My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)

By SoobinsEuphoria

565K 21.3K 20K

Would you know that you and another person are meant to be if he lived in the same room as you? In most cases... More

Chapter 1//Troye
Chapter 2//Troye
Chapter 3//Troye
Chapter 4//Troye
Chapter 5//Troye
Chapter 6//Tyler
Chapter 7//Troye
Chapter 8//Tyler
Chapter 9//Troye
Chapter 10//Troye
Chapter 11//Troye
Chapter 12//Troye
Chapter 13//Troye
Chapter 14//Troye
Chapter 15//Troye
Chapter 17//Troye
Chapter 18//Troye
Chapter 19//Troye
Chapter 20//Troye
Chapter 21//Austin
Chapter 22//Tyler
Chapter 23//Troye
Chapter 24//Troye
Chapter 25//Troye
Chapter 26//Troye
Chapter 27//Austin
Chapter 28//Connor
Chapter 29//Troye
Chapter 30//Tyler
Chapter 31//Troye
Chapter 32//Tyler
Chapter 33//Troye
Chapter 34//Troye
Chapter 35//Troye
Chapter 36//Troye
Chapter 37//Tyler
Chapter 38//Troye
Chapter 39//Troye
Chapter 40//Troye
Chapter 41//Tyler
Chapter 42//Connor
Chapter 43//Troye
Chapter 44//Troye
Chapter 45//Tyler
Chapter 46//Troye
Chapter 47//Troye
Chapter 48//Troye
Chapter 49//Tyler
Chapter 50//Troye
Chapter 51//Troye
Chapter 52//Troye
Chapter 53//Troye
Chapter 54//Troye
Chapter 55//Troye
Chapter 56//Tyler
Chapter 57//Troye
Chapter 58//Troye
Chapter 59//Tyler
Chapter 60//Troye

Chapter 16//Troye

11K 355 551
By SoobinsEuphoria



I brush it off as my eyes scan the dinning room for Tyler. I see him and my heart drops to the fiery pits of hell. What I see shouldn't affect me like this. I mean he is Tyler Oakley and in did tell him I just want to be friends. I mean I guess I can't blame him for doing this. I just don't understand how he could do this so soon. I guess he doesn't care about me as much as he says he does. Or he does so much that he needs to be distracted right away to minimize pain.

Either way seeing him kissing another boy in the middle of the dining hall makes me feel like absolute shit. I find myself almost wishing that I were the boy he was kissing. Then I feel the pressure of Austin's hand on my back. We sit down and I look at Makayla, Ricky, Caspar and Jonah with a very unhappy look. Austin notices my mood and follows where my eyes keep flicking to. He grabs two burritos off the table wrapping them in napkins then he pulls me out of the dinning hall. He leads me to the cabin not saying one word to me as he leads me there. I sit down on the couch waiting for Austin to start talking to me as thoughts of Tyler kissing that filthy red head assault me.

"Troye look at me." Austin says kneeling in front of me. I look into his eyes and see so much concern that I almost forget about Tyler. Almost. "Tyler's just being stupid. He's trying to make you jealous because he wants you really bad. He's trying to forget about you for a minute. Trust me, Troye. He fucking cares about you a lot." Austin grabs my face in his hands so I have to look at him. How the fuck can anyone hate this precious human being? He's fighting for me but he's not bashing his competition. He's telling me what he knows. He wants it to be fair. Why would he do that for the person that obviously crushed him in some way? I don't fucking understand. Why do I have to have feelings for two people who have history with each other? How fucking dumb am I?

"If he cares so fucking much why is he doing this to me?" I ask and I can hear my voice crack. Don't you dare cry over Tyler in front of him. Don't fucking do it. Austin stands up then sits next to me and pulls me into his arms. I rest my head against his chest not wanting to look at him. I don't want him to have to see me upset over another guy. He doesn't deserve that.

"Tyler's motives aren't always the smartest." he says quietly still not out right saying that he's fucking up. I really want to know what went down between them but I feel like it's still to early in this relationship to ask him something that is obviously super personal. Austin obviously still has respect for Tyler for some reason.

I let myself relax into Austin's chest taking deep breaths so he doesn't have to see me crying over another guy. Austin strokes my hair occasionally planting kisses on my scalp. He cuddles me just trying to make me forget Tyler. It's probably about fifteen minutes before I pull away hearing Austin's stomach growl. I giggle and hand him his burrito grabbing my own. He takes a big bite and we both start laughing. He starts to choke on his food and I hit his back. He swallows then coughs.

"Please don't die. I really like your company." He smiles so wide I think his cheeks might split. He looks so absolutely happy. It's cute how a few words can mean so much to him. He takes another bite and I copy his action. Once we finish eating he holds his arms out to me.

"Troye Sivan." he whines until I snuggle back up to him and reply,

"Austin James." he smells nice and his arms are comforting. He's making me forget about Tyler being an ass hat. I mean Tyler makes out with everyone so I guess I should've expected this. I guess somewhere in the back of the mind I thought maybe I was the one that could stop Tyler from being that guy. I thought maybe I could be the one to make him stop being that dick head. I was fucking wrong. Well Austin said Tyler was doing it to make me jealous. It worked. Maybe he's just trying to hurt me.

"So did you decide if you are coming to my game or not?" Austin asks playing with a strand of my hair. I honestly hasn't really thought to much about it. I just never planned on actually thinking about it. I was just trying to make him happy by saying I'd think about it. In that moment though I decided to fuck everything that I would usually do.

"I guess I'll come." I say to him looking up to see that he's smiling brightly. This means a lot to him. I should've said yes from the get go. Who knows maybe I'll have fun at the game. Psh that's a great joke, Troye. You hate sports and crowds of screaming people. Especially football games Ew.

