Kidnapped by the Devil

By jazztheebeauty

644K 19.3K 1K

Carina Lehew is one of the most respected socialites in New York. She works as a fashion designer for her mot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Matteo
Chapter 4: Carina
Chapter 5: Matteo
Chapter 6: Carina
Chapter 7: Matteo
Chapter 8: Carina
Chapter 9: Matteo
Chapter 10: Carina
Chapter 11: Matteo
Chapter 12: Carina
Chapter 13: Matteo
Chapter 14: Carina
Chapter 15: Matteo
Chapter 16: Carina
Chapter 17: Matteo
Chapter 18: Carina
Chapter 19: Matteo
Chapter 20: Carina
Chapter 21: Matteo
Chapter 22: Carina
Chapter 23: Matteo
Chapter 24: Carina
Chapter 26: Carina
Chapter 27: Matteo
Chapter 28: Carina
Chapter 29: Matteo
Chapter 30: Carina
Chapter 31: Matteo
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Carina
Chapter 34: Matteo
Chapter 35: Carina
Chapter 36: Carina
Authors Note
Authors Note #2

Chapter 25: Matteo

9.7K 325 43
By jazztheebeauty

"I am so proud of you caro," Carina says as she envelops me in a warm embrace. Her sweet scent fills my lungs as I inhale, making my body relax. I look down at her beautiful face. The fact that I'm so amazed with her after mere weeks shocks me, but it doesn't make me want to run anymore.

"Thank you tesoro. You have no idea how much that means to me coming from you Carina," I say with seriousness. At first I thought she was a bodily infatuation I needed to get out of my system, but Carina is more than that. She's amazing, smart, stubborn, caring, short tempered, and about everything else I can think of that's annoyingly interesting about her. I never thought that she would see me for me, and not the monster whose blood runs through my veins. "Dance with me," I ask her hopefully. Carina flashes me her perfectly white smile and gives me her hand. I lead her to the dance floor that's starting to fill with other guests, but my eyes aren't on them. They're on the beautiful woman in my arms. My body hums with electricity as my mind enjoys peace. "You are so beautiful," I whisper in her ear causing Carina to blush a deep crimson and smile.

"Thank you Matteo," she says softly making me chuckle at her shyness. She might have an outgoing personality according to the media, but Carina can definitely be timid in certain situations. "Look at Sophia," she chirps. I follow her line of sight and my eyes land on my sister dancing with Jessica's brother Cooper. My body tenses as I notice his eyes fill with teenage lust. Carina's grip tightens on my arms. "Don't you dare ruin this for her darling. She is doing fine. Have trust in her," she says firmly. I look down at her and notice her eyes blazing with seriousness. I look back at Sophia and Cooper and notice my baby sister beaming with happiness. She has a twinkle in her eye and her cheeks are tinted a deep pink. My body relaxes. She's not in harms way and this is the happiest I've seen her in days. I look back to Carina and continue to sway to the music.

"She looks happy so I will not ruin it, but I don't like the way he's looking at her," I say annoyed. I'm going to have a talk with Cooper about Sophia if he's finding an interest in her. He's 15 for crying out loud! I'm not just going to give him a big happy 'WELCOME!' just because he's Jessica's brother. He needs to know what lines he can't cross with her, and what's going to come his way if he does.

"Oh Matteo! You are completely impossible, but that makes you all the more amazing," Carina chuckles lightly. I look into those pools of caramel that are dancing with amusement and know right then and there that I'm hopelessly in love with this spitfire of a woman.

"Ah! There you two are. For a second there I thought you took her away again Matteo," Carina's father, Kenneth, says cheekily as he approaches us. I give the old man a small smile and a light chuckle. Little does he know that the lie Carina told him is to spare him the real heartache.

"Oh daddy don't be that way. I told you it was a surprise," Carina says lightheartedly. Carina looks like a good mixture of both her parents, but her mother's features that she inherited are more dominant. Kenneth's face turns into a frown as Carina laces her hand with mine. He looks at me with distaste, but has a fake smile plastered on his face for show.

"Darling you don't mind if I talk to Matteo alone do you? It's just a few things I want to run by him," he says with fake amusement. What does this old guy want now? I already know he disapproves of Carina and I dating. She doesn't have to share that with me in order for me to know that. Reading someone is something I learned to do the moment I inherited my place in The Family.

"Umm, sure. I see mom and Heather so I will be over there. Play nice," she chimes and walks away gracefully. The smile Kenneth was wearing quickly vanishes and his distaste is very apparent now.

"Why are you with my daughter," he spits. I try not let my anger get the best of me, but he's really pushing it.

"My intentions aren't to harm her Kenneth. I would think a man of your stature would notice that by now," I say impatiently. I don't have time to entertain him. Yes he is Carina's father, but I am Matteo Carson. I don't have to put up with his high and mighty bullshit. NOBODY intimidates me! I look Kenneth in the eyes and notice his hard features soften.

