Deeper | Beyoncé & Onika

By idyllicwrites

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High school AU: Onika and Beyonce are best friends that start having a sexual relationship after a spanking i... More



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By idyllicwrites

Thembi whistled a short tune as she made her way out of school. She paused at seeing a tiny black haired girl sitting under the tree in the parking lot. She frowned and her eye brows came together in slight confusion that Onika was still here. She made her way over to her and looked down at her.

She had her knees pulled up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them and her face pressed to her knees. She was making small sniffling sounds and her shoulders shook lightly. She frowned at realizing that she was crying. "Hey, Nika. What's going on?" She asked as she sat down next to her, dropping her bag beside her before wrapping her arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer to her.

"I can't breathe."

"Why's that?" Thembi asked as she watched her though she made no move to look up at her.


"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow because she wasn't really expecting that one. She knew Beyonce was mean but she usually never made Onika cry, just Aubrey most of the time. "Well what did she do this time?" she asked with a small roll of her eyes because someone was really going to have to put her in her place one of these days.

"She stole my heart." Thembi blinked a few times as she took in her words before she looked up at the sound of someone walking towards them only to watch Candi stop in front of them.

"Hey." She said with a big sigh and Thembi raised an eyebrow at her before looking pass her to watch as Beyonce stepped out of the building, even from the distance she could see the make-up that ran down her face like she had been crying too.

"Let me get you home, Nika." Candi whispered softly as she picked up Onika's bag for her. The poor girl nodded her head as she raised it only for her eyes to fall on Beyonce as she jumped into her car. She bit her lip and Candi and Thembi followed her eyes, watching as Beyonce sped out of the parking lot.

"I really wish she'd slow down." Onika hiccupped as she rubbed her red and swollen eyes as she watched the car leave before she rose to her feet. She glanced at Thembi and she offered a small smile that she returned.

"Thanks for sitting with me Thembi, I'll see you later." she said with a wave before walking towards Candi's car. Candi sighed as she watched her go before looking at Thembi.

"Okay what's really going on?" She asked as she stared up at her.

"It's a long story. I'll call you later." She said with a nod of her head. She returned it before watching her jog to catch up with Onika. She opened the door for her and she watched Onika slip into the car silently as Candi walked to the other side. She stood up as she watched them drive off and picked her bag up. She shook her head as she made her way to her own car.

Candi took Onika back to her own house where she allowed Onika to rest her head on her lap, sitting on her couch, and cry silent tears. They ate a crap load of junk food and watched romantic comedies. Candi barely watched the movies though, she was too busy watching Onika who seemed to be in her own world like in math class but this world seemed to be a lot darker.

It was like she had lost a piece of herself.

As the night went on she could tell that Onika was turning into a time bomb and she'd blow up if she didn't rekindle at least her friendship with Beyonce. Her eyes became darker and her frown deeper the longer she sat in her own thoughts. The overnight change was almost frightening for Candi to watch.

She knew Onika cherished every one of her friendships and especially her friendship with Beyonce, and losing any friendship would destroy her. But losing whatever she had with Beyonce was causing something to snap inside of her and Candi hated that she felt powerless to stop it.

They went to bed around three in the morning and when Candi woke up in the early afternoon the next day Onika was already dressed and gone. "I don't have a good feeling about this." She mumbled as she quickly picked up her phone to see if she had any messages before moving to dial Onika's number to make sure she had at least gotten home okay and to find out why she left without saying goodbye.

Onika was giggling when she answered the phone and Candi frowned because the night before she looked like she just wanted to sink into a black hole. "Hello?" Candi said.

"Hi C!" Onika giggled.

"Hey Nika. Where are you? I was worried. I woke up and you were gone." She chuckled lightly.

"Yeah sorry about that. I remembered I promised to spend the day with Aubrey." She was laughing again and Candi allowed herself a small smile because she sounded like good old Onika, happy and chipper.

"Okay then, I was just checking up. Have fun with Aubrey ." She said, still slightly hesitant because Onika's change in mood couldn't be normal, but if Aubrey really was making her happy after everything that happened with Beyonce yesterday, then she had no right to stop that.

"'Okay, bye." Onika giggled once more before hanging up. Candi looked at her phone with a small sigh before she shook her head. She guessed she'd talk to her later.

"Who was that?" Aubrey said as he flopped down on the bed beside Onika as she hung up the phone.

"Candi." She answered and he nodded his head. She looked over at him with a small smile. She eyed Aubrey before she bit her lip. She remembered why she sought him out. He was always good at helping her keep her mind off of Beyonce. She liked that about him and today was no different. He had taken her out for breakfast and they had walked to the park just to sit and talk, it made her happy to not think about Beyonce for once.

