Unshackling the King (The Dra...

由 CblaRae00

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"Yes, I am!!!" Kaede leans down to her ear his hot breath tickling her cheek in a tantalizing way, as swoopin... 更多

Chapter One: Fire From Within
Chapter two: The golden eyed man
Chapter three: coffee and goodbyes
Chapter four: The blasted rock
Chapter Five: A new friend
Chapter six: surfing and burning flesh
Chapter Seven: A Lizard?
Chapter Eight: The Telepathic Dragon
Chapter Nine: Sweet Chocolate Delight
Chapter Ten: Mother of Four
Chapter Eleven: The Viman Princess
Chapter twelve: The School
Chapter thirteen: Petticoats, corsets, and dresses oh my
Chapter fourteen: One Arse-Headed Bodyguard
Chapter fifteen: oh gee, another relative
Chapter sixteen: Mr. Habla Mucho
Chapter seventeen: Lost in Airedale
Chapter Eighteen: Caught in the shadows
Chapter Nineteen: The massacre within the Leather Bag
Chapter twenty: A lady in trousers
Chapter Twenty-one: The not-so Innocent Captive
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Departed Fiery Tendrils
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Uninvited Party Guest
Chapter Twenty-Four: Sweet Salivating Steamed Pudding
Chapter Twenty-Five: Paddling over Flesh Eating Monsters
Chapter Twenty-Six: Swimming with the Crocs
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Intelligent Horned Beasts
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Attack of the Devilish Bugs
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Giants in Pampers
Chapter Thirty: The Entrance to the Feathery Lair
Chapter Thirty-One: Adar Shish Kebab
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Dancing Dragons
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Castle of Valen
Chapter Thirty-Four: Her Un-Welcomed Visitor
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Bloody Message
Chapter Thirty-Seven: In Search of a Guilty Culprit
Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Race out From the Gloom
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Persuasion at it's Finest
Chapter Forty: Missing in the Night
Chapter Forty-One: The Golden Scaled King
Chapter Forty-Two: A Battle of Spoons
Chapter Forty-Three: Living a Nightmare
Chapter Forty-Four: Ballroom Prance
Chapter Forty-Five: Fiery Passion
Chapter Forty-Six: Seized Within
Chapter Forty-Seven: Hasty Goodbyes
New UPDATE!! The Sequel!!
More News!!

Chapter Thirty-Five: A Wretchedly Stunning New Relative

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由 CblaRae00

Dingy yellowed lights flickered and swayed, as they hung from above lighting up the sparse room in front of Emoriah. A slender wooden table and set of chairs seemed to have ate the space away between its shabby four walls.

Emoriah exhaled slowly and watched, as her hot breath left thin wispy trails of smoke in the air. Where in the hells was, she?

A heavy stack of The Times perched at the far end of the wooden table immediately caught her attention. Reaching with a trembling cold hand she lifted the crisp paper towards the flickering light.


Her eyes frantically slid over the thin paper, as tightly bound fear swirled in her chest.

Bethany Green and her daughter Emoriah Green suspected to be missing last Friday night. The daughter was last seen recovering from the wild fire that burned down Sweet Freedom Academy, now also their manor in the countryside was found burning with fire two days later. There seems to be no evidence that they perished in the wild fire. So, was this horrendous event a strife on their lives? We have yet to know. The Bobbies believe the Greens to be in life-threatening danger. If you have spotted or seen the Greens, please call this number. (212)-145-3489

Emoriah felt her stomach tighten even further, as her eyes glanced over the photograph splayed next to the article of her and her mother. Laugh lines were very evident on her mother's fair face, as she smiled down on the scrawny fiery wild-haired girl laying in her lap. Emoriah pursed her lips, before throwing the paper back on the table.

The photograph was taken two years ago and there was only one copy... by her mother's desk. It should have been destroyed in the fire with the rest of their possessions. But somehow it survived.

How they found it...she had no idea.

