Unexpected Late Night

By rachel_dulay

329K 6.3K 502

{completed} cover by @ mahgadahling Chloe Fisher, The radiant, talented up and coming ballerina preparing fo... More



4.8K 93 12
By rachel_dulay


📍Toronto and California
chloefisher I said yes, I'm so excited to be starting this new journey together. I love you.
Tagged joellane


luciefisher my big sister is engaged everyone! I repeat! She's engaged! I'm so happy for the both of you and you guys deserve every bit of happiness. I'm so excited to be getting new in-laws. I love you Chloe and Joel!❤️
Tagged chloefisher joellane

alexanderfisher My lil sis is engaged. Congrats to you and my new soon to be brother in law. Don't forget that you grew up playing football with me, not hockey😊
tagged chloefisher

caspianfisher your engaged and I missed it. Congratulations to both you and Joel. I hope to see you two very soon.
tagged chloefisher


📍My heart
kalanileblanc My best friend/sister is engaged!!!! I'm so excited for the two of you. Can't wait to see what's in store for the two of you!!
tagged chloefisher

📍Los Angeles, California
samanthalane I'm so excited to be having this girl as apart of our Lane family. Being your sister in law is going to be a pleasure. Congrats Chloe and Joel!
tagged chloefisher joellane

📍Ontario, Canada.
cassidylane I'm so excited to have you as my sister in law, even thought I already considered you one. Now I can formally welcome you to the family. Congratulations to the both of you.
tagged chloefisher

📍Washington D.C
stephlachancee My best friend is engaged!!! I'm so happy for you and Joey!! I love you both!!
tagged chloefisher

📍LA Fitness, Toronto
lucygardnier_ can't believe that this girl and my favourite rookie are engaged. I wish you both tremendous happiness forever. I love you both and thank you for babysitting Henry all the time.
tagged chloefisher joellane

📍New York, New York
christina.marleau I cant believe the newest addition to our WAG's is engaged! Thank you for everything you've done to help with the boys. I love you both so dearly.
tagged chloefisher

📍Taco Bell, Toronto
joellane First trip as an engaged couple is to Taco Bell, Chloe's request and then home to Cambridge.
tagged chloefisher

"Well it seems as thought, everyone is excited about us" I chuckle. I had just finished refreshing my Instagram feed and everyone seemed to have posted about Joel and I's engagement.

"Well I mean, we had been the most watched couple this year"he shrugs and let's go of my hand to take a sip of his drink. I turn on my side a bit and place my hand around Joel's neck.

"I love you"he chuckles with a smile.

"I love you too" he looks at me briefly before looking back at the road. We were heading back to Cambridge to see mom and everyone else. Joel had confessed last night that he had lots of help from our friends. Including Steph and Lucie who practically plan the whole thing. Mom was very excited as well to hear we were coming home when I talked to her on the phone. I would have called her last night but Joel and I became busy, I guess you could say.

I look back at chestnut and see him chilling in the back seats.

"Lucie is going to be so mad we didn't bring them back Taco Bell"He laughs and shakes his head.

"By the time we got to your house it would've been cold. I'll take her out for a late lunch later. Is Alex home?"

I shake my head "he's at school, he has one last exam"Joe nods.

"What did your mom say this morning?" He asks.

"She was happy but kinda pissed I didn't call her last night"I blush and Joel laughs. "It isn't funny"

"Kinda is"

"I wasn't gonna tell my mother oh yea sorry I didn't call you after I got engaged, we were having sex"

"That's very blunt"

"My mother would call the engagement off" I tell him "you keep your mouth shut Alright. No dirty talk to my mom"

"I love your mom and she loves me. I'm not in the mood to get on her bad side when I've done so well already" I play with the ends of his hair and smile to myself.

"Hmm true"

"I need to call my dad" I say randomly.

"Called him"

"Excuse me?" I ask. Joel nods.

