Toon Wars: Shorts

By Frozarburst

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Are you tired of the more serious side of the Toon Wars, or are you waiting on the serious side to finish but... More

Toon Force Training Video 1
A Crystal Tragedy
Warriors for Evil
How to train your Hero
Take it Slow
Not-So-Innocent Genius
Trench Quest
Butter Nuts
The Abridged History of the Toon Wars
The Longest Invention
Know of Me

Curse of the Werecat

115 0 0
By Frozarburst


Curse of the Werecat

By Frozarburst

In their bedroom back at the Fenton H.Q., Sam Manson tries on new makeup in her gothic dance dress with her husband Danny Fenton by her side. He has facepaint on resembling a skeleton and doesn't quite know how to feel about it in comparison to Sam's attire.

Sam: Well, whaddya think honey? You don't look so enthused.

Danny: Well, it just feels a little off considering the fact that I'm half ghost and here I am wearing skeletal facepaint. But, hey, you're lookin' mighty fine as always, so I'm not complaining.

Tucker calmly enters the room with Valerie in his Mayor outfit while his wife has a dress resembling Ashi's leaf outfit.

Valerie: You guys ready to make all the boys scream?

Sam: Totally! And we'll make em' just as disappointed when we say the classic phrase "He's taken."

Danny: Yeah! (Pauses) Wait, what..?

Tucker looking out the bedroom window: Hey guys, isn't that the tall blue cat from that place with all the swords down there?

Sam: Hm?

Sam looks out the window and sees a buffed-up and incredibly furry and slightly larger and bulkier Cattus the One Blade standing face to face with Danelda the Bunny with such an uncharacteristic aggressive expression. She has the Combiner Magisword superfused with some sort of purple essence that comes from the base of the handle.

Danelda: Sorry Cattus, but this is for your own good! (Aims Magisword)

The Combiner Magisword shoots out a purple ray onto Cattus' face! He blocks it with his palm and roars at the small bunny before turning and sprinting on all fours like a lion to a part of town that's empty!

Sam coming out the H.Q: Ok. Cattus is really in character today.

Danelda: It's not his fault. He looked up at the moon and he suddenly transformed. I've fused this potion from Morbidia with the Combiner Magisword to slow him down, but nothing's working.

Valerie: How come you didn't get the purple haired lady to help?

Danelda: Because she turned into a vampire and Hoppus is out with Pro Warrior trying to get her back. Turns out, she's a rare descendant of a whole generation of em, which explains her eye color and fangs.

Danny: So THAT'S why I thought she had pink eye!

Tucker: So what's that mean? Is Cattus like some kind of werecat?

Gaz coming from behind Danelda: Basically.

Sam: Gaz? You're here too?

Gaz: Well, I have a thing for things like this, so I figured I'd take over for Dib so he can stop screaming. I'm missing my stream for Warriors of Guildcraft and Fart Knight, so let's just get this over with.

Danny: Is there anyone else affected by Morbidia's spell?

Danelda: Well there's the other two cats I can't remember the names of turning into werecats in Retroville cause of the full moon. Not sure if Jimmy knows already. And I'm not gonna lie, I think they have a condition.

Valerie: Well, that sounds like a job for Jimmy and his crew, but here, we've gotta deal with the cute one.

Sam: To be fair, they were all cute to begin with.

Danny: What's that supposed to mean?

Sam: Hey, it's ok to call someone else attractive every once in a while.

Tucker checking his PDA: Jazz just sent me a message from upstairs in the control room. She says Cattus seems to be going somewhere where there aren't any people in the way.

Danny: Guess that means he still has some degree of control over himself. Not that it matters, cause there's no telling what he'll being doing while he's alone.

Danelda: I'm sure he'll be fine. But we better give him this antidote I got from Jimmy. He said the Combiner Magisword should be enough to amplify it. But if it isn't, well, that's on us.

Danny: Well, hey, this is just Cattus we're talking about. I've never fought him before, but what's the worst that could happen?

Back in Retroville...

Cindy: No, Jimmy! I'm not gonna do that!

Jimmy: Aw, come on honey! It's just your average highly concentrated essence of mutanagenic acid! I'm sure nothing will go wrong if I bind it with you and Libby's DNA and that of the many monsters we've seen on TV!

