
By remybx

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Crush /krΙ™SH/ : a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate... More

I. Quiet Storm
II. Surge
III. Fire and Desire
IV. Pretty Little Fears

V. Truth Revealed

4.9K 322 230
By remybx

"Took a couple marathons just to get established..."

July 4th, 2007

"Onika we have to do something tonight...I'm serious, this is my first night free after being on punishment since school let out." Kelly whined before laying across Nicki's bed, of course Nicki's house was the first place she'd come, they were like white on rice.

"We can do something kellz...but I know the only thing you want to do is what got you in trouble in the first place." Nicki said as she flipped through the magazine she was reading, she knew Kelly wanted to smoke and truthfully she didn't know where her best friend had picked up the habit either, but Kelly was a glutton for punishment and once her mind was set on something she had to see it through.

"Only reason I really got in trouble is because Ermias gave his last to me and not my mama, who claims she 'don't smoke' when I know she be high as hell in her room after she get off work!" Kelly said exasperatedly, Nicki laughed because she knew Kelly's mother smoked but she was indeed adamant that she didn't.

"Well Kelly that is your mother...and no matter how backwards her logic may seem, you know what she says goes...when did you start smoking anyways?" Nicki asked, she remembered the day Kelly called her and told she was on punishment, but she never got the chance to ask how she'd been caught smoking when she never recalled her doing it.

"Well shit I was stressed out about making sure my grades was straight for the end of the year since you know senior year is coming up, Ermias was rolling like he usually does and I just asked if I could hit it...I thought he'd say no but he actually said yes and let me smoke with him." Kelly explained, Nicki nodded her head, she knew Ermias, Kelly's older half brother well since he was head over heels for one of Ming's close friends Lauren, he was smart as hell and looked out for her like a big brother.

"Hmph and let me guess one time was all it took for you to become a lil weed head." Nicki laughed while giving Kelly a knowing look.

"Girl whatever! It keeps me calm you know I got anger issues." Kelly said as Nicki continued to laugh.

"You laughing but I'm serious don't knock it till you try it." Kelly said as she got up reaching for her bottle of fruit punch.

"Who said I haven't?" Nicki asked as she watched Kelly's face turn into a look of surprise, she hadn't actually told her of the whole thunderstorm ordeal since she was on punishment.

"Not innocent way that you smoked...Ming don't play that shit...and besides you said you'd wait until your 18th birthday." Kelly said and it was indeed true she was going to wait...but who could really say no to someone like Beyoncé?

"Yea well I guess things change...maybe for the better in this case." Nicki said as she instantly felt butterflies in her stomach thinking about Beyoncé and the unexpected night they had.

"For the better huh? And I'm gonna ignore the fact you smoked without me...but to whom does the pleasure belong to for seeing Nicki high for the first time because I know you were tripping." Kelly teased as Nicki rolled her eyes because she honestly didn't trip out as bad as she'd thought even though her mind had a few thoughts she knew she couldn't verbalize on it.

Nicki stared at Kelly for a moment before cracking a small smile.

"Beyoncé." Nicki simply said, her name bringing that foreign yet very familiar sense of excitement to the pit of her stomach.

"WHAT BITCH?! Not your scary ass! How the hell did this...even happen? And how the hell did you manage not to die?" Kelly asked in shock, Nicki simply laughed and proceeded to recollect the events that had brought her and the older girl together.

"So she smoked you out, you fed her and she damn near requested that you two be acquainted...not to sound exaggerated but she putting pressure on you HEAVY..." Kelly trailed off, Nicki shook her head, she didn't want her hopes up sky high because she knew how these things tended to end, even if Beyoncé WAS interested in her in the least bit she knew it'd never work .

"She don't want me know how many bitches want her? I'm the last person she's looking at...I seen how Ming dog these girls out...I don't need that." Nicki had convinced herself days ago to the let the prospect of Beyoncé as anything more then a friend go, she'd rather just admire her from afar like she'd been doing.

"That's your issue now." Kelly spoke up causing Nicki to look at her.

"What is?" Nicki questioned.

"You've got yourself convinced that Beyoncé and Ming are the same person when they're not, they may be the best of the friends, but trust and believe every quality isn't alike, just like me and you there has to be a rational one of the two, and you can bet your bottom dollar, just like it's you, it's Beyoncé too." Kelly said taking Nicki aback, Kelly May act silly most of the times but there were moments like just now when she could speak real shit that needed to be heard.

