
By RoadNotTaken

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Giving up something you love for the benefit of others is never easy. Especially when they are so much better... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Nine

24.1K 520 239
By RoadNotTaken

Sacrifice: Chapter Nine

'"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." ~Marilyn Monroe

So I may or may not be crazy.

Laying on my stomach in the library-alone, might I add-surrounded by dozens of books, papers and empty bottles of Gatorade.

Yes, Gatorade.

I'm not a coffee person, for some unknown reason, I fall asleep faster drinking it then not. Odd, I know. Sugar keeps me going, therefore explaining the empty bottles around me.

I stifled a yawn as I flipped mindlessly through the worn out notebook once again, trying to think of a way to unlock something in that damn book. A clue! Anything really, to tell me that my insane intuition is not insane after all.

I rolled onto my back as a breeze fluttered through the library, breathing in the damp air of the night, I sat up. The small breeze had picked up some of the my note papers, sending them into the air.

It has been hours since I was excused for school. Well, that was the excuse I used on Alpha Gould as he came in here earlier to check on some references. He was suspicious no doubt, but left me alone nonetheless.

The sky outside has long passed the setting of the sun, it was dark and damp, there was light rain earlier in the evening. Giving the woods a nice welcoming, woodsy scent that drove me crazy.

Remember when I said our wolves are us, and every need is like our own; us wanting to eat for example.

You just know.

A sharp pain on my hand caught my attention as I gathered the fallen pieces of paper. As I inspected it , it was a rather large paper cut. Oozing blood, I quickly put it in my mouth, but not before a drop of blood landed on my fingers. Licking my finger as it healed up nicely, I picked up the rest of the papers and sat down in a heap in the middle of the books.

As I flipped through the notebook of Prince Usialau of Polastsk once again, as the lost dozen pages or so were blank. A smudge of red caught on the pages, I caught my sleeve to try and rub it. But as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, almost into the paper. Just as I was leaning in, inspecting closer, the door flew open and some guy from our pack ran in.

Kay, there are a lot of people in the pack. For your information, I do not happen to know 98% of them.

I cursed and shoved the notebook under my leather jacket that was lying nearby and flipped open a random book that was nearby. Pretending to read as he came closer.

"Uh, Waverley?" he asked shyly, I looked up. Nice looking kid, I snorted, then again; then are wolves not good looking.

Screw good genes.

"Yeah. What do you want?" I asked, a bit harsher then expected. Ah well, I'm not exactly a nice person either. People shouldn't expect me to, after all, 'member the incident with Maya and her brother?

"Al-alpha G-Gould wants to see y-you." he managed to stutter out.

"What's your name, kid?"


I chuckled, probably seemingly crazy because George visibly cringed at the sudden sound. "Kid, I'm 18 not 80. How old are you?"

"14." he answered, somewhat more confidant then before.

"Cool. So tell you what. Run along and tell Mister Alpha that I'll be there in 5, and make sure you call him Mister Alpha. Kay kid?" I stood up and brushed off some dirt, making my way towards George.

Stopping in front of him, he nodded numbly; I smiled and waved as he sprinted out the doors of the library. Almost leaving a trail of dust in his wake.

Im quite good with kids right?

Just to seem friendly, I called out "Nice meeting you George!" I'm pretty sure his legs got him far enough from me, not hearing my last words. Thank god he wasn't an observant one because the book I scrambled to read was upside down.

Shuffling my things into a somewhat clean-okay, it's not clean. Just a pile of random papers and books thrown together in my shoulder bag. Grabbing my jacket and making sure the notebook is smack dab in the middle, I headed out the door. Stopping at the side to sign them out, not bothering to write all the titles. I scribbled, Waverley-6 books.

I headed out the door, pushing the double doors open with my back someone ran into me, causing all of my things to scatter on the floor.

"Holy shit, watch where your going!" I cried as I looked up, into the familiar hazel, green eyes of the guy in the shadows of the gym. Speaking of the gym, I suddenly remembered Ethan and meeting him in front of the lunch room.

"Right, sorry. M-" he started,as he bent down to help me gather my things.

Face palming myself, literally. "Fuck! Shit! Dammit! He's going to kill me!" I hurried down and started gathering my things. Turns out, it was already done by the hazel, green eyes guy. Who has the best eye color of anyone I have ever met, yet he looks so familiar.

"Uh, right. Um I've got to go. Thanks." I said awkwardly as he handed me my things. Holding on to the notebook of the Prince, he smiled.

"Some light reading, yeah? Research perhaps?" I snatched the book quickly from his hands and stuffed it in my bag.

Holding his hands up in surrender, he answered,"Hey, no need to get defensive. I'm pretty good at history, especially wolves. If you need any help, call me."

I nodded, beginning to walk away, though still suspicious."Yeah, uh thanks. Bye."