Libby: The answer is: NO! We're not goin' through another one of those episodes we had last Halloween when we were 12! Why don't you give it to someone like Carl and Sheen?

Jimmy: Because they're out with Timmy trying to go trick or treating even though they're in their 20's and everyone thinks Carl's after the kids. When really, they should be looking after Nick since he switched from riding on a skateboard to a motorbike trying not to break his leg again! And the best part is, he's done it only two times this year! That's a huge step up from the other 18 from 10 months ago!

Cindy: How come you don't bother to help him out?

Jimmy: Cause it wouldn't be fun anymore.

Behind the three in the main lab, Starfire steps out of the Universe Portal Machine with loaded bags of candy and dressed up with cat paws and ears.

Starfire: I have returned from my 1-2 hours of of sampling!

Cindy: Oh, hi Starfire. How was your trip?

Starfire: It was glamorous! I have seen many people in fantastic costumes and cosplays, including Lionel, an anime monkey boy, and a fully grown monster version of Gumball and his mother, who Yuki is trying to find as we speak!

Jimmy: That's good to he- Wait, what..?!

Distant Howling: MEAAWOOOOOOOO!

Libby: So, uh... Is that supposed to be a good thing?

Starfire: Define "good." I do not quite understand.

Jimmy: V-VOX, can you check the city radar for any monstrous activities?

VOX: Two heat signatures detected. DNA matches that of the two feline Wattersons

Jimmy: Oh poop...Well Goddard, I guess you and I better check on Gums and

his Mother before they do something, say," out of the ordinary."

Goddard shaking: (Whines)

Meanwhile, in the closed commissary of Retroville, a small, yet ferocious-looking Gumball Watterson with abundant fur on his chest and larger fangs eats the food in a grocery store by the produce bins. Impatient and worried, Timmy Turner dressed up as an actual beaver tries to get him to stop by hastily pulling on his tail while Poof and Sparky watch.

Timmy: Gumball, stop! You're eating from the bin where the food has chemicals and pesticides in em! The organic stuff is next to you!

Gumball looks at Timmy for a moment and then turns his attention to the organic section next to the regular food, munching down on the fruits and vegetables.

Poof: Huh. At least we know he still listens.

Sparky: You're telling me! He ate all the doggie treats in the pet's aisle! I was gonna do it!

Timmy: There's gotta be something to calm him down...

AJ in the back dressed as Prof. Utonium: Hey, Timmy, how bout this? A flea collar.

Timmy: What's that gonna do? Besides keep his skin protected.

AJ: Some collars tend to calm animals down. I know Gumball isn't exactly feral, but, maybe it'll work on him too?

Timmy: Hm...Lemme see that.

AJ gives Timmy the flea collar and they both quietly tip toe over to the feral catboy, still munching down on several foods down the aisle. However, when he finishes eating, he turns back to Timmy, only to get the collar put around his neck quickly before he could react! Surprised and confused, Gumball grabs onto the collar trying to yank it off, but its on tight. He panics for a moment and tugs onto the tool until he falls onto the floor and notices a box full of cereal with extremely high amounts of sugar and sodium! Without any hesitation, he runs to the box and knocks down the entire aisle with just his feet and tail while munching down onto the food, causing his pupils to turn from "Neutral Feral" to "Absolute F-ing Beast!" Gumball's grin becomes twisted and his fangs get sharper, suddenly letting out an incredibly loud howl before taking off past Timmy, AJ, and the two fairies!

Timmy: Shoot! I thought it would work! Guess I have no choice! I WISH-

AJ: Wait, Timmy, isn't all the Fairy Magic from Fairy World gone?

Timmy: Oh yeah. I forgot. New plan!

Outside near the highway, Nick is about to perform a live stunt on a ramp in front of a big group of people, including Carl, dressed as a pink llama, Sheen in an Ultra Lord outfit, Momo dressed up as Ashi, and Flora imitating Rose Quartz. When Nick is about to jump off the ramp, he accidentally misses the timing of his hand stand and accidentally falls off his motorbike screaming like a lady again with a loud clang to a fire hydrant! Thankfully, he shouts to the audience,"Don't worry! This is only the third time I broke my leg this year! It's a new record!" Seeing the motorcycle laying gently on the sidewalk, Timmy picks it back up and gets on it with AJ behind him starting it up.

Timmy: Brb, Nick! We need this!

