MINE - Human! Bill Cipher x R...

By strikemyheartout

43.5K 1.4K 513

He smirked to himself at his twisted thoughts of her. "I need her, I need (Y/N)." - After a long school year... More

Tiny A/N
To my readers.
The Plot


2.5K 111 28
By strikemyheartout

It felt like you were watching paint dry, hearing this kid ramble on about his talent. You glanced up at him on stage to see if he was done yet.

He was turned around and facing the curtain when you realized that this was your shot. You had to find an easy exit quick!

In the corner of your eye you spotted a small opening in the side of the tent that you could crawl through. Taking no time to waste, you hastily went under, and out.

'sorry but not sorry. Anyone who my cousins dont trust, I dont trust.' you thought to yourself.

You heard the peaceful silence of the early evening now that you were outside. The cool grass brushed up against your ankle as you trekked your way about.

Before Gideon took you into the tent, he gave you a tour of the site. You remember that you asked him specifically about an old RV that was tucked behind the tent barrier, but he brushed it off as nothing.

Out of everything that he had shown you, that stuck. You needed to get to that RV. You silently crept around the tent and found yourself at the RV.

Your adrenaline was pumping, and you needed to be quick. You jiggled the knob of the door, but it wouldn't budge. It was sadly, locked.

In a panic, you looked around for another option, and there it was. On the back side of the RV, there was a roof ladder. Maybe the top hatch was open?

You climbed up as quickly as you could and saw that your luck had turned around. The venting hatch was in fact open.

You squeezed your legs through, so you were already halfway in. Just then, you could hear Gideon calling your name faintly.

'He's coming, shit!' You ground your teeth. Like a suprise, you fell all the way in accidentally. Making a fairly loud thud.

You dusted yourself off and felt around in the moonlit dark. 'There has to be a switch around here..' you thought to yourself. You felt along the wall, hoping to feel something.

And just like that, you found one. Your eyes had to immediately adjust to the newfound light. You quickly spot something to your left. It was what seemed like a shrine dedicated to.. Mabel? Pictures or her were taken at random angles, and hearts were placed around it.

You cringed severely and took a step back. 'Now that's.. Just creepy.'

You instead took a look behind you, and what you saw utterly shocked you. An entire bulletin board pinned up with strings and pictures of random people and objects. Your eyes traced from the sides inward in amazement.

'What kind of show was this kid really running?' You asked yourself. Directly in the center of it all was the mystery shack in all its glory.

You stared at it in pure shock before realizing you should be taking pictures. Swiftly pulling out your phone, you took plenty photos of the place using the camera spam button.

Gideon could arrive any second, and you needed to find some piece of physical evidence fast. You scanned the RV one final time, when somthing shiny caught your eye.

It was a thick, red, leather journal with an iron plated hand on the cover and corners. In bold, black font, the number one was written on it.

Quickly deciding that the book would do, you shoved it up your sweater, and returned to the tac board.

'What could this all mean? There's just too much to open up here, I can't take it!' Then, the door knob jiggled. Your heart stopped and you frantically tried to find a place to hide.

'There's no where to go! Crap!' The door creaked open and you slid between the gap of the door and the wall. You put a hand over your mouth and watched as Gideon's small figure walked in.

"Now where is that darn book?" He asked himself. The door was about to close and quite possibly lock. You threw open the door and bolted out of there as fast as you could.

Gideon jumped and spun around in suprise. "Get back here you vermin!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

You hopped a couple of small fences and into the woods as a quick escape. You soon found a shrubbery wall and tucked yourself behind it. "I don't think he saw me.." you panted to yourself.

You patted yourself down, making sure you had everything. Book? Check. House key? Check. Phone? Wait. Not check.

You patted your back pockets, sweater pocket, and shoes. There was no sign of your phone. 'It must have fallen out! Oh no, the pictures!' You groaned out loud and held your head.

You couldn't go back now, Gideon might find you. It was just best to leave it there until morning and get it then.

You weren't too far into the forest, but from what you remember Dipper saying about the town, there was a shortcut to the Mystery Shack around here.

You made your way through the woods in hope of finding the mystery shack before night. It was getting close to becoming impossible to see now anyway.

You had just barely made it to the outskirts of the woods, and you could just now see the lights of the Mystery Shack, glowing pleasantly.

"Oh thank god!" You shouted as you ran towards it. You were covered in sticks, and pine needles, but needless to say, you were glad to be home.

Home.. This place finally felt like home huh. Quickly dusting yourself off of nature, you entered the house.

You were expecting to be greeted, but there was no one in sight. In fact, there seemed to be no entryway light source. You walked through the hallway in spotted a blue light glowing from the living room.

You made sure that the book was well hidden underneath your sweater, and ventured through. Right on the couch was Grunkle Stan sitting in his underwear and gross tank top.

"Hey, I'm back." You said politely. He looked at you and mumbled a "Mh" back.

'Alright then, easier than expected.' You quietly made your way around to your side of the house, where your room was located. You propped open the door and practically jumped on your bed.

Your legs ached from running, and walking so much. If you had your Fitbit on you currently, you'd probably would have reached your step goal three times now.

You were so tired that you didn't even want to change out of your clothes. You set the book gently on the floor below you, and you were out like a light.

Bill's POV

'Finally! This was all going according to plan. Y/N had accidentally done everything perfectly. Soon, she will be within my grasp.' He thought to himself.

He had witnessed the whole event between Gideon and Y/N today. It amused him, and it also made him hapoy knowing her every decision.

The more he watched this girl, the more he felt entranced by her. Her attitude, bravery, and sheer uniqueness drew him in like a moth to a flame.

She was perfect, and he needed her. But, did she really need him? He thought about this question a lot. Could she ever truly see him in the same way?

She would have to at some point. After all, that's what the plan was for. This whole devious scheme, was just for her.

His first love.

1268 Words
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