The daughters of the Life and...

By Elianne1105

2.2K 73 55

Looks like there is another part to the story after all! Both parts will be out soon for those that have been... More

Daddy's not so little Angels
Only the smug survive.. LDB-Daughters pt1

In Omnia Paratus

507 26 22
By Elianne1105

I decide to head to my room and am not surprised to see all the girls freaking out excitedly about their invitations. I assume they received them in a similar manner as me. "This is what we have been waiting for!" Quinn squeals excitedly.

I love her excitement. But, as I look around, I realize I don't need a secret society or sorority to be happy in college. I've already got the best friends a girl could need. But they seem excited, so I will feign interest as well and just join in on their enthusiasm.

After a bit of relaxing, we make our way down to the front of our building. We all put our blindfolds on awaiting our impending kidnapping. It doesn't take long at all until someone comes and pulls me into a car. Either this is it or I have been fooled and I really am being kidnapped. Then I hear the same voice from earlier tell me not to worry. "Gee, thanks Sparky. I usually find it comforting when my kidnappers tell me 'not to worry', so that was super helpful."

After what seems like hours, and feeling an increasingly urgent urge to tinkle myself, we finally come to a stop. I am escorted from the vehicle into a room. I am instructed to count to ten before removing my blindfold. In the spirit of the event, I do as I'm told.

When I finally open my eyes, I see that I am in a curtained off room. Hung in front of me is a beautiful blue Ombre Marchesa, off the shoulder, corset bodice, tulle ball gown with a velvet flower corsage near the top. I also notice that there are earrings, a bracelet, brush, and shoes available for me as well. I quickly get dressed and pull most of my hair except chunk in the front up in a teased-out pony tail. Then I split the front into two sections and braid them back wrapping them around the up-do. I quickly loosen the braided part so it's a chunky braid instead of a tight one to give it a hint of elegance. If I went to any event without attempting to do something with my hair and my grandma Shira found out, she would have a heart attack. I am just glad I put on makeup before we left as there appears to be none here, oh well.

Just as I finished slipping into my shoes, I hear a knock at the door. I open the door to a man in a steampunk plague mask. He hands me a gold more feminine steampunk mask and instructs me to put it on and not remove it for any reason as to not compromise the integrity of the event. I follow him down the dimly blue lit hallway to the darkened stairs that are covered with a hint of fog.

Once we have descended the stairs I noticed a group of girls just to the side, and I would notice those five anywhere. Even in this creepy blue recessed lighting and fogged out room. I am just stepping off the bottom step when a hand grabs my arm and gestures with a head nod toward the dance floor. I wonder if the others had to instantly dance when they came down?

I must admit this is much more intense than rush week was. I take his hand and let him lead me out onto the dance floor. I've noticed all the guys are wearing steampunk plague mask with screens over the eyes and the same slim fit black tuxedo. Even the other female members here all have screens over their eyes. I guess they really do take their anonymity seriously. As soon as we make it on the dance floor, "Earned It" by the weekend starts playing. Instead of the same slow dance everyone else is doing, my escort leads me into a Viennese waltz, spinning me around the floor causing my dress and the fog to start sweeping across the floor to twirl. Then he drops me into a dramatic dip and pulls me back into him. As this continues, I happen to steal a glance away and notice how everyone else has mostly stopped dancing and is now watching us. I've done the Viennese waltz many times over in my life but I've never had such a strong partner. It drastically intensified the feel of the dance. The song ends with him behind me. When I turn around he is already gone...

I make my way over to the group I know to be my fave five as I would recognize myself anywhere, even with a mask on. I say, "Hey, how long have you all been here? What do you think of this elaborate party? The Champagne fountain, white glove and black mask service to keep people from getting the service and members confused."