Timmy, losing his beaver outfit, and AJ still with his lab coat on immediately roll off into the buzzling streets of Retroville in search of the werecat Gumball while the audience behind them watch.

Carl: Wow! I don't even think Timmy knows how to drive yet!

Sheen: Are ya kiddin' me?! Out here we don't even need licenses! We just use hover scooters from Jimmy and call it a day.

Flora: So that's why I saw you get a ticket for driving a car to the Candy Shop.

Sheen: Yeah, I just didn't feel like walkin'.

Timmy and AJ drive down the highway in the night catching up to Gumball, who's running surprisingly faster than the motorbike like a jaguar!

Timmy: Dang! He's quick! I'll have to get close and grab em!

AJ: Be careful! He's too fast for us!

Timmy boosts past the speed limit for Gumball, making sure to avoid the vehicles while driving next to the catboy! He's too focused on running for sport, so Timmy attempts to reach for Gumball's back where his pelt is most vulnerable. But quickly, AJ pulls his friend back and tilts the bike to the side of a cargo truck they almost ran into the back of! When they pass it and the vehicle goes down another lane, Timmy attempts the reach again and succeeds, only for Gumball to sling the two men and their back behind his tail and almost lose Timmy's grip! This causes the back of the back to pull forward and drop Timmy while he keeps a solid grip on Gumball's pelt, leaving AJ to pilot the motorcycle and Timmy dragged off!

AJ getting the bike's balance back: Timmy!

Timmy loses his grip and uses his other hand to grab onto Gumball's tail, now skidding across the pavement but only slightly to avoid scraping himself!

Timmy getting on his communicator: Ack! Dagh! Jimmy, you have any idea what's making GB so feral and hungry?

Jimmy flying with Goddard: That's what I'm trying to figure out! I just got word of all this and I'm headed your way to find Nicole! If I know Danny's world, it may have a solution to all these "ghoulish" occurrences! I have a hunch Danielle may know where to start!

Meanwhile at Clockwork's Lair outside of time...

Clockwork reading a book: Ah, yes. I've seen this before. This is the annual Night of the Werecat. Or for them, it's a curse.

Dani: What do you mean, Clockwork?

Clockwork: Many generations ago, there was a spell a man cast upon himself to experiment the validity of magic in the field of science, intending to have the power to transform into any monster he wanted. But during his tests, he accidentally fused with his pet cat and turned himself into a werecat. Not a wolf. Needless to say, mistakes were made and he was never the same since. And every 200 years, there's an offspring with the same gene.

Dani: Oh I see. But why is it affecting people outside our dimension?

Clockwork: Because that's where it originated from. Out here, there's only werewolves and ghosts of all kinds. But on the other side, sometimes it's quite the opposite. Take Wulf for example. He's the equivalent but he has a high level of self control. Whereas those from the other dimension tend to go feral and more violent as time goes on. It doesn't happen to everyone, but for a majority of them, yes. I'm not going to be cryptic this time and leave you with a vague message in mind, but just know that the easiest solution to taming these "beasts" is the most simple.

Dani: Hmm... (Light bulb flashes above) OH! I've got it! (Looks back at light bulb) ?

Elsewhere in Lyvsheria, now themed for the special ghoul themed occasion, Bimm, Phibby, and Familiar walk around town looking for Cattus after the curse had been cast upon him.

Familiar: Alrighty. So it seems that Cattus turned into a werewolf- I mean werecat after looking up at the impossible to miss full moon. And now Jimmy says GB and his Momma were transformed too. So I guess that means unless we happen to crossover with Winnie the Werewolf, we'd better not look up.

Phibby stumbling a little: Right! My eyes are blindfolded so if I do I won't turn into an awesome monster!

Bimm: I don't think the moon affects you, Phibby. You're a frog.

Phibby looking in a trash bin: Well, ya know. Anything could happen.

Familiar looking behind the nearby trees: I don't think I have the feral capacity to do it either, so I guess I'm outta luck if I turn around hoping to build my muscles.

Behind the trio, fireworks go off in the distance, making pumpkin shaped figures in the sky.

Phibby lifting his blindfold away from the moon: Oh hey! Fireworks!