"Wait! Hey, Waverley." I turned sharply, he scratched his head awkwardly as I got a peek of the white bandage around his torso. "Uh, I never quite got to thank you. For um saving me."

I looked cluelessly at him, he babbled on. "Oh um,name's Seth. You probably don't remember. Maya's brother? Angry dude? Ring a bell?"

I mentally slapped myself, of course! He looks so much like Maya, the hair, the nose and the tan explains it, "Oh, Kay. Cool. Your welcome. I have to go. Bye.. Seth."

I headed down the hall, but not before stopping at the end. I wanted to know why he was fighting Jesse. Not many pack members can do that without challenging the wolf, wait scratch that. No pack member can fight the alpha without challenging the wolf or the position of Alpha.

They were fighting harshly, but people can't keep up with Jesse. I couldn't even keep up with Jesse at times. Which means..

It means that Seth and Maya have alpha blood!

Oh my god.

Wait, but Maya was mauled by Jesse earlier this month. She would have been able to protect herself if she does have Alpha blood. It was odd in the werewolf community to have children with unmated wolves. So who was?

Seth or Maya?

Turning my heel, I hurried to find Ethan and ask him what he was about to tell me. Shoving people away from me as I arrived at the kitchen, I grabbed some bread and butter, making myself some toast. I sighed happily as I waited for the toast to spring up.

Honestly I can never get tired of toast, best morning food ever.

'Ethan!' I yelled through the pack link, ignoring the dirty looks and cringes of nearby pack members. Happily munching on my toast, I took out the notebook, plopping on the stool I read the first few entries.

Well, I tried to.

Odd as it is, Old English was hard to understand. One word can mean another. Suddenly I felt Ethan making a grab at my book, I smirked to myself. Quickly snapping my arm forward and griped onto his wrist before he reaches my book.

"Woah, talk about matrix." said Ethan, raising his hands in surrender, "I'm here, and let me tell you. You have a loud head voice."

I raised an eyebrow, "Thanks. Oh and uh, I forgot bout the lunch thing. Ditched school so what did you need to say? Ive got time."

The laughter drained from his face, I've never seen Ethan this serious before. So it must be important or about food.

"This isn't a place to talk." and with that, he left the room. I was curious, so I shoved the notebook into my bag and followed him out the kitchen. He shifted wolf as soon as he stepped out of the front lawn, and charged at the woods. I cursed, looking down at my combat boots.

I may as well follow him on foot, I can't be too far off. Gripping my shoulder bag, stuffing the straps inside, I began chasing him. I decided to focus on my sense of smell to trace his scent.

A small trick Alpha Gould taught me personally. We have relatively normal scenes, yes our vision can lesson-hence some near sighted wolves. Though we can tune into our wolf senses as we tune out others.

By focusing in the scent, I wouldn't be able to hear, see, taste or touch very well. Finally locating Ethan, sneaky little bugger, I'll tell you that. I shot off towards the woods, it was obvious he did not want to be interrupted or overheard. Because I was making my way dangerously close to the edge of our land, well our 'legally' owned land.

Nobody liked coming here because one, it is dangerous and rocky, two its exposed to people because we reside beside a national park. Catching my breathe in front of the small stream that flowed through both areas, Ethan appeared from behind a tree. Clad in basketball shorts and a singlet.

"You need to work out, Waverley." he teased, stepping over the jagged rocks carefully.

"Shut up" I huffed, dropping my bag. "I didn't shift."

"I noticed."

"So are you going to tell me some deep dark secret or did you just drag me out here to hide my body?"

"As if Jesse won't kill me first." he muttered,"Ha. Ha. How'd you know? Damn." he snapped mockingly, "You mean I can't hide a body here?"

"Ethan.." I sat down on the nearest rock that jutted from the ground.

"Fine. I figured the only person around to help me was you. I mean your close with Alpha Gould and Jesse and.. And people are scared of yo-" he paused. "No! I don't mean it like that. No one is scared of you, pfftttttt. I just mean people feel a bit, a little, bit intimi-"

"Ethan." I interrupted, ignoring his apparent insult. "Get to the point."

"Um right, so it's about Jesse and Sarah." Ethan paused, I gestured for him to continue. "I was 14 when I met her and I had a crush on her. But back then she was bullied and was kinda lonely half the time. Braces, and puberty wasn't so nice to her then. But I liked her nonetheless. And we started dati-"

"Wait, hold on a second. You didn't just get me out here to tell me some love story right?" I held my hands up, Ethan smiled sadly and shook his head. "Oh, right. Sorry continue."

"We started dating soon after. Sarah was always beautiful to me, you know. But then she changed." he looked distant, and pained far beyond his years, not like the teenager sitting next to me. But a lover who has lost his way. "She started with makeup and cared about how things looked. I know this sounds like some tragic love story but something happened to her, we were both 15."

