Allies & Enemies // Spider-Ma...

By sunsets_and_quills

108K 3.1K 682

❝Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.❞ After the events of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter Parker... More

𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕤 & 𝔼𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕤
one {Peter's POV}
two {Peter's POV}
three {Arya's POV}
four {Peter's POV}
five {Peter's POV}
six {Arya's POV}
seven {Arya's POV}
eight {Peter's POV}
nine {Arya's POV}
ten {Peter's POV}
eleven {Arya's POV}
twelve {Arya's POV}
thirteen {Arya's POV}
fourteen {Peter's POV}
fifteen {Peter's POV}
sixteen {Arya's POV}
eighteen {Peter's POV}
nineteen {Arya's POV}
twenty {Peter's POV}
twenty-one {Arya's POV}
twenty-two {Arya's POV}
twenty-three {Peter's POV}
twenty-four {Arya's POV}
twenty-five {Arya's POV}
twenty-six {Arya's POV}
twenty-seven {Peter's POV}
twenty-eight {Arya's POV}
twenty-nine{Arya's POV}
thirty {Arya's POV}
thirty-one {Arya's POV}
thirty-two {Peter's POV}
thirty-three {Arya's POV}
thirty-four {Arya's POV}
thirty-five {Arya's POV}
thirty-six {Peter's POV}
thirty-seven {Arya's POV}
thirty-eight {Arya's POV}
Book 3!

seventeen {Arya's POV}

2.2K 82 1
By sunsets_and_quills

I shot up in my bed, letting out a loud gasp. My drenched shirt stuck to my skin, my legs were trapped in the sheets and my pillow was on the other side of the room.

I sat with my head in my hands for what felt like hours until my breathing and heartbeat were back to normal. I brushed a hand through my tangled hair before I got out of bed. I picked up the pillow from the floor and threw it back onto my bed. I lay back down, folding my hands over my stomach as I stared at the ceiling. I tried to eliminate the horrible images from my brain.

I twisted and turned in the sheets for the next hour, but after realising I wasn't going to fall back asleep, I sat up against the headboard and snapped on my bedside light. My hand hovered over my phone and I considered calling Peter. I shook my head before turning off the light again. I curled up in the sheets but they were cold and I groaned frustratedly. 

I sat up, turned on the light again and reached out to my phone. With shaking hands, I dialled Peter's number. Even though it was the middle of the night, I knew he'd pick up.

"Hello?" his sleepy voice said through the phone.

"Hey," I said quietly, my voice cracking and faltering.

"Arya? What's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare and I can't sleep anymore."

"Want me to come over?" he asked.

"Come over? No, that's okay. I just wanted to hear your voice," I said, fumbling with my bedsheet. I pulled my knees up to my chest as goosebumps covered my skin. 

"I can come over, I don't mind. It's weekend after all," Peter said.

I sighed. "Only if it's really no problem, Pete." I smiled softly and felt my cheeks heat up.

"I'll be right over. Unlock your window," he said.

"Will do. See you in a bit."

"See you." He ended the call and I immediately made sure the lock on my window was open. Not even five minutes later, I heard a knock on the glass and I opened the curtains. Right outside my window, Spider-Man hung upside down.

I giggled and opened up the window. "What brings you here at this hour, Spider-Man?" I asked, leaning on the window frame. The cold breeze from outside stung my lungs but it also cooled my sweaty skin.

"The usual. Saving people in need," he said and I could hear the grin in his voice. "Can I come in? It's freezing," he said and I stepped aside. I closed the window after him and instantly missed the cool breeze.

Peter pulled off his mask and ran a hand through his brown hair. In the meantime, I fished a set of clothes for him from my closet. He changed from his red spandex into a hoodie and sweatpants.

"So, what do you want to do?" he asked with a giddy smile.

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you said you couldn't sleep, so I figured we could do something else," he answered. "We could play a game if you're up for it?"

I nodded. "Sure. Why not?"

Half an hour later, Peter and I were both hellbent on winning the game of Monopoly we had started. "Pacific Avenue! That one's mine! Pay up, Parker!" I exclaimed excitedly and with a sulky expression, Peter handed over the money. I giddily sorted the money before taking the dice. With full focus, I watched as they rolled over the board. "Six," I muttered as I took my pawn. I had picked the dog and Peter had opted for the thimble. I moved six places on the board and slowly put down my dog, realising that the spot I had ended up on belonged to my boyfriend. 

"And that one's mine. Thank you very much," he beamed as I reluctantly handed him the sum of money.

"I hate you," I grumbled, throwing the dice at him. Thanks to his Spider-Sense, he caught them in time before they hit him in the face.

Right before he could roll the dice, my door opened and in came my father in his pyjamas. "Ary-What the hell? Peter, what are you doing here? Monopoly?" he rambled, motioning to the things he mentioned.

"Tony! Did we wake you up?" I asked carefully.

Tony remained silent for a few seconds before he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Explain, please," he stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well," I started, sitting down cross-legged. "I woke up from a nightmare. I couldn't sleep anymore so I called Peter. He offered to come over and since we both didn't want to go back to sleep, we decided to play a game. Sorry we woke you up," I explained as I awaited his reaction.

He sighed deeply. "You're lucky Pepper's out of town. She would've kicked you both out," he said. "Please just go to bed. Pete, there's a mattress under the bed," he said. "Goodnight." The door was shut and silence fell.

"Are we still gonna finish the game?" I whispered to Peter.

"Of course, we are. I'm so close to beating you," he said, grabbing the dice again.

"In your dreams, Spidey," I challengingly said and he tossed the dice.


I stared down in horror as I watched the water splash over the side of the pool. Peter was already in the water, waiting for me to get in as well. My body was shaking violently and I could barely move. "I-I can't...I can't do th-this," I rambled, wrapping my arms around myself and stepping away from the pool. 

I pressed my fingernails into my palms until my fists shook. I was frozen in place and I couldn't see or hear anything. My ears were rushing and black spots danced in front of my eyes. I vaguely heard Peter calling my name but I couldn't respond, my mouth was as dry as the Saharan Desert and it was as if someone had their hand wrapped around my throat. 

I felt two hands on my arms and I flinched at the sudden touch, but relaxed as I realised was Peter. "You're okay. I'm here," he told me in a hushed voice. "You don't have to do this. We can try another time." 

I nodded. "I don't wanna do this," I choked. Tears were streaming down my face and I had trouble breathing. He wrapped a towel around my shoulder and I realised only now how cold I actually was. 

"You don't have to. Let's get back inside. We'll try some other time," Peter said to me and I shook my head. 

"I don't want to try again," I said. 

"That's fine too. You're shaking like crazy, come on." He took me back into the compound, the pool nothing but a still terror behind me. 

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