Our Year (Completed)


1.7M 47.6K 2.5K

*Being Edited, will also upload edited chapter once they're all edited* I wrote the first part of the book wh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thriteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty (FINALE CHAPTER)
Bonus Chapter (Thank you for 400K)
Never The One
New Book!
Frozen - Vampire Romance Book
Little Update!! 1.59 M Reads!


30.2K 809 29

          ~We did it! 200K reads!! I am so thankful for all of you reading Our Year and voting for it and just being supportive! I hope you guys enjoy this bonus chapter!!! At the time of me posting this it's 208K reads, it only got 200K a couple days ago!!! I love all of you!!!!!!!!!!

"Happy birthday, Winter!" We all cheered while my little cutie blew out her humongous candle that was in a shape of a three which was placed on top of a huge Princess Jasmine cake.

Winter giggled at everyone around her and was so excited to eat her cake. "Daddy! Daddy! Please cut my cake!" She batter her long eyelashes at him and he was of course going to cave. Jason always caved for our little princess.

Jason let out a chuckle before grabbed the stack of pink paper plates and cutting into the birthday cake. Jason gave Winter the first piece then she ran over to her grandparents before crawling on Lisa's lap and eating her cake. My little girl always put and kept a smile on my face.

Once Jason was done serving the cake he came over to me, sat next to me then put her arm around me before handing me my price of cake. "Thank you, Babe." I kissed him.

"You're welcome. I made sure to put extra frosting on the side for you." He kissed me again than kissed my little bump. "And for our little man."

I let out a giggle and ran my hand through Jason's soft brown hair. "He's moving around for his daddy. Winter! Come here." I called for her.

She came running over to me. "What, Mama?" She asked sweetly.

"Feel mama's belly. Your baby brother is moving around. I think he'll move around lots for his amazing big sister. Don't you think so?"

"He better!" She giggled before crawling up on Jason's lap and placing her hand on my baby bump. The baby moved around more for Winter. He was always very active whenever Jason or Winter were around. "I think him moving means he luvs me, mama!"

Jason and I both laughed at how cute she was whenever she talked and couldn't quite get the words right, it was honestly the most adorable thing ever whenever she would say Luv instead of love. Or tank you instead of thank you. I was in love with the toddler stage and I wanted her to stay this little forever. She was my sweet little baby that changed me whole life.

"He does love you, Baby. He loves his big sister very very much." I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

"Are you ready to open all your presents?" Jason asked her with a smile.

"Will you help me, Daddy?" She looked up at him with her big adorable eyes.

"Of course I will, Baby. Let's go over to them so mama can take pictures."

She jumped down from his lap and bolted towards her huge stacks of presents from all our friends and family. Jason kisses me before going over and sitting on the floor with Winter and helping her open all her new things.

I dragged a chair over and sat there while taking pictures.

It was hard to believe my baby was already three. How does this happen so quickly? How did she go from this little tiny baby to an adorable, bubbly toddler? This was all happening was to quick and of course it make me sad because I didn't want me baby girl to grow up. Jason didn't either. But we couldn't stop her from growing up, it wasn't possible.

One thing I was happy about was that we were giving Winter a sibling. This time, the baby was planned. Jason and I tried for this one this time. We wanted Winter and her first sibling to be rather close in age. But we do plan on having more.

It amazes me that Jason went from never wanting kids to having a daughter and wanting a lot more in such little time. Fatherhood has changed him even more. He's so protective our baby girl and she's his little princess. He never lets anything hurt her and he always makes time to play tea party or Barbies with him. But we always make the weekends for us and Winter. we don't mess with those weekends. That's Winter's time to be with us all day and we do whatever she wants.

I took pictures of Jason and Winter open her presents. Winter was so excited when she got everything she wanted and more. She was the most excited about her massive Barbie house she got.

The rest of her birthday party went amazing. We sat at the island with Winter while the house was getting cleaned up.

"Did you have a good birthday, Baby Girl?" I asked her while running a hand through her beautiful cholesterols locks.

"It was so awesome, Mama! I had wots and wots of fun!" She squealed making Jason and I both laugh. "Tank you, Mama and Daddy."

Jason and both told her she was very welcomed.

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" Jason asked her as he got up and went over to the fridge.

"I want chicken nuggets and French fries!"

"Coming right up." Jason grabbed the chicken nuggets and French Frye's our of the freezer before turning the oven on and putting the food on and tray then slipping it into the oven.

"Daddy, I want that sauce with my chicken nuggets!"

He laughed, "Alright, Baby."

Jason made Winter's supper and put her princess plate in front of her that contained her food.

"Thank you, Daddy!" She giggled and started eating.

I smiled over at Jason and he smiled back at me. I couldn't believe that I gave birth to our little princess just three years ago. It seems like it was just yesterday to me.

Winter finished up her dinner and we got her in a bath where she played and splashed around. We then took her to her bedroom and read her a book while cuddling with her.

Once Winter was asleep we went to our bedroom and got ready for bed. We got in bed together and Jason kissed me. "I cant believe she's three,"

"I know." I smiled at him. "And know we're expecting again. It's crazy how much has changed since we first met."

"You're right. Who knew we'd be here right now pregnant and raising our first child." He leaned down and kissed my belly making our baby move around for him.

I kissed him and he pulled me on top of him making me giggle.  He put his hands on my waist and kissed my shoulder. "You're so beautiful, Serena."

I kissed him than started kissing his jaw then his neck which made him moan.

Suddenly there was a knock on our door. "Mama! Daddy!"

I looked at Jason and got up before opening the door. Winter was standing there holding her favourite stuffy. "What's wrong, Baby?"

"Can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?"

"Of course, Baby." I picked her up and took her to bed with us and put her in the middle.

We cuddled with Winter and everything was perfect.

~Here's a little bonus chapter for all of you! I hope you all enjoyed it!! Thank you so much for over 200K reads! I love all of you!
Little update on the second book! I think I'm going to write one! But only after one of my other books are done. Question for you guys!!!
Do you want the book to be about either, Serena and Jason raising their children. Or Winter grown up!
Comment what one you want!
Thank you so much for reading!
Comment! Vote! Share! Follow!!!

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