A sudden clamoring bang of a door broke Emoriah from her troubling thoughts only to push her deeper into the thick swirling mess of reality.

Two tall burly men strode their way into the room with massive scowls painted across their shadowed faces.

Blast! She was dead meat.

Though they seemed to have not noticed her trembling presence, as they each took a wooden chair to sit.

"Any news of the girl?" The man on the right demanded with a chilling deep voice.

The man on the left scratched his ear uneasily before glancing up. "No, sir."

The man on the right pounded the table in fury, as a familiar icy mask trickled it way into his eyes. The man on the left was quick to hurry his next words.

"But we have found traces of the bloody witches mother. Aye, we believe we will catch her soon."

"Ah. Very good."

Emoriah sensed a familiarity to the cold icy man in front of her. He was handsome for his old-age. But there was something else. His manners, his sharp calculating gaze, and even his blasted voice they all reminded her of someone.

A certain someone with dark stormy eyes that pulled at her mind, and stoic and cold unbending frame when on alert. This man before her appeared to be the exact bitter older replica of a certain bodyguard of hers.

"The girl has found her father. They are now residing in the castle..."

"I see our spy has kept us well informed. Has he gained the princesses trust?"

"Aye sir, I believe he has."

The man on the right twisted his lips in a sinister grin, as he intertwined his long pale fingers together. "Now, let the fun begin."

You see Emoriah, why I brought you here? You're in danger and so is your mother.

Emoriah flinched, as the soft familiar voice made its way into her mind.

Who are you?

Nay, Emoriah. You should be asking that to yourself.

Like I said earlier....I am you. And you are me.

And we stay together yada, yada. Now hush.

As you say.

Grumbling under her breath Emoriah turned her attention back towards the brooding men at the table.

Here she was again hearing voices...maybe it was high time for her to check into a metal institute.

A cold foreboding sensation then chilled the air in a silent unsettling way. The floor shook in earthy trembles, shaking Emoriah's foozling feet around, before it split entirely apart.

Blimey! What now?

Emoriah felt her body freeze in apprehending revulsion, as long ragged broken nails attached to slimy white hands climbed out from split opening of the floor. Numerous red eyes then met her wavering gaze glittering in malicious intent.

Fantastic. The more the merrier.

At the sight of her their leisured pace grew to a frenzy, as they ripped and teared at the wooden flooring with thick white saliva sliding past their pale lips.

Okay...might be best to hightail it out of here.

But before she could turn a sharp tug at her ankle had her tasting dirt in seconds, as an Ogon dragged her towards the opening pit of darkness.

Emoriah frantically glanced up towards the two men at the table, and watched in utter confusion, as they kept to their conversation without any notice of the blasted hole ripped in the floor invested with demons.

Another sharp tug pierced her ankle earning a small cry from her lips. She swallowed down the repulsive sensation, as the creature's fingernails ripped the skin at her ankles.

She was not going to die. Not at the hands of these naked wankers!

Pulling her fists back she swung her knuckles at the hissing beast pulling her forth. But she seemed to have only enraged the demon, as the Ogon tossed her into the dark void with a ferocious growl.

Slimy hands grabbed at her fallen body only intensifying the inviolable fear in her gut. A piercing scream tore from Emoriah's throat, as her body spiraled and tumbled down towards infernal hell.

Emoriah shot upright in her bed quivering in fright, as thick sobs lingered beneath her lips. She swiped angrily at the hot tears that streamed down her cheeks, before swiftly standing to her feet.

It was just a dream. She was fine.

Though there was one thing she was sure of in that dream.

It appeared to have been in blasted London.


A distinct earthy flavor tingled Emoriah's tongue, as she sipped from the strange tonic brew in her cup. "Molten Barrage" it was said to relive her body from stress.... but all she felt was burning turmoil. Like a whirlwind of chaos swirling in her mind eating away her sanity till she had only one thought left in her mind.


Smacking her lips hungrily she set her tin cup on top of the wooden table before her. Numerous exotic fruits, soft breads, and meats instantly caught her attention, as she eyed the table much like a lion would to a lamb.

