parea | #Wattys2017

By BloomingRose520

1.2K 261 43

sequel to 'carpe diem' - "-i've learn to love you, now i'll have to learn to let you go." ten word... More

201. parea
202. horilyts
203. lacrimae rerum
204. dissimulare
205. livslogga
206. yōkai
207. kodokushi
208. desengaño
209. al-hamm
210. maridadi
211. sciamachy
212. tükörsima
213. cicatrize
214. mizpah
215. abiit nemine salutato
216. vuslat
217. sabsung
218. pejej
219. infidelity
220. glasnost
221. adieu
222. hâi shì shān méng
223. cafuné
224. sobremesa
225. jolie-laide
226. makasi
227. fatum
228. twitterpated
229. gerascophobia
230. synodic
231. dheirambë
232. philophobia
233. buziacku
234. tarantism
235. raison d'être
236. kara sevda
237. cynefin
238. rantipole
239. kishi kaisei
240. firgun
241. mágoa
242. vade in pace
243. fika
244. louring
245. friolento
246. zhi zi zhi shou, yu zi xie lao
247. dhvani
248. pole sana
249. incalescent
250. cum tacent clamant
251. media naranja
252. xinteng
253. tidsoptimist
254. serva me, servabo te
255. shěnměi píláo
256. akihi
257. goya
258. fieschada
259. shibusa
260. ohrwurm
261. kyōiku mama
262. acrophobia
263. azzurro
264. metanoia
265. momma ko ene
266. vozdukh
267. capernoited
268. zannen desu ne
269. amor fati
270. astral
271. áazh
272. fiflena
273. şætšetla
274. qiú rén bù rú qiú jǐ
275. dugeun dugeun
276. hüftgold
277. xaireaphobia
278. elmosolyodni
279. vernorexia
280. laska
281. gretchenfrage
282. moonbow
283. cacoethes scribendi
284. wasuremono
285. micawber
286. авось
287. bùgānjìmò
288. novitious
289. pana po'o
290. phuut phee
291. pulchritudinous
292. velleity
293. hamartia
294. vicissitude
295. pochemuchka
296. absquatulate
297. eccedentesiast
298. ishin-denshin
299. stelliferous
300. dérive
301. sózō
302. lorn
303. monachopsis
304. geum sabba
305. fägnäscht
306. ceraunophilia
307. aliferous
308. balter
309. aplaventrisme
310. amour propre
311. şafak
312. zweisamkeit
313. eigengrau
314. serendipity
315. drawcansir
316. mélomanie
317. xingfu
318. ikigai
319. schadenfreude
320. anchorage
321. meliorism
322. chindōgu
323. mea culpa
324. thanatophobia
325. shīdú
326. apotelesma
327. taarradhin
328. telic
329. mauerbauertraurigkeit
330. habseligkeiten
331. mamihlapinatapei
332. quisling
333. drapetomania
334. kalopsia
335. akrasia
336. paracosm
337. schlimazl
338. lisztomania
339. anomia
340. wanderlust
341. occāsus
342. je ne sais quoi
343. pábitel

344. flezhazo

3 1 0
By BloomingRose520

flechazo | spanish

(n.) a feeling that you've been struck by Cupid's arrow when you have an intense connection with someone; love at first sight

he did not believe in love;

until he saw her

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