Dark Radiance

By Soul_Eater_Writer18

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"(Y/n) please! I'm begging you! You don't have to do this!" I turn around and look to soul. "It's the only wa... More

Chapter 1: First Encounters
Chapter 2: Academy Student
Chapter 3: New place
Chapter 4: Souls Invitation
Chapter 5: Our First Real Mission!?!
Chapter 6: The Truth Is Out
Chapter 7: Solitary Confinement
Chapter 8: The Unexpected Limitation
Chapter 9: Change
Chapter 10: Sanity
Chapter 11: A Normal Day I Suppose
Chapter 12: The Epic Date, Almost
Chapter 13: Memoir
Chapter 14: The Magic Tool Brew
Chapter 15: Maka's Resonance Team
Chapter 16: The Second Date, Well Almost
Chapter 18: The Much To Long Wait
Chapter 19: All Good Times Come To An End
Chapter 20: Daddy Dearest
Chapter 21: Serena
Chapter 22: My Dirty Little Secret Exposed
Chapter 23: The Festival Part 1
Chapter 24: The Festival Part 2
Chapter 25: It Started With A Whisper
Chapter 26: I Love You But This Is Goodbye
Chapter 27: The Unexpected
Chapter 28: Soul Eater Evans, My Hero
Chapter 29: Down To Us
Chapter 30: The Final Battle

Chapter 17: Grandparents!?

130 7 0
By Soul_Eater_Writer18

Your p.o.v
"Oww!" I rubbed my the temples of my forehead after all of them had practically screamed in my face. I knew for sure I was going to have one nasty headache later, but that didnt matter right now, what did was how all my friends were taking my newest revelation.

"Sorry" "Its fine" "How long have you known they have been alive?" "We always thought your father was born a kishin" "Are they crazy like him?" As my friends bombarded me with all their questions I couldnt help but to wonder these things myself. Father never mentioned anything about them ever. What was he hiding?

"Hey guys! Your bombarding her! Give her some time to think" when I snapped out of my thoughts I saw that Soul was the one to come to my aid. He always seemed to help me out in the roughest of times. But yet again I shouldnt be thinking about these things. I need to refocus!

I take both my hands and slap them against my face, focus (y/n), focus! I guess I said that out loud because all my friends laughed. It was nice that the mood had lightened up a bit.

"So where exactly are they coming from?" "I Dont know, they said they would come to me, it's odd really, I always used to think my Father was created to be the way he is now the fact that he did have parents scares and excites me" "Hopefully all they want is to talk and none of that other stuff"

When Maka said that I couldnt help but to wonder that myself, when they pulled me into that spacial plain they didnt seem to have bad intentions. Well not that I could tell, I wonder if they just want to get to know me.

"Hey dont worry your pretty little face, I'm sure their cool" when Soul said that I couldnt help to crack a smile, I swear this boy knows how to make me smile. "I hate to ruin this awfully sweet moment but (y/n) how will they come without my father realizing?" When kid said that it hit me.

Are they aware of what is going to happen? Panic ran through out my mind and I ran back to the mirror, I placed my hand on it and thought super hard and focused on my granparents.

Within seconds I was back in the spacial plain. I did it! I actually did it! But that proud moment was cut short when I heard my grandfathers voice.

"(Y/n) what is the meaning of this?" "Dont come to death academy, it will raise to many red flags, I'll come to you, just tell me where you are!" "California" "Then wait for me, I'll be there as soon as I can" "Well await your arrival" "Oh one more thing, I'm bringing my friends"

"Do they know the truth" "yeah" "Alright only them" "Alright, I'll see you soon" and like that I released us all from the plain. When I came back to the only ones left where the twins, Maka and Soul.

"Sorry guys" "No problem" "We all should get some rest though, tomorrow we head off towards Sunny california" "Sounds good to us!" I see Maka and Soul out before locking the door and collapsing on the floor, making a very big thud as I did.

"What the hell" "Are you alright?" "Never better" "Clearly sarcasm Hunter" "I knew that Hayden, shut up" I look up at the two idiots who were hovering over me. Was I not allowed to lay on the floor and just wallow?

I guess I said that out loud because hunter ended up kicking my arm. "You dick! What was that for!" "For breaking your promise!" "What promise?" Hunter kicked my arm again and I jumped to my feet, fully prepared to kick his ass. But as always Hayden intervenes.

"What he is trying to say is that you made us a promise, that you wouldnt shut us out anymore" "I did?" "Of course she doesnt remember" and with that hunter kicked me again, except this time he made my knee buckle and I fell to the floor hard.

"God damn it Hunter! Will you stop!" "Sure, once you remember your promise" "When did I even make it?" "A while ago" "Oh cause that's so God damn specific!" "You know what, fine, shut us out, but dont be surprised when we finally stop caring!" And with that he stormed into his room and slammed the door shut.

For the first time in a while I was shocked, he never lashed out like that before. I didnt realize that promise was so important to him. "Good going (y/n), you managed to piss him off again! I'm tired and going to bed, try to remeber please, for my sake and yours" and with that I was all alone in the living room with nothing but my thoughts.

This was the first time the twins ever acted this way, no matter how many times we fought or argued it never ended like this, but this time it was different. That promise really does matter to both of them, how unthoughtful of me.

I leaned against the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest, and thought some more until I could no longer stay awake, and just like that i fell asleep

Hunter p.o.v
1:34 am....

Huh, I usually dont wake up in the middle of the night how odd. I quickly shrug it off and reach for my water, discovering I was out.

I let out a low groan when I realized I was going to have to leave my room to go get a new one. Mental note to self, keep more then one bottle in room.

I take the empty bottle and climb out of bed, depositing it into my rooms recycling bin before heading into the kitchen. What I wasnt expecting was to trip over something in the dark.

But it just wasnt a something, when I managed to turn the light on, I saw that it was (y/n). She has dried tears going all along the side of her cheek, her hair stuck to her face. Even if I am mad I just cant let her sleep out here, so i pick her up and carry her to her room.

When I set her in her bed I saw her journal was open, what a fickle woman, although I wanted to read it, I stopped myself. I wasnt going to invade her privacy because she didnt want to let me in, no matter how much I really wanted to. So I put it on her nightstand and covered her with her blankets and left the room.

Well I almost made it our before she started to do that thing. "Mhm, hunter come back" "No, you got to sleep, we got a big day ahead of us" "please dont leave"

And with that I was sitting next to her in her bed. What a very very very fickle woman she is, I wish she make up her mind. I let out an exasperated sigh before shutting my eyes. Might as well try to sleep, and like that I was out

Hey Bunnys! Sorry for not updating these past few weeks, I havent had the time or inspiration to right with school and graduation coming up. But hey, its spring break so I'm going to try and produce as much chapters as I can! I love you all!

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