The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

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*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



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By wraithprincess

After spending time at the beach we all headed to our place for dinner in , Jacks and Grey took Melody home to change then they were picking up dinner for all of us

I went into my bathroom to shower then decided I didn't want to shower alone so I went to Sammy's room he was already in the shower so I open the Shower door and slide in while he was rinsing his face off
Taking my fingers and tracing down his back to his ass
" Your Being Naughty Harper "

" Mmm yes I am please punish me " I say

And boy did he punish me right there in the shower taking me hard up against the wall as my legs were wrapped around his waist

After our little fun in the shower I went back to my room to dress in a pair of PJs that look like something I could wear out in Public

By that time dinner had arrived
Oh Chinese is what I smelled as I came into the kitchen

" Yummy " I say as I look at all the different containers of Food

We sat around talking and eating dinner like we did as kids
As we talked my phone went off with a text which concerned me

I picked up the phone Papa Marc texted

Harper I got your Duck Breast for you they are in fridge at work So is the Asparagus

Thank you Daddy Love ya

Love ya too Harper

" Who was that " Grey Asked
" Papa Marc he got what I needed for my assignment tomorrow three Duck Breast "

" Duck "
" As in Quack Quack " Melody said
I laughed at her

" Yes As in Quack Quack , I have to roast it and sever it with asparagus , rolls and side salad And Uncle Owen and Victor are going to be my testers "

" Good cause I don't think I could eat that " Melody said

" I not sure I would either " I say

Cleaning up from Dinner while the guys went and picked out a movie to watch
Melody and I talked about earlier about them calling us their wives

" So do you think you could marry them " Melody asked me
" Yes I do , Melody it's so different With them it's like when we first kiss I felt it in my heart and still do each time they kiss me it's like they are apart of me " I tell her

" I'd love to have that " Melody said sounding sad

" Hey don't sound so sad I think you just need to come clean with Jacks and Grey and tell them how you feel instead of hiding it "

" Easier said than done Harper , Do you know that Grey is taking Sarah to the Winter fundraiser for the Academy in December "

" No I didn't know who told you this "

" Sarah did "

" Hmmmm" I said

We finished up and joined the guys in the media room

I snuggled up in between Morgan and Mason and then Sammy came an laid against me with his back to me

I played with Sammy's hair as I watched the movie until I heard a soft snore and I realized Sammy was asleep
I tapped Mason on the leg, he turned to me
" Could you give me my phone "

He reached over and grabbed it then handed it to me

" Thank you "

I took this opportunity to text Grey

Hey I heard you were taking Sarah to the winter fundraiser

No I'm not

Then why is Sarah saying you are

I don't know She asked if I was going I told her I was that's it

Well she told Melody that You and her were going together

I'm not Harper believe me I'm not

I do Grey but You need to have a talk with Sarah then , oh and Brother or Not I will twist your balls off if you hurt Melody Just Sayin

I watched Grey shift in the seat when he read that part it made me giggle

" You are so mean" Morgan said in my ear
" Yep " I replied

I watched Melody lean into Jacks as she watched the movie if you didn't know you would think they are together I just wish they would go ahead and make the leap

The end of the movie came , Melody had Fell asleep so Grey moved her to the guest bedroom, Jacks went with them saying something about making sure she slept good

It warmed my heart to see how much they cared for her but they won't let it out in the open yet

Sammy had woken up at the end of the movie and kissed me goodnight then headed to bed he had an early meeting
Morgan and Mason went to their perspective bedrooms

I went to mine to grab my hair tie and then I went to Masons room and climbed into bed with him
We snuggled up and fell asleep

The next morning I Was taken to the cafe to to prepare my assignment lunch for Uncle Victor and Owen

Being that this was the first time for me to make this I took the time to research the different seasons used for Duck

I settled on Salt & Pepper I scored the skin on the Duck to render the fat from it starting in a cold pan I put the skin side down
Cooking until it starts to render most of the fat from it
I then put in the oven to finish low and slow added a couple more seasonings to it

I prepared the Asparagus to put them in the oven with some garlic , onion salt and pepper I wrapped them in foil and placed on the counter

Making up the rolls was easy I made the ones Uncle taught me after letting them rise I put them in the oven along with the Asparagus packets

By the time Uncle Owen and Victor came I had everything ready

They walked in , I watched both of them take in the sight of the food and smells

" Harper this looks fabulous " Uncle Victor said
" Yes it does " Uncle Owen said
" Well lets sit and enjoy " I say to them

After a few minutes both looked at me with big smiles
" You Have made one of the most delicious Duck Breast  I have ever eaten " Owen said
" That is so tender delicious , You will do so well in a restaurant as a head chef or even your own " Victor said

I grinned so big

" So How was it " Papa Marc said from the Doorway

" You Have one amazing chef Daughter " Owen said
Papa Marc grabbed a roll and bit into it

" God she makes them just like Uncle" Papa Marc says as he devours it

After the lunch I headed out with my uncles they took me to my parents house so I could hang out with my family then we were all headed over to The Blackbourne house for dinner

Hanging out with Mama and Beanie and the rest of Crazy Toma Family was what I needed I laughed so much with them
Mama and I discussed the winter fundraiser it was a gala at the The Cedar Room at Mercantile and Mash it's a huge event for the Academy it helps raise money for the different causes they are involved in and for the private school the Academy runs

" Harper Jane "
" Yes Daddy "
" How did the lunch go"
" Well according to Uncle Owen it was a success "
" Did you try it "
" A little it's not something I would normally eat "
" You sound like Papa Brandon "
" Hey I can't help it I may love to cook I may not like what I fix but I do try it sometimes "
" So what are you two talking about " Daddy Axel says as he kisses Mama

I watch them and I see the love they have for each other is still going strong after all of these years

" The Fundraiser " Mama says
" Ah are you going " Daddy Asked
" If I can "
" I'm sure it will be fine , there will be Academy members there "

" Yeah I know "

" Harper it will be okay and you never know we might have Todd by then "

" Yeah I hope so "

The subject was changed back to my cooking and schooling I told them about feeling like I didn't want to do it anymore to which both said that would let Todd when right now to keep at and if after the first semester was over I could stop
I agreed to that because I Knew they were right

Dinner was over at the Blackbourne house it was one of the last summer BBQ's for the year
Not that the weather gets too cold down here but it's a tradition to have one last one

Morgan , Mason and Sammy came in as I was plating food for the triplets then for Delaney and Dawson , I try to make sure the youngest ones get fed before the rest with the Help of Mama and Mama Sang we get them fed then call the rest to eat

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