"I know that Matteo," he sighs. I look at the old man confused as ever. First he doesn't like me and now he's playing nice? "I see the way you look at my daughter, the way you study her surroundings and her movements. It's honestly pretty intense, but I will warn you. If ANYTHING happens to my daughter in any way, shape or form, and you are the reason behind it I will hunt you down," Kenneth says with serious. If I was just some regular guy dating Carina he would have succeeded with his 'intimidating father' act, but I'm not just some regular guy. I'm far from it, and intimidating me isn't going to make me fearful of his 'power'.

"I understand completely sir. I just want to make Carina happy. She deserves that after everything she's been through," I say honestly. Now that I have gotten to know Carina on a more personal level and let her in, I want to do everything in my power to keep that breathtaking smile on her face. Relief washes over Kenneth and he relaxes a little.

"Good. I see some friends of mine. I'll see you tomorrow," he smiles and pats my shoulder as he walks away. I watch as the old man crosses the dance floor and vanishes into the crowd. If it wasn't for the fact that he fucked up on our deal, Carina and I would have never met. I can't help but silently be thankful for the old-timer's slip up. I laugh to myself as the thought of never meeting Carina comes to mind. That gorgeous fireball has no idea how she's turned my life around.

"What's that smile for," someone says interrupting my thoughts. I turn to see Jessica's little brother Cooper standing there with Sophia.

"Oh, uh, nothing. Everything okay," I ask bringing my attention to Sophia. Her cheeks are a little flushed and she's looking everywhere, but at me. What happened?

"Where is Carina," she asks. I scan the crowd and spot Carina talking to her mother and Heather. I point in her direction and Sophia rushes over to her. Cooper tries to follow, but I immediately grab the boys shoulder. I'm going to find out what he did to Sophia to have her so frazzled.

"Where do you think you're going Coop? I want to have a little chat with you," I say cheekily. Cooper turns around and cockily stuffs his hands into his pockets. What is this kid's problem?

"By all means," he mumbles and I raise my eyebrows in complete shock. This kid really doesn't know who he's talking to does he? I have never encountered such disrespect from someone so young.

"You might be Jessica's little brother, but make no mistake; I will end you if you don't learn to respect me, and especially Sophia. I saw the way you looked at her," I say getting straight to the point. We all know I'm never one to beat around the bush with things. "She isn't a piece of meat. She may not be able to verbally speak for herself, but don't think that's a reason to take advantage of her," I continue. Cooper's face goes from bored to angry in the blink of an eye.

"I would never take advantage of Sophia," he says through gritted teeth. I have to admire the kid's balls. He clearly isn't afraid to stand up for himself, especially against me.

"I'm glad we are clear on that Cooper, because if you do, well let's just say that things will get very dirty," I say so low that I know he's the only one to hear me. "I'm sure your sister and brother-in-law have told you that I don't make empty threats. Don't test me, because you'll find out," I say and walk off leaving him standing there. I don't care to hear what he has to say about Sophia. If she's going to date, she needs to be old enough to do so. I'm not going to ship her off to keep her away from boys, but if I am going to be her guardian when Lucinda and Frankie die. I have to make sure she is looked after in all aspects. Tomorrow I'm going to have to have a conversation with my mother to see what age is suitable for Sophia to date. I don't want her experiencing heartache too early on in life, especially in her condition. She's already so fragile, and she is about to experience the biggest heartache anyone could ever experience, losing a loved one to death.


"What do you think Carina," I ask as I come out of my closet. I'm trying to find the ugliest sweater I own that's suitable for dinner at my mother's. Leave it to Lucinda to have an ugly sweater themed Christmas dinner. Carina hops off my bed and studies me. Her eyes rake over me full of fire, and I begin to feel the strain against my zipper. Last night we left the party so late that Carina and Sophia both fell asleep in the car. There wasn't time to really get her in bed if you know what I mean.

"It's not that ugly honey. Go try on another," she says and sits back on my bed. I roll my eyes and go back to searching through my closet. I have tons of ugly sweaters that were gifts from some of my elderly co-workers, but none of them seem to satisfy Carina. I pick up an ugly dark green and red plaid sweater. There is a huge picture of Rudolph's head on the front, and a fuzzy red ball as his nose. I throw the sweater I have on off and put this one on. Surely it's ugly enough for Carina's liking. I walk out of my closet and immediately hear Carina's melodious laughter.

"That ugly huh," I chuckle as Carina clutches her stomach and laughs harder. I can't help but laugh with her. I love seeing her like this. She's so carefree and at peace. This proves to me that the gift I'm giving her tonight is exactly what we both want and need.

"We have a winner," she giggles.


We pull up to Lucinda and Frankie's house and I notice that Carina's parents are already here. It was Carina's idea to invite them. She thought it would be nice to spend Christmas with both of our families, and I hate to say that she's right. Everything is finally settled between Lucinda and I. I've forgiven her and I can do nothing, but thank Carina for that. She helped me let go of my past, and the anger and resentment I held towards my mother. Venni opens the Suburban door and helps Sophia and Carina out. They both have had a mischievous look plastered on their faces ever since we left my house, and it honestly makes me a bit curious. A mischievous Carina is trouble.

"What's with all the whispering and secrecy," I ask as I get out of that car. Carina and Sophia look at each other nervously and then back at me with a playful twinkle in their eyes.