Oh, sweet scrumptious food...time for you to get in my belly.

Emoriah began to quickly snatch at the nourishing sweets laying across the table filling her extensive plate with all sorts of chocolate delicacies.

Finally, through with her raid she sat back and admired the little towers she had created. The few rays of sunlight that had escaped the small glass window above shined against the glossy smooth surface of her sweet chocolate, only further tempting herself to release her relatively unpleasant table manners.

But before she could gobble up her plate like any starving animal a cold and rather irritating voice froze the hand that was ever so close to her salivating mouth.

"Ms. Emoriah! What are you doing with all of that chocolate?"

Oh, prat.

Emoriah rolled her eyes, before meeting the dark icy stare of the boy sitting across from her. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm eating it!"

A piercing strain pinched at Kaede's jaw, only broadening the irritated expression upon his face. Emoriah watched in slight amusement, as his cold gaze dropped to her plate for a split second before bouncing back to her face. "I see."

Keade's long fingers snaked out and curled around the metal fork beside his plate, before he stabbed at a leafy green bundled between carrots. "I believe you should have a hearty appetite for...what do you woman call it? Ah yes, for plumping yourselves."

Emoriah felt a blush rise at her cheeks from his atrocious words. The poor delicate chocolate clutched between her fingers grew too weak, as it crumbled to little smithereens in her hand.

Why that insulate ratbag!

Kaede chewed slowly, as if savoring the nasty green rabbit food between his plump...no, no disgusting lips.

Emoriah scowled and brushed the tasty crumbs from her fingers, before popping another perfectly smooth chocolate into her mouth.

She..will...not let his words affect her!

She was strong.

She was determined.

And she will let no cold-hearted butt sniffing chauvinist bully her so!

"Respect Emoriah. What did I say about respect."

Emoriah felt her lips turn up in a smirk, as Kaede glanced up with his dark fathomless eyes. She crossed her lanky arms across her waist, before jutting her slender chin in the air.

"You said to respect those who deserve it and well.....you don't."

An intense glare filled with layers of great detest was thrown her way, as Kaede stood abruptly from his wooden seat.

"Pardon my King, but I wish to excuse myself from breakfast."

Emoriah glanced over to her father's thin face and was suddenly surprised to spot the twinkle of amusement splayed in his cerulean eyes.

"Yes, you are excused Lorde Kaede."

"Thank you, my King." Kaede gritted out, before he stormed down the extended heavily adorned dining hall, with a black cloak whipping at his heels.

A mighty roar of laughter followed the brisk slam of the door.

"My, how amusing you two are."

Har Har. How hilarious.

"Ha! Amusing is it? Father, I would gladly see that pompous boy stomping his way from the castle."

Hmm...or to be consumed by a Behemoth. Either would work.

Another soft chortle left her fathers lips, before he threw her a lop-sided smile.

"Indeed? Well, we shall see what the future holds. For now, my dear.... keep your hands to yourself."

"Yes, father."

Of course, she will heed to her fathers every command! She wasn't the worst daughter to grace Aron.

Though he never spoke of rope.....or knives.

And those well....very tempting indeed.

Grabbing another lusciously delectable chocolate from her plate she plopped it in her mouth and closed her eyes with a sigh.

Wankers aside this had to be the most scrumptious salivating meal she had ever tasted.


Emoriah nervously fingered the smooth silky brown material of her gown, as she walked steadily down a barely lit hallway located somewhere in this monstrous castle.

Where the hells was she?

After that blissful brunch she took it upon herself to find her bedroom without help from a certain cheerful elf. But that had occurred in being the most mindless decision ever, as she wandered down the eerie dark hallways like a lost child.

She cursed her own foolishness for leaving her dragons in the room. They would have least been more helpful than her half-baked head.

The dark shadows flickering in each corridor seemed to reach out to her, with thin twitching arms bringing her thoughts back to her horrifying dream.