"I called him when we were planning the whole dinner thing. Just because he lives in New York doesn't mean he can't be involved with his daughters wedding. He loves you and you love him"

"Wow, I love you"he laughs as we pull into my neighbourhood. There were a few kids playing outside seeing as it's not a bad spring day. Joel pulls up to the driveway and cuts the engine, it looked like mom had just pulled in seeing as she was taking some groceries out. She turns back to us as we step out of the car with chestnut. I hold onto his leash as we approach mom.

"Hi momma"I smile as we hug.

"Oh my baby"she pats my cheek and hugs me tighter "let's see that ring"she demands and I blush showing her.

"Good job"She looks over at Joel and they hug. I bet she whispered something to him, they pull away "Alright so, do you two want to help carry these in?" She gestures to the car.

"We'd have no choice mom"I chuckle as I grab a bag.

"I think your sister had friends over, I'm not sure if their still here"I look to Joel. He raises his eyebrows at me with a teasing smile. He wanted it to be a boy, sadly for him when we walked in the house was only occupied by Lucie. "Hey!"She smiles and takes Chestnut from me. I hug her and as we enter the kitchen. She gives Joel a big hug.

"Congrats again"I hear her say as I help mom put the food away.

"Thanks Lu Co"he chuckles as they pull away.

"Mom did you get the ingredients for lemon raspberry cookies?" Lucie asks as everyone helps put away groceries.

"Your making lemon raspberry cookies? What's the occasion?"

"My daughters engaged"I roll my eyes at her and she chuckles.

"Okay but real talk. You guys went to Taco Bell with bringing us any? How rude?" Lucie says, dramatically. I look to Joel.

"I told you"I tell my fiancé. That was weird to say in my head. He chuckles.

"Eleanor is it alright if I take your youngest to grab some Taco Bell now?"Joel asks, wrapping his arms around me. Mom nods and waves him off.

"Want to help cook the cookies Chloe?" I shrug as a sure

Joel and Lucie leave and I grab the mixing bowls and other appliances we need "so Lucie told me about how the dinner was set up"Mom starts. I had imagined numerous different scenarios of this conversation between me and Mom.

"It was beautiful mom"I gush.

"I can't believe he proposed at the coffee shop you guys met at"I chuckle. "He truly does love you"Mom nudges me. I nod "I am super happy for you sweetheart you do know that right"

"I know mom"I smile over at her "I love you"she smiles.

"I love you too"
I laugh and roll my eyes at Alex who sat across from me. Alex has showed up just in time to have dinner with us. Even thought this is the first time in a long time that we've all had a family dinner, I couldn't help but look at dad's empty seat.

Mom had cooked some salmon, baked potatoes and salad.

"I did not"I tell Alex, in the corner of my eye I could see Joel lean back and throw an arm over the back of my chair.

"Uh yes you did" Alex scoffs.

Lucie sets her water glass down "I'm so glad I'm a few years younger then all of you"

"So Joel, now that you've got so much time on your hands what are you planning on doing"Joel chuckles.

"I've got some things to finalize with the Lane Foundation and new meetings for that"Joel announces as he reaches for water "And I think I'm doing a hockey day with a few teammates and bringing out some OHLer's and all that jazz"

"I hope you guys are going on vacation during your break"I roll my eyes at my sister.

I shrug "maybe, depends. I've got work and ballet auditions soon"

"As opposed to you Lucie, who's traveling all summer with Cassidy and Breyana" Alex scoffs.

"I can't believe I allowed my girls to travel all alone, their only sixteen"mom sighs, sipping on her wine.

"Yea, mom I don't know why you allowed this"

"They had a PowerPoint and everything. And breyana was on FaceTime. I couldn't say no" She sighs and we all laugh.

"So many kids younger then us travel, we'll be fine mom. And plus Sam and like Joel or someone will obviously will fly to wherever we are and make sure we're okay" Lucie explains. The three of them had wanted to go to Europe but all moms shut down that idea, they were both safe with them staying in the continent rather then across the pond from us.

"How did your mom take it Joel?"

"Well mom definitely wants Sam and I to fly out to them in whatever state their in just to make sure their okay. I'm sure Auston will come out as well so" he shrugs. Chestnut places his head on my lap and I pet him.

"If you guys are going on vacation I suggest Hawaii"mom smirks to us.

