
Oleh alexis_s_moore

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Two different law enforcement officers from different coasts find themselves working together: one is FBI, th... Lebih Banyak

Chap 1 "Meeting"
Chap 2 "New Job"
Chap 3 "Romance Is There"
Chap 4 "The Op"
Chap 6 "Learning From Emily"
Chap 7 "A Mission"
Chap 8 "Ohana"

Chap 5 "A Family"

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Oleh alexis_s_moore

Emily's POV
A year passed and we were finally able to have our wedding. We planned to have it about five months ago, but I was about five months pregnant with our daughter, Eileen at the time. When Eileen was born, we had officially changed Kaarina's last name to McGarrett. Two months after her birth, Steve and I agreed it was time to tie the knot. I was in the bride's room looking in the mirror as Kono walked in. "Hey, Kono," I smiled.

"Emily, you look amazing," Kono smiled. "Steve's a lucky guy."
"Well, it took him long enough to ask me to marry him," I nodded. "We have two beautiful kids. Kaarina is officially a McGarrett and Steve officially adopted her." There was a knock and Kono opened the door. "Danny."
"You look beautiful, Emily," Danny smiled.
"Is it time?" Kono asked.
"Yeah," Danny nodded. Kono left the room. "Steve's a lucky guy."
"I know," I smiled as I grabbed my bouquet. "You're not gonna trip me, are you?"
"I'm not going to," Danny smiled. "Come on."
"Okay," I smiled. We went through the ceremony and finished with that. Steve drove me and the two girls' home. We got out and I was carrying Eileen. Kaarina was the first one into the house. Steve carried me through the front door. "Babe, I gotta get Eileen for her nap."
"Can we skip the whole consummation for the marriage?" Steve asked.
"We have to," I put Eileen in her basinet. I turned to look at Steve. "Usually the doctor said after six weeks, but I just want to be safe."
"So another month or so?" Steve asked.
"That would be safe," I nodded. "I'm going to go change out of this." I went up to the room and change out of my dress to a sun dress. I walked downstairs and Steve was chasing Kaarina around the living room. "That's a sight to see."
"Daddy," Kaarina smiled as she ran up to see. "I love you."
"I love you too," Kaarina smiled as she gave Steve a kiss. "When are we going to the beach again?"
"We have beach right in the backyard," Steve pointed. "Wanna go?"
"Yeah!" Kaarina exclaimed. "Are you coming, Mommy?"
"Daddy's gotta go change," Steve handed Kaarina to me.
"I wish I could, but I have to take care of your baby sister," I replied. "But Mommy will next time, okay?"
"Okay," Karrina nodded as Steve came downstairs in his swim trucks. I handed Kaarina to Steve. "Let's go, Daddy."
"You're not coming?" Steve asked.
"I have Eileen," I pointed. "I gotta take care of her."
"It's just me and you," Steve walked away with Kaarina.
"Go," I smiled. I strapped Eileen to my chest as I decided to carefully clean the house. Kaarina and Steve walked back in. "Hey, what's going on?"
"I got a case," Steve replied.
"Do you need me?" I asked.
"No, you stay and take care of the kids," Steve pointed as he grabbed the keys on the way out the front door.
"You need clothes!" I called.
"I need clothes," Steve walked back in and went upstairs.
"Your daddy sometimes isn't all there," I replied as I wrapped Kaarina in a towel. "What do you want to eat?"
"Cookies," Kaarina replied.
"Anything but dessert," I stated.
"Peanut butter and jelly," Kaarina replied.
"Okay," I nodded. I made her a sandwich and she sat there and took tiny bits. "As soon as you get done, go upstairs and change into your clothes." Halloween came around and I was sitting in Steve's office watching Kaarina and Steve having their own conversation and I cradled Eileen. "Danny."
"I love you Daddy," Kaarina smiled.
"I love you too," Steve smiled and picked up Kaarina. Danny walked in. "Look, it's Uncle Danno."
"Grace snuck out to a Halloween party in North Shore," Danny sighed. "Can you go with me and get her, Emily?"
"She's not my daughter," I nodded.
"Go," Steve smiled. "You can use a break from Kaarina and Eileen. I got the."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"I am their father, legally," Steve nodded.
"Alright," I nodded as I got up. Steve put Kaarina down and held Eileen. "I'll be back."
"You might wanna remove that gun and badge," Danny pointed.
"It's Halloween," I crossed my arms. "This is my costume."
"Alright," Danny sighed. He drove us to the party and we got out. "Look at this."
"We got underage drinking," I pointed at the alcohol. Danny and I split up to look for Grace. Danny was flashing her photo around on his phone. I saw Grace in a fairy costume. I walked up to her. "Beat it, boxer."
"Why?" the guy asked.
"Unless you want to be arrest, I suggest you beat it," I replied. He left. "Grace, let's go."
"Auntie, I'm enjoying it here," Grace replied.
"No, not at thirteen," I pointed. "Look, your dad is here looking for you. If you don't come with me, it's gonna be worse."