"I'm not saying don't be cautious still...but don't completely close yourself off to the idea of more, you've liked that girl since got damn forever and you should do what makes your heart happy...regardless of what anyone has to say." Kelly finished giving Nicki a serious look that meant to take what she'd said to heart.

"Okay...I'll be open minded." Nicki agreed.

"PERIOD' lets get something to eat I'm starving like shit!" Kelly shouted turning back into her usual goofy demeanor, Nicki laughed at the drastic change in mood.

The two made their way downstairs towards the kitchen, upon entering the kitchen the girls saw that Nicki's mother had food spread across the table already waiting to be eaten.

"Hey my babies." Ms. Maraj said greeting Nicki and Kelly.

"Hey ma." They both greeted back.

"Kelly do you mind going to wake JahJah? He should be ready to eat." Ms. Maraj asked.

"Yea no problem." Kelly said disappearing quickly.

Nicki picked up a plate while looking at what her mother had made which consisted of fried chicken, rice and beans, potato salad, and corn on the Cobb, she couldn't wait to dig in.

"So honey you have any plans for this evening? You know it's the fourth." Nicki's mother asked as she began filling her plate.

"Uh...I don't know mommy, Kelly and I were trying to think of something to do...what about you? I know you got some plan that involves a bottle." Nicki teased, she knew her mother was a drinker but she never got out of hand to the point where she wasn't in control of herself, if anything she just turned into the life of whatever function she was at.

"Child you a trip...but I was going over to Ms. Adrian's and maybe have a drink or 2 but nothing major since JahJah wants to see the fireworks tonight." Nicki nodded her head at her mother's plans because they tended to be the same each year, her and Ming use to go with her all the time until they reached an age where she deemed they could be trusted.

"You should ask your sister what she's doing, it'd be nice for y'all to spend some time together." Her mother suggested, she was always for her and Ming to spend more time time together and Nicki knew it was because Ming was less likely to get into trouble if she were around.

Just as Nicki was about to respond back the devil herself walked in along with someone she hadn't seen in a few days.


"Isn't that something, I was just telling your sister how it'd be nice for you all to do something tonight for the fourth." Her mother said as she moved about the kitchen.

"Really?" Ming said in a tone that suggested she already had plans that Nicki knew she didn't fit into.

Nicki took a chance to look at Beyoncé and was shocked to find the older girl already staring at her, she quickly averted her eyes as she felt her cheeks flush.

Nicki felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Kelly holding JahJah as she regarded her with a knowing look.

"Yes really Ming, you two are sisters and you need to start acting like it, Understand yuh watch fi each oddah mi dont wa any more words bout it." Her mother quickly switched to patios meaning she was being serious.

"Understood." Ming grumbled out.

"Good, now you and Beyoncé eat something, I didn't make all this food for nothing, make sure JahJah eats too." Her mother said before grabbing her plate and leaving the kitchen.

"Look...y'all need to be ready in an hour...I know it's hot as hell outside but I don't want y'all in nothing revealing or tight, I ain't trying to fight keep it cool... and throw some blue on while you at it." Ming said going to grab a plate, Nicki nodded her head not wanting to argue with her sister but confused as to why she had to wear blue all of a sudden.

"Why do we have to wear blue?" Nicki asked setting her plate to the side so she could start fixing JahJah's since he was a picky eater.

Just as Ming was about to answer Beyoncé cut her off smoothly.

"So niggas know if they mess with you, they deal with me." Beyoncé said, her words leaving no room for arguments as Ming, whose mouth was full, nodded in agreement, Nicki felt her skin heat at the dominant tone in Beyoncé's voice.

"Same goes for you Kelly, but you already know what it is with Ermias." Beyoncé spoke again before grabbing her own plate to join Ming, suddenly Nicki felt like there was something everybody in the room knew about except for her and she hated being left out.

"Me and Kelly are gonna eat and go get ready... Ming you got JahJah right?" Nicki suddenly asked much to Kelly's surprise, but Nicki needed answers to a few things before they went out tonight.

"Yea let him walk over here Kelly." Ming spoke as Kelly put JahJah down, even though he was just shy of two years old he had a little trouble walking due to some nerve damage in his leg as a newborn, but the doctor was sure he'd grow out of it by the time he turnt three.