"Someone's curious," Carina says with a mischievous smirk plastered on her beautiful face, letting me know I'm in trouble.

"I see. Well then I will not be the cat that gets killed," I say walking to my mother's door. It's  snowing as it always does in New York. It's probably the only thing I like about winter here. The cold crisp air fills my lungs as I ring the doorbell.

"Well good," Carina chirps smacking me on my bum earing a soft laugh from Sophia, and I chuckle at her playfulness.

"Oh Matteo," my mother exclaims when she answers the door. She looks weaker than the last time I saw her and her hair is beginning to thin. "Merry Christmas," she continues as we walk inside. The chill from outside melts off of my skin as I begin to take off my coat and scarf.

"Mother you should be resting. Where is Ms. Clintswood," I ask scanning for the housekeeper I hired once the doctor's confirmed everything. I didn't want her to tire herself out or quicken the process of her condition.

"Oh stop! It's Christmas Eve. She needs to be with her family," she say softly as she fusses over Sophia. She's wearing by far the most hideous sweater I have ever seen a girl her age wear. It's almost as worse as the one I'm wearing, but Carina has beat us both in that department. Her sweater is light pink and has green stripes with Santa's sleigh and reindeer flying across it. There are little white specks that are supposed to be snow, but they just look like little balls of lint that won't come off. I chuckle looking at her adjust her clothes.

"Something funny," she asks raising her eyebrows making my chuckle turn into an actual laugh.

"No matter how much you adjust that thing, it's still going to be hideous," I say amused. Carina rolls her eyes and gives me that mischievous grin of hers. The smile on my face vanishes immediately. Nothing good ever happens when she has that smile plastered on her face. She begins moving towards me slowly causing me to back away. "Carina now is not the time to play," I say warningly. Her evil grin widens as she steps closer to me.

"Play? Whatever do you mean honey," she says as she moves closer, and just as I blink Carina lunges herself at me sending me to the floor. Laughter erupts everywhere. "Gotchya," she whispers in my ear. My hands are at her waist as her lower body pins my waist down. My manhood stiffens once I realize the position we are in.

"You sure do. Just don't get up quite yet," I mumble. Carina subtly wiggles on top of me making me harden even more. "Oh you are so getting it later missy," I scold playfully. Carina freezes and the playful smile is wiped off her gorgeous face. I begin to calm myself down as we lay on the tiled floor breathing heavily.


Carina and I both snap our heads in the direction of her mother's voice. The tightness in my jeans disperses and Carina and I jump up from the floor.

"Hi mom," Carina chirps uncomfortably as she makes her way to hug her mother.

"Oh don't even young lady. It's not ladylike to be so rough. How many times do I have to tell you that," Isabella scolds. Carina just playfully rolls her eyes and hugs her mother. Kenneth soon walks in and embraces the both of them. "Ken you are such a softy," Carina's mother says earning a burly chuckle from her husband. The Lehew's seem like a very close knit family, and I can tell Carina adores her parents just as much as they adore her.

"Well now that we are all here, we can have dinner. Chef Bonchi has prepared a lovely meal for us tonight," my mother says. We all follow her into the dining room where the food is nicely displayed on the table. "Let the ugly sweater dinner party commence," she chimes happily.

"So a tradition I have been doing since Matteo could talk is that we go around the table and say what we're thankful for this Christmas," my mother says as we east dessert. The chocolate lava cake Toni made is delicious, as well as the main course dinner. "I will start and then we will go clockwise," she continues making everyone turn their attention to her. "I am thankful for Carina," she says as tears brim her eyes. Carina grabs my hand under the table and squeezes. "Carina if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have my bambino back in my life, and Soph wouldn't have such a great role model. I know that when Frank and I pass on, you will take care of them both. I can see it in your heart," she finishes tearfully, I hear Carina sniffle and notice that she's crying. I hand her my handkerchief and she wipes her tears away.  What my mother said about her is true. Carina loves Sophia – hell anyone can see that, and my mother isn't the only one to be thankful for her. "Mattie your turn," my mother says interrupting my thoughts. I look at her and smile. My mother may not have done things the right way, but she has always loved me. I know that now. I stand up and everyone's eyes shift to me. I've never been so nervous in my fucking life, but I swallow the lump in my throat and look at them all. The only reason I'm nervous is because of what I'm about to ask Carina.

"Well mine probably won't be a tear jerker like mother's, but it's something I am thankful for,"  I say looking at Sophia. "I am thankful for more than one thing tonight. Firstly, I am thankful for Sophia. You have taught me so many things in such a short time. You have taught me patience, something I have never had," I continue making Sophia smile and nod her head. I look down at Carina and let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. "I am also thankful for Carina. You have taught me to forgive, to have faith, and most of all, to love. You are the most stubborn, short tempered, and thick headed person I know, and I am madly in love with you," I say reaching into my pocket. I pull out the little black box that holds the beginning of the life Carina and I will share. I hear gasps from all around the table as I kneel down on one knee. Carina immediately shoots out of her seat with tears in her eyes. My grip on her hand tightens as I speak the four words I barely have the courage to ask.

"Move in with me?"

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