Shot Through The Heart (Sho...

By isabellaburhart

296K 10.6K 12.6K

"Even if the stars burn out and our world is falling around us, this is me promising I'll never leave you. (Y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 49

2.2K 100 74
By isabellaburhart

Alice: How long is forever?  White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.

~Lewis Carrol


♪Listening suggestion: Still Worth Fighting For by My Darkest Days 


(Y/N)'s POV

     No words could express my shock. I was totally caught off guard and suddenly I felt unsure about this whole thing. Escape right now?! Am I ready? What about the chip? If they already know an outside person is here, I don't think we'll have enough time before they catch us.  I don't know if I can do this . . . However, I looked into Shoto's eyes and I knew he was dead serious.

     "Do you trust me?" he asked.

     After all we'd been through, and were still going through, my answer came out rather small and unconvincing. "Um . . . yes?"

     "Do you trust me?!" he said louder, aware that the footsteps were growing louder and approaching fast. Still, he waited for a confident answer.

     I looked at him with a piercing glare. "Yes. But let's go to our room so we can at least think about this. We can just break out now, I still have the chip in my head."

     He walked past me briskly. "Where's your room . . . show me."

    I chased after him and took the lead. "There's a back staircase and we'll have to go down a few floors, but it's better than using the elevator."

     We got to the staircase, and clambered down flights and flights of steep steps. I knew we were running past active security cameras, making me realize that it really was now or never. If Shoto left here without me, he'd probably never be able to return. As it stood, I wasn't sure how we were going to rescue the captive heroes. I wasn't even sure if we would survive getting out now. But Shoto had told me to trust him.

     We broke out of the back stair well when we'd finally reached the floor my room was on.

     "I don't think any of the roommates are in there," I whispered to him, "but if Kaito or Nachika are there, then seeing you will be a shock. Don't worry though, they're not going to tell on us or anything like that."

     We strode down the hall, and I rapped urgently on the door. There was no answer.

     "No one's there." I pulled out my key and unlocked the door, quickly let ourselves in, and immediately closed it shut again. "They're probably in the training room or something."

     Shoto looked around our dark, untidy room. He went to the window and closed the shades tighter, making it even darker. It was now so dark that you'd need a light if you wanted to read something.

     "Are there four of you in this tiny room?" he asked, counting the beds.

     I nodded.

     "Why'd you only mention two then?"

     "Well Taega got elected to go to the conference in Osaka. She's there now, so right now it's just Kaito, Nachika, and I."

     "Wait, Taega? The same Taega that . . ." His voice trailed off in utter confusion.

     Whoops. I had no idea I just let it slip. "Yes . . . it's a long story. I can tell you later, that is, if you want me to." The dangerous situation had finally gotten Shoto to talk to me, in a way that I forgot things weren't okay between us. I had just remembered it now, and the last thing I wanted was for him to think I was trying to force us back together.

    Shoto just shook his head, brushing the matter off.  He walked up close to me and stopped. He reached his left hand into his pocket, searching for something. As he did, not once did his eyes move from mine.

     His closeness made me catch my breath. I felt like my gaze was locked into his, but I couldn't move. I hated that I was still so attracted to him to the point he was still able to control my thoughts and actions. It was like a sweet but destructive prison.

     Presently he pulled a shiny knife from his pocket and held it so that I could see it in front of my face.

     "What's that for?" I asked, suddenly dumbfounded.

     "The chip," he breathed. "This will hurt and you might bleed a lot, but once this is over it'll be gone."

     I felt shivered all over my body and I was certain I was visibly shaking. Most people that tried to remove their chip this way died from loss of blood or severing a nerve. It didn't matter that this was the only way Shoto could get it out; I was terrified.

     I swallowed hard and just stared at the blade.

     "Do you trust me?" he asked for the third time now. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

     " . . . okay." It was quiet and unconvincing, but I gave in. I knew it had to be done. 

     Shoto's right hand started steaming with freezing air as the skin became a frosty white. He placed it on the side of my head where my chip was and began massaging it. "I'm going to numb it somewhat before I do it," he said. "Whatever you do, stay still."

     "Okay," I whispered, as I closed my eyes. Just stand still, stay still . . .

     Just then we heard the lock on the door opening and we at once dropped what we were doing and stared at the door. 

     My heart was pounding like the hooves of a thousand horses, and not even Shoto could mask his alarm. Were we going to get caught? Surely this would be the end of us, were we going to die???

     The door opened and Kaito stepped in, followed by Nachika. At the sight of the two of us, they seemed to look even more shocked than we were. They stood dumb in the door way, confused and startled.

     Kaito was the first to react. He stepped forward and looked like he was about to fight Shoto until he realized. ". . . Shoto Todoroki?"

     Shoto gave him a curt nod.

     His hands still on my face, I made a brief introduction. "Kaito, this is Shoto and Shoto this is Kaito. Over there is Nachika. These are my roommates."

     "You know he's in danger here, (Y/N)?" Nachika said, finally closing the door.

