I Knew It Would Be Different...

Από BlakeSmith

307 8 10


I Knew It Would Be Different, But Falling In Love? Who Knew?

307 8 10
Από BlakeSmith

A/N: Hey everybody! this is my first story that I have posted, and I am really excited about it! :D :D :D I hope that you guys like it!  

Please comment, and vote. I would really appreciate any constructive criticism you guys would be willing to give.  




Beep! Beep! Beep! My hand immediately shot towards my alarm clock, pressing the 'Snooze' button. 'Ugh.. Silence!' I thought to myself. I started to drift off into a sleep, not a deep sleep, but a sleep. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! This time I jumped to my feet, giving in. I reached over and turned off the clock entirely. Why does time always have to go by so fast especially when you don't want it too? I love sleep, and time just ruins it.

Anyways, I made my way to my closet, tripping over the mountains of boxes piled in my room. I decided that I would wear something comfortable rather than something that would get the boys looking. I pulled a lose T-shirt on, and some worn out jeans. I could hardly believe that this day was the eve of my leaving. I just couldn't wait to spread my wings and soar with the, well, the other 20 year olds that were finally moving away from home.

I carefully made my way to the full body mirror. When I finally was able to get to it, I just looked at myself for a couple of seconds, and decided that I looked pretty decent. Up until a few years before, I had a problem maintaining my weight; But lately I'd gotten onto an exercise program that had done wonders. My dark brown hair was a couple inches past my shoulders, my eyes were a bright color of blue, and I had a nose and a mouth too. I quickly rubbed some make-up on and started down the stairs.

I stopped mid-way when I smelled the sweet aroma of my wonderful mother's cooking. I quickened my pace and threw the kitchen door open, running in. I saw my mother working away at the stove. "Hey mom how-" Just then I was cut off as the spring powered door swung back at me and hit me with a vengeance. I hit the floor, and looked around confused. I was in shock when I looked at my mom hovering over me with a worried expression.  

"Are you OK?" she asked. I snapped out of my haze.  

"Yea, I think I'm fine." I placed my right palm on the ground to help prop me up as I attempted to push myself up, and that is when I felt the pain. I collapsed "Aah!" I yelped, my painful cry betraying the pain I felt. "I think that my arm is broken." I spoke somberly, as I shifted my eyes upwards from my arm to meet her concerned gaze. I could already see that it was swelling, and it ached like no other.  

"Well, we'll have to go to the hospital." She said with the same worried expression as before.

When we arrived and walked into the hospital, it was kind of scary. I hate hospitals, doctors, dentists, and people named Larry, but I digress. I know that places like this are here to help you, but, well, I guess I just have issues.

The women at the desk said to wait and that the nurse would be in out to help us. Thirty minutes into the wait, and I was getting a little impatient. "Mom, this sure is taking a long time, don't you think?" I purposefully said loud enough for the receptionist to hear, hoping it would quicken the pace a bit. I snuck a peek at her, by the look on her face she definitely heard me, but she was more indifferent than anything.  

"Be quiet!" my mother hissed at me, as she shot me a glare, "I'm sure that they are trying their best!"

I looked away, a little scared for my life. That is when I saw him across the lobby. I guessed that he was a nurse by the way he was dressed, but he was definitely the best looking nurse I've ever seen! His hair was a dark brown, and a bit shaggy. He was definitely some kind of an athlete judging by his build. Muscles! He looked down examining some papers that he was holding, then he looked back up and started looking from person to person. His eyes came to me and I forgot to look away. The second we made eye contact it felt like the world slowed. We maintained our gaze for what seemed like an eternity, and then, just like that, it was over. He looked back at the paper. I crossed my fingers, and kept reciting quietly, "Please call me! Please call me! Please call me!" Jeez, I have a problem, don't I? His eyes looked as though they were fixated on me, and then he opened his mouth, "Samantha?"

I lifted up out of my chair about an inch before I realized that he had not called me. I turned around in time to catch a large middle aged woman standing up. Jealousy raged through my body.  

"Lucky duck!" I mumbled to myself.  

"What?" mom asked, as she looked up from her magazine.  

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking aloud." I smiled.

I looked down and started examining my arm. It was hurting so bad, and of course it was probably going to be broken, right when I needed it the most! "Oh well," I thought to myself, "I guess I'll just have to force my brothers to do it." I giggled at the thought.  

"Hey, Melissa?" I snapped back into reality.  

"Huh?" I grunted. I looked up to see my mom standing in front of me, packing the hospital magazine into her purse. "Its our turn! Time to come back into the real world!" she said laughing to herself.  

"Oh!" I responded, standing up. I looked past my mother at the nurse that was waiting for me. If it wasn't so sad, I would've laughed. The nurse was a middle aged, balding, unattractive heap. I shivered and wondered why my luck was so stinking bad?  

He flashed an awkward smile, and spoke. "Hello Melissa, my name is Larry."

After the x-ray, my mom and I were informed that it was, in fact, broken. Quite a shock it was, too! With all the pain I was feeling, I thought it was just a minor sprain. I was quickly shuffled into a room to get a cast on my arm. The nurse asked me what color of a cast I wanted. I responded with "Blue." He looked at me solemnly "Well, actually we are out of blue. I'm sorry." I then attempted to make various selections, each of which was met by one word: "Out."  

Frustrated, I finally asked "Well, what colors are you not out of?"  

"Pink." he responded flatly.  

"Well pink it is then!" I shot back.

Up until this incident, I hadn't realized how much I hated pink. When we finally reached home I was surprised to find that all the boxes that had been in my room had disappeared. "Mom?" I called lazily.  

"Yes, dear?" she responded.  

"Where has all my stuff gone?"  

"The boys put everything in the truck for tomorrow."  

"Oh." I said, surprised. I then yelled out my appreciation to them, "Thank you guys!"  

"You're welcome!!" they all yelled in unison. I chuckled to myself quietly. I have three brothers, two of which live with me: Brandon who was 16, and Mike was 14. We all had our good, and our bad times when it came to fighting, but we are, to this day, very close. My two little twin sisters were a different story, sure I loved them and they loved me, but over the past year I had really started to notice the angry teenage stage getting from bad to worse.  

I walked to my bed and put my head phones in my ears turning on my favorite music. Now that everything I had to do today is done I can afford to have a nice nap. Slowly I drifted into a deep dreamless sleep.


:) Let me know how you guys liked it! Comment and Vote please.  

xoxo Blake.

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