"Oh my god"Us Fisher's groan.

"Oh come on"Mom laughs.

"What?" Joel asks.

"Let's just say my parents went to Hawaii after they got engaged and well I have a much older brother"I tell Joel and he oh's.

"Mom use to tell that story all the time"Lucie mumbles.

"I don't want my sister pregnant thank you very much" Alex grumbles.

"I didn't tell her to get pregnant" mom starts.

"You implied it"Alex tells her.

"Okay! We're done here"I say my voice raising.

"You know Hawaii doesn't sound too bad"Joel chuckles, I smack his thigh.

"Get your mind out of the gutter" I tell him.
After we had finished dinner and dessert, mom had retired to her bedroom saying she was exhausted and needed to get some sleep for work tomorrow. The four of us hung out in the living room. Since Alex had his last exam he was on summer break, but would be leaving for football camp soon. He always spent his summer at football camp or coaching a camp for peewee's. Lucie was sitting on floor in front of us at the table doing some last minute homework.

"We should honestly go on vacation"Joel randomly says. I look down at our fingers, he was playing with mine. Something he always did but now he was playing with my ring on my left hand.

"I've got work and ballet"

"You can take at least a week of off work and ballet. Especially if you go in like June or something before you get really busy in the studio"Lucie says.

"Yea I'm sure it's durable" Alex nods, not looking away from his phone. We had The Walking Dead playing as we lounged around. I look up at Joel a bit.

"We'll talk later"he chuckles with a nod.
"I'll see you next week Joseph"I smile as I hand one of my customers and his mother a slip for the time to come in next week.

"Bye Miss Chloe!" He waves to me as they leave. I grab his file and turn to the file cabinet. I had been at work for a while now, Jane was in the back with a customer. Joel has some meetings with his Foundation people and afterwards had a radio interview with sports net. Which he should be on right now. I turn on the radio, just in time.

"We are welcomed here with Joel Lane"Hugh Burrill announces "Thank you for stopping by"

Joel chuckles a bit "thank you for having me" I fill out some paperwork as they talked about the season the leafs and how they did and what he hopes for next season.

"So recent news is that your officially engaged to your girlfriend Chloe. Congratulations"

"Thank you, Yea it's definitely something that's for sure"Hugh laughs.

"I see no ring on your hand yet, are you two planning to pick that out together?"

"Well, I'll be honest. The proposal was such a spur of the moment. I had lots of help from both of our families and some of the boys on the teams and I wanted it to be perfect that I forgot my own ring"

"Well I'm sure us men don't care about our rings, it's all about the ladies"

"Very true"Joel chuckles. "But no yea. It was definitely rushed but it worked out perfectly, she loved every minute of it and thank god"

"I'm glad that you two have been so solid over the past season"

"Yea me too. She's been there for me all season, during all my ups and downs and I owe her to that. She gets along with my sisters so well. I love her family. She truly is amazing and I'm very lucky, she's never stopped supporting me since I've met her" I blush at Joel's words. He just gassed me up on live radio.

"And How is she doing now? After the engagement surprise?"

"I think she's loving it. I've been making breakfast and surprising her and in the mornings. She's loving it. But she's at work now"

"Oh yes, that's right she's a physical therapist at your mom's work right?" Joel hums.

"She's been pretty busy there, catching up on things considering she had been away after her surgery so, and she's finally just gotten back into the ballet studio so"

"Well it seems as thought both of the two of you have busy days ahead of you"Joel chuckles.

"Well it was great to catch up with you, I hope you enjoy your off season"

"Thank you"

"Hugh Burrill signing off" I hear and then pop music fills the front room again. Jane and her customer come out. I sit there at the desk finishing off the paperwork.

"Well wasn't that a cute interview"Jane smirks at me and I shake my head smiling "when you get the boy started, he truly does gush about you for what seems like forever"

"Stop"I blush and Jane laughs.

"It's cute, young love is always cute" I stand up and file the paper work.

"Thanks Jane" she shrugs as she takes the seat I was just sitting in.

"It's my pleasure"

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