Tour bus [Shawn Mendes]

By Emilyqveen

5.7M 94.5K 41K

Being stuck with Shawn Mendes on tour doesn't sound that bad right? More



255K 4K 3.2K
By Emilyqveen

"Get your ass up."

I groaned into the pillow pulling the covers over my head. He grabbed the blanket completely off of me, making me shiver. "What?!" I screamed sitting up.

"Its time for the concert." He said throwing clothes at me. "And I have to go because?" he looked a little hurt. "look, If I go, theres a better chance of someone noticing me and thinking Im your girlfriend or something. I don't want to take that chance." I said getting up and grabbing the covers from him. "So." He seemed really serious. I don't know if he was talking about me getting caught, or someone thinking were dating.

"Besides, I don't like concerts. There too loud." I jumped into the bed. "Well fine, guess you will have to wait till our next stop to eat." He said shrugging. I shot up and grabbed his arm. "What do you mean?"

"Were going out to eat before going on the road again after the concert." I thought for a couple of seconds. "Fine ill go." I rolled my eyes crossing my arms. He then had a smile come across his face.

"Dress fancy." he said before walking out.  I quickly changed into A black dress and pumps. Shawn was actually a lot taller than me, which got on my nerves. 

I curled my hair and added a small amount of make up. I walked out of my room seeing Shawn on his phone sitting on what was supposed to be my bed.

He looked up at me and stood up. He was wearing a black suite i sh looking thing.  He didn't look that bad.

"That was fast. You look nice " he gave a small smile.

"Thanks, your not too bad yourself."

"Well now put your hair up, if you don't want people to take pictures, you might want a wig." He said handing me a blonde wig. Blonde was not my color.

"How does that look?" i asked adjusting the wig.

"Blonde isn't your type, but you look okay." He chuckled shrugging. I rolled my eyes as we walked out of the bus, with the swarming girls.

We made it inside the backstage, he was getting ready and girls were all around screaming. What do they find so intreging?

"Omg Shawn I love you so much!" a girl screamed. I was standing right next to him turned away.

They took a couple of pictures together. "Are y'all dating?" I shot my head up.

"Yes." "No." We both said at the same time.

"Yes we are dating." he said wrapping his arm around me. She then nodded and walked away.

"Dating?!" I screamed. My worst nightmare, dating a snobby Canadian.

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