You've only got one shot (One...

By NiallersSnowflake

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The tricky thing about life is no matter how hard you try, you can't change some things. Life offers you a ch... More

Chapter 1 - Why don't you come over Valerie
Chapter 2 - My little bird
Chapter 3 - I'd give away a thousand days just to have another one with you
Chapter 4 - Cause right now could last forever just as long as I'm with you
authors note - DONE
Chapter 5 - Tonight we are young so let's set the world on fire

Chapter 6 - Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors

129 5 4
By NiallersSnowflake

author's notes

hi guys.

I know you hate me.

I suck.

I am very disappointed in myself and you have every right to be mad at me.

I was just being my lazyass zero-inspiration procrastionational me and been writing this chapter for a month or whatever.

I am extremely sorry.

Please don't erase my story from your libraries and lists cause I WILL continoue it and I will FINISH it. It will just sometimes take longer than needed.

I have so many great ideas for the story, but getting there is my problem hah.

But I WILL update.

Please believe in me.

ps. the song is Thunder by Boys Like Girls. I don't think that song needs any introduction :)

pps. Me being my humble procrastionational self, I started writing another fanfic with my bestbestbest friend @lucija2604 . It's called The Toughest choice and check it out you might like it ;) 

Its a Niall fanfic and it has an interesting, mind if I say original twist?

and check her stories out, she's an amazing writer. :) 

CHAPTER 6 - Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors I don't wanna ever love another

The room went to complete silence.

Everyone was looking at each other questionably.

- Are we expecting someone? Harry did you order something? - Danielle asked

Harry just shook his head no, surprised as everyone.

- What's the big fuss anyway? It's probably just no one important Gosh - Louis exclaimed as he got up to open the door

- The big "fuss" Louis is that Harry is 18 that's what the fuss is. - Liam said pulling him away from the door.

- Who says that, whoever is on the door, needs Harry? -

- Well, this is Harry's apartment, dumbass. - Niall said matter-of-factly

The knocking continued, sounding more impatient.

- Will someone just get the door already? It can't be a serial killer. - Dorothea said getting up

- Yeah, cause it's not like it's past midnight or anything. - Zayn said sarcastically as he gently pushed his wife out of the way to get to the door.

He slowly opened the door, but when he recognized the person standing in front of him he let his guard down.

- Hey Valerie, what are you doing here in this time of the night? - he said concerned.

- Oh, hi Zayn, didn't expect to see you here. - She was a little astounded by seeing him too - can I come in? Where's Harry? -

Zayn looked back and silently motioned them to hide Harry.

Who , of course, just stood there panicking so Maddie pushed him out of the room and locked him in his bedroom's bathroom.

- Yeah, sure - Zayn stepped aside and gestured her inside. - We're umm, having a little gathering and Harry umm... -

- went to buy something. What happened hun? - Lucy jumped in saving the situation.

- Oh I, umm, how long till he's back? It's kind of an emergency -

She replied nervously.

Lucy and Maddie were her best friends so they weren't the problem, along with the rest of the girls but the boys...

When she was around them she always felt awkward and nervous.

They got along really well before, she clicked with them instantly when they met.

But her spilt up with Harry changed alot.

Although she stayed friends with Harry and the girls, it just didn't happen with the rest of the band.

They all tried to act like nothing's wrong but something just cracked in their connection.

Something which won't be fixed just that easily.

- Well, to be honest he probably won't be back very soon. It was a dare and all... - Madeline said.

well shit.- Just great. Guys, I've got a small not so small favor to ask - she said turning to her two best friends.

Mads and Lu quickly nodded starting to get a bit worried.

- I have a work emergency and I have to fly to Turkey for the weekend due to the floods and the earthquake that happened a day ago. It had terrible consequences and I was called to help the newly orphaned kids. 

Dorota is off visiting her parents and there's no one to watch over Danielle. - She explained professionally, biting her lower lip about to ask the question.

But Lucy overtook her realizing where she was going with this - Me and Lou will be happy to take care of Danielle for the weekend! -

Louis' head shot up at the sound of his name - huh? -

- I said we will babysit Danielle for the weekend, love -

- Oh, yeah, sure Valerie - he confirmed lightly grinning.

Relief spread across Valerie's face.

- When are you leaving? -

She glanced at the clock on the wall - My flight's in an hour and a half and I have to pack and Danielle is there, sleeping cause I didn't want to wake her up. -

- Oh God girl you better hurry! -

- Um yeah, I'm about to go. Just, could you spend the night at my condo with Dan and then take her tomorrow? I will pack her some clothes. -

- Of course sweetie. I will come with you now and Lou can come later if he wants to? - She looked at her husband.

- I will go now too babe, I'm getting too old for this stuff. - He laughed and went to join them.

- Bye guys! - they greeted while exiting the apartment.

- Uh, that was close. - Zayn said plopping down on the couch.

- Shit just got real. - Niall stated.

- What the hell are we going to do about Valerie? - Dorothea asked what was already on everybody's mind.