Bimm turns around, forgetting for a moment that she's not supposed to look up at the moon, but she's more focused on the firework display. Several of them go all sorts of directions in the sky, but one in particular shoots right toward the moon and makes an explosion shaped like a wolf, which catches Bimm and Familiar's attention. Though Familiar himself doesn't quite feel all that impressed. He just turns back in the dark decorated forests looking for Cattus. His sister does the same, but she can't help but to slowly have the urge to look back at the moon as it shines down on the ground. She knows what's happening to her, but she can't resist the temptation, unable to blink or say anything. Familiar catches wind of this early and snaps his fingers once, which Bimm hears and she quickly turns back to him, but it's too late.

Familiar: You alright, Bimm? You looked like you were possessed.

Bimm holding her stomach: I-I'm fine, Familiar...I don't feel so good...(Voice deepens) I...I (Eyes turn bright yellow)...

Familiar backs up hesitantly and watches his sister transform into a full grown werecat, cutting through much of her clothing with patches of lighter fur to her dark purple color, sharp fangs and claws, and incredible fury in her eyes!

Phibby taking off his blindfold:What's wrong? Is it time for me to smash?! (Sees Bimm) ...Woah...

Bimm howling and beating her breasts: MEAAWOOOOOOOO!

Familiar backs off a lot more from the transformed Bimm and takes out his Optimism Bell Magisword to try to get her to calm down, but it doesn't work! She simply smacks it out of Familiar's hands and looks at him mad as all Hell with the face of a complete monster; at least for tonight.

Familiar: U-um, Phibs, if you're done looking at my Sister's bum, I could use some help right about now!

Phibby flinging his shield: You got it, dude!

Phibby's triangular shield lands perfectly in front of Familiar to block any attack from the werecat. This catches her off guard and makes her angry when no one else makes a move, glaring at Phibby and stomping and towering over him.

Phibby looking up: Wow, man! And I thought I was larger than life already! (Gets smacked into the sky) WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!

Phibby is left rocketed into the night sky while Familiar has to deal with his transformed sister, who seems to have calmed down after the attack. She turns back to Familiar and lifts the shield from him with her sharp teeth, also lifting Familiar with it off the ground.

Familiar holding onto the shield: Ok. I guess you've calmed down, right? Hopefully we can figure out what to do to bring you and C back when this is over. But first, let's go find Phibs, ok?

Werecat Bimm: (Growls)

Familiar raising his hands: Ok! Ok. I'll let you pick the destination.

Werecat Bimm smiles cockily and sprints off with Familiar on Phibby's shield holding on for dear life as his big sister carries him around!

Familiar: First you go nuts and turn into water! Now you go nuts and turn into a beefcake! Just think what Cattus is like!

Danny back at Amity being punched on the ground: HE'S BEATING MY BUTT LIKE BONGOS!

Cattus has Danny pinned against the ground flat on his face beating him to death with several punches while Sam and Valerie try to pull him back with their ecto strings! Cattus uses his tail to toss them away, still concentrating on the ghost boy until Danelda comes in with the Combiner Magisword and shoots the ray combined with her Gravity sword to confuse him! It gives Danny a chance to go intangible and phase through the ground away from him, and Gaz comes in for a heavy kick to Cattus' forehead that sends him falling back onto his butt! Shocked, but still enraged, he tosses a tow truck next to him at Danelda and just misses her when she uses her Gravity sword to push it only a few feet away from her!

Danelda recovering: Danm! You're pretty tough! More tough than you normally are!

Werecat Cattus beating his chest in a deep voice: MEAHAHAHAHAHA! (Gets hit in neck by Danny) Oof!

Danny phases into Cattus with his intangibility to try and overshadow him. But the werecat's mind clouded Danny's and caused him to fall out stunned and in pain!

Danny cringing on the ground: Agh! AACK!

Sam coming over to Danny: Danny! What did you see?

Danny: Nothing. It just hurts! I don't think I've ever overshadowed someone like that before!

Cattus stomps over to the couple, forcing Sam and Tucker to get in the way and try to shoot while Valerie comes back with her anti ecto cannon. The shots blow him back only a couple of steps, but none of them damage him; rather they make him even more furious. He smacks the cannon out of Valerie's hands and prepares to slash into her and Sam's faces when suddenly, a loud but distant roar stops him! He turns behind him and notices someone about his size running in all fours towards him and the group! The werewolf simply known as Wulf comes to the rescue with his sharp claws extended to attack! He stops in place with both feet and takes a fighting stance, puffing his chest and balling his fists with grit teeth.