Nicki picked up her plate and a plate she made for Kelly as she watched JahJah make his way over to Ming who picked him up and kissed him all over his cheeks making him giggle.

"That's my stink! Look at you walking Dada." Ming said excitedly making Nicki smile, no matter what Nicki loved her siblings.

"Alright Ming." Nicki said ready to leave the kitchen.

" ready to dip in a hour like I said and remember bout that outfit." Nicki nodded her head chancing a look at Beyoncé who'd been staring at her just like earlier.

"Yea." Nicki said letting her eyes linger before turning to head towards the steps with Kelly right behind her.

Once they'd made it up the steps and to Nicki's room, Nicki gave Kelly a harsh look.

"What?" Kelly asked incredulously.

"Why does it feel like everyone knows something I don't?" Nicki asked getting straight to the point.

"I— Nicki what you chatting bout?" Kelly stuttered and that's when Nicki knew she had her.

"Cone on Kelly don't play dumb...Ming telling me to wear blue...Beyoncé damn near threatening to kill someone if I don't, and apparently Ermias knows wassup too." Nicki had a feeling she'd already drawn the right conclusion as to what was going on, but she wanted to hear Kelly say it.

"Damn! They're in a gang okay! I didn't find out till just a few weeks ago while I was on punishment and overheard Ermias and Beyoncé talking, I'm just as surprised as you honestly, I wouldn't have known had I not overheard." Kelly explained honestly making Nicki feel bad for pressing her as if she'd always known.

She was surprised and both unsurprised at the notion that Ming was apart of a gang, Ming always had a knack for the streets but she was smart as hell too, but now all the money Ming brought home made more sense, Nicki knew there was no way Ming could have secured a job a her age that paid enough to pay nearly all the bills, but her mother never questioned it so she saw no reason too either.

"And apparently...Beyoncé's head of operations." Kelly said bringing Nicki out of her thoughts, now that was surprising, she'd think Ming was in charge before her, but then again Beyoncé was so damn calm, cool and collected, she didn't have to act like the boss because she was it.

"Shit so what are they crips or something?" Nicki asked knowing blue was the color of the crips.

"Yea but I don't know much more then that, other then that the police has been on them as of lately...Ming's temper isn't sitting to well with them." Kelly said and suddenly Nicki knew why her mother had pushed especially hard for them to be together today, it was a national holiday and there'd be entirely too many people to try Ming's nerves.

"I wonder why they didn't just tell us wassup." Nicki pondered.

"They're never gonna say it straight out to you see they've done a damn good job at hiding it...they probably don't want us involved in that street shit foreal..." Kelly spoke.

"But you can't tell me you've never noticed people hold you with a certain respect around and's because whatever Ermias, Ming, Beyoncé...shit all of them...whatever they do holds weight in niggas hearts." Kelly explained making Nicki take a look back on her encounters with people, nobody had ever messed with her at school, no man ever tried to holler at the gas station even though they'd do it to just about every other female, nobody ever really disrespected her, all out of fear of the repercussions of her sister.

"And as you can see Beyoncé really ain't bout to play with nobody ass when it comes to you." Kelly noted, Beyoncé had been so straightforward earlier Nicki knew she was being dead serious and she knew Beyoncé was definitely not the type of person anyone would want to play with.

And she honestly didn't mind having the girl she'd been crushing on since forever on go for her like she'd said.


Long time no mf seeeee!

Lol soooo much shit has happened in my life I can't even BEGIN to tell you.

I think I finally have come to terms with the fact I'm destined to win...every time it seems inevitable to make it out...I do and always to something better.🙏🏽

Enough about me though!

The loss of a great man (Nipsey Hussle🏁💙) really inspired this chapter...I really wanted to explore this subject matter in the most respectful way possible! So it won't be no typical Gang story...I've been doing research and I want to enlighten on some things I've read about.

But how'd you feel about this chapter?

Beyoncé on questions asked👀?

Do you think Ma knows to the full extent what Ming's involved with, or as long as the moneys paying the bills she good?

How's it gonna go with everyone going out for the fourth?

Why's Ming's temper been so hot lately?

Any other questions, things you'd like to see happen?

And as alwaysssss thank you for your lasting patience and support, they mean the absolute most to me...probably more then words could suffice.

An update for Epiphany is in the works for either tonight or tomorrow 😉

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