"Really?" His eyes look so pleased. His arms tighten around me and I snuggle my head into his chest. He seems so happy at this little thing. This is adorable. I don't think anything could make this cuter. "So coach told us to give our away jersey to someone to wear to the game and I was wondering if you would do that or...?" Okay I was wrong this moment just got even cuter. He wants me to wear his jersey that's like a thing boyfriends do. I'm not going to lie I want to be Austin's boyfriend soon. Like really soon.

"You are so disgustingly cute, Austin James. Of course I'll wear your jersey." I hug him tightly and he hugs me back. We talk about random shit until there is about 15 minutes until class. I pull Austin up and he weaves his fingers through mine standing close of me. He walks me to my common room and he gives me a long hug. I like this thing we do. Not leaving without a hug. This is a nice thing.

"I have practice from right after school until six. I think that's what the schedule will be like for the rest of the season." He tells me once he finally let's go of me. I knew he'd have practice eventually but at least I still get him after practice.

"I'll meet you in the dining hall then after practice." I tell him and he smiles at me. Austin makes me so happy. Just the thought of spending time with him makes me really happy.

"Okay, Troye Sivan, see you in English." I peck his cheek with my lips then race towards my room. Hopefully I left him stunned touching his cheek like he did to me earlier. I walk through the door of my dorm hoping not to find anyone. Okay I kinda of would like to talk to Connor just not Tyler.

I walk in seeing Tyler lying on top of the same red head from the dinning hall. They are kissing making gross sucking noises. I storm over to my bed grabbing my things and shoving them in my bag as the red head dashes out of the room. I zip my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

"Troye wait-" Tyler says as I walk towards the door quickly. I spin around cutting him off. He's such a fucking inconsiderate jerk.

"Tyler do you not realize that I have fucking feelings? I know that this isn't going exactly how you want it to. Tyler, I'm sorry this isn't going exactly your way but I really like Austin. That doesn't mean that I don't have feelings for you. Tyler you don't need to do that. You and I both know that it's not going to help." I walk out of the room not waiting for a response from him. I don't want to hear it right now. I walk to my next class and sit down. It's a huge blur until I find myself sitting next to Austin in English.

"You okay, Troye Sivan?" Austin asks once we have finished our worksheet. He gives me a small smile encouraging me to tell him what's wrong. I know he can tell with out asking that I'm not totally fine.

I cave after a few minutes of persuasive smiles and tell him a about my encounter in my dorm room. I keep my voice quiet not wanting anyone but Austin to hear me. I tell Austin my exact words hoping that he might be able to help me some how. He grabs my hand under the desk and squeezes it tightly. He leans in and whispers in my ear.

"Forget Tyler. It's me and you baby." But I don't want to forget Tyler. I think for a minute before I come to a conclusion. I can try to forget about Tyler romantically and just have a friendship with him. Then I can keep having this amazing thing with Austin and not feel so terrible.

"Me and you." I respond looking into his eyes. His eyes are so happy now. I love when I can tell his emotions by just looking into his eyes. We don't talk for the rest of the period but we keep our hands intertwined under the desk. His hands are so warm and strong.

The bell rings and Austin drops my hand gathering his stuff. I put all my stuff in my bag before following him out of the classroom. He catches me in his arms as I walk out of the room. He holds me tight and kisses my head. He's so cute.

"I'll see you after practice, baby." he says as he pulls back. I blush at the 'baby' but I'm smiling. He leaves and I watch his cute butt dance away towards the locker rooms next to the football field.

I head back to my room dazed by happiness. It's funny how one little name can make me so happy. I want to be his baby. I want to be with Austin. He definitely makes me happy. He's so sweet and cute.

I open the door to my room and I don't see anyone. I look under my bed and see that the key is not there. I wanted to go up there but now I'm not to find of the idea. I open my backpack and pull out my homework. School first. Always school first. It takes me about and hour to finish all the shit that they have already assigned us. No one has come into my room yet. I go on my laptop for awhile then at five I decide that I might as well go up to the tree house seeing as neither Con nor Tyler had been back.

I make the short journey to the tree house quickly. I climb the tree and all I hear is a movie playing. I open the door to the firehouse then quickly shut it behind me. I see the cutest sight when I look over to the couch. Conler is cuddled up on the couch watching something on the laptop. I cuddle up into Connor's other side and they both look over at me.

"Hi." they say in unison but with two different expressions. Connor looks relaxed and Tyler looks worried that I might tell him off again. I should but I'm not going to. I want to be nice to Tyler from now on. I'm really going to give him a chance because I want to be his friend.

"Tyler I'm not going to tell you off again." is all I say and we both let the subject drop. Connor doesn't even look vaguely confused so I'm guessing Tyler already told him. We stayed snuggled together eating junk and watching stupid movies until the dinner bell chimes. I must seem to excited to get back because Connor asks,

"Are you meeting up with your boyfriend for dinner?" I slap him across the chest. Then roll my eyes at his comment. It takes me a few moments to respond. All three of us are fully out of the woods by the time I reply.

"He's not my boyfriend...yet." I only mutter the last part not really wanting Tyler to hear it. He does and they both laugh. Tyler is detaching himself from the situation I can see it. It's probably for the best.

"Troystin." Connor mutters as the dining hall comes into view. "I ship it." We are just about to enter the dinning hall when two strong arms wrap around me.


I don't like this chapter that much for some reason. Troystin? I know how y'all feel about it. It'll go away eventually it's like a bad rash. So how'd you like Tyler kissing that red head? Yeah I don't like it. Necessary though. Does anyone think that Troystin is cute? Or are you to blinded by it not being Troyler. Troyler has cuter things in the future. So if you liked any part of this chapter please:


I love you my little goody goody gum drops. :) :) ;) :) :)

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