Wulf growling at Cattus: Grrrr...!

Werecat Cattus laughing and growling: Mmeahahahahaha..!

Danny: Wulf! Just the guy we need! Keep him back while we try and tame him!

Tucker: In the meantime, I'm gonna be blastin' some music! Anyone like Guile's Theme?

Valerie: Honey, who doesn't?!

As soon as Tucker starts playing the Street fighter tune, Cattus throws a single punch to Wulf, but the tall monster catches his fist and flips him to his side into the dirt! He leaps up for a body slam, missing Cattus when he rolls over and kicks his hip with a quiet groan from Wulf. Cattus takes out his Whirlwind Magisword with a devilish smile that screams corruption, taking it and raising Wulf into the air with the force of wind like a twister. However, Wulf opens up a ghost portal behind him and goes right through it to a different place. Confused, the werecat looks around himself to find his prey, when out of nowhere, Wulf pops out from behind him through another portal and bites onto his right shoulder with his sharp fangs!

Werecat Cattus: GAGH! (Pinches Wulf's nose)

Wulf's nose honks and he spits himself off the werecat! He gets hit in the face several times by more punches before getting kicked in the gut into a truck! He feels for the door of the vehicle and tears it off, using it as a shield against the One Blade! He absorbs each blow and uses the shield itself as a weapon to smash into his opponent's face, but each hit just makes him even more angry, leading to the both of them clashing with each other's palms trying to hold each other back! Meanwhile, in Retroville, Timmy Turner is busy holding tightly onto Gumball's tail as he runs down the streets like a wild animal on all fours and his tongue sticking out! Jimmy arrives via Goddard in his flycycle mode along with Starfire to accompany them in the chase!

Jimmy: Gumball, stop! You're going too fast!

Timmy holding on: That's exactly what I've been telling him to doooOOO!

Timmy almost loses his grip in front of the back of a moving truck on the road before Gumball can avoid it!

Jimmy: Starfire, try and redirect Gumball to that empty parking lot to the right using your heat beams!

Starfire: Yes sir! (Shoots in front of Gumball)

Starfire shoots a non lethal eye beam to the front of the busy street, which startles the young monster and makes him turn toward the empty parking lot to the right of him. In shock, he keeps glancing behind him but doesn't realize he's about to run into a light post; Timmy noticing ahead of time and letting go before Gumball could crash forehead first followed by the rest of his body to his tail, accompanied by a loud "BONK" sound! Dazed and dizzy, Gumball twirls around without any balance and a goofy smile that ends with him falling to the pavement with his tongue hanging out again and birds chirping above his head.

Jimmy descending with Goddard: Nice job, Star!

Starfire: Is he going to be alright?

Timmy lifting himself from the ground: Ah, I'm sure he's fine. If anything, that should've knocked some sense back into him. He's been eating foods from the grocery store nonstop at closing time of all things, and as soon as he got those Cheereos, he flipped out and ran as fast as a motorbike! I knew those things had sugar in em!

Jimmy: And now you know why my whole town were born with big heads and bulgy proportions!

Starfire: I guess I should take Gumball back to the laboratory, yes?

Jimmy: Not quite. I've seen transformations like these before. I don't wanna have us bring back an absolute monster to the lab, and then have it break loose and find something to chew.

Timmy: Which reminds me. Where's his Mom? I thought you said she turned into a monster too.

Behind the trio, a loud stomp sounds off and shakes the ground, making them vibrate and shiver. Slowly, they turn around; Starfire hovering backwards for safety while gazing at the much taller, more ferocious version of Nicole with a very pissed off look on her face for what Jimmy assumes is because Gumball is hurt.

Timmy cringing: Uh-oh...

Back in Rhybloflaven, Familiar follows his transformed sibling around the marketplace as she keeps moaning and groaning while people dig her style, likely believing she's just acting and in costume.

Familiar: Come on, Sis. The more you growl the more you get attention.

Werecat Bimm growling at Familiar: Grrrrrr...! (Stomach growls) Urrgh...

Familiar: Oh. You're hungry. Well, we do have a bit of a weak appetite compared to everyone else...

