A Butterfly's Touch

By twilght1fan

160 4 1

Victor saw her in his dreams. He saw her in his thoughts. Too much things remind him of her. He is to be marr... More

Chapter 1- Dreams

160 4 1
By twilght1fan

       Emily... Emily... Emily...

Victor looked around. Then he spotted her. There, standing before him, stood a corpse with a, once marvelous, ripped wedding gown. Her dark mysterious eyes contrasting from her light blue flesh. A corpse bride smiling at him. It was Emily.

The dead women walked toward him, her smile never ceasing from existence. She stopped an arms length away from him, her smile now ceasing. As her tears formed, she looked up to Victor.

Victor stood still and silent, wanting so much as to hug her. He missed her. He understood her reasons of leaving, but to never be able to see Emily again just so he could be happy? He couldn't do that to her... She, forever alone, with no one to tell her what a great soul she is and to never let her forget it... But he let her go, didn't he? He felt selfish for not even thinking about what it was like for her to leave her last chance at love... himself.

Victor felt as if he'd fall to his knees and writhe in his pain. Seeing her tears, her pain, why did he do this?

The bride let a tear fall as she said, " Victor, I miss you. I hope your happy now."

Victor wanted to say something, anything to her. She seemed in so much pain. So he did.

"Emily... what are yo-". But was stopped.



Victor woke up with a start. His mother called him.

It was only a dream... He thought as he remembered what Emily said. Why was my dream about her? I suppose I miss her... But why did she have to leave?

Victor got out of bed, his thoughts still looming about in his head. He took a shower and got his clothes on, grabbed his journal of butterflies and left his room for breakfast. Once he got to the table, he sat himself as far as he could from his parents, hoping it would do him some good silence. He knew his mother. She would complain about at least one thing Victor did or didn't do. She was kind at times but is always sincere. She means well, but sometimes Victor just wasn't into the idea of being judged on a Monday morning.

"Morning, Victor."

Victor left his thoughts and looked at his mother. "Morning, Mother..."

His mother looked stern and tired. She held her frown almost 24/7. She sat in her usual seat, next to Victor's father, her husband. 

Victor's father was a rather lean man unlike his wife. His spectacles on the edge of his nose with his hair thinning, he was staring into space, seemingly deep in thought.

Victor tried to set his mind on what he was doing today, but Emily's face came up every attempt in doing so. Luckily, his mother got his attention by clearing her throat.

Victor's mother then said, "Are you alright? You usually don't be as quiet when I tell you about how the Fall Ball is coming up and you should start practicing your dancing."

Victor wasn't aware that she was talking. He must've tuned her out. But then widened his eyes when he had heard her say "the Fall Ball".

Victor looked at his mother in disgust. The Fall Ball came every year and every year he was required to go. He always hated that ball. Ever since he was 5, he hated it. Why? Because every year, he'd have to dance with Madame Hazel Davis, the daughter of the Mayor.

Hazel was an absolute nightmare! All she cared about was herself and her money. Victor had never once heard her say "How are you?". Not once.

Victor hated the thought of her. All she said to him was complaints on how he made her look ridiculous. Victor sighed. He wished he didn't have to, but it seems that was just what he was required to do for this world. He wished it was something like being a lepidopterist or even a concert pianist. But no. He had to be his little slave for his parents' for the public's outlook .

Victor never let go of his disgusted look and said plainly,"Wow. Alright. Whatever," Victor rolled his eyes and made for his room and continued sarcastically," Amazingly, I'm no longer hungry."

Once in his room, he groaned in annoyance. Why did he have to do this? When did he ever have a peaceful moment? When did he ever make a choice, and only his choice? When did he ever do something for himself and only himself?

When he thought about it, he came up with one.

When he said he would die for Emily was a choice only he made. He made that choice. No one else. He did it for himself. For his happiness with her to never end.

He sighed in sadness. He missed Emily. She was a kind women. She was always willing to do anything for the one she loves. Err... loved...

He wondered how she was. What exactly happened to her. Did she go back to the land of the dead, or did she go to heaven? Victor knew that there was only one way to figure that out and he wasn't going to discover that. At least not today.

If only he knew if she was happy or not...

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