You were 16 when you recognize your mates. And many people come and visit packs to look for their mates,

"During a pack exchange of unmated males and females, she would tell people that we went camping. But it was just a cover, of something I don't know. During our so-called camping trips, she would be gone for days at a time. I would have to hide somewhere, I.. I willingly did it." Ethan's eyes looked glassy, "I loved her, and at her 16th, she broke up with me. Said she wanted to find her mate." he ended bitterly.

I smiled sadly, ah mates. A sore subject for all.

"And you know what? Right now, I'm trying to tell you that she will be the worst Alpha female there is." he paused, mood drastically changing not anger "The irony of the situation is that she's a month older then me. On my 16th, I found out she was my fucking mate."

Ethan probably expected me to say something comforting, but sadly he got me as an audience so that seems to be less likely then a werewolf dying from a cold. At times like these is where my lack of skill at saying the right things overtook my conscience. And my subconscious seems to be the boss of it all.

I didn't like Sarah, and Ethan seems to be a cool guy. So I, being the ever most supportive friend out there, said-loudly might I add-: "Ha! You have a bitch for a mate."

Ethan turned to me with heartbroken and bitter eyes, "I know."

I immediately filled with guilt, "Listen, Ethan. You're a good guy. I'm not good with this kind of talks, if it makes you feel any better. The rumors are true, my mate has rejected me so I came to this pack." I paused, looking down at my hands. "So I guess we can drink off into the night and curse at our godforsaken good-for-nothing mates together."

He chuckled softly, "I didn't mean to tell you all that, but the point is. I'm willing to tell Alpha Gould and Beta Ashford that Sarah is my mate to avoid her position as Alpha Female. As fucked up as it is, I still love her."

I nodded, "You don't have to, you know. I could always get some chick to challenge her..." adding quietly "Or do it myself."

The sky was pitch black, mosquitoes have set in. Buzzing around us, Ethan offer his hand as we calmly walked back towards the pack house.

I saw a flutter of a piece of paper, reminding me of my broken window and that note from someone who I'm almost sure is Sarah. Stopping in a halt, pulling Ethan back, I faced him.

"Hey, I just remembered. I got this note thrown into my house. Attached onto a brick, it was thrown on the west side of my house. I think it's Sarah."

Ethan looked thoughtful for a moment, "Sarah is not one for physical work like that, but she might do something social, or Internet stuff.. Show me?"

Nodding, we walked in silence towards my small home near the end of our residence. Opening the door, a breeze welcomed us, smelling of the woods and lasagna-which I had this morning.

"Come on, it's here." I pointed at the gaping hole sealed with plastic on my window. Pulling open a drawer, lay the brick and a hair elastic, as well as the note itself.

"Nice place, very cosy." Ethan declared after taking a aloof around, "Can I see the note?"

"Sure." I handed it to him, "The hair elastic has to be hers, I've seen her wearing it. At the pack meeting the other night."

The elastic was several elastics tied together, connected with a metal ring at the end. I was certain I've seen Sarah wear it. But anyone is innocent until proven guilty, something I've learned from all those crime shows I obsessed over.

"When was this?" he looked shaken. I mean anyone would, I certainly did.

"Two to three days ago." he passed me the note, I noticed he was paler the before. After all, the note wasn't exactly friendliest of kinds. I read it again, shivers crept up my spine as neat cursive came into view.

'Lover of a whore suffers most,

Dirty little secrets,

Don't leave your post.

If you learn, keep it to yourself.

Death around the corner,

Shut your pretty little mouth.

Between you and I,

Ta ta! I'll be watching.'

Before any of us could say anything about this, both Ethan and my phone rang. Smiling apologetically at each other we answered.

It was brief and it was Jesse, I slipped my phone into my pocket and waited until Ethan finished.

"Theres an emergency pack meeting, apparently Beta's kid is coming back. And I'm pretty sure you already know that. Lets go." I shrugged off my bag on the sofa and gestured Ethan to follow me.

"Hey, um isn't Carrie bit young for a kid? How old is he or she anyways?" I asked as we rushed towards the pack house.

"It's kind of complicated actually, umm the kid is Carrie's with another guy, before she met her mate-Beta Ashford. And he's getting the Beta role along with Jesse as Alpha because he's beat everyone who challenged him for the position. Not by blood, and he's 19. A year older then us."

We arrived at the pack house, I pulled Ethan to the side as everyone arrived.

"Whatever we talked about today, you do not repeat with anyone. If anyone asked, we went out on a run together and stopped at my place for some clothes before the pack meeting. Nothing gets out. Understood?" I was dead serious, and thankfully Ethan understood it too.