"Okay," Grace sighed as she put the drink down.
"Gracie," Danny walked up to us. "Let's go." He grabbed her wrist and followed me out. A guy stopped me. "What do you want?"
"Let her go or I'm calling the police," the guy stated.
"Go ahead and call HPD," I replied. "They're gonna come here and shut your party down."
"Let's go, Emily," Danny stated.
"I'm Five-O, tough guy," I looked at the guy. "HPD is going to say I'm allowed to be here." I got into the car and Danny started driving. "Grace, you lied to your parents."
"I know, and I'm sorry, Danno," Grace sighed.
"I had to drag your Aunt Emily out here to find you when she could be at home spending time with Kaarina, Eileen, and Uncle Steve," Danny stated. "Instead, she's here, with me, looking for you."
"I said I was sorry," Grace replied.
"Gracie, sweetheart, you're dad had plans to spend time with you and Charlie tonight. But he couldn't do that because he's out here looking for you," I looked at her. "He wanted to make sure you were safe. Now, with the level of alcohol at the party, I hope you didn't drink what was in your cup." She looked at me. "Well, there you go." We got back to The Palace. "When Danny drops you off, you apologize to your mom, okay? She's really worried about you."
"Thank you, Auntie," Grace nodded.
"You're welcome," I smiled. I walked inside and walked up to Steve, Eileen, and Kaarina. "Hey."
"Everything go okay?" Steve asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "Everything's fine."
"Good," Steve smiled.
"How much candy did Kaarina get?" I asked.
"I got a lot, Mommy," Kaarina smiled as she walked up to me with her basket. I looked at it. "See?"
"That is a lot of candy," I smiled as I looked in her basket. "Can Mommy have a kitkat?" She nodded. I grabbed one. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Kaarina smiled.
"Alright, let's get these two home," Steve smiled. We got into his truck and he drove us home. Steve took Kaarina to her room to put her to sleep. I walked into our room with Eileen and put her in her crib. Steve walked in. "Hey."
"We need to get Eileen a room," I looked at Steve.
"We're working on it," Steve sighed. "Why can't she share a room with Kaarina?"
"I don't want Kaarina sleepless," I sighed.
"Danny, Chin, and I are almost done with the room," Steve smiled. "It's going to be okay."
"Alright," I nodded as we got in bed. "So, I have a new job."
"When do you have time to get a new job?" Steve asked.
"Since I haven't been able to help at Five-O," I replied.
"Then come back to Five-O. We need the help."
"Steve, I tried, but you guys always sideline me. I can't be sidelined. I want to help out."
"Yeah, that's not happening," Steve looked at me. "What's your new job?"
"I'm a college professor," I replied. "It's a college class on teaching men to be gentlemen and women to be ladies."
"Don't you need a guy to teach the guys?" Steve asked.
"No," I nodded. "I can handle it. Besides, if I need you in the classroom, I'll call. Oh, and I go by my maiden name at the school and Five-O. So that it won't be weird when one of us is being called." Another three and a half months passed and my first class in the morning was starting. The students got into their seats. "So, who knows what holiday is coming up?" Students raised their hand. "Yes, Jessica?"
"Valentine's Day," Jessica replied.
"Yes," I smiled.
"Why are we going to talk about Valentine's Day, Special Agent Votaw?" Darren asked.
"Because it's a day about love and that's basically what I've been trying to teach you these passed four months," I sighed. "Okay, who has a significant other?" I raised my hand along with a couple other students. "Okay. So, for those of you who have a significant other, I want you to take your partner for a romantic date on Valentine's." Some guys were high-fiving. "And I do not mean sexual desires guys!" They just slumped in their chair. "Those of you who are single, ask someone to be your Valentine. Use the techniques I have taught you. Girls, you can ask a guy. It's the twenty first century."
"Who's your Valentine, Special Agent Votaw?" Lennette asked.
"I'm afraid my Valentine's Day is going to be at home taking care of my two girls," I smiled. " my daughters are my pride and joy in this world. Although, my husband might have something planned that involves the kids."
"Really?" Lennette asked. "Who's your husband?"
"Uhm, have you guys heard of Five-O?" I asked. They nodded. "My husband is Commander Steve McGarrett." There was a knock on the door. "Excuse me." I opened the door. "Steve." I let him in. "Class, this is my husband, Commander Steve McGarrett. So, what do I owe for this visit?"
"I need that big, beautiful brain of yours for some intel," Steve looked at me. "And maybe your contacts at the FBI can help us get through the digital files a bit faster."
"I'll call Garcia and see if she can work some of her magic ," I nodded. "Now, what other intel?"
"How does you schedule look on Valentine's?" Steve asked.
