Islamic Short Stories

By MuslimahAtHeart

95.9K 3.4K 282

Read about goodness. Spark an inspiration. More

The Patient Old Man
Did You Thank Allah for Your Eyesight?
The Emperor and the Seed
The Pious Man and the Shopkeeper
Junaid Baghdadi and Love for Allah
The Guard Who Found Islam
Giant Ship Engine that Failed
The Carpenter
A World of Smile
The Sight of Kabah
Hachiko, the Faithful Dog
A Thousand Camels
Better to Give
Army of Elephants
The Fisherman
Thirst for Learning
Prayer of a Sick Person
The Righteous Beggar
A Sheet for the Prophet
Story of a Wrestler Junaid Baghdadi
Story of Alexander the Great
Only for Allah
Owners of the Garden
The Patched Robe
The Other Doors
The Boy Who Used to Delay His Prayers
The Tale of Two Frogs
The Pious "Drunkard" and "Fornicator"
Lessons on Life

Reward for Helping Others

2.7K 88 5
By MuslimahAtHeart

Ibn Abbas narrated, Once I was in a state of itikaaf in the Prophet's Mosque (Medina). A certain person came to me and sat down. I said to him, 'O so and so, you look sad'. He said, 'Yes of course, o fraternal brother of the Prophet. So-and-so has his due on me, and by the one who lies in eternal peace in the grave (i.e. Prophet Muhammad), I am not able to pay the debt' I said, 'Should I not talk to him about your debt?' He said, 'You can do so if you like' There upon I put my shoes on and went out of the mosque. The person asked him, 'Have you forgotten the state you were in (i.e. itikaaf)?' I replied, 'Not at all, but I have heard rom the one who lies in eternal peace in the grave [saying this his eyes became filled with tears], said:

"One who moves to fulfill any need of his brother, and makes effort for it, will find it better than itikaaf of ten years; and one who performs itikaaf for one day for the pleasure of Allah, he will create a distance of three ditches between him and the hell - and each ditch has a width which lies between East and West, or between the heaven and earth."

Source: Al Targhib Vol II p 272.

By the blessings of Allah, we are approaching another Ramadan. For most of us, we feel a little taste of hunger during this month only. But there are billions for whom it is a matter of daily life. Let us get immense rewards by helping our needy brothers and sisters around the world during this month of generosity.

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