"Of course. We'll talk more later."

And with that, we split up and headed inside at different times and doors. Spotting Jesse apparently on a leash seeing that Sarah was holding into his tie, signaled me desperately. I chuckled making my way towards him, winking at Sarah while her scorching glare was burning holes somewhere on my body. I looked down at myself,still in my skinny jeans and semi-see through top and combat books, I deemed myself as dressed appropriate.

"Hey! Where we're you all day!" I said as I reached him, Jesse tried to give me a hug. Well, tried seeing that Sarah didn't let go of his tie yet.

Just as Jesse was to say something, she cut him off "He was enjoying some quality time with his fiancé."

"He can speak for himself. And I believe you can leave, Sarah." Alpha command was laced with this statement. Sarah glared and she and her groupie dispersed, leaving us. I went in for a hug, enjoying the feeling of Jesse's arms around me.

Inhaling in his Old Spice and pine scent, I leaned against his muscular chest. Pressing my face onto the cotton shirt.

He chuckled, I felt the vibrations from his chest. "I must say, I missed you Waver-boo."

Jesse teased.

I tried to say I missed you too, but against his chest it came out as "Omishootoo."

"What?" he laughed, holding onto me tighter. I must say, it felt good. I wasn't a believer on friend zones, so maybe, just maybe Jesse might be second chance?

I pulled away reluctantly,"I missed you too. So what have you been up to lately?"

Immediately he sobered up, "Oh, um nothing really. Just pre-Alpha stuff, trying to avoid Sarah, an-"

"Hah, but that's not going to well, now is it?" I cut in, I didn't mean to sound rude or bitchy but thats how it came out as.

Jesse raised his eyebrows,"Jealous? I always knew you couldn't keep away from me."

I don't know.

Being the smooth answer-excuse-fast thinking person I am, words came tumbling out of my mouth, I realized that it actually made sense.

"Yeah, Im friends with you for your body. Mhmm." I looked up,"No, I just miss my best friend."

Jesse's gaze softened, pulling me against the pool table and hugged me once again. My butt was leant against the table and Jesse's arms around me, I have to say I feel pretty damn comfortable.

"Damn, I feel so needy. Ugh I need some alcohol." I winked, as Alpha Gould showed up along with Beta Ashford and Carrie. Personally I never met Beta Ashford, though he seemed like a genuine person.

"Jesse!" called Alpha Gould, all eyes turned towards us. "Come here. Oh there you are, Waverley. Please join us, I'm sure you would be delighted to hear the news." I was suspicious. The glint in his eyes worried me, the last I saw of it was when he literally gave his son away to Sarah Bitch.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please." as the crowd simmered down into silence, Alpha Gould began. "Now, I'd like to thank you all for coming to this late requested pack meeting. Most of you know the events today and I have to say, he certainly earned his spot here. To those of you that remember him as the little Beta, please, let me introduce future Beta to my son, Sebastian Ashford!"

A boy, no. A man walked out, tall and broad, fit to no end, yet the was a thin line of being fit and being scary fit. This guy was big, good looking fit, dark brown locks, and pale green eyes, this guy is the definition of good looking. And the sad thing is? He knew it too.

Totally contrasting Jesse's light hazel eyes and golden hair, or Seth's black locks and blue-hazel eyes. Jesse gripped my hand as he gave a lazy sweep over the audience, stopping at us and an amused glance at our joined hands, he whispered something towards Alpha Gould. It was too loud to tell what exactly he was saying, the crowd was buzzing with excitement. Apparently, Sebastian is quite the character.

"Please! I have a special announcement. I have acknowledged that both Sebastian and a certain eligible female here in our pack have lost their mates in the most tragic way. Therefore I am pleased to announce..."

I looked towards Jesse in horror, I hope he doesn't mean..

We dropped our hands almost immediately. But not before Jesse gave it a reassuring squeeze.

" announce one of my very own private students as Beta Female!" the pack was stunned, the silence the deafening. "I have full confidence in both Sebastian and her, as tribute to the tragic losses of their mates, I'm honored to announce Waverley Smithson. Future Beta Female."

What. The. Fuck.

The room suddenly turned towards me all at once. Like some shitty optical illusion. I grabbed Jesse's hand and stormed out the doors. Not caring how it looks to other people or anyone else.

Jesse, bless his soul, followed me out and turned as I stripped throwing my clothes on a tree and sprinted away from what the houses.

Racing under the moon light, yep.

That's the life.


So it's been awhile since I uploaded, I guess I felt that there was no me actually reading the chapters :s Sorry guys, I didn't seem to be getting any sort of response so I wasnt sure. Anyways, tell me what you think about the note, Sebastian, her relationship with Jesse and Sarah's past :D

Leave comment or post on my message board :)

Comment. Vote. Fan.


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