Shatter Pieces

By Aubreydemoux

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Elvira has her life living in a concrete cell. Kept enslaved as a pet to her Master Elvira has never known an... More

Chapter One: Dinner
Chapter Two: Tomorrow
Chapter Four: Posts and Chains
Chapter Five: Bloodstains
Chapter Six: Hospital
Chapter Seven: Heart Beats
Chapter Eight: Awake
Chapter Nine: What to do
Chapter Ten: Stranger Part 1
Chapter Ten: Strangers Part 2
Chapter Eleven: Running
Chapter Twelve: Woods
Chapter Thirteen: Back Again
Chapter 14: Mother Knows Best
Chapter 15: Words
Chapter 16: Where?
Chapter 17: Whats in a Name
Chapter 18: Unexpected
Chapter 19: Mine
Chapter 20: Voices
Chapter 21: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 22: Helping Her
Chapter 23: Trustworthy Eyes
Chapter 24: Bath Time Thoughts
Chapter 25: Cookies
Chapter 26: Moving Pictures
Chapter 27: Leaving
Chapter 28: My Mate
Chapter 29: Realizing
Chapter 30: No News
Chapter 31: Phone Call
Chapter 32: Holding Her
Double Update
Chapter 33: Catching Up
Chapter 34: Breathing
Chapter 35: Meeting the Family
Chapter 36: Introductions
Chapter 37: Chatter
Chapter 38: Wolves
Chapter 39: Open Up
Chapter 40: Reassurance
Chapter 41: Keery
Chapter 42: Dreaming
Chapter 43: Breakfast
Chapter 44: Shopping

Chapter Three: Revelations

14.5K 402 42
By Aubreydemoux


I stared out my office window waiting for the Delta to come in with his report on the Moon Shadow pack. There were rumors circulating around the territory that the Moon Shadow pack had gone completely wild and had finally lost it. I didn't want to believe that the things I had heard were true, because if they were, they just couldn't be. I would intervene if they were really as bad as people were saying, I wouldn't let another pack suffer because of a corrupt leader, especially not it's women and children.

There came a knock on my office door and I turned to see Samani standing in the door frame a grim look of determination plastered to his face. Anticipating that this was not going to be a cheery conversation I sat in the leather chair placed behind my large mahogany desk. Sam made his way to sit opposite me in another plush leather chair.

"I am glad to see that you've gotten back safe. Have you gone to see Kasmie yet or did you come straight here, I know she was nervous about you going to the Moon Shadow Pack." I didn't want to drive into the deep end just yet.

"Yes, I saw her as soon as I got back to assure her that I was fine thank you for your concern. I am glad to be home, after seeing what that so called pack is like....I am glad to call this my home." His words weren't what I wanted to hear but they were what I expected.

"Tell me, is what the rumors suggest true, could they really be that bad?" The look in his eyes tell me everything that I need to know. I resign myself to the idea that the Moon Shadow pack will be getting a visit from my warriors in the near future.

"Mateo, you know that I would never lie to you. So please believe me when I say that nothing I tell you is an exaggeration or blown out of proportion because if I didn't think it was a real problem I wouldn't tell you. You should know before I say anything else that I think the destruction of the pack and it's leaders is the only option that will result in change." I nod knowing that he won't lie to me and taking his opinion into consideration.

"The pack lands are disgusting Mateo, I don't think I can even properly explain how terrible it was. None of the land is cared for and it is obvious that they care little for the environment and don't feel like their actions will have repercussions. The buildings are falling apart, you could probably knock them down with a well placed sneeze. The lower class pack members are living in shacks that look like they haven't been repaired in at least fifty years.

The way they treat each other is absolutely atrocious. There is no connection between pack members, none of them care about the others. It's everyone wolf for themself and everyone else is just in the way of what they want. I've never seen packs act the way they do.

