sweetener • riverdale [2]

By leahsayshiorhey

81.4K 3K 609

Thorn Sanders is torn in two, to save herself would be a treacherous thing. [riverdale, season two --] [book... More



3K 110 23
By leahsayshiorhey

Thorn enters the 'Blue and Gold' to see her collection of friends are already there. All, minus Kevin, she notes. Thorn wonders how she is still a part of the mystery-solving group with how often she now distances herself from them, but she's glad to see them either way, even if she's the last standing singleton there.

"Now we're all here," Betty starts. She sends a smile to Thorn as she sees Thorn lean against one of the cabinets in the newspaper room, away from either of the couples. "So, the reason we called you guys in here.." She then glances up at Jughead sweetly, and Thorn's brows furrow.

"Please no teenage pregnancies," Thorn says, wide eyed. "I can't be an auntie yet."

"No," Betty shakes her head wildly, "I'm not pregnant. We haven't--

"My dad's getting out jail," Jughead abruptly says, cutting off his girlfriend. He's smiling, so happy to share the news, and also happy to shut off the end of Betty's sentence.

The three that didn't know smile in astonishment. "Jug, that's... that's great," Archie says, uncertain of the news.

"It's amazing, Jug," Thorn says with a smile. She immediately moves to hug the boy, him being so thankful of her support. She plants a kiss to his cheek, and even though he's reluctant to admit it, Jughead smiles at her affection.

"Thanks, and my dad is eager to thank you for all the gifts you and your dad have been sending him," Jughead tells her.

"This is really great," Thorn says, her heart swelling with happiness for her friend.

"Yeah," Veronica agrees. "But, what heralded this miracle?" she asks, just as unsure as her own boyfriend is looking.

Thorn looks up at Jughead, and he gives them a shrug. "Uh, overcrowding at the jail," Jughead supposes. "I guess the judge reviewed my dad's case and after Cheryl's testimony, it was a perfect storm."

With her hand now rubbing her friend's shoulder, Thorn says, "I'm so happy for you, Jug. I can't wait to tell my dad. We'll have to have you around for steaks. A real Sanders celebration, like old times," she adds.

Jughead smiles. "That sounds great, Thorn," he says.

"What do you need from us, Jug?" Archie asks, clearly wanting to be there for his friend.

"Both of us actually," Betty corrects. She sucks in a breath. "We have a new lead on the Black Hood case; and Jughead and I were wondering if you guys," she looks at her three friends, "would follow up on it for us. We can give you," she turns and grabs a collection of papers, "all of the details - the articles."

Thorn sees the uncomfortable looks Archie and Veronica share upon the request. Something has happened. Thorn can sense it. The look of discomfort on Archie's face is telling for Thorn. She knows him too well, even if she denies it.

"It's just that I have to be there for my dad to help with his re-entry, so.." Jughead trails off.

"Uh, yeah, and I'm just..." Betty hands the articles to Thorn and says, "I'm taking a break from the Black Hood."

Thorn nods. Her eyes flicker over the small file Betty has put together for them. "Of course I'll do what I can, but I'm out of the field-work on this one," Thorn says quickly. She tries to avoid Archie's stare. The last thing she wants is going out crime-solving with the couple that now makes the sanctuary of the students' common-room their regular make-out spot. "I can follow up on some leads online. I can talk to my grandma - Sheriff Keller," she adds, looking at the dates to the article. "But no active crime-solving or breaking the law sort of things." She passes over the file to Archie. "My dad would kill me if he found out."

"Has he still got you on house arrest?" Archie asks curiously, but before Thorn can answer, Veronica speaks. It makes Thorn roll her eyes.

"Wait, so," Veronica looks to Betty, "if Thorn's not coming, you want us," she motions to her and Archie, "to be you guys?" she asks, pointing at 'Bughead'.

Jughead smiles, his arm around Betty. "Essentially, yes." He notes the glancing between his friends and asks jokingly, "What, is there a problem with that?"

Veronica shakes her head profusely while Archie stammers over his words. They both become increasingly nervous, and it doesn't take long for the couple to excuse themselves from the room. With a kiss placed to Jughead's cheek, Betty leaves also in search of Veronica, undoubtedly going to ask what is going on between Veronica and Archie this time.

Thorn can't help but wish Betty was as supportive or as interested in her with Archie as she is with Veronica. But, her leaving gives Thorn exactly what he wants. Jughead, alone.

Her eyes land on her friend, focusing in on him. Jughead looks at her strangely and he doesn't fail to see the serious-look on Thorn's face. "What have I done?" he asks her.

"You," Thorn says, "are going to tell me what exactly you and Archie were doing before dawn the other morning."

"It was nothing," Jughead says.

Thorn holds up one finger in the air. "Strike one." Bluntly, Thorn argues, "you came into Pop's and left without eating anything. Lie to me again and I will punch you in the face."

"And I fully believe that you would," Jughead acknowledges.

"Exactly. So, cut the crap and tell me," she says.

"It's nothing to worry about."

"Strike two." Another finger flies up. Thorn then punches his arm and Jughead winces in response, him rubbing his arm.

