BMC and DEH Oneshots

By asoulamongthestars

835 36 271

Welcome to yet another oneshot book. I will write oneshots with any boyxboy, polyamorous, or girlxgirl ship... More

Smiles - Sincerely Three
In a Heartbeat - Kleinsen

Impossible Love - Boyf Riends

254 11 56
By asoulamongthestars

For: lol988876

Jeremy loved the sea, but being stuck in the same reef for all of his life was a huge pain. His dad, the king of Aquatica, was way too overprotective. He was the future King of Aquatica and the whole future of the kingdom rested on his shoulders, blah blah blah, but he couldn't even leave the reef? Not fair.

So, like the responsible almost-adult he was, he didn't listen.

Every day he would sneak past his guards and swim up to the surface. The world above the water was amazing to Jeremy. Life underwater was always tinted blue and moved so slowly, but above, the colors were so bright and vibrant and beautiful. Everything was so fast and made him feel electric with excitement.

There was a beach just a few miles away from the kelp forest the village was hidden in. There were usually families there on a picnic or family reunion, but just a little ways away, there was a secluded patch of sand with a dock and some trees. Every time Jeremy swam to that spot there would be three boys around his age hanging out. Jeremy would always watch with fascination at how human teens were so similar to his own kind, yet so different. 

Two of the boys usually played by kicking around white and black ball around or throwing a brown and white object to each other. They shouted and laughed and ran around. It was rather idiotic looking. The third boy sat in the background and often had some sort of white shells covering his ears. He was quiet, usually staying away from his friends and rolling his eyes at their antics. 

So every day, Jeremy would swim back to that spot to see the cute, quiet boy, and every day, he found himself falling deeper in love.

One day his older brother Evan caught him as he was coming back. "You have to stop leaving," he warned. "One day your father is going to catch you."

Jeremy just laughed. "Hypocrite. I know for a fact you haven't stopped seeing that short boy you were fawning over last year." Evan blushed. 

"That's different and you know it!" That was true. Even though he was older, Evan's mom Heidi had married Jeremy's father after it was decided that Jeremy was next in line. Jeremy just put his head in his hands. "It doesn't change the fact that I love him." Evan sighed. "Fine. I'll cover for you. But you owe me big time!" "Yeah, yeah," Jeremy smirked, "don't worry. I'll get you a date with Jared."

Jeremy swam away, ignoring his flustered brother's yelling.

So he continued to visit the surface to see the beautiful boy who captured his heart, helping Evan get a date every time he'd needed to cover for Jeremy. It seemed it was a flawless system. Jeremy was never gone for more than a few hours, and Evan always went on dates at night. Nobody found out. Until the day it all changed.

Everything had gone smoothly so far. Jeremy swam up to the surface as he'd done a hundred times before. The two more athletic boys seemed more excited than usual. They weren't wearing shirts, just a weird pair of shorts that were made of a different material. The third boy was still wearing the same big red shirt that he wore most days. He seemed significantly less excited than the others, but he trailed behind them nevertheless. "Hey Michael," one of the boys started. "Why don't you come swimming with us?" Michael just shook his head, smiling nervously. 

"No thanks, Ram. I'm not a good swimmer." 

"Aw, please? Just for a little bit." Ram pleaded, a mischevious look in his eyes. Jeremy noticed that the third boy was slowly walking up behind Michael. "Sorry, Ram. My decision's final."

"That's too bad," Ram smirked. "We really wanted you to go swimming! Right, Kurt?"

Kurt grabbed Michael suddenly, dragging him to the edge of the dock. "What the hell guys!?" Michael tried to struggle, but he was in too tight of a hold. "Stop it! You know I can't swim!" Kurt and Ram just laughed and together they pushed him under. They high-fived and ran away, still laughing.

Jeremy gasped and hid behind a rock, waiting for Michael to come back to the surface, but he never did. Jeremy swam downwards, seeing Michael floating under the water, a gash on his head from a rock he had been pushed into. "Oh my god," Jeremy muttered, panicking. That was not a shallow cut and he didn't know how to heal even the slightest of injuries. He could leave him on the surface and hope somebody found him in time, but his blood was already tinting the water. No, he had to take him home with him. He would be in huge trouble, but it was better than risking Michael's life.

So he swam at top speed, Michael in his arms. He was hyperventilating, not from exertion, but from fear. He couldn't let Michael die. He couldn't let Michael die. He couldn't let Michael die!

Finally, after what felt like hours but was really only 5 minutes, he made it back to the palace. He nearly swam into Evan on his way inside. "Jeremy? What's going on? You were supposed to be back over an hour ago! What's-" Evan saw the unconscious figure in his arms and the panicked expression on his face. "What the heck Jeremy! Is he okay?"

Jeremy started swimming again, Evan next to him. "I was um... watching Michael," he ignored the questioning look he got. "and his friends pushed him under the water when they knew he couldn't swim! And I would've left him on the beach but he cut his head. So I brought him here instead." He looked at Evan desperately. "I couldn't leave him there."

Evan nodded urgently. "Let's get him to the medical wing before he runs out of air or bleeds out."

Jeremy followed Evan, who opened the door for him. Instantly there was a shout of surprise from a nurse nearby who immediately waved Jeremy and Evan over to follow him. "You all are lucky we recently installed an air pocket." He opened a door which included a room with an air bubble at the top of it. The nurse placed Michael on a cot slightly above the water and put his hands on his chest, pushing on it to get the water out. After a minute of holding his breath, Jeremy nearly cried in relief when Michael started coughing out the water on his own. Evan side hugged him and Jeremy put his head on the elder's shoulder. The nurse swam out of the room to give them some privacy, and for a few minutes, everything was peaceful.

Until the king barged into the room.

"What is the meaning of this?" He honestly sounded more confused than angry, but it still made Jeremy jump. "Uh... I just..."

He took a deep breath and Evan squeezed his hand in a reassuring brotherly fashion. "I'm sorry, dad." He told his dad the whole story, excluding the parts about Evan. At the end of his tale, Jeremy closed his eyes. 

"Huh." Jeremy opened his eyes out of confusion. "Well I mean, obviously I knew you were seeing someone, but I didn't know all you were doing was seeing them. It was kind of obvious you were head over heels for somebody." Jeremy blinked, startled. "Wait, so you're not mad?"

Jeremy's dad just laughed. "Oh god, of course not. Your mom was human as well before she chose to join me here." "Wait, you can do that?" Evan asked.

The Hansen-Heeres waited in that room, talking and laughing together. Then Michael woke up.

"W-Wait, so let me get this straight. You," he pointed to Jeremy. "saved me and brought me to an underwater palace to fix my head. You guys are merpeople, and are inviting me to join you to live underwater?" He flushed slightly and nodded. "Heck yeah! I'd seen you a couple times around the beach, but I thought I was just imagining things." Evan laughed.

"Face it, Jeremy, you just suck being secretive." Jeremy sighed in defeat. Jeremy's dad clapped his hands together, a knowing look in his eyes. "Alright, I need Evan's help with an important matter. I will be back in a few hours with someone to perform the transformation." The two swam out, leaving Jeremy and Michael alone together.

"So..." Jeremy swallowed to steady himself. "I know it's rather soon, but I was wondering if you'd maybe like to go on a date sometime? If not that's okay!" Michael laughed and took his hand. 

"I would love to go on a date with you."

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