It's Simple. I use you. You u...

By giveasmilex

17.2M 451K 163K

Lucille is 17 years old. She does not have many friends. She's always been by herself since she had a hard ti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Update++Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - Last Chapter

Chapter 7

628K 14.5K 6.1K
By giveasmilex


I walked to school as usual. I did what Ethan wanted when I got to school. We pretended that we didn't exist to each other. That we didn't do anything on Saturday. He sent me his part of the project yesterday so I didn't need to talk to him about it anymore. At least I knew he got my text. 

During lunch, I got food. I spent all last night to finish up the project so I was unable to eat dinner. 

I got myself a sandwich, bag of Doritos, and a lemonade. As I was walking to go outside to the place I usually ate, Heather came up to me. She caught me by surprise which made me stop in my steps. 

Katie had a drink in her hand as she walked up behind Heather. The next thing I knew I was covered in rasberry lemondade. All the girls laughed at me. The whole cafeteria was staring at me. I wiped the liquid substance from my face. 

They continued to laugh at me as they walked past me, but just before leaving, Heather whispered, "Think about that next time you want to look at my Ethan" Really? My? Possessive much? Was this some high school musical drama that I was unaware of? If only she knew what we were really doing... I started to feel tears forming in my eyes. I said I wouldn't let them get to me, but this was too much for me. 

I looked up at Ethan's table. He looked at me and then quickly went back to talking with his friends. I quickly walked outside and threw my lunch away. I lost my appetite. I ran to the bathroom. I slowly began to get covered in tears. My shirt was all wet and sticky now. I felt like a mess. Unable to contain it any longer,  I let it all out. I cried in the bathroom until the lunch bell rang. This was all his fault. Him and his stupid handsome face's fault. Why did he have to save me and make me owe him something? 

I decided to ditch school. I never ditched school. I was a good girl. Never done anything bad. No drugs, no cheating, no ditching, but I couldn't go to the rest of my classes anymore. I couldn't face that jerk's face or any of those girls. 

When I got home, I went to my bedroom and cried. I cried all the tears I held in until I got too tired and fell asleep. 


I decided not to go to school today. I mean, my mom wasn't home so it didnt matter anways..or not?

I heard the front door open. I heard someone walking up stairs. It couldn't be my mom. She wasn't suppose to come home until 6 in the evening tonight. Could it be a robber? Oh my gosh. Not another one. All of a sudden my door opened. Then, my mom popped through my door. I let out a breathe that I didn't even know I was holding. 

"Mom," I said, getting up to hug her. "Why are you home already?"

"I finished my work early. Is everything alright, honey? I got a phone call saying you skipped the rest of your classes yesterday," she said with disappointed look.

"Um, I-" How was I suppose to tell her? She was already stressed out enough, I didnt want to worry her with teenage problems about how her daughter was bullied while she was away on some business trip?

"Now, I know my baby girl would never ditch school, ever!" Breaking away from the hug, she gave me a smile that said, it's okay you can tell me. Thats why I loved my mother. "What happened? What made you do it?"

I couldn't hold it in anymore. My tears spilled. 

"Oh honey," she said, embracing me. "Shhh, its okay. You can tell me"

"Are you mad?" 

"Mad? No. Disappointed? Yes. You're better than that. What happened?" she said looking at me. I took a deep breath and explained to her what happened during lunch.

"That's bullying!"

"Mom, its okay. Please dont do anything."

"No, it's not. They can't just do that to my daughter and expect me not to do anything." 

"Mom, please. I don't want to make the problem bigger than it needs to be." 

 "Were there no supervisors around?"

"Mom, please.."


"Mom.." I gave her a pleading look. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said laying my head on her shoulder. "I can't believe I wasn't here when my daughter was hurting."

"It's okay, mom." 

"How was I blessed with such a beautiful and strong daughter?"

"Because you are. You gave me the genes," I said looking at her with a smile. She smiled back.

Pulling some of my hair back. "Are you sure you're okay, honey? This just isn't right...for them to do that and-"

"Mom, I'm alright. Please don't do anything."

"Fine, alright! If you say so, my beautiful daughter." I smiled at her. "But if anything happens again-"

"I know mom, I know. You will not leave it alone."

"You know me so well," she said, embracing me again. This is why I loved my mother to the death. 

"Is it okay if I don't go to school today then?"

"Okay, okay. You deserve a break," she said kissing my forehead and leaving. "Ill make you breakfast"

"Thanks mom, Love you."

"Love you too."

Even though I didn't go to school, I decided to go to work. I asked my manager if i could work behind the counter instead of serving because I didn't feel like dealing with rude customers or immature high schoolers today. 

Ethan and his gang decided to come to the cafe, however, out of all the days. He had his arms around Heather's shoulders. Ugh. 

I ignored them until my manager came up to me. 

