Double Trouble//It & S.T

By spookynxtterz

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✯𝕱𝖚𝖈𝖐 𝖚-𝖚𝖕✯ Brothers. Twins. Two halves of a whole. Richie and Mike Tozier, are inseparable brothers... More

✦Chapter 1✦
➶Chapter 2➶
✟Chapter 3✟
❦Chapter 5❦
✞Chapter 6✞
☹Chapter 7 ☹

☬Chapter 4☬

393 10 4
By spookynxtterz

Richie's POV

I was currently with my brother, Mikey, in his bed. I..I couldn't sleep last night because of what happened. Luckily our mother gave us something, like a potion or something, to make our eyes return to normal.

I felt alone since mike was asleep and I was awake, "Mike.." I said quietly, Mike just shifted a bit, "Mikey.." I say a little louder, this made Mikey whimper and turn away from me, making me feel more alone. "Mikey...please wake up, I-I feel so alone...I need you" I somewhat begged for Mikey to wake up, tears welling up in my eyes.

Mikey had turned to face me, and pulled me into a tight hug. I hate this feeling. The feeling of being weak, I know that Mike and I are twins, similar, yet so different. I feel like I need to protect Mike, as if I was the stronger more capable twin, even though we're pretty much the same, except for our personalities.

"I love you Richie, so much. I know how you are about being 'weak' when I console you but Richie just know I have your back..always. we'll get through this.." Mikey said softly and held me close, "promessa?"(promise?) "promessa." (Promise) Mikey kissed my head. To be honest, we just laid there for like an hour. Talking about what happened, what we're going to do about all of this, our father, while shedding a few tears.

We suddenly heard a knock on our door, "y-yo! Mikey, you here?!" I hear Bill's muffled voice through the door, "uh yeah I'm in come in.." Mikey and I quickly wiped our tears before bill came in. "H-hey you guys alright?" Bill asked us concerned, you see, bill is like our brother, we love him like he's family, and he does the same.

"Mhm" I answer like usual, a little bit of a sad tone to it though, "okay g-good, well just wuh-wanted to tell you guys t-that old Tommy asked if you c-could watch will? Whatever his name is..a-and eds n stan are c-coming over." I nod in response, not having the energy to ask who the hell Eds is, "oh Tom said Wuh-will is g-gonna be dr-dropped off like s-soon so yea.." Bill exited the room, leaving me and Mikey again.

"You can stay in here if you want bubba" Mikey told me and nodded, "no no I'm fine I'll uh get up..I don't feel like being alone. T-tommow, ugh fuck, tomorrow, can we just have a like us day?" I asked, "of course rich, I've been wanting to have one of those seemed so occupied when you were with Xavier.." "Well that's the past so yeah...I'm sorry though" I apologized, "its okay-" he got cut off by bill,

"Hey e-everyone's here n-now!" He yelled from downstairs. I give Mikey a quick hug and got up to fix my hair and pull on one of my Hawaiian Shirts, Mike said that my Hawaiian shirts are out of style but I don't give a damn.

Eddie's POV

I sit on the unfamiliar couch, looking at my friend's faces, who look completely calm and chill. While I'm over here, nervous about meeting the infamous Tozier twins. I hear footsteps coming from the stairs, my breathing becomes irregular, as my palms start to sweat. The twins stop at the bottom of the stairs, seeming to scan everyone's face.

To my surprise, they look saddened and unintimidating, "hey..." the one with the glasses spoke up and took a seat next to me, "h-hi..." I greet them both, sounding nervous, "hey, you eds?" The one without glasses asked me, while going over to sit on his brother's lap, "it's Eddie, not eds okay?" I say, somewhat irritated, "o-okay.." he responded and stayed quiet.

"Rich, mike, something happen?" I hear stan ask the twins. They simultaneously shake their heads 'no', staying silent. 'Guys they aren't like this usually' bill texted me n stan in our group chat, 'no shit sherlock' stan replied. I didn't say anything because this was my first time meeting them so I didn't have an idea of how they acted normally. "Um you guys wanna do something?" The small boy in the chair spoke up, "" What I believed to be Mike asked,

"Uhm I don't know, just like get to know eachother, like talk?" The brunette boy suggested, "I'd like that..what's your name?" I smiled at him, "Will..and yours?" Will asked me, "Eddie..just Eddie." I answer him, already comfortable with him, "uh hey um which ones which?" I asked the twins, "I'm Mike, that's Richie.." Mike had gave me a definitive answer. I nod in response, "why isn't he talking?" Will asked Mike, pertaining to Richie, "he lost his voice." Mike was quick to answer his question.

Will nodded. Richie glanced up at Mike and gave him a quick but genuine smile. Mike smiled and kissed his head, "you guys are really affectionate towards eachother," I commented, "Well he's my brother, bestfriend basically and I love him so yeah...I like to give him affection like he's a lil puppy." Mikey giggled.

"T-they're honestly like in-inseperable." Bill spoke up and the twins nodded in response. "So um tell me about yourself eddie..." Mikey said, starting up a conversation. "I um I'm a cool dude an-" stan cut me off, "stop lying Eddie. Eddie is a short brunette boy, that likes cookies and being soft..." I heard Mike snigger, making me frown a little and stay quiet, "that's cool..." Mikey shot me a smile.

Mike's POV

I looked over at will and smiled, "what about you will?" I ask, he immediately started blushing, "o-oh um I like to listen to music, sometimes sing I love to draw n I like to help out my grandpa sometimes...uh that's about it.." Will answered shyly, "cute...I uh mean um uh Uhm cool.." I cough trying to cover up my dumb mistake. Will looked down and blushed more.