Werecat Bimm looking around: Urrrh...(Sees unmanned taco stand) Oooh! (Stomps forward)

Familiar: K. While you're eating, I'm just gonna find a way to fix you, alright? (Takes out Magiphone)

While Nicole the Werecat is sitting on Jimmy Neutron and chewing on Starfire's arm like jerky, also sharing her with Gumball, Familiar dials Jimmy's number for an answer to the curse.

Jimmy pulling out his phone: Hey, Familiar...

Familiar: Jimmy? You alright, man?

Jimmy: Well, aside from me being sat on by a ghoulish version of Nicole, me and my spine are doing just fine.

Familiar: My sister's a werecat too...

Jimmy: Really?! (Gets crushed a little) A-ack! Ok, ok! Listen. Gumball was temporarily subdued by a massive knock to the forehead. Like anyone else, all you need to do is find a way to catch your sibling off guard and stun her before she can react!

Familiar: Ok. Sounds simple enough. I think I have the perfect way of pulling this off. (Puts phone back in pocket) Well Sis, I know you're gonna hate me for this, but the only other solution is for me to unleash...


Coming from off in the distance of the path to the market, charging horns first, Trenchard the Lanolion makes his way with the same default angry look on his face ready to attack! Werecat Bimm at first looks back at him in confusion, but she immediately turns her attention away from him with her arms crossed and her eyes closed looking upward at the sky. When Trench reaches her, just before he could ram himself into her huge calves, he is suddenly smacked chin into the ground by Bimm's massive tail and knocked away into the sky by its swift swipe! Out of nowhere, though, Trench comes back, this time from the front attempting a combo of punches, but Bimm simply raises her foot and all of Trench's hits end up colliding with her sole. She pulls her leg back and kicks the Lanolion into another stand with pumpkins in them, splattering much of them on impact! Only Trench's legs stick out from the wreckage and he raises a white flag in defeat.

Familiar getting excited: YOU SEE?! SEE HOW IT FEELS?! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR PUNCHING ME IN THE GUT ONE DAY, YA- (Sees Bimm coming for him) OH SNAP!

Bimm smacks Familiar with her backhand and sends him flying into a fountain of fake blood! Suddenly, her stomach rumbles and she starts to panic and run on all fours straight to parts unknown; probably a restroom somewhere from all the tacos. Familiar slowly rises from the water, drenched in blood red ooze and very confused.

Bloody Familiar: Well, there goes my clothes...

Gateaux: Familiar..? Are you ok? You remind me of one of my new Original Villains. Blood Man.

Familiar: Yeah, Bimm just smacked me in the blood fountain when her stomach was growling. And poor Trench over there got his butt whooped by her. Something tells me that wasn't her going feral. That was just payback for a scene transition.

Gateaux: Morbidia had sent me here to offer some assistance in the matter. She may have a solution to restoring her and Cattus back to normal.

Familiar: Great. Cause I think I know where she's headed to next. (Lifts Trench from stand) Get up, Trench! I need you to get mad! Shoot us up there!

The lanolion gets mad to Familiar's instruction, but not as angry after the beat down he experienced. He takes a stance and boosts Familiar into the sky when he hops onto his horns! But Gateaux, on the other hand, gets lunged into his bum by accident and only flies up to the clouds in horror and screaming! Minutes later, the two of them land on top a mountain where they see Bimm in a cave resting on the ground in front of the moonlight.

Familiar: There she is.

Gateaux still scratching his booty: Look at her. She's asleep, like a majestic wolf about to jump up and eat its prey.

Suddenly Phibby: HIYA GUYS! WHAT'S-

Familiar and Gateaux quickly turn and cover Phibby's speaking hole before he could startle the monstrous version of Bimm in the cave, who's still sleeping happily.

Familiar: Gugh...Where the heck did you come from..?!

Phibby: I took the elevator. What about you?

Gateaux: Morbidia has a potion she can give to restore her and Cattus back to normal. But we mustn't wake her or we will have to find a way to knock her into submission.

Phibby: Oooh. I get it now. Stealthy...

Familiar: Anyway, what do you guys think we should do? Should one of us just wait here and watch her?

Before the group could agree on something, Bimm yawns and her eyes open up, both shocked and pissed that the boys had followed her. She hears them and can see Familiar's tail in the corner, slowly stepping over to him without making a single sound.