"What?"He asked at noticing her stare. She shook her head before she leaned forward to kiss him. She knew he'd be good at helping her forget about Beyonce in that way too. She pushed him down on the bed as they continued to kiss and laid down beside him. He kept his hands on her waist.

They made out until Onika felt her lips become sore and her jaw tired. She had begun to press her hips into him and it wasn't long before she felt something in his pants press back. His breathing picked up and his sloppy hands moved up and down her back but never moved to her ass like how Beyonce always did when they made out.

She bit down on his lip at the thought of the older girl and he hissed in pain as he pulled back from her. "Onika" He whispered and she bit her own lip.

"Sorry, excited." She mumbled back the same excuse as before. She sat up suddenly and straddled his hips before removing her shirt. She watched as his eyes widened and his cheaks turned bright red. His mouth opened and closed as he stared at the new exposed skin. She smiled softly before leaning down to kiss him once more. "It's ok if you touch" she whispered against his lips.

"O-onika." He whispered as he slowly pushed her back by the shoulders. "Wait-Wait. Don't you think we're moving too fast?" he asked and she shook her head before cupping the back of his neck and pulling him up into a deep kiss that he fully returned. They only pulled away when air became an issue and she moved down to kiss along his neck. He took in deep breaths as she sucked hard on his pulse.

"Don't you want to?" She asked as she bit at his collar bone as her brown eyes met his and he nodded his head.

She ran her fingers through his soft hair as she kissed him harder. He tried to keep up the best he could but once again fell short of what she was looking for as he allowed her to completely dominate the kiss. She ran her hands up his chest as she rolled her hips down, feeling his hard on press against her inner thigh.

He gasped into her mouth and pulled back from the kiss. "Whoa" He whispered as she continued to grind against him while biting down his jaw to his neck once more. He closed his eyes tightly as she ran her hand down his torso before stopping on his manhood. She smirked as he gasped. "Onika"

"Let's have a look."

"Damn it." Beyonce hissed as she tossed her notebook aside and ran her fingers through her hair. You'd think since she was in such a bad mood then the essay she had to write would just flow to her but it wasn't. It had completely stopped after her conversation with Onika last week. She hadn't talked to her since. It had only been over the weekend but it still felt like a life time to Beyonce, especially seeing how her and Onika used to spend every weekend together.

She stood from the bed and put on her jacket and shoes before making her way down the stairs. "Mom, I'm going out!" she shouted towards the kitchen where she knew her mother was. She heard her shout back an okay before she was slamming the front door behind her. She jumped in her car and began to drive.

She pulled up in front of Shawn's house a short ten minutes later. She shoved her keys in her pocket as she made her way up to the door and knocked. Shawn had been the only one she talked to all weekend. She didn't really talk to Candi though it wasn't from lack of trying on Candi's part. Even though she had been there for her after talking to Onika, Beyonce still didn't like her.

Though she had broke his heart, Shawn was still her best friend just like he said he would be. She was grateful for him. She still thought he was too good to her but he was persistent to be there for her. He allowed her to talk about Onika and she told him everything. He gave her honest advice and a shoulder to cry on. She just wish she had been honest with him from the beginning. She should have known he'd understand.

"Bey, What's up?" He said as he brought his can of soda to his lips and stepped aside to allow her in. She closed the door behind him and they both sat down on his couch. "Having another melt down at the thought of Onika?" He asked chuckling as he leaned back on the couch and looked to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Calling it a meltdown is a bit much. I'm just not able to concentrate and this essay needs to be done in two days." She said with a roll of her eyes as she ran her fingers through her hair. He nodded his head in understanding.

"Have you talked to her?"


"Don't you think you should?" He asked and watched as she rose from her spot to get herself something from the fridge. "I mean she's still seeing Aubrey even though it's clear she's in love with you. She's going to break that poor boy's heart if someone doesn't let him know." He said and took another sip of his Cola.

"He's helping her move on. You know how Onika is. She has a different flavor of the week every week and I was just one of those flavors. She'll get over it soon enough." She mumbled as she opened her own can of Cola and took a sip from it. She didn't even sound convening to her own ears. "Besides it's only been two days. It's too soon for me to talk to her."

"Okay." He shrugged before shaking his head, knowing better than to argue with her about it. She slumped down next to him on the sofa and they watched TV for a few hours and made small talk before she was taking her leave.

"Thanks again, Shawn I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she stepped out of the door. He nodded his head as he leaned against the doorframe while slipping his hands in his pockets.

"Take care of yourself, Beyonce." He mumbled as he watched her climb into her car. She pulled out and he sighed as he watched her go before turning back inside and closing the door behine her.

Beyonce sighed as she drove down the road, on her way back to her own home. Spending time with Shawn always seemed to put her mind at ease. She figured that's why it was so hard for her to let him go but she could see now they were better off as just friends. She was glad she made the right choice with him. She wasn't so sure if she had made the right one in letting Onika go too.

