Confused Heart (PJM.FF) [Comp...

By vixen_ink

4.1K 403 101

3rd Place Winner - Map of the Soul Awards (PJM Category) 2019 2nd Place Winner - Bangtan Fire Awards (PJM Cat... More

Author's Note
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Bonus Part

Part I

420 30 16
By vixen_ink


"What is it this time?", I asked Jimin who was crying excessively. He called me at the car shop where I worked as a mechanic and he sounded distressed. He asked me to dropped by his flower shop.

Jimin and I are bestfriends, together with Hoseok and Tae. We grew up on the same neighborhood. Needless to say, we knew each other's pain and strength.

"I saw him again, Na Eun. I saw him again with another girl and it hurts like hell", Jimin sobbed on my chest. His arms were wrapped around my waist, as I patted his head for comfort. We are seated on the couch in his flower shop.

"Who? Jungkook? I thought you got over him?", Jimin is in love with Jungkook, a cousin of mine.

We thought it was just a simple crush when we were in middle school and my cousin was also in the same school with us, but it wasn't the case, because even until now, he can't forget him.

"I thought also. Oh, Na Eun!", he was devastated.

"Get yourself together. Forget him. Why don't we go to a club later and have fun?", I tilt his head to wipe his tears and grinned at him. I was rewarded with a sweet smile.

"I will call Tae and Hoseok", I removed his arms and dialled Hoseok's number. He answered in a couple of rings.

"Hi, Na Eun!", the screeching voice of Hoseok greeted me on the other line.

"Hi, Hobi. You in? Looks like you'll be getting a chance to find a nice ass tonight".

"Ooooh. Loving it already! Let me guess, we should be thanking Jungkook for this, right?".

"Yeah", I said as I stole a glance at Jimin's frustrated mood.

"My poor, Jiminie".

"Let's meet later at the club. Call Tae".

"I will. Bye".

"Chim, I'll walk you home and you better put on your sexy outfit later because we will make you forget Jungkook tonight", I tried to cheer him up.


"Hey Jimin, see that guy over there? He's cute, right?", Tae pointed to the hot guy dancing on the dance floor.

"Yeah", Jimin didn't even look and kept staring at his drink.

Hobi, Tae and I tried to lighten the mood. We kept laughing and making fun with each other while drinking our beers.

"Why didn't you wear a sexy dress tonight, for a change?", Hoseok asked.

"Why would I? It's not like I'm into dicks", I stated and drank from my glass.

"Well, you're not into pussy either", Tae commented.

"Let's just say I haven't met an enticing pussy yet", I answered back.

"Gross!", Tae rubbed his body as if in disgust and it made me chuckle.

My friends always nagged me to change into womanly outfits and activities but sad to say they failed. I grew up from a family of masculine background. My cousins are all male and I am an only child.

My mom died from a heart ailment when I was a baby. I barely get to see my grandmother when she was alive and I seldom visit my cousins in their houses to meet my aunts.

So, to sum it all up, I really don't have any feminine influence on me. Even my closet are full of large shirts and baggy pants.

"Yeah, we already know you're not into dicks because we will never forget when you punched Jeff in middle school for kissing you", Tae's comment made us laugh and even Jimin smiled.

"But you can't blame us, honey. You're the only one from us who never go out with anyone. I even introduced Lauren to you and she had some nice tits", Hoseok set me up with his co-dancer.

"Just not interested", I shrugged.

"Oh shit! Don't look, Jimin, but I think a hot guy from the bar is checking you out right now", Hoseok was giggling.

I stole a glance to the bar and Hobi was right but when I turned to look back at Jimin, he was still upset. "Pass", his silent reply and kept on drinking beer.

I was about to stand to go to the restroom when an arm landed on my shoulder and a very familiar voice spoke.

"Hey, cuz. I didn't expect to see you in here. Oh, hi guys", Jungkook kissed me on the cheek.

"Eww, cut it out JK or I will have you pick your balls on the ground", I smacked him on his head and wiped my cheeks. I looked at Jimin.

He was speechless but what made me sad was his eyes everytime he looked at my cousin. It was full of longing and love. A one-sided love.

"Okay, okay! Oh, hi Chim. How are you?", he removed his arm on me and turned to Jimin.

"I'm ...... fine", he said shyly.

"Baby, I was looking for you!", a pretty girl wrapped her arms on Jungkook's waist.

"Oh sorry, babe. I just saw my cousin and wanted to say hi. Well, we'll be leaving now. Bye", Jungkook waved his hand and left with his girlfriend in tow.

And just like that, Jimin broke in tears.

"Oh baby", I went to his side and hugged him. Even Tae and Hoseok went to our embrace.

"Why don't you confess to him? You have been miserable for years", Tae was annoyed.

"I can't. I don't want him to avoid me or hate me", Jimin said while crying.

"Bitch! Stop this nonsense. We came here to have fun and get wasted, so we will do that", Hoseok went to the bar and ordered another round of drinks.

We didn't notice how much we have been drinking and all of us were already drunk. So, we called it a night and everyone decided to sleep in my house. With the help of a cab, we safely arrived in my apartment.

It's not the first time they slept in my house. Since our childhood years, we always have a sleepover and my dad doesn't mind even if I'm a girl, he knew that my friends preferred boys and the opposite sex. He once told me that he felt appeased if I'm with them because they will not try anything with me.

"Bitches, you know where all the things are placed so, help yourselves. I just want to hit the sack because my world is spinning". I told my friends while removing my pants in front of them, leaving my undies on.

"Na Eun, be grateful that we're not into pussy because if we are you'll be fucked right now", Hoseok said while trying to keep his balance from falling.

"It's not as if you didn't see all of this, Hobi", I teased and spank my own butt.

"Oohh, get all of your assess cleaned up and sleep. I want to rest", Tae walked to the guest room beside my own room.

"Tae! I will not be sleeping on the couch tonight", Hoseok went to follow Tae. The bed is for two people only and everytime they want to sleep in my place one of them ends up on the couch.

"It's okay, Hobi. Chim will be sleeping with me", I yelled at them and looked at Jimin who was nearly passed out on the couch.

"Hey, Chim. Want to sleep in my room?", I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to go out of the room just to check if he is crying or not.

"Oh.... okay", Jimin answered and put his arm around my shoulder while I put mine on his waist.

"Have I told you that I love you for being the greatest girl friend in the world?". He giggled.

"Yes Chim, especially when you're drunk", we struggled our way to my room.

I placed him on my bed and lay beside him. He turned on his side, propped his arm to support his head and stared at me.

"Na Eun?".

"Hmm?", I moved my body to looked at him when I heard my name.

The moonlight that passed through my window were focused on Jimin's face and I was awestruck. I know that my bestfriend is fucking handsome. Hell, half of the girls in our class have crushes on him.

Damn, this alcohol in my system is making me girly inside.

"Have you ever been in love?", his words confused me.


"Have you ever been kissed?".


"What if I kiss you right now?".

My mind immediately answered NO, so I opened my mouth to say "Okay".

What the fuck did I just say?

He slowly leans on me and my heart started beating in a rapid pace. I closed my eyes, trying to think if this is just an illusion but then I suddenly felt his soft plump lips against mine.

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