Familiar: Great! Hopefully, her clothes hadn't stretched far enough that she'll be walkin' home exposed for more of the world to see.

Werecat Bimm: Grrr...!

Familiar: She's right behind me, is she? (Gets grabbed and makes squeaky noise) Eep..!

Phibby and Gateaux prepare to defend Familiar. Gateaux shoots out a ray of light to blind Bimm while Phibby prepares to knock her hand with his shield. But she covers her face with Familiar behind her and smacks the two warriors across the floor with a swift backhand! Phibby even drops his shield in front of Bimm and is dazed by the attack!

Familiar looking face to face with the werecat: Ok Sis. I know I can't convince you not to eat me, so let's just pray I taste bad.

Bimm gives Familiar the look of a predator about to eat its prey, when instead of her chomping down on him, she picks up the shield on the ground and sets it and Familiar down in front of her, excitedly wagging her tail and widening her pupils in anticipation like a dog.

Familiar: ...Huh..?

With one hand, Bimm pushes the shield over to her brother as though she wants to play a game.

Gateaux: Daaw. Familiar, she doesn't wanna kill you. She wants to play!

Familiar: Huh? (Looks at shield) Oh, of course! The shield's just like a frisbee! (Picks up shield) Go get it, Sis! (Tosses to other side)

Werecat Bimm wagging her tail: WOOF! (Runs after triangle)

Phibby: Is it strange that I'm getting a liiiittle bit turned on by this?

Bimm comes back with the shield and gives it to Familiar, but her eyes stop glowing yellow, regaining her playful and exciteable personality.

Werecat Bimm: ARF! ARF!

Familiar: Good bo-er, girl! Yeah, girl! Does that sound wrong..?

Werecat Bimm rubbing against her brother: Prrr...

Familiar petting his sister: Daaaw...

Bimm: Mmph...(Pauses in realization) F...Familiar..? I-Is that you?

Familiar: Yeah. It's me. You just played fetch just a second ago.

Gateaux: I see now. To defeat the feral side of a werecat, you must fulfill their deepest desires. But she's still transformed.

Bimm scratching her head with her big hands: Why do I have a wolf pelt? And when did I get so big? And, why do I have the urge to lick your cheeks?

Familiar: Well, long story short, the moon was your calling. Same with your boyfriend.

Bimm twitching in confusion: ...C-Cattus...a monster..?!

Cattus is still busy holding his own against Wulf, who's now resorted to flinging small trees at him with his ghost portals! Neither of them actually damage him other than one cut from Wulf's claw on the side of his arm. This gets him so angry that by this point he beats his chest furiously while randomly smashing the dirt underneath him like a madman. Steam comes out of his ears like fire, and his palms start lighting up as though he's beginning to unlock a hidden power within himself, to Wulf's slight horror. Danny attempts to calm Cattus down again by emitting a non-lethal ghostly wail, which succeeds but doesn't prevent Cattus' potential from charging. Behind Danny, however, comes Danielle from a ghost portal in her normal human form holding a bag that looks like something she just bought from the store down the street where it's busy.

Dani: Hey, Danny! Take these.

The ghost girl gives the ghost boy the small bag containing big pieces of dog biscuits shaped like bones.

Danny: What's this for? Cujo isn't here. He's out with Desiree as her personal guard.

Dani: Not for him, genius!

Dani points over to Cattus, who's now starting to have glowing yellow eyes and a halo spawning behind him that resembles a sun. It's flames spin as though he's starting to detonate out of his own volition! Before anything could happen to him and everyone else around him, Danny comes up to him with the solution in his hand, shouting,"Hey Cattus! Look at this!"


Instantly, Cattus stops what he's doing and reverts back to his normal personality begging for the snack!

Cattus getting excited: EEEEEEEE! Treats! (Starts painting and gets on knees begging)

Danelda: ...Huh. That was easy.

Sam: Yeah... You'd think after all we've been through, we'd know that it doesn't always have to end with someone getting knocked out.

Danny: I didn't forget you too, Wulf. (Gives Wulf treat) Here ya go.

Wulf trying to speak English: Thank! (Licks Danny's cheek)

Valerie: Daaw. What would we do without you?

Tucker: I guess now that Cattus is back to normal...Well, sorta normal, does that mean we don't need to find a cure for whatever this is?