"We have your kids," I pointed. "So, there's no way we have the night alone to ourselves."
"I can take them to Rachel's or Kono can have them for the night," Steve replied.
"Guys, this is something you do not do," I pointed. "Give your kids away for a night because of sexual desires." I looked at Steve. "We're keeping the kids and we're not doing anything for Valentine's. As far as I'm concerned, you could be called for a case in the middle of dinner. Criminals don't stop for holidays, Commander."
"She's not wrong," Steve sighed.
"Sit in the back of the class," I looked at him. "We'll talk to Garcia after." I talked more to the class about romantic gestures. The time came for class to end. "Alright guys. The next time I see you, will be after Valentine's. I wanna hear all about it. Bye." The class left. "Alright, let me try and get this set up." I plugged my laptop into the projector and pulled up my security clearance website of the FBI. I put in a call to Garcia. "Let's see if she can pick up."
"Hello, my lovely crime fighter who ditched us for Hawaii," Garcia stated.
"I've missed you too Penelope," I smiled. "But I didn't ditch you guys. I was let go." A couple of students came in and sat at their seats. "Garcia, with me is Commander Steve McGarrett."
"What can I help you with?" Garcia asked.
"I wanna know if you have any intel on Gusto Egune," Steve crossed his arms. "Anything would be helpful."
"Wait, that guy is the guy who –"
"Manages the manifest for the drug import/export for Oahu," I cut Garcia off. "Why are you looking into him?"
"He's a person of interest in a murder investigation," Steve replied. "Why, what do you know?"
"I don't know if I can tell you," Garcia replied.
"Hey, baby girl," Derek Morgan showed up on the screen.
"Steve, Derek Morgan," I smiled. "Morgan, this is Steve McGarrett."
"Ahh, your hubby treating you alright?" Morgan asked.
"He's fine, Morgan," I nodded. "It's good to hear your voice again."
"Same here," Morgan smiled.
"Garcia, send him the info we have on him," I nodded. "Tell Steve why he can't investigate."
"All done," Garcia smiled.
"Thank you," Steve nodded. His phone beeped. "That was fast."
"She's the best," I smiled.
"Miss and love you, Voltage," Garcia smiled.
"You'll always be my favorite webber," I replied.
"He know why we call you Voltage?" Morgan asked.
"No," I nodded. "Been sidelined for a while with two kids." I looked over my shoulder and saw the students in their seats. "Alright, guys. I gotta go. I have a class to teach and he has a case to get to."
"Alright, baby girl," Morgan replied. "I'll catch up with you sometime soon when I go to Hawaii."
"I'll hold you to it," I smiled. "Bye guys."
"Good luck, my crime fighter," Garcia nodded.
"Mahalo," Steve replied as I ended the call. "The dude was kidding, right?"
"What?" I asked.
"He was flirting with you," Steve pointed.
"Ahh, FBI Supervisory Special Agent Derek Morgan was my partner when I was with them. He still regrets putting me out as bait for my first case," I replied. Steve looked at me. "He was the acting Chief Unit during that case."
"What about Voltage?" Steve asked.
"I was really close to being struck by lighting during my 34th case," I replied. "We were chasing a lighting storm with some storm chasers. I felt the electric current pulsing through me. I didn't think anything of it until I took down the unsub just by touching him, barely." Steve crossed his arms. "That's why they call me Voltage. Now, go. Your team needs you and you have all the info." I pushed him out the door. "I'll see you at home." I closed the door. "That class, is what you don't do."
"Who was that, Agent Votaw?" asked Lindsay.
"Commander Steve McGarrett is my husband, and he needed help getting information on a guy he was looking into," I replied. "Those people that were on the screen are in Quantico, Virginia, FBI, and I used to work with them." I looked at the class. "Okay. Let's get on with our lesson today. Who here did their homework?" Lindsay was the only one who raised her hand. "Okay. Since you think you can slack off because I've been going easy, I'm going to give you the same assignment I gave my last class as well as a reading assignment of two more chapters. The last class I gave them to find a way to have a romantic time with their significant other without sexual desires. Those of you who are single, ask someone, romantically. Girls, you can ask guys. It's literally the twenty first century." I wrote on the assignment on the board. "On top of that, except for Lindsay, you will read last night's reading assignment, along with two more chapters." I turned to look at them. "And we will have a small quiz over those three reading assignments during the next class." They all groaned. "No, don't do that. You guys chose not to read."
"But Miss, we have other classes," Valerie raised her hand.
"Lindsay has two more classes and you do and they're all honor classes," I replied. "You can read all three chapters."

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