I recognize Sutton by her bright blonde hair and higher pitched voice, "Cordie and I have been here about two hours. Then Wren, Jana and Quinn showed up about an hour ago with the rest of the new recruits. We were curious what had happened to you because you are the absolute last to arrive. You arrived alone and an hour after the last car." She pauses and takes a breath while eyeing me. Then she says, "Let me just say, that dress, wow! Someone must really like you! I should have begged to be brought in absolute last!" A grin splits across her face and she gives me a playful jab in the side. While everyone standing around not just in our immediate group nods in agreement.

"HA! Your dress is very pretty as well, but this whole event is over the top. The dance as we came to the bottom of the steps was a bit much, don't you think? Who plans something like that and especially the Viennese waltz? I feel like we have walked right into a masked debutante ball! What was with the disappearing act? Did your dance partners disappear on you as well?"

"Oh Coli, look around. We all have very pretty Marchesa ball gowns with beaded bodices in varying colors, but it is in fact, the exact same dress. Also, I wasn't met at the bottom of the stairs and whisked around the dance floor. I didn't see any one else have that happen either. Did any of you?"

Wren lets out a giggle and says, "Nope, no ballroom dancing for me. And that was not just a Viennese waltz Coli! That was hot! Steamy hot, and everyone noticed it. I wish I could tell you who the guy was, but all these damn masks are the same with the creepy screens over the eyes. And of course, the exact same outfits make it a bit difficult to know, ya know?"

Looking around I start to notice what they were talking about; my dress is different from everyone else. I also notice there are plenty of people staring, in what I hope, is in our collective direction, but I have a feeling they are staring at me. Ugh, just what I didn't want, to be the center of attention. "Who the hell would do this to me? Is this some sick initiation thing to see how I can handle the uncomfortable position they put me in?"

Shrugging Sutton responds placatingly, "I don't know if they were pulling an initiation thing or setting you apart to ensure they never lost track of you in the sea of dresses and mask. I'm more inclined to believe this was deliberate to keep eyes on you. I mean who was your mystery lover on the dance floor? Did he give you a name or what did his voice sound like? None of them are giving their names or any information as they interact with us, but I can tell you a few of them have pretty hot voices."

"He didn't say anything to me." I reluctantly admit while biting my lip nervously.

Quinn smiles and leans in close and speaks conspiratorially, "Well ladies, our superior intellect should allow us to deduce who put Coli in this uncomfortable situation. If it as Sutt suggested, the person Coli danced with and put her in that very expensive Marchesa is watching her currently and won't be taking their eyes off her. How about Sutton and Collins move, and we will split up. Then we watch to see who seems to always be moving to keep her within sight. We should be able to narrow it down quickly as I'm pretty sure everyone is toasted and mostly clustered in the ball room. Make sure you walk around the corner where even the ones on the stairs can't see you, so we can see if any of them move."

Sutton says, "Ooh, kind of like Coli is the bait. We just have to watch and see who goes after it!"

After agreeing, we split up and start making our rounds through this... what can only be described as gothic chic mansion. It is mostly lit by recessed lighting giving it a slightly creepy slightly romantic feel. I say creepy because I honestly feel like someone is following me. I don't know if it's because Quinn wants someone to be or if it's because someone is, but I feel it none the less.

As we continue to make the rounds through this place, we notice we are coming up on a hedge maze in the foggy backyard making it fully creepy and not romantic. Sutton seems to be excited which is strange as this is usually my thing, not hers. Anyway, when we look and see no one. We, of course, decide to partake in the horror movie adventure. Sutton excitedly takes off running leaving me behind. Hoping to find her, I go forward, living out every scary movie person's worst nightmare as I enter the foggy maze looking for my friend. I call out "Marco" and hear a giggly "Polo". So I make my way further through the maze and BAM! I run straight into a masked man.