"They're requesting for you at Table 8, Lucille." I looked to where Table 8 was. It was their table. What the hell? Why did they request for me?

"Can I not go, Mary?" I gave her a pleading look. I guess she could tell that I was really pleading and so she nodded her head and went to take their order. 

I was proud of myself. I didn't let their presence bother me the entire time they were at the Cafe.

I excused myself from the counter and went to use the bathroom. As I was coming out, I bumped into a built chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I looked up to see who it was. It was Ethan. I gave him a worried look, then looked past him. Last thing I needed right now was for Heather or any of her posse girls to walk over, see me looking at him, and then pour their drinks all over me again. 

He looked back too. He then held my arms and pushed me into the girl's bathroom. He backed me up against the door. He still had his hand on my arm. I pulled my arm away and he let go.


I looked away. I didn't want to look at him...and his beautiful face.

"You didn't come to my table."

I looked at him. Was he serious? Wasn't he the one that said we should ignore each other? I didn't look at him. 

"I have to go back to work." I tried getting past him but he held my arm. 

"Are you okay?" 

"I thought there were no feelings attached," I said, turning to look at him. 

"I didn't know she was going to do that." He had a worried look to his face. He seemed sincere but I was too upset to care, no matter how sincere it was.

"Oh do what? You mean embarrass me in front of the whole school. Then again, I did sleep with her so called 'boyfriend'. God, what the he.ll was i thinking? How could I be so stupid to get involved in another girl's relationship" I said with my hand on my forehead. "You know what how about this, lets forget about this whole thing. Go f.u.c.k with her so she can leave me alone," I said, pushing past him. I was angry at him. Angry for putting me in this whole situation. But truthfully, the only person to blame was myself. No one else. I felt the tears coming again. There was too much tears for two days only. 

I pushed him out of my way and went back outside. I realized I couldn't let them beat me down. I was my mom's beautiful and strong daughter. I had to be strong. I couldn't let one stupid little incident hurt me. 

Friday Night

It was finally Friday. I survived three days. People were starting to forget what happened by now. That was how my school was, they forgot things easily. Good for me, right? 

"Honey, I'm going to a dinner with my coworkers. Don't wait up, okay?" she said, kissing my forehead and leaving. 

"Bye, Mom." It was just me and mac and cheese tonight. 

I was mixing the mac and cheese, when I heard the door bell ring. My mom must have forgotten something. 

I opened the door. "Forget something-" It wasn't my mom. 

"Hey." There he was standing with his perfect smile. I closed the door and turned around. Why did he do that? Always showing up at my house? The door bell rang again. Maybe I shouldn't open it? If I just leave him there, he would leave.. right? Nope. He rang again. I opened it. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Got bandages?" he said, showing me his bruised, cracked, and bloody knuckles, with a nervous smile.. 

I let him in. What was I doing? He showed me his bruised fists and I pitied him enough to let him in again. 

"Here." I gave him the white bandage cloth for him to wrap up his fist. We were in the kitchen. He gave me a confused look.

"What? You want me to help you too?" 

"No, no...would be nice though" I hear him say off to the side, but I ignored him. I go back to mixing my mac and cheese. 

"Is that mac and cheese?"

"What's it to you?"

"Well.. I do love mac and cheese and im kind of hungry." I looked to him. I only made enough for two, and that other one's for me too but he had this puppy face on him. 

"I thought I was only used for physical things, last time I checked food wasn't physical. It's pretty still," I said turning back around

I felt him walking up behind me and whispered. "Well, if you don't want to share, I could eat something else." That caught me by surprise. I turned around and my bowl hit his chest. 

"Ouch," he said holding his chest.

"Sorry, didn't know you were behind me." I walked past him to where my plate was. I put the mac and cheese onto my plate and walked past him. "Well since you got your injury wrapped up, you should be heading out now, right?" I ate my mac and cheese. "Mmm, this is really good"

He chuckled. "That's fine if you don't want to share. I guess next time we could have it with your mom and let her know about the things that you've been doing 'Ms. James, your angel hasn't been such an angel anymore'." He was slowly walking to the door. 

He was evil. Ugh. 

"FINE" I got another bowl and put the rest of the mac and cheese in it. 

"Here," I said, sliding the bowl to him.

"Well, thanks." He knew he was evil. 

I couldn't enjoy my mac and cheese. I wanted him to leave and in order for him to leave, I had to eat my mac and cheese faster so he got the sign that I wanted him gone without telling him directly. My mother always said that it was rude to do that. 

"DONE!" I slammed my plate on the table. "You should be too, right?" I gave a fake smile. 

He chuckled. "Not quite. I still have some left" He then used his fingers to pick up some mac and cheese. Oh no. What was he doing? 

"Oh, Lucille. Have you not been looking in the mirror? Your cheeks look cheesy." He rubbed some mac and cheese onto my face. Oh HE.LL no. 