Mateo, the way they treat the women and children, I don't even know how they can do it. The males treat the women as if they were nothing more than a pretty object to be displayed or played with. The children and unmated women are forced to do all of the work, the males don't do any of the pack work whatsoever. Some of the women are even covered in bruises proving that they are hit if they don't do their jobs right." I tried to picture how anyone could treat their mate and pups in such a manner.

I thought Sam was done but when he met my eyes I could see such a fiery rage burning in them that I knew there had to be something else. Samani took a deep breathe as if trying to calm himself as well as find the right words to describe what he had seen.

"The worst part, Mateo I can't even fathom, I just....gods I can't even," Tears welled up in his eyes, tears of anguish and rage.

"There was a girl Matt, a girl who that duranged Alpha was keeping as his own personal pet. I don't know how she was even alive, she was so skinny I could count every single bone in her body. I don't think there was a section of her skin that wasn't covered in bruises or cuts. She looked as though she had just escaped from a horror movie covered in dried blood and her clothes torn in places.

But do you want to know the worst part about it? The worst part was that they had brainwashed her into thinking that she deserved it, that it was what she was meant for. As if her one purpose in life was to make those monsters happy by being their own personal rag doll to cut up as they pleased. She spoke as if she were a robot the answers drilled into her head.

Dinner was made by her, it was some pasta and other stuff and do you know what happened? That bastard told her that it wasn't nice enough to serve to any guests and she would be punished. He bashed her head into the table and started to beat the living daylights out of her right then and there. He invited me and his other guest, some dude named Rishi to join him. Rishi took a knife to her skin cutting her to the bone, he acted as if it was a common thing to do.

She wouldn't even fight back as they punished her for something they had not told her to do, and all she did was apologize because she hadn't pleased her Master. The fact that she was being beaten didn't matter to her because all she could worry about was making that Alpha happy. Hearing her apologize to them for making a fine meal like that, it was so wrong, I nearly attacked them both then and there." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I heard rumors that the Moon Shadow Pack was corrupted but I would have never thought. How anyone could be capable of what Sam was describing was beyond me. There was no doubt in my mind that we were definitely going to intervene with the pack to save the innocents who were there.

"Mateo, we need to attack tomorrow. The Alpha Karston mentioned to us that his pet would be getting a real punishment tomorrow morning for some mistake she had made. He told us that it was going to be a wonderful time and invited us both to stay for the show. I told him that I had to get back to my pack to finish setting up the trade deal, but Rishi is staying back to see. I am afraid that if we don't get there fast enough that girl is going to die, I don't think her body can physically take much more of this." Samani's gaze hardened as he watched me. I stood and made my way to stand beside my brother, resting my arm on his shoulder.

"Inform the warriors, we leave for the Moon Shadow Pack at dawn. It's a two hour run so we should get there just after seven in the morning. This is a subdue and capture mission, if a kill is necessary they shouldn't hesitate. I don't want any of the women or children harmed and make sure that we have trucks waiting to move them to new housing. I'll make a few calls and I am sure that the other pack territories would be happy to accept them." I tell him reassuring him that we will save this girl he seems to have attached himself to.

"Thank you Mateo, it means a lot to me that you believe me. Hopefully we can save this girl and the rest of the innocents being held there." Sam looks up at me with sincere gratitude in his brown eyes.

"I trust you Sam, that's how I know that you wouldn't lie to me. If you say it's that bad, its that bad and I know that can't happen. I can't let a pack suffer like that, so make sure you are ready to go by dawn. And have fun explaining why you are leaving again to that women carrying your pup. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear your getting in another fight." I smiled down at him and he smiled at the thought of his mate.

"I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning Alpha," Samani hugged me tightly before making his way out into the hall and then down to his mate.

I made my way back behind me desk and picked up my phone. I dialed the number for the Alpha in the pack just South of me. While the phone rang I couldn't help but wonder what about this girl made Sam so worried for her safety. Finally he picked up and I took a deep breathe trying to think of what to say.

"Alpha, I need to talk to you about some transfers."

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