"CRAP! SUTTON!!!" I scream for her and try to push past the man, but he moves into my way. I try again, and he moves into my way again. UGH," Get out of my way!" I snap at the person in front of me. He just shakes his head no again. "Listen buddy, I know Krav Maga and have years of self-defense so whatever you are planning, rethink it!" Again, he shakes his head no and this time moves toward me. In reflex, I move back. I feel 'fight or flight' kick in and I move forward in an offensive pose. My soon to be victim pulls his mask off quickly. "Sebastian, What the hell!" I squeak out annoyed

"Shh... No one can know I revealed myself to you. I was just slightly concerned what was going to happen next if I hadn't as you just threatened me with physical violence. I just wanted to get you alone to talk. Your friends offered to help me out earlier. They seem to think I would be good for you. The really blonde one offered to be good to me if you weren't. Not sure what that meant, but it seemed like an interesting offer."

Even rolling my eyes at his repugnant statement, I still can't help but feel slightly relieved to see him standing there instead of some other creep. This creep I can at the very least handle, "Of course, I was set up, why I didn't see it? I just don't know! Let me guess? You are the one that went over the top with this dress, and o—h no—are you who I danced with as well? How did you know how to dance like that?"

Moving closer to me intentionally backing me into a hedge so I can't run away, he wraps his arms around me pulling me closer to him, smiling, "Yes, to all of it. You have a dress like everyone else, but you are meant to stand out. That dress spoke to me when I saw it this morning, so I went back and picked it up for you. We had the rest of them ordered a few weeks ago when we did scouting. I hadn't met you yet, so I didn't think anything of it, until today. As for the dancing, my mother taught me. Listen, we don't have a lot of time before initiation happens, but I want you to know I will be with you every step of the way."

Rolling my eyes at his smug assumption that I would feel comfortable with him, "How reassuring, you set me up to make me uncomfortable and now you are trying to be my rock. You must be insane. I would take my chances with, well, anyone else. Is there no one else? Could there be?" I sneer at him.

"Damn it Collins, do you not get it? I like you. I sponsored you before the invitations went out. I am responsible for you tonight and if you need anything further on. I will always be in your group with you, no matter the event, because of my endorsement. IF I HAD KNOWN YOU WOULD BE SUCH A BRAT I WOULD HAVE LET BECKETT! Damn it! You are incorrigible, frustrating, and exhausting!"

Pulling away from him and crossing my arms over my chest, I tap my foot in an exasperated manner, "W-o-w, yeah that sweet speech absolutely makes me trust you and want to put my life in your hands! Oh wait, no it doesn't! You're a jerk! An arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical frat boy jerk!" I push him back and start to walk away frustrated with my friends for setting me up and annoyed that he thought that was some kind of love speech that I should swoon over all because he said, 'I like you'. He should be a poet, a real Lord Tennyson with one-liners like that.

I feel him grasp at my arm and spin me around. Instantly his lips press into mine as he pulls me close. I wish I could resist, but I can't. I melt into him and his kiss. He pulls back and leans his forehead against mine, "I want this, and you. Don't you get it? I don't usually spend thousands of dollars on a dress because I think it's "pretty". It's not really my style at all. But since I met you, I have been completely captivated by you. Your witty quips and snide banter are unmatched by anyone I have ever met. I haven't stopped thinking about you since the first night we spoke. I want this, you, us. When you kissed me, I felt something I have never felt before with anyone, ever. The pull to you is magnetic and the kiss, I don't know it was..."

"...magical?" I offer looking at the ground nervously.

Smiling he lifts my chin and says, "Exactly. You felt it too. So, let's do this. You and me, what do you say?" he looks at me hopefully as he speaks. But this isn't my thing. It's my sisters and even my friends...not me. I don't know how to handle a man like him. I know I like him, but this could be bad.

"Bas, I feel it, all of it... I-I'm just not the relationship type. We can be friends and date, but I am not looking to be in a committed relationship it has just never been my thing. I wish I could say yes and we could run away into the night, but that's a fantasy. The reality is I will most likely end up hurting you from my lack of commitment."