- I have no idea. - Liam sighed frowning in thought.

- wait!  - Lucy grinned


- So, we're telling her Harry left for a business trip in Australia for indefinite time? - Danielle summed up before someone interrupted her.

- Guys, I'm still in here! - Harry banged on the bathroom door, shouting. - Anybody there?! -

Danielle's lips formed an 'o' while everyone else was cracking up.

Niall came to the door - hang in there mate, we're just leaving but we'll tell the housekeeping to maybe check in on you  -

- But they won't come until the evening! - Harry sounded shocked and terrified.

- Ah well, that's your problem Haz - he responded nonchalantly

- Let me out!! - Harry started banging on the door again.

Niall was barely breathing by now, his face turned a bright shade of red as he struggled to put the key in the lock.

He finally succeeded letting out a distraught Harry.

When he saw everyone laughing their butts off, his fear turned to anger.

- What the hell's wrong with you?! I've been locked in there for hours and now you put me through this?! You were totally out of line! You..- he kept his rant on while tears started streaming down everyone else's faces. His reaction just made it so much funnier than it already was.

- You. Should've. Seen. Your. Face! - Zayn managed to crack out before falling on the floor laughing hystericaly.

Seems like Harry didn't find it not a little bit funny because he stormed out of the room.

But, before anyone went after him, he came back munching on some chips.

- This isn't over. - He muffled out pointing a finger on everyone before continuing - Now, what happened, who was at the door? - He casually sat on the edge of the couch, leaning on Madeline.

Niall shot him a look before sliding in next to her and answering. - Valerie, she wanted you to look over Dan while she's in Turkey for the weekend. -

Harry's face lit up at the mention of his daughter - well sure, when am I going to pick her up? -

- You can't you idiot. You're 18 for God's sake! -

- Oh. - He pouted. He really wanted to see El, it's been a while.

- Who's taking care of her then? -

- LuLou - Liam joined the conversation. Since both of the Tomlinsons nicknames were pronounced Lu, their couple name was LuLou- they're taking her at their place tomorrow morning when she wakes up. -

Niall yawned - which is in a few hours already I suppose. It's really late and I'm knackered, I think I'll be calling it a night - he stretched ready to get up - hey Mads - he started but realized she's dozed of now leaning on Harry's torso.

- Or, you could just crash here, there's plenty of room - Harry stretched his arm as if showing around and grinned.

Niall looked at the peaceful expression on his wife's face so he gave in. - Alright, I'll just take her to a bed. Which one can we use? -

- whichever you'd like. I'll go tell the others if they haven't already blacked out. -

- I think me and Danielle are just going to go home, if nothing then to help Lux and all - Liam said grabbing his jacket

- K, sure. G'night -


The next morning a delicious rich smell of coffee filled the apartment along with pancake scent.

Suddenly, everyone was up and pilling in the kitchen.

- Morning, sunshines. Everyone slept well? - Harry greeted cheerfully while turning a pancake by tossing it in the air.

He only got mumbles in respond.

They were all just eager to get their hands on a mug of the dark hot liquid.

As they sat around the island Harry the chef turned into Harry the waiter.

- Today's specialty are some pancakes with strawberry jam or nutella. - He tossed one on each plate then lied the tray with the rest in the center.

- God Harry, this is swoyummy ivewmisswedwurcookig -  Madeline tried to compliment him through a mouthful.

- Why thank you dear. - He smiled and bowed in return - now, you finish your breakfast, Lou forgot his jacket so I'm going to drop by to give it back. Tooddles! -

He said and skipped out if the place before he could be stopped.

- Dammit that boy is unbelievable. - Liam said taking a sip of his coffee.

- I don't even care this is heavenly - Danielle said blissfully shoving a forceful into her mouth. How ladylike.


Meanwhile, Harry arrived at the Tomlinson estate, clutching onto the jacket as he approached the porch while humming .

Popping his head through the door, he called out - Hello guys, anybody home? Lu? Boobear? - But got no response.

He stepped into the house looking around.

And bumped into something. Or someone.

- Ow -

Harry looked down to see his daughter - I'm so sorry sweetie, are you okay? - He kneeled down.

- You should watch your step mister - she said giggling - who are you? - She got a bit precarious-he was a stranger after all - Auntie Lu, help! -

- No,no,no. Relax. I'm not dangerous, ermm, I, umm, I - Harry started panicking inside.

Luckily, Lucy came to the rescue.

- That's my brother's son, Ha..umm.. Humphrey. Yeah, Sven just dropped him off. - She blurted out quickly, gaining confidence after managing to think of that.

Sven and his wife Elena popped up behind her, mimicking Harry's astounded face.

Danielle excitedly turned around to face the honey haired boy - really? -

He shrugged away the shocked expression forcing a grin instead before she could notice and eagerly nodded. - Yeah, I'll be staying a while. Right dad? - He winked in Sven's direction then turning back to the little girl - you can think of me as a big brother Ells- he winked again, making her giggle again.

- My name is Danielle! - She whined jokingly.