Monday morning was the first time Beyonce had seen Onika since their talk. She walked into the building, got some things from her locker and glanced over at Candi's locker were the others were standing and talking before class like usual. Her eyes immediately landed on Onika who had herself wrapped around Aubrey, smiling and twirling her hair at something he was saying. It made her stomach knot with disgust at how sickly sweet they were towards each other.

If only Aubrey knew how Onika was behind closed doors. She made her way over to the group only because Shawn was holding two cups of coffee and she knew one was for her. She was all for avoiding Onika and Aubrey but not at the sake of her coffee. She slid in next to him and took it from his hand, taking a large sip as the group suddenly grew quiet, all eyes on her.

Onika had immediately stopped smiling, her lips pulling down into a frown as her eyes locked with Beyoncé's from over her coffee cup. Shawn, Candi and Thembi all frowned as they looked back and forth between the two, waiting for words to be exchanged and Aubrey looked around at all of them, confused by the silence seeing as he was the only one in the group that was completely out of the loop.

"What?" Beyonce finally snapped as she looked around at all of them as well and they all began to mumble, talking over each other as they shifted on their feet except for Onika who only seemed to tense more at the sound of Beyoncé's voice. Thembi shrugged her bag higher up on her shoulder.

"Well I better get going." She said before making a quick exit from the awkward situation. Shawn cleared his throat and mumbled to Beyonce about talking to her later before quickly following Thembi lead.

"Yeah. We should get moving too, Buttercup. Want me to walk you to class?" Aubrey asked as he looked at Onika with a smile, but her eyes seemed to be glued to Beyonce who was looking at anything and everything but her, which was unusual because Beyonce never backed down from anything.

"I'll catch up." She mumbled and he frowned slightly as he followed her eyes to Beyonce before he slowly nodded his head.

"Okay" He said slightly confused before he kissed her temple and waved to Candi. She gave him a small smile and watched as he made his way down the hall. She turned her attention back to the girls in front of her. Beyonce had finally looked at Onika and they simply stared at each other.

Beyoncé's eyes were narrowed slightly as if she was trying to figure something out about her, and Onika's expression had been the same since Beyonce walked up, calmingly neutral, which was terrifying.

"Okay well, I'm leaving." Beyonce rolled her eyes before turning her back on the two girls seeing how nothing was being said.

"Beyonce." Onika called when she was halfway down the hall. Beyonce stopped immediately before slowly turning around to look at her. A small smile came to Onika's lips but not one that reached her eyes. It was kind of a dark smile, one that made Candi's stomach turn in a not so good way. She could see it did the same to Beyonce by the expression on her face. "Remember what you said before about Aubrey? After the ice cream shop?"

Candi watched as Beyonce appeared in thought before her eyes narrowed and her nose flared, her lips forming a tight line. She looked back at Onika and watched as she released a small chuckle. It was void of the warmth and happiness, and was kind of cold and bitter sounding. Beyoncé's shoulders tensed at the sound of it.

"He just wants to fuck you." Beyonce leaned back in her seat, her eyes glaring at the road. "And like I said before he couldn't handle it if he had it." She mumbled and Onika allowed a small smile to come to her lips before she smirked.

"Thought I'd let you know he handled it just fine." Onika said with a smirk before licking her lips, whilst holding Beyoncé's intense gaze.

"Fuck you Onika." Beyonce hissed and Candi flinched slightly at the amount of anger she could hear in her words. She didn't know what they were talking about but it was something that clearly struck a nerve inside of Beyonce.

"You already have, remember?" Onika asked with a tilt of her head. Beyonce scuffed with a shake of her head before she turned and shoulder bumped Onika, continuing to walk down the hall. Onika and Candi watched her go. Onika was frowning, her eyes narrowed and she had never looked so un-Onika like to Candi before. It just looked too angry and bitter.

"Okay, so what was that about?" She asked and Onika shrugged her shoulders. "I mean did you really have to go and make her mad? You know she'll be taking it out on the rest of us all day right?" She asked with a light chuckle though she didn't find any of this to be funny.

"Beyonce just doesn't know how to take a joke." Onika sighed with a shake of her head before she turned towards Candi suddenly, smile back in place and eyes bright. "You know damn well that wasn't a joke, you was being petty." Candi shook her head while Onika laughed as she walked off and Candi watched her go in puzzlement.

Yes, something inside of Onika had snapped.

- Why do you think Onika is treating Beyonce like that?

- Should Beyonce and Onika try to rekindle their friendship or move on?

- Thank you so much for 6k💓 I'm so grateful for you guys, I haven't updated in awhile

because I have IOS beta and the Wattpad app is currently not working for those who have it installed, so it's much harder for me to update :(

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