Jughead complains, "That hurt."

"Good," she replies flatly. "It would make this go a little quicker and a lot less painful for you if you'd be honest with me." Jughead sighs. His hand goes up and, in defeat, he scrunches up his hat in his hand, pulling it from his head. This is how Thorn knows it's serious. Her tough-act drops instantly. "Jug," she says softly, "you can tell me. There's no judgement with us, remember?"

Jughead looks at Thorn with worried eyes. It's only then she sees how tired he looks. "I messed up. Big time," he tells her. "To help my dad out, I had to make a deal with snake charmer. Her name's Penny Peabody. She does deals with Serpents sometimes in exchange for something she wants."

Sensing her friend's hesitation, Thorn asks, "what did she want?"

"How do you know I've already done it?" Jughead asks her.

"Because I'm not idiot. What did she have you do?" asks Thorn.

"A drug-run," Jughead tells her, and Thorn's face pales. He can see the rage building up inside her. Jughead can tell by her face just how stupid she thinks he is. "I know - I know it's bad."

"Bad?" Thorn scoffs. "This is far worse than bad, Jug." Knowingly, she then asks, "how many more times?"

"How did you-?"

"I know how these things work," she says, cutting him off. "What has she got on you now? And how many more times?"

"CCTV of us making the delivery and indefinitely - for now," Jughead says. Hopelessly, he says, "I'm in way over my head, Thorn, and I can't tell my dad. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"We don't know what we're going to do," Thorn corrects him. She takes his hat from his hand and then places it back on his head, straightening it out for him. She gives him a soft smile. "What we're going to do. We're a team."

A small smile tugs at his face. "Thank you.

Thorn wraps her arms around him in a hug. "We're going to sort this out together." She feels his arms tighten around her. "I promise"


Thorn stands wiping down the counter in Pop's. She did her own digging into the missing case and is glancing over the notes she made from talking with Sheriff Keller. It's her part of the investigation and then she can pass it onto the so-called 'Varchie' for them to solve.

She rolls her eyes at the thought.

On hearing the bell chime above the door, Thorn looks up. Her eyes widen in delight. "FP Jones" she says, "what a sight."

"There she is, my favourite girl," FP says, him strolling over to the counter. He leans over it to place a sweet kiss to her cheek. "Good to see you, kid," he says.

"You're telling me," Thorn says. "It's good to see you too."

FP glances over his shoulder, back to the party he came with, nodding with his head for them to go get a booth. Thorn sees it's Jughead, Betty and her mother, Alice Cooper, FP is with as they move to find a booth. It confuses Thorn to see Mrs Cooper there, but she won't hold her breath for Alice staying civil. Alice Cooper always has a snide comment about the Serpents.

"Can I ask you something?" FP says, and Thorn nods eagerly. "That sign in the window, help wanted?" he asks. FP gives her a smile. "Put in a good word for me."

"Only the best," Thorn tells him, a smile on her face.

"Always knew you were my favourite, Sanders," FP says, him starting to back off to find the booth. "My angel!" he calls out.

Thorn laughs, noticing the onlookers the man is getting from his outburst. She shakes her head. Oh, how she has missed FP Jones. He saved her life, and she will forever be grateful to him for that.

"Thorn..." She turns to see Pop Tate holding out a to-go bag in his hand. He gives it to her. "These are for the two teens on the bikes outside," Pop Tate says to her. "Already paid when they came in earlier."

"Oh?" she says in confusion.

"Darnedest thing," Pop says to her. "This boy came in, ordered a coffee and then put in the order. He kept looking around, said he was looking for you."

"For me?" Thorn asks.

"Yeah, said he found something of yours." Pop says, "I told him you weren't in until later and he told me to save the order until you clocked on. Funny, right?"

Thorn glances out of the window to the diner and her eyes land on the Serpent jackets. She smiles in disbelief. "Of course."

"You know him?" ask Pop curiously.

"Kind of."

Thorn then, with the bag in her hand, makes her way around the counter. She walks to the door, pushing it open with her back, and when she rounds the door, Sweet Pea is already looking straight at her.

"Now isn't that a sight to behold," Sweet Pea announces, him leaning against his motorbike.

"Stalking out my work is kind of desperate," Thorn comments teasingly. "I'm starting to think you're obsessed with me, Pea."

"In your dreams, princess," Sweet replies.

Thorn shoves the bag to his chest, knocking him back slightly. "In your wet dreams, you mean," she retorts, and the shorter Serpent lets out a laugh. Thorn meets his eyes. She smiles. "You must be Fangs, right?" she says.

The Serpent stops laughing. He straightens up. "Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing. Just Sweet Pea may have mentioned you, once or twice," Thorn says, her eyes glancing to Sweet Pea himself.

"Here..." Sweet Pea hands over the food-bag to his friend and then he stands up from his bike-seat. Thorn steps back as Sweet pea reaches into his pocket, him fetching out a small gold bracelet, the one Archie gave her for her last birthday. "Found this in my bed," he says smugly.

