Fear (richie x reader)

By KaylaOkumura

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What happens when a trashmouth falls for another trashmouth (richie x reader) More

The start of a new chapter
The Quarry
Getting Deeper Into Derry
The New Kid
This feeling
Confession 1.
Confession 2.
Never Back To Normal

Always Together

2.4K 51 29
By KaylaOkumura

Richies P.O.V
Waking up to the best sight I had Y/n's head on my chest and her leg slightly on mine- god was i in love a smile came across my face as I was looking at her "Hey cutie" groaning and hiding her face into my chest "shush tozier I'm trying to sleep" I chuckled at her "well I kinda have to pee" I said slightly trying to push up off the bed. Groaning again she turned to the other side "you could have held it in" reaching over her I gave Y/n a kiss on her forehead "I can get used to this ya know" Was the last thing I said before getting completely off the bed hearing her cute chuckles she turned back around as I headed to the bathroom Finishing up in the bathroom I went to the sink to wash my hands then rinsing my face thinking back to the clown that tried to attack us both looking up to the mirror I look to the side of me and turned quickly "I- thought-" what the fuck?! I could have sworn I saw that dumbass clown again
Rushing out the bathroom and back to the room to check on Y/n  "hey hey- wake up we should go see bill" groaning again she turned over "why it's so early" I was rushing to get her clothes stammering on my words "w-we just need to"

Y/n's P.O.V
Getting up I choose to trust Richie I put on the clothes he picked for me and some shoes "where are we-" he grabbed my hand as he finished putting on his clothes "Richie!" I said as we were running down the stairs "I'll explain at bill's house" getting out the door we got on the bike and I took a last look at my house holding onto Richie as the wind was pushing my hair back thinking to myself 'my house, what was wrong with my house?' I broke the silence as I looked back towards the front where Richie was riding
"I hope you do explain when you get there" not one laugh not one chuckle from Richie the jokester himself  just a "I will" it felt weird to have such a stern moment with the trashmouth himself not only did it feel weird because I didn't know what was going on but whatever was Richie did seem very frantic about everything. as we got to bills house Richie let his bike down and walked up to bills door knocking
"Richie-" I got cut off by the door opening and bills mom opening the door no one spoke words and it felt heavy as she just turned leaving the door open to and dragging her feet back to the same spot on the couch watching the same channel with these kids and a lady. We were going up to bill's room when I heard the T.V and looked at it watching the T.V I listened to the T.V as it kept getting more and more distorted and the chanting began "we all float here, we all float here, we all float here" my breathing was definitely changing and as I was going to say something I turned to Richie who grabbed my hand and we ran up the stairs very slightly and softly the only thing coming out of my mouth was "R-Richie"
Not stopping Richie we got up to bill's room Richie stated "Y/n's house isn't safe" looking up at Richie my eyes widen "what do you mean?" Sitting down at bill's bed he walked closer to bill "you're the only person I trust with Y/n make her safe please" I looked down at the floor and looked at bill "no ones house is safe, if he is coming for us he won't stop and we all know that" bill looked at me "I'm calling the rest of the club head to my garage I have to show you something"

Richie P.O.V
I looked up at Y/n and grabbed her hand softly "common let's go" I got up and she followed. We were heading downstairs when I looked at their T.V that had a bunch of kids and one lady in the middle their faces looked off. "Richie the T.V is off putting and something is wrong, something is wrong very very wrong" I sighed and tightened my hand grip with her "Let's just focus on getting us all safe" i opened the door and we walked down the stairs as we opened the garage door "he said to just wait here till the rest start coming" I looked at Y/n who had a worried face I cuffed her face with my hand "I promise that with everything in my I am going to keep you safe Y/n, I won't let anything hurt you" she looked up at me and smiled For that long moment I wasn't looking at her face and that one moment I did look at her face she genuinely smiled "you promise Richie?" I smiled and kissed her forehead "I promise trashmouth" she chuckled and laid her had on my chest as one by one they all started coming
Eddie, Stan, Mike, Ben, bev and lastly bill. We all sat down as bill was putting up the projector and adding pictures "w-w-with these pictures f-f-from ben's house you can see that e-e-everything connect back to—" we all ended that sentence as we can tell what was gonna be said next "the well house" I looked over to a frantic Eddie who could hardly breath "Eddie breath, take deep breathes" Eddie tried to breath properly taking his asthma pump between breathes when he finally shot up "can we just turn this fucking thing off?!" He ripped off the map on the wall and started at bill "p-p-put it back Eddie" Eddie stared at him without loosing eye contact "no bill I'm over here having a fucking asthma attack and and—" mike looked at the wall, everyone looked at the wall even Eddie who was mid way through a asthma attack Picture by picture going through the projector nobody touching it "Georgie?" The pictures were zooming up on Georgie when it finally started going towards bill's mom her hair moving out of her face each picture when
There is was a creepy fucking clown with a smile on his face and his eyes bright yellow, his red lines going up his face slightly smugged and his smile getting bigger everything went completely dark I yelled out for Y/n looking for her "Richie Richie I'm here!!" For the sight moment everything was light she was standing in the middle where Eddie was standing "Y/N GET AWAY FROM THERE" I reached to go get her hand In back of her was the clown bigger than 10x his size before we saw him he looked at Y/n and smiled widely going to grab her face. I pulled her waist and pulled her back "S-STAY THE FUCK AWAY" I yelled at it and held her behind me, the clown coming closer and closer to me unhinging his jaw I closed my eyes when I saw light finally come through "y/n?" I turned around and looked at her backed up to the floor and her head in her knees i bent down to her.
"Y/n? Y/n? I'm here I'm here I promised you." She was crying full on crying her weeping sounds hurt me to hear I say down beside her and held her in my arms "I'm here"

A/N: I'm back from the dead hah, so as you can see I've gotten better with grammar and such and longer at writing I've changed up my style a bit too, if you like it feel free to put any characters from any genre of shows/anime's maybe even real life people who are famous?? Or should I continue with the whole reader x (loser club member)

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