Instead of releasing me and running as I figured he would he held me closer. "You're 18 and you just started college. I have been doing this for only a year longer, but I'm not asking you to marry me. I just know right now I want to spend any foreseeable time with you and only you. That's all I'm asking for. You and me, until we run off and get married or until it doesn't make sense for us to be together anymore. Whichever happens, I just want to try. Will you try with me Collins, will you be all in with me?" Just then a loud gong goes off and he looks to the house. He quickly puts his mask back on grabs my hand and pulls me through the maze.

We arrive as everyone is gathered listening to the person speaking as he says, "Initiates, in honor of some of our esteemed alumni's 20-year anniversary, we will recreate their initiation with a jump. You will make your way to the roof where you will be harnessed and perform the leap of faith, are there any questions?"

"How high is this jump and is it safe?" One guy asks. Everyone chuckles. The announcer responds, "This is the Life and Death Brigade. By name we are not here to be safe, but to push our boundaries and enjoy life until we no longer can. There are no guarantees in life, and there are no guarantees here tonight! The jump is 60 feet. Your member-sponsor will be jumping with you if that helps. Remember you can choose to walk away. This is not for everyone, and there is no shame in that. Are there any more questions?"

No one says anything and so the announcer says, "Great! Let's get going then. Members, follow me outside. Initiates and sponsors, make your way to the roof."

As we all split up and make our way to the roof, I must admit I do feel comforted knowing Bas is here with me. Having him hold my hand has erased all my nerves, and I am more than ready to make this jump. As soon as we make it to the roof and look down at the ants that are other members, four of the people that were supposed to jump with us backed out. Which brought Cordie right next to me and the rest close by. I look again as they are wrapping the safety harness around me. I hate to admit it but this is my worst fear come true; I'm terrified of heights, but I can do this.

"Hey, don't worry. We are all scared. I know heights are kind of an issue for you, but I'm right here with you. You've never let me fall, and I won't let you either." Cordie says encouragingly while holding her hand out and giving mine a quick squeeze before we are handed umbrellas.

"Great, now I'm prepared for the rain." Shaking my head in disapproval I continue," Like this will stop us from plummeting to our deaths."

Laughing, Cordie responds with, "Who knows? They might be good luck. Mary Poppins didn't plummet to her death after all."

I nervously smile at my sister just as the people at the bottom bellow out while toasting us, "In Omnia Paratus!"

I look down the line quickly and then in unison we all say, "In Omnia Paratus!" as we take our leap of faith.

As soon as our feet hit the ground, I pull Bas's mask off. I wrap my arms around his neck with a huge smile. I say, "Yes, I'm in!" Then I press my lips passionately into his and get lost into him as everyone around us celebrates the successful jump with champagne.


Watching the new LDB initiation event through a live feed from one of the members, the guys are on the edge of their seats in anticipation for their daughters to become members. But I suspect it's more in hopes that they will back out and not join. Just as the girls take a step up to the edge and hold their partners hands, Logan squeezes my hand nervously. Finn shouts at the screen, "You don't have to do it! Turn and walk away, please girls!"

Robert and Colin are looking on with tears, shaking their legs nervously. Meanwhile, we, the mothers, the ones who are supposed to be the worried ones, are watching with love and encouragement. It's Rosemary that voices our thoughts and expressions, "You can do it girls. This is your leap into adulthood and finding yourselves."

Juliet, Steph, and I are smiling with tears glistening in our eyes. Just as they step to the edge of the roof and overlook, we all say "In Omnia Paratus!" as we hold our breath and watch the girls jump.

Just as the girls land, the acceptance from their fathers was instantaneous. They all cheered, brimming with pride and bursting with tears... lots and lots of tears...

"In Omnia Paratus, little ones."


At least for now, this is the end. I hope you all enjoyed and if I ever make this into more than a collection of these 3 small chapters I hope you all will read again.

I would love your feedback, good or bad it is all helpful. Thanks again.

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