     "This is going to sound crazy, but I'm leaving this place," I said resolutely, "right now. Shoto's going to get my chip out."

       "No, I won't allow you to hurt her!" Kaito leaped forward and grabbed hold of Shoto's arm. He was forced to stay away when a blossom of sharp icicles sprouted under his hand. He stared in amazement, having never seen anything like it.

     "The officials are already looking for us," Shoto spoke. "You two make sure they don't find us. Please."

     "Do you have any idea how deep that chip is? She'll die, you icy dumbass! And there is no way either of you will escape alive. Please, listen to me when I say to give up now."

     I don't think I'd ever seen Kaito plead this desperately. However, I looked into Shoto's eyes, which were piercing straight into mine. They told me not to worry.

     Then Shoto looked back at Kaito, his left side starting to steam. Suddenly, a blast of fire exploded from the left side of his face. I had to turn away to avoid the blistering heat.

     Kaito and Nachika were silent, and seemed almost frightened.

    "Go, do what I say," Shoto ordered. "(Y/N) will be safe with me."

     Nachika took Kaito's arm and began pulling him toward the door. "Let's go. I have faith she'll be okay."

     Tears were forcing out of Kaito's eyes. Never before had I seen this much emotion come from him. Before leaving the room with Nachika, he tore himself from her grasp and rushed to me.

     Shoto ceased his frost, allowing me to look at Kaito directly.

     "Kaito," I said. "I don't want you to worry. Make sure my escape works by protecting us from the guards. I'm going to be just fine!"

     Kaito looked from me, to Shoto, then back to me. His eyes were red and nearly swollen with the unshed tears but he refused to let them spill. Briefly he gave my hand a squeeze, then backed away toward the door.

     "Alright, (Y/N). . .I love you."

     "Love you too." I gave him a reassuring smile before facing Shoto. Except, Shoto's gaze was completely on Kaito. It stayed that way until they left and we were alone again.

     "We need to hurry," he suddenly said as he continued to numb the side of my head. 

     His attitude was different now, like he was ignoring me and just doing what he had to do. Granted, he was already like that, but I had felt a small warmth from him, like maybe we were friends again . . . almost. But now it was gone.

     I was too paranoid for my own good. "Is something wrong?" I suddenly squeaked.

    "Not more than usual."

     His answer hurt. I couldn't bring myself to say anything in response; I didn't know what to say and he didn't want one anyways.

      After a few more moments, Shoto took his hand off of me and drew the knife close to the place he'd been freezing.

     "It won't be as painful, but I might have to go deeper than what I'm expecting. Know that screaming wouldn't be wise." He took the blade to my head and began the incision before I could take a final breath.

     I shut my eyes so tight I could see stars and unique-colored smoke. Somehow, tears of agony squeezed through, and I started to shake. The pain was terrible beyond words.  I felt like half my brain was on fire, and soon a wet, warm, stream down that side of my face. I suddenly felt like Kaito was right. I was gonna die . . . I wouldn't ever see him, Nachika, or Riku again.

     "Shoto  . . . can I please hold onto you?" It hurts, it hurts . . . please make it be over soon! Is it too late to abort this? This is it, I really will die.

      My eyes being closed, I didn't know whether Shoto nodded or not since he said nothing. I didn't care, within seconds I was holding onto his shirt like it was life support. I drank in the smell, it helped a little.


Shoto's POV

     It took everything I had to keep my hands from shaking. Half of me was full of doubt, wondering if I would be able to get her out of this place alive. I feared I wouldn't even be able to get the damned chip out. What if I end up killing her?

     "Shoto," she whimpered. She was shaking, and my emotions were even more heightened. It took me a while to realize I wasn't even breathing. I had to focus, for her sake.

      "Can I please hold onto you?"

      Of course you can.

     As if she read my thoughts, she clutched my shirt tight. She buried her face in it, doing her best to be brave, and cope with the unbearable pain.  My heart lurched, unable to stay icy no matter how hard I tried.

     My stomach was becoming uneasy with her blood spilling everywhere. Everywhere . . . there was a lot. A lot. Yet, there was a spark of hope when I saw the chip come into view. There it was, bloody and silver, plain as day.

      It hadn't been more than two minutes, but it felt like twenty as I was searching, digging for the chip. At last I pulled it from the bloody mess and dropped it onto the floor, crushing it with my foot. The satisfying crunch echoed in my ears, feeling a great sense of relief and accomplishment. 

     It didn't last long.

     "(Y/N), it's out. You're free . . ." I grabbed a t-shirt off the nearest bed to apply to her head, but as I let go of her she collapsed onto the floor without a sound. Her face was sickly white with eyes closed and she wasn't moving.

     My pulse was exploding in my chest.



Hey guys! I know it's been a while releasing chapters but here you go. Hope you liked it, despite all the uncomfortable suspense. So yeah☺

Also, I was wondering, do you guys prefer (Y/N), or would you like for me to come up with a name for our main character? I'm fine either way, just thought I'd put it out there.


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