finding this side of Avery enjoyable. The alcohol obviously made her more bold, and even though she wasn't necessarily drunk yet, both of them could tell she probably would be if she didn't step away from the crowd for a little bit.

"Why don't you and I go upstairs and watch TV for an hour? Take a break." The blonde suggested to her, watching a prominent frown shift into her expression.

"I don't need a break."

"Come on, I'll let you pick. Plus, I'll even order you a piz—"

"Okay! Make sure it has extra cheese!" She agreed quickly, her stomach rumbling at the mention of food — pizza more precisely. "I want to go get my phone out of Lydia's car though. I'll meet you up there."

"Alright, I'll try to find an empty room. I hope it's not... taken."

"You mean you hope people aren't up there fucking?"

Chance choked out a laugh at her sister's explicit words, not expecting something so vulgar to come from the girl's lips. He had found it hilarious, and by the wide smile on Teddy's face, he did too. They shared another look, this one lingering a bit longer.

"Okay, I'm gonna go now. Bye, pansies!"

Avery turned away from the boys, slowly making her way to the sliding glass door that led out to the backyard. She decided to just go around the house to the front because of the massive group of people blocking her way to the front entrance of the house. She didn't mind the walk — even if her steps were beginning to get more and more clumsy.

No one else appeared to be outside, which was surprising to her, but once the cold autumn air hit her skin she understood why. It was freezing out, colder than previous nights. She crossed her arms over her chest and picked up her pace a bit, goosebumps starting to prickle all over her skin.

Her heals clicked across the patio, passing the covered pool and nicely trimmed bushes, tasteful outdoor furniture spread throughout the area. Stars decorated the sky with the moon, lighting up the night along with the fairy lights hung around the yard. The appealing environment was an enjoyable sight, though Avery was more focused on how she could see her breath with every exhale.

When she turned the corner to the side of the house, which was much darker because of the shade of the trees, her feet stopped moving. A figure leaned against the house, the orange embers of the cigarette tucked between his fingers being the first thing that caught her eye. The person turned his head, noticing her, and she was finally able to see his tan face.

"Hey, there." He slurred, unsteadily standing up straight and taking a drag from the cigarette.

She nodded in acknowledgment, hesitating moving forward. She had planned to pass him and forget about his presence. The way he looked at her made her feel uneasy, and she just wanted to get away from him and get her phone. He interrupted that plan when he stepped in front of her and blocked her path.

With the closer proximity, she could see his shoulder-length black hair and dull brown eyes. He was wearing ripped jeans and a ratty old hoodie, but more importantly he smelled like he bathed in a keg of beer, reeking the odor of alcohol. Even though she had been around it the entire night, she immediately found it unpleasant. She took a step back to lessen the sickening urge to throw up.

"You're the birthday girl, right?" He asked, tossing the cigarette bud on the grass and putting it out with one stomp of his bulky boot. "A... Ashley? No! Avery! It's Avery, right? I'm in your chem class, but I'm kinda bad with names."

"Yeah. Excuse me." She tried again to get pass him, moving to the left, but he just slid is body in front of her again. She noticed then how tall he was, and not-so-scrawny. It was imitating, and scary. She just wanted to go.

"Wait, wait, wait. What's the rush?"

He smirked down at her in a manner that she didn't like whatsoever, making her stomach churn in distaste. His gaze that casted down on her made her feel uncomfortable as well, his eyes moving along her body in a violating way. Her fingers then absentmindedly went to her dress tugging it down some to cover as much skin as it could.

"I have somewhere to be. Would you move out of the way, please?" She whispered, any confidence she had gone. She didn't like that way he made her feel.

He grabbed onto her arm this time when she tried to walk away — tightly, too tight. Her eyes widened while she tried to pull her arm at of his grasp, nothing budging. Her heart began to race again, but not because of the boisterous way her and Teddy were dancing, because of the fear spiraling through her.

"Let go of me!"

"No way, babe. I'd be crazy to let a hot piece of ass like you go," he replied, still slurring his words. His breath fanned his face as he pulled her into his unwelcoming body, dragging her to the brick wall of the house.

"Stop! Please just let me go!" She exclaimed, fighting with everything she had to get unlock his hold from her. She even stomped on his feet with her heels, swiped at his face with her fist, determined to hurt him, but all that earned her was a tighter grasp and his free hand to cover her mouth.

Her gray eyes began to water, scared to death at this point. The careless way he threw her against the side of the house was hard enough to make her back ache, his heavy body holding her in place. She saw the lust brimming his practically black eyes, and the hungry way his tomgue ran over his crusty lips. She never felt so sick and helpless.

When he leaned his head down to kiss her neck, she had starting crying uncontrollably then, begging him through muffled words to stop, but before his repulsive mouth met her skin, she suddenly felt the weight of his body disappear. Her blurry vision adjusted to see that the stranger had been thrown off her and now was on the ground, being beaten by the newcomer who had intervened before anything worse had happened.

She sunk down to the grass, holding her sore wrist that had already started to bruise, utterly shocked at what had happened and what almost happened. All she do was watch with her mascara-smudged eyes as the man whose back was to her kick her attacker's body until it was more bruised and bloody than her own. She wanted to stop him from going too far, from killing him, but she couldn't move.

After leaning down to throw a nasty punch to her classmate's face, he had successfully knocked him unconscious, huffing angrily at the unmoving body sprawled about on the ground. He stood up then calmly, his styled brown hair and the way his blue-gray t-shirt fitted his lean and muscular figure made her realize who it was before he even turned to face her. When he did though, his threatening facial expression and hard stare was proof enough.

His face changed though and his eyes softened once he took in Avery's appearance, his heart aching in his chest. "Avery."

He went for her immediately, crouching down when he reached her, and he wanted to reach out and touch her, but he decided against it. He didn't know how she would react, considering she had been grabbed without consent and was probably going to be forced to do more things without consent if he hadn't had stopped the guy. The thought of that made him enraged, but he told himself to calm down. He had dealt with him.

"Void." She managed to say, her voice uneven. She didn't know why or how he was here, but she was glad.

"Are you okay? He didn't... do anything to you? Did he?"

"No." She spoke, swallowing hard, tears still flowing down her checks but they were easing up. "You were here before anything too bad happened."

"I should have been here sooner. Sorry." He murmured sincerely, looking down at the grass. She didn't bother to ask why he was here in the first place.

She shook her head, and without much thought, Avery leaned towards him and wrapped her arms around him, thankful and seeking comfort. Void was caught off guard, not expecting the sudden contact, and was even motionless for a few seconds. But then he eased up, letting himself embrace the feeling of her body pressed up against his. He put his arms around her, hugging her firmly. The idea of letting go didn't occur to them for a long time.

"Thank you." Avery whispered quietly, her face nuzzled in his chest. She felt safe now.

"I would never let anyone hurt you."

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