Stop. You are fine, and you are safe.

Though from the speedy thumps of her pounding heart her body seemed to not agree with her half-spirited mind.

Besides the scuffing of her thin flats across the cream marbled flooring thick chilling silence seeped into Emoriah's mind, as she turned down yet another corridor.

Her speedy pace slowed, as she spotted the vast difference in this passage. Numerous candles were hung around this bright corridor instantly chasing Emoriah's fears away. She also noticed scarlet red tapestries etched with golden dragons spitting hot boiling flames of fire.

A rustic wooden door stood fiercely to her left and was bolted with massive metal rods fatter than her appetite. Curiosity itched irritatingly in her stomach, as she stepped her way closer towards the tremendously colossal door.

Clutching the smooth golden doorknob between her thin fingers she pulled the door open a hair fraction. Immediately two very familiar harsh whispers made way to Emoriah ears.

"I have no patience left, your highness. Your daughter h.."

"Ah, was she that troublesome?"

Emoriah gasped softly into her hand, as she spotted her father speaking softly to the chauvinist pig she was trying to avoid; aka her arse-headed bodyguard.

Kaede seemed to ignore her fathers amused smile, as he replied in his ever so icy clipped tone.

"Yes, your highness. I will finish my studies with or without your appalling and obstreperous daughter."

"Hmm yes, she is a fire that needs to be tamed. But you were chosen to be her bodyguard for a reason. And I quite trust my intellectual counsel."

Emoriah noticed Kaede's icy hard mask slightly slip at her father's unwavering decision.

Why couldn't her father just get rid of him!

"Yes, your highness. But surely there must be someone else you may have in mind, for this position?"


Emoriah pushed her ear closer towards the open slit of the door, as her father's voice grew to a soft mumble. But only the indistinct uttering of incoherent words made its way over to her.


Taking a risk, she raised her slender hand towards the doorknob.

Just one little push.

But luck seemed to have not favored her poor soul that day, as it suddenly swung open and threw her frail frame into the brightly lit room.

Bloody fantastic.

Instantly a frosty cold voice ripped its way into her mind.

What are you doing?

Emoriah peeled the soft flesh of her cheek from the marbled floor and rubbed at it fiercely.

No way in hells, was she going to say she had been wandering around the castle since breakfast.

Say something intellectual or something witty!

"Looking for a unicorn you wanker!"

Ahh, you must appreciate the classic brain fart.

Emoriah pretended to gaze around the room for the so-called unicorn, but really, she soaked up the two masculine faces scrunched in confusion.

Fantastic, now they surely would send her to a mental institute.

Having enough embarrassment for the day she stood to her aching feet and fixed the ruffled gown twisted around her legs.

Where was the blasted pair of trousers when needed?

"Well, seems this room is free of any horned horses, so if you will excuse me."

Lifting her head high she turned from the men and reached for the blasted door, when it opened again almost as harsh as before.

Emoriah groaned between her gritted teeth, as it smashed into her stomach and threw her winded arse back down to the marble floor.


Brushing the fiery locks from her forehead Emoriah spotted a pale hand in front of her.

"Are you okay?"

Glancing up she spotted the apologetic green gaze of her friend Shay.

"Shay....you're back already?"

"Yes, and I also have a certain requested item." She said, lowly under her breath.

Emoriah nodded and was startled to feel a hidden knot unravel itself from her chest.

Glancing behind the golden-haired Fae Emoriah spotted an unquestionably ravishing young woman. The girl was adorned in a sleek voluminous green gown that accented her light blonde hair and captivating features. Her lips were full and bright red, and her nose was perfectly straight and slender.

But it wasn't until she spotted the woman's eyes an alluring shade of cerulean that something seemed amiss.

A weak grip upon her shoulder broke her admiring gaze away from the beautiful girl and towards the beaming face of her father.

"My dear Emoriah, this is your sister, Sienna."

Sister?? What the.....bloody hells!!


Hit that star down below!

Till next time;)


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