Thorn's eyes falls onto the item, and she smiles. "Oh, thank you," she says, taking it from him. She sees the glances Sweet Pea and Fangs share, as if to say 'i told you so.' Thorn says honestly, "I thought when Pop said you had something for me, it was just a lie to get him off your back."

"Nah, not that eager to see you, princess," Sweet Pea says playfully.

"Well, in that case, you could have just given it to Pop," Thorn says, smugly crossing her arms over her chest. "He'd make sure it would get to me."

"Couldn't risk him knowing," Sweet Pea replies with a smirk. "You don't want your Northside friends talking about why a Serpent found that in his bed."

"I suppose not." Thorn, with a teasing smile, says, "Can't be seen with the likes of you."

"What I'd do with the likes of you," Sweet pea says, edging closer to her.

"I know what you'd do with the likes of me," she tells him. Thorn places her hand on his chest to stop him from getting closer. "And I don't think I need to know, again," she adds with a smirk tugging at her lips. She sends a quick smile towards Fangs. "Nice to finally meet you, Fangs." She looks to Sweet Pea. "Good seeing you again, Pea."

Thorn turns and starts to head back to the diner, but Sweet Pea stops her. He chases after and snakes his arm around her waist, pulling her back into him. "What, no goodbye kiss?" he asks her.

She laughs. "You didn't get one before. Why should you get one now?" Thorn asks him.

She feels his mouth closer to her ear, so close she can feel his lips brush against her lope. "You're a tease, Thorn," Sweet Pea tells her. "And--"

Sweet Pea doesn't have time to finish before he's being ripped away from Thorn. Suddenly, Archie Andrews stands between him and Thorn with hard eyes looking straight at the Southsider. "Don't touch her, Serpent," he spits at him.


"Relax, princess," Sweet Pea says, cutting off Thorn. He sends her a cock-sure smirk. "He isn't a threat."

Archie grits his teeth. "I swear if you touch her, I will show how much of a threat I can be."

Sweet Pea lets out a chuckle. He spares a glance to his best friend, Fangs, sharing a 'is this guy real?' look. Sweet Pea gets closer to Archie, towering over the red-head. "I think Thorn can decide who touches her and she had no problem with me just, Andrews."

"You man-handled her," Archie says argumentatively. "She didn't want you to."

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Sweet Pea says, raising his brows at the Northsider doing his best to shield Thorn from Sweet Pea.

Thorn pulls at Archie's arm. She won't answer that. It'll only make Archie angry and Sweet Pea the satisfaction of watching the redhead implode. "Archie, let's just go," she says. She manages to drag Archie away. Thorn looks to Sweet Pea. "Enjoy your food," she says, before she starts to usher a glaring Archie Andrews into the diner while Sweet Pea shares a laugh with his friend. Thorn shoves Archie inside and towards one of the stools at the counter. He goes to speak, but she cuts him off, holding her hand up to him. "Don't," Thorn warns. "Just don't."

"I saw him freaking grab you from across the street, Thorn," Archie argues as he watches his friend go behind the counter. "I wasn't gonna just let him hold you there."

"I was handling it," Thorn tells him firmly. "Believe it or not, I'm a big girl and I don't need saving all the time."

"You looked uncomfortable."

"I was handling it," she says again, firm just like before. She grabs the notes she took from her interview with Sheriff Keller and slams them down in front of him. "It's what I found out," Thorn says. "It's a cold case. The record isn't at the station. Keller said that the leading officers used to take them home sometimes." She points at her writing. "Sheriff Keller said it was most likely Sheriff Howard back then. He handled most of the multiple homicide cases. This one played on the man's mind, apparently."

Archie looks at her and asks, "does he know where he is?"

"He died two years ago," Thorn says with a sigh. "But his daughter," she points to the name underneath, "Margaret, she still lives in Riverdale. I got her contact information and it's all there." She pushes the paper away from her and looks at Archie. "Now it's up to you and Veronica."

Archie takes the paper from her. "Thanks. This really helps," he says honestly.

"Well, I hope it does," replies Thorn.

Archie stares at her as she waits from him to leave, but he doesn't. Archie has this compulsion to need to hear her advice. Thorn's advice is always the best and she does her best to make him feel at ease, so he decides to tell her.

"I told Ronnie I loved her," Archie blurts out, and Thorn can feel her own heart break in her chest.

"Oh," Thorn says quietly.

"She didn't say it back and we're just kind of ignoring the fact I said it," Archie tells her, rambling a little. "It's all just a mess, awkward even. She says she likes being with me and I like being with her, but I - I said 'I love you' and I haven't..." Archie pauses to look at Thorn's almost broken expression softly. "I haven't said it since you."

"We all move on, Archie," Thorn says, faking her best smile. "Don't worry about it. She's probably just nervous or thinks it's too soon. She has to love you. You're a great guy."

"You didn't love me." When he sees her go to argue, Archie corrects himself. "Enough - you didn't love me enough. At least not enough to want to be with me, Thorn," he says.

"I'm not Veronica," she says. "And she is with you." Thorn gives him a small smile. "Give her time. She'll come around eventually."

"Yeah, I hope."

"I hope so too."

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