He was laughing. I wiped it off my face. 

"Oh, Ethan. Didn't your mom ever tell you not to play with your food?" I grabbed a chunk of his mac and cheese and rubbed it all on his face. Now who's laughing? I was!

He wiped it off his face. "No, she didn't. That's why I still play with my food." He grabbed another chunk of it in his hands. Oh no. I ran.

"Aww, I thought you loved cheese." He chased me around the living room. I was behind the couch when all of sudden he jumped on the couch and onto me, making us both fall onto the ground. 

He still had the mac and cheese in his hands. 

"Dont you dare!" I tried to fight off his hand that had the mac and cheese. Using all my strength, I pushed his hand onto his own face, putting all the mac and cheese on his face. I laughed. Maybe too hard. He jokingly scoffed, wiping the food off his face. "Karma's a b*****." I continued laughing. 

I looked at him and he was staring at me. "You're pretty when you smile" I blushed. I must of been as red as a tomato. He removed hair from my face and leaned in to kiss me. 

I stopped him though. "We can't."

"A deal's a deal remember?" He crashed his lips onto mine. I started kissing back, melting into his kiss. I grabbed a fist of his hair as both of his hands were on either sides of my stomach. Then he took off his shirt, revealing his perfect body. I traced every ab of his. He crashed his lips back onto mine, kissed down my jawline, and then to my neck. I arched my back a little. He whispered. "There's no going back. You can't get rid of me now". He bit my earlobe before coming back to my lips. He was straddling me now. He pulled my arms above my head, entertwining our fingers. He was grinding himself onto me as we made out. Pulling away to catch our breathes, he pulled off my shirt and bra. He moved down to kiss my stomach as he cupped my boobs. He gently moved his hands under me and picked me up and brought us to the couch. He laid me down and he stared at me. "You're beautiful you know that?" I was blushing hard. I held onto his shoulder as he was moving down my body. He got to where my shorts were and unbuttoned them. His hand worked its way down to my thighs, and gently caressed it. He then kissed it, getting closer to my part. My breathing got heavier. He used his tongue to pull of my panties and with his teeth, he pulled it off. He kissed all around my area. It made me moan. All of a sudden, he started kissing my part. He was eating me up. I was moaning and screaming his name, "Ethaann". I cummed. I was still holding onto his hair.  When he was done eating me, he pulled down his pants and boxers and pulled out his condom. He slipped it onto his member. "Get ready for the ride of your life, baby," he said as he kissed me. Slowly, he slid himself into me. I held onto his shoulder as he was holding my waist. His chest was pressed up against mine's. Our bodies started moving and then all at once, we were riding each other. He spread my legs outwards and started moving faster and harder, making me climax. After a while, he got off on top of me and laid next to me. There was a blanket on the couch that we used to cover up. His arm was under me as I cuddled next to him and he held my waist so we wouldn't fall off the couch.

His eyes were closed. I didn't want to close my eyes yet. Just in case he disappeared before I could admire his perfect features. I pulled my arm from underneath him, and brought it up to his face. It was only an inch away from me. I traced my fingers over his eye lid, his nose and then his lips. Everything was so perfect. It hurts my heart to know that there was such a beautiful person laying next to me, but he wanted nothing more than benefits. I kept tracing my fingers down his jawline, his collarbone, down his flexed biceps and then down his arm. Then I remembered I never asked him about his fist.

"Admiring me?" He said smiling, and opening his eyes. He looked down at me. I nodded my head.

"What happened to your fist?" I asked, drawing random lines on his abs.

"Frustration. I punched a wall after baseball practice" I gave him a worried look. He gave me a weak smile. "Regret not helping me bandage it up now?" I buried my face deeper into his chest as i continued to trace lines onto his abs. 

"Is that why you came over? You were frustrated..."

"Yeah...Am I bad for using you as  a getaway?" he chuckled. 

"Very..." There was silence. "What if they found out?"


"Everyone. What if they found you've been sleeping with a loser?" I looked up at him. He rubbed my cheeks with his thumb as he stared at me.

"Then they found out I've been sleeping with Lucille, not loser." He smiled. "But they won't, we're both ninjas." He chuckled. 

I buried my face into his chest and closed my eyes. I felt him carry me up to my bedroom. Even if this was how close we could get, I was okay with it.. right? There were no feelings attached, but why did I feel so weird? Like I didn't want to let go of his embrace. Or that I could stare at his gorgeous face everyday? Or just lay in his arms until the end of time...? I couldn't. That wasn't a part of the deal... but I think I did.


I hoped you guys liked this chapter. It was ALOT longer than usual, which is good right ? :D Anyways, Lucille is starting to develop feelings and she isnt suppose to! So what will happen now ? :O

Continue to read and show your love please <3

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