Paired - Jeongchan ☆彡

By MinMaid

43.6K 2K 1.4K

Jeongin knows that the love he felt for Chan is in all ways wrong. But somehow, he continues to play Chan's m... More

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2.3K 103 129
By MinMaid

Chan's POV

My feet ache I every step as I steadily followed Jeongin's stretcher. I can walk but he can't. I stared at his feet. The soles of his feet were completely wrapped in bandages. My eyes rip away from his condition.

We arrived to his medical room. Bland, white, and lifeless for a lifeless person. The yellow hue of the small lamp and the lit city beneath us were the only light sources. His body seems dead. He looked like a mummy under the gown. I grabbed a seat next to him. My eyes trace him from head to toe. He's incredibly skinny...

Curious, I went to search for the medical problems. The list is too long. I hate it. I hate me.

External and internal injuries of patient: Yang Jeongin

Fractured Rib 2x
Fractured wrist (left)
Minor Concussion
Many cuts on sole of feet
Cuts on legs
Cuts on hips
Cuts on fingers
Cuts on hands
Cuts on arms
Cuts on back
Cuts on chest
Cuts on face
Cuts on ears
Bruising on legs
Brushing on thigh
Bruising on hands
Bruising on arms
Bruising on chest
Bruising on back
Bruising on face
Bruising on head
Swollen eye (left)
Minor damage to the liver
Extreme stomach pain
Hoarse throat (dehydration)
Lack of  brain to stem locomotion
-Blurry vision
-slow response to actions
-"drowsy" response to actions (talking)
Depression (suicidal thoughts?)
Anxiety (trauma?)

I gulped. All the hurt being caused by me towards one singular human is overwhelming. I never thought about it from the medical perspective, but when it finally is all written out in front of me, it demands me to go on my knees. And that's exactly what I did.

Arrows and spears seem to hit at my chest, throwing me back onto the dirt. The eyes stare down at me with sparks of red. The blood flows out reaching and crawling out of me.

It's warm.

And wet.

"Quit trying to disappoint me! Jeongin told me how you stole someone's playing cards! What kind of son steals?! Not mine! OUT!"

"Get out of my sight Chan! Jeongin got a 100 but you got a 94?! Jeongin is a better son than you! You know what? I'm setting you to camp in Switzerland. I can't believe you."

"You want to become what? A rapper?! Don't be fucking mental. Become more like Jeongin. He is more realistic than you. Get out of here and walk to your grandmas."

"I told you what would happen if you didn't get first place in the piano contest. You're not eating for two days and not leaving your room. Get up there before it extends to 4 days."

"Why did you push Jeongin down the stairs huh?! You two are friends."

"I didn't, he pushed me and I grabbed on to him-."

"ENOUGH WITH THE EXCUSES. You know what happen to liars. You're taking a cold shower today!"

My demons come out again.

I don't know if I'm mad at Jeongin again. I can't be. If I'm mad at him again, I'd have to hurt him again. Whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoid-

They stare me down from the stage.

No no no. GO AWAY.


My inner thoughts keep fighting against each other. My mind feels heavy and flooded. It's spinning. I'm spinning. My head feels like it's about to burst.

I can't choose.

The light from the sun burns my eyes. I lay on the couch. Unmoving. The memories of yesterday sink back in. At least mom and dad don't know. His heart rate monitor could be seen from my position. It's steady. The clock reads 9:22. I achingly get out of bed towards the mirror and sink. My face is puffy and sticky from last night. My eyes seem to drop down along with the lines and discolored skin. My hair is messily curly and sticking out of weird places. I wash my face. It hits the cold water waking me up instantly.

The door to my side opens up again. The nurse comes in with medical supplies but with also food that was ordered from a hotel restaurant that I'm very familiar with. Bokjin's Wagyu. I assumed they've already went through my school profile to realized that my family is the hospital's main donator and shareholder. "Good morning Mr. Bang, I'll be doing some tests and cleanups on Mr. Yang here. Mr. Jun also has provided you food for your morning supper. Please sit down at the table as I prepare you food-" "it's okay, I'll prepare it myself." I gave her a reassuring smile and grabbed the takeout bag. I can smell my favorite from the restaurant. Mini deep fried wagyu sandwiches. Mr. Jun knows me so well.

"Again?" I aggressively shook my head. He picks up my small frame by the pits of my arms. I would always run towards Mr. Jun's house, which was almost a mile from mine, just for him to comfort me, feed me, and snuggle with him in the same bed. He was more of a dad towards me than my own blood. "Aigoo..." I hug him and stuff my slobby face in the crook of his neck. "It's okay," he bounces and rubs my back "when you grow up to be a fine young man, you're skin will be so thick that nobody's words can bring you down. Not even mom and dad's."

Those words are the same words I go by till this day.

I'm tall enough now to ring the doorbell and not cry outside the door now, but I still cry when he opens. "My goodness Chan! Your face!" He quickly brings me in and seats me down on his couch. He returned with a medical kit, cookies, and milk. "You're 13 now but you still he getting hit?" I cry harder at his failed attempt to joke. "Imkiddingimkidding hehe. you're a good kid and I know that. You- you're just not raised properly..." I can see the anger in him as he said his last words. "I'm always here to protect you okay?" He rubs my tears. I slowly nod back in response.

I set the food down on the glass table, noticing a handwritten sticky note attached to the side. "Eat well and grow up strong! Fighting Channnie!" I weakly smiled back at the note and carefully folded it in my pocket. Remember to add it to your wall with the rest later Chan. I watch the nurse as she finishes up her tests and bows out towards the door.

I'm left with Jeongin again. We've been paired.



Spent at least 3 hours on this chapter. Phew, finally done and I loved how it turned out! Hope you enjoyed it too... If you haven't read my announcement from yesterday. To briefly summarize, it says that I won't be able to do weekly updates anymore. I'm incredibly sorry for the people who do anticipate for another chapter and hope you don't leave me lol.... I just have to focus on my health and school is the reason for it to not exist so I can't fit writing in that 16-19 hour schedule. Anyways, thank so much for supporting me.

Thank you for reading! - マイ☆彡

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