Richie tapped my arm and pointed at Stan, to keep up his sharade that his voice is gone, and to ask me to ask stan about himself. "So stanny...what are you like?" I ask in a friendly manner, "Why thank you for asking," he smiled, "I love birds, as you guys I like taking pictures of be honest to describe myself..I am kinda stubborn-" "k-kinda? Y-yeah right.." bill cut stan off, "back to what I was saying...I'm nice and sweet at least once you get to know me. Very and caring." Stan smiled brightly. I looked back at Richie, who was smiling, and shook my head, smiling too.

(Crazy shit ahead jk it's not that deep)

I look down at my hands and see thick black claws, replacing my nails. I quickly hide my hands, "R-richie..." I whispered to him, he raised a brow, "" I get off of his lap and walk upstairs to my room.

Richie's POV

I go upstairs with mikey, "what is it?" I ask. Mikey took his hands out of his pockets, showing me his claws. I gasp, looking at them, "When the hell did this happen?!" I exclaimed, "shut the fuck up richie! I don't know when this happened..okay? I-I'm getting worse.." tears started to swell up in Mikey's eyes.

I hate this. I hate this so much. All of this. My brother and I have been through a lot, but nothing like this. We're literal demons, spawns of satan. I hugged him tight, hearing heartbreaking soft sobs when I held him my arms. "Please, make it stop...all of it..please" Mike begged desperately, I start crying too, nodding at his request, "I'll save you, save us aslong as you can save us too.."

Mikey nodded quickly. We held onto eachother, until we heard a knock at the door, "M-mike..richie? Wuh-whats going on with you t-two?" I heard bill, "bill come in..we have to tell you something..rather important. But please, please don't freak out.." I spoke up.

Bill opened the door and came inside. Instantly hugging us, "g-guys what happened?" Bill asked us concerned. Mikey and I sat down on his bed. "Like I said don't freak out...b-but um we're..." I trailed off, "you're w-what? Please t-tell me I'm so worried a-about you guys" bill frowned, "we're demons, literal spawns of satan...our father is satan..we're basically antichrists.." Mikey said, sniffling.

Bill's POV

I gasp in response, "a-are you telling me the truth?" I asked, my eyes wide. They both nodded and hung their heads low. "Guys i-its two are like m-my brothers I'll al-always love you.." I say and get up to hug them tight. They hugged me back, sobbing in my arms. I kissed their heads and sat on the floor with them, holding them tight.

We sit there for 5 minutes before they pulled away, "we love you too Bill.." Richie smiled sadly at me, "h-how'd you guys f-find out?" I asked, curious, "First our eyes turned a different color. Mine were yellow and Mike's were a blood red color. Mikey hates going to the hospital soo we went to our mama's house then she told us papa was satan..." Richie told me, I nodded in response.

Will's POV

Richie, Mike, and bill have been upstairs for at least 10 minutes, "guys?" I adress the others in the room, "yes?" Stan asked me, "bill, and the twins have been upstairs for a while..." "hmm they you think they're okay?" Eddie asked, looking fairly concerned. Stan and I shrugged.

"You guys wanna go check on them?" Stan asked. I nodded along with Eddie. We all got up and crept up the stairs. Stan knocked on Mike's door, "are you guys okay?" Eddie piped up. The door suddenly opened to show a red eyed Mike, also Richie and Bill.(as in, red bc of crying)

"Wha-what happened are you okay?" I asked mike, a wave of sadness going through me, "y-yeah..." he replies, strain in his voice, "Mike..please..I know I don't know you well but please tell me what's wrong?" I looked up at him with sad eyes, "i-i can't ...I just can't.." Mike said solemnly. I don't know what made me do this but I wrapped my small hands around his waist tight. I hugged him like I loved him and was never gonna see him again.

Mike hugged me back tight, kissing my head softly, making me blush. "Thank you.." he said softly. I smiled and held onto him. (Will like 5'2 and mike 6'4)

Stan's POV

I see Richie's stained face and red eyes. I walked over to him and took an initiative by hugging him tight. This isn't like me, I'd normally go to bill but this..this feeling overtook me and I just had to hug Richie. I wanted him to feel like everything was going to be okay. I felt Richie's strong, but gental arms wrap around me. (Stan is 5'6 and richie is 6'3)

Richie held onto me like I was getting stolen from him. I loved this feeling. The feeling of being loved dearly. I planted a kiss on his head as he held onto me, "everything's gonna be Rich..i-i don't what's going on but trust will be okay.." I whispered to him, "promise?" He asked, "promise." I answered him.

Eddie's POV

At the first chance, I went to bill and sat down on his lap, " okay? What happened?" I asked him, looking up into his beautiful eyes. I've had a crush on bill for entirely too this point I'm In love with him. We've been bestfriends for years, so I gave all honesty. I'm pretty sure he thinks of me like a bestfriend only..maybe even a brother.

Bill placed his hand on my cheek, and nodded, "y-yeah..thank you f-for caring eds..I always ap-appreciate it" he gave me a soft smile. I hugged him tight, "love ya bill.." I say in friend like manner, "I love you too eds.." I blushed in response and dug my face into his chest. He said i love you. My heart fluttered, rekindling my hope and endeavor.

A/n I really like this chapter..can ya see the ships? Lmao anyways 2130 including a/n haha I updated this so now you can't truly tell the ships

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