Dani: I'd still make an antidote in case. Clockwork says it's a curse that's been around for centuries. I'm sure there's a way to make sure if he and everyone else transform again, this won't be permanent.

Danelda: Oh great! I believe Morbidia can help us out on...Wait, did you say everyone else..?!

Back in Retroville, Nicole and Gumball are busy playing tug-of-war with Jimmy by his hair with their teeth while standing on all fours playfully. Meanwhile, Starfire and Timmy are in Nicole's stomach trying to figure out how to leave. A Universe Portal opens up and Dani and Wulf step out watching the Wattersons pull on poor Jimmy, whose not making any expression other than sternness.

Jimmy turning to Dani: Please. Don't ask, don't tell.

Dani: I wasn't planning on it. (Tosses Nicole and GB biscuits)

The treats land in front of the two and they immediately let go of Jimmy and go for them instead.

Jimmy getting back up: Thanks Danielle. These guys have been giving us trouble this past hour. I assume you've taken care of Cattus and Familiar's sibling?

Dani: I dunno about Familiar, but Cattus is just fine. We should able to take these guys back to the lab so Morbidia can give em an antidote. Just, Um...Give me a minute to overshadow Nicole so I can get our pals out...

Timmy in Nicole's stomach: This is why people who like vore are sick!

A few minutes later at the Toon Force H.Q...

Morbidia administers an antidote created by her and Witchy Simone through lemonade from the kitchen.

Morbidia: That should do it. Your MONSTERS should be cured within the next HOUR or so. At least their personalities, mind you.

Valerie: Thank God! I thought they'd never come back the same way again!

Simone: Well, y'know, at least it ain't permanent like most transformations. I accidentally turned myself into a werewolf mixed with a bat once and now I have the urge to howl at the moon or pur from time to time.

Tucker: That sounds more like a cat.

Simone: I do have a spell that lets me turn into one, so, go figure.

Sam: Then, why were they all so hungry? They've been eating nonstop!

Dani: To Clockwork's knowledge, its part of the curse. The original werecat had a sweet tooth. His favorite food were Krabby Patties.

Timmy: Krabby Patties? How did he get those? He's in land!

Plankton at the lab monitor: Kid, there's somethings in this world you're better off not knowin'.

Cattus rubbing his belly: Aaah...That was delicious, was it Wulf? ...Wait, what was I doing before?

Nicole: Yeah. And why do we all have wolf pelts? Granted, we look cute in them, but still.

Yuki dressed as a butterfly: You were all exposed to the full moon and transformed into your primal werecat bodies. (Slouches down) And I'm just disappointed I never got to fight you like that. That would've been so cool!

Gumball: Oh, no wonder I have so much fluff! I'm so adorable! Almost makes me wanna keep it.

Sam: So, how long exactly until their bodies go back to normal?

Morbidia: Normally it would take an ETERNITY like in the curse. BUT thanks to my POTIONS, it'll take about a week. That's not to say they won't have some WOLF-like qualities afterward.

Cattus: That is A-OK, Madam Morbidia! I believe everyone of us will be just fine! And speaking of which, where are Prohyas and Vambre?

Danelda: You know, that's a good question. Hoppus just called me and said he was back, but not Prohyas...EEEH, it's probably nothin'!

Valerie: Com'on guys! It's Halloween and we ain't even do nothin' but fight for an hour! Let's rock!

Simone: Now you're talkin'!

Sam: Totally!

Familiar: Well, I'm just glad all this mess was sorted out. You think you'll be ok, sis?

Bimm: I'm honestly not sure. I'm sorry for losing control and everything, Familiar. I've never felt so, feral before... It's almost... Exciting..!

Cattus: You're right, Bimm. I haven't ever been like this until now. My very essence was nearly realized because of the rage my feral mind had built up. But thankfully it will never happen again as I am a kindred soul! Not a monster! And that reminds me! I believe we are in perfect attire, aren't we?

Nicole: Yes. Look to the skies.

Nicole, Gumball, Cattus, and Bimm each step outside the lab with Wulf already standing at the center of the park by the neighborhood. All five of them sit and look up to the sky and howl at the full moon like a song, ending with Gumball lifting himself while doing it. There's no telling whether or not the transformation will affect them for the rest of their lives like the curse. But to them, there's a wild side in everyone.

The End...

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