- Well I'm your almost big brother and I'm going to call you Ells. - He lifted her up in his arms - So, what do you wanna do Ells? -

As he walked away with Danielle, he yelled back - Lu-Aunt, tell Uncle Louis the jacket is on the couch - and with that they were out.

- What was that about? - Sven asked with a raised eyebrow.

- Oh God, what have I gotten myself into? Stupid curly devil. Uh, well, as you must've noticed, Humphrey there - she pointed her hands to the door Harry exited a second ago - is a younger, 20years to be specific, blondish, yeah what the hell by the way? Liam must've forced him to dye his hair so he won't draw too much attention. Anyway, that's Harry. How will I explain this to Val? - She rambled on, muttering more to herself here and there.

- Whoa whoa, wait a second Lucinda! - Sven stopped her making her even more stressful and anxious. He never called her by her full name. - Are we talking about the same person? How could A 38yearold Harry Styles be a freaking teenager? On what drugs are you on?! And who the hell is that kid you called my son? - He was almost shouting by now.

His wife, Elena, just awkwardly stood there confused. She didn't want to be in the middle of a sibling fight.

Lucy didn't respond, she just gestured towards the window, shrugging.

Sven obeyed and looked outside, though he made sure it was obvious he didn't think that will give him any answers.

But, his expression froze at the sight. Danielle was swinging and Harry was pushing her. She kept screaming - Higher, higher! - And he would just grin widely.

The curls, the eyes, the dimples, they're all identical. But it couldn't be... he turned his gaze over to one of the many framed photos of the boys together, turning it back and forth.

At last, he looked at Lucy shaking his head in disbelief - It's him, isn't it Luce? -

She nodded - We have no clue either. Come on, I'll tell you all we know. - She hugged him as the three of them walked to the living room.


ding dong

- I'll get it! - Harry shouted as he got up from the sofa.

Telling everyone he was Lucy's nephew meant he had to stay there.

Niall came by Saturday to sneak some of his clothes in without Danielle noticing.

And now Monday came knocking on the front door. Literary.

Harry opened the door, smiling politely - Hello, how can I help you? -

He knew they weren't expecting anyone, but he sure wasn't expecting this.

Valerie stared at him from the other side of the door, utterly in shock.

Shit, shit!  at first Harry panicked, but soon regained his cool. - You must be Valerie. I'm Har-Humphrey, nice to meet you. - He stretched his arm for her to shake it.

She just stared at him - I, um, I -

He just smirked, her stuttering and confusion was starting to amuse him.

- Come in, please. Ells is in the living room, we're playing guess who - he gestured her inside.

On the mention of her daughter, she came back to reality - What did you just call her? Only my husband sometimes calls her that. -

As Harry only shrugged his shoulders maintaining his playful smirk, Valerie became worried.

- Who are you anyway? - She was getting upset.

Just when Harry opened his mouth to talk, his little sis answered for him.

- Hummie, what's taking so long? I'm getting bored. - She whined but she realized who was at the door and ran to hug her- Mommy, you're here! How was Turkey? Did you save many kids? - She pelt her mother with questions at which she just smiled. - I see you've met Humphrey, Lucy's nephew. He told me he was like a big brother to me and we had so much fun! -

- Oh did he? - Val raised an eyebrow jokingly at Humphrey, but his appearance startled her again - I didn't know Sven had a teenage son. -

- He's umm... my stepdad. Elena is err…my mom, she had me before she met Sven. -

- Ohh, I see. Dani, go get aunt Lucy and tell her I'm here. -

She left and Valerie just stared at Harry wide-eyed, examining his features.

He coughed to "wake" her up.

She slightly shook her head and then blurted out before she could stop herself - You look exactly like my ex husband. -

Harry struggled to keep a straight face. - Excuse me? -

She came closer touching his face, pulling his cheeks and tugging his hair while he just stood there, astounded.

- Just the hair color is different.. - She muttered to herself

Lucy came into the room with Ellie and coughed to acknowledge her presence.

Valerie froze and realized how mad she was acting. It's probably the jet lag she tried to rationalize her behavior as she jerked away from Humphrey.

- I… I'm really tired from the flight and all. We should get going. Danielle did you take your backpack? - She looked around avoiding any eye contact.

El nodded. - Okay, lets go baby. Thanks for keeping an eye on her for the weekend. Bye Luce, tell Lou I said hi. - Val grabbed her daughter's hand and began walking towards the exit.

But she stopped in her tracks. - Wait mom, I didn't say goodbye to Hummie! - She let go of her hand and ran to Harry, jumping in his arms.

- I'm gonna miss you. - She mumbled into his chest.

- I'm gonna miss you too Ells. But we'll see eachother soon, dont worry. Now go, your mum's waiting. - He kissed her temple and put her down.

She took her mom's hand and turned around to wave.

- Bye Lu, bye… Humphrey. - Valerie curled her lips up in an awkward smile.

She was zoned out the whole drive home.

That night, she had teen flashbacks instead of dreams. 

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