The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

177K 7.7K 342

*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



2K 109 20
By wraithprincess

After waiting I received another text

You did well Harper now step out of the car keep your head down and don't look around

I get out of the car I hear something come up behind me then something goes over my face I can't see but I can feel someone behind me
" Come along Little Bitch Boss wants you "

I was then jerked backwards into him I fell down he kicked me then picked me up throwing me over his shoulder then into the back of some vehicle

" Don't say a word and don't move unless I tell you too "

The vehicle started it backed up and pulled off
I didn't know where we were going but all I can do is pray that my sisters are okay

" This May sting "
Was all the warning I got I felt the stick and burn
My body goes limp then my eyes close I can't fight the darkness anymore

Ouch my Head was the first thought that came to mind then I'm fucking tied to a bed

I open my eyes the cover had been removed raising my head just enough to see that I'm still clothed which brings a small amount of relief to me

" Harper Sissy Wake Up "
" Makenna "
" Harper your awake "
" Yes I am are you okay "
" Yes Sissy Makayla and I are okay , Beanie is too but she can't talk she has a gag in her mouth the jerk said she talks to much "

I let out a little laugh at that because it's true Beanie can talk a lot

" Has the jerk as you called him been back "
" No not since you were brought in "

The door came open banging against the wall
I turned to see who it was

" I see you are finally awake now "
" Todd let them go it's me you want not them " I say
" Don't Tell me what to do Harper "
I jerk against the chains but I can't get free

" Oh don't wear yourself out Harper we are going to have  a lot of fun soon I need you ready to do my bidding "

" Fuck you Todd "
" Oh we will Harper just like I have wanted for the past several years "

" Hold her arm still I need to give her something to help her be more complying to my demands " Todd said I then see a guy reach over and grab my arm hard I feel his fingers digging into my arm as another needle is stuck in my arm

" Let them go " I say to Todd who just grins and walks back out the door he came in

I see the guy that I assume brought me here standing at the door
"Please convince him to let them go " I say

The door is closed again

" Harper what did he give you " Makenna Asked

" Baby girl I don't know but do your remember Uncle Luke showing you both how to get out of bindings "
" Yes "
" Then Do it girls and once you do get Beanie undone and get out of here "
"But Harper I don't want to leave you here with him " Makayla replied
" I know but I want you three out of here "

The door came open again Todd came in stood at the end of the bed
" Strip her "

My clothes were cut off me everything I laid There naked

" Well Well looks like you shaved down there " Todd says
He raises his phone up snaps a picture

" I'm going to send this to your family and let them see what a whore you are "

" Fuck You " I yelled

Todd came around leaned down and smacked me hard busting my lip

" Take the three of them out of here drop them off at the location I told you about then disappear " Todd told the guy

The guy grabs the twins and carries them out a few minutes later he comes back for Beanie

Papa Axel POV
I can't believe Harper left without telling anyone no actually I can from what the messages said she is doing this to save her sisters lives even if it means the possibility of hers ending
We locate Owens car at the abandoned house
There are another set of tire tracks leaving out the other road

" She left her phone in the front seat so she went willingly " Nathan said

" I don't think he was here I think he had another set of instructions" Brandon says

" Well we know she went out that way , Corey , Victor Kota See If there are any traffic cameras or even neighbors that way " Owen barks out

" Axel look at me " Owen says
I turn to face him
" We will get your girls back I promise " Owen says

Owens POV

I can see it in The Toma teams face they are all on edge four of their girls have been taken from them Well three were taken the Third one went willingly to save her sisters
As we race to where Harper's phone is pinging from we are formulating a plan

Once we arrived close by , Luke And Gabriel went in they are the quietest of all of us
They are only gone five minutes they came back and gave the it's clear signal

As I look around the area my car is here Harper's phone is here there is a second set of tire tracks leading out the other way

My phone goes off with a text

" That Fucking Bastard he touches her I will kill him " Morgan yells

I look at the text it's a picture of a Naked Harper tied to a bed

Then in the next text came

You find your three daughters at A Warehouse along the Ashley River  Happy hunting oh and Harper will be just fine

Morgan' POV

We head to Where Harper's phone is pinging from as we go down the long road I feel more and more anxious once we get close enough
Both Daddy Gabriel and Luke go in they are the most stealth well besides the triplets those three are sneaky as fuck
Both come back and say it's clear

As we try to figure out where she went from there we all get a text
Harper is tied to a bed naked with a message saying the twins and beanie can be found at a Warehouse on the Ashely River that could be anywhere

End of POV

Owen Redlines Everyone in the Academy with specific instructions
Half go along the Warehouses along the Ashley River and look for Beanie , Makenna and Makayla, the other half meet us at the hospital parking lot Harper has been taken

Everyone met at the hospital, Williams Team, Anderson Team , Henderson Team  and ten other teams

" Okay As you all Know Harper Toma was taken , She was Taken By Todd Sullivan he not only took her but Beanie, Makenna and Makayla too but according to the text he released them but kept Harper , he is holding her from what we can tell us a warehouse but might move her " Owen explains to everyone

" Now the rest of the Academy is heading to the Warehouses along the Ashely River while we look for Harper " Axel spoke

" Time is most important here is a grid of the areas we need to search once your assigned grid is searched completely come back to here and report to Casey , Sang or Lilly
When all grids are searched and if Harper hasn't been found we will widen our search area" Brandon explained

" Each Team Captain keep in contact with each other " Axel said

" Let's go find my Little Warrior " Raven said

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