The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

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*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



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By wraithprincess

Luke and I walked around to keep my mind off what was going on in the warehouse
A little while later the doors to the warehouse open and Morgan , Sammy and Mason come out they had changed clothes
Gabriel came out too and came over to me
" Harper you need to change clothes "
" Why and where"
" there is a room inside to change so come on"

Gabriel and I went back into the warehouse and I changed into a summer dress , bra and panties , Gabriel took everything from me after I got dressed

Once done I came out and went back outside

" You look Beautiful " Sammy said
" Thank you , Now Why did I have to change "
" Let's just say you won't be getting them back" Sammy said

" Come lets head back to the beach house then out to the beach " Sammy said

Daddy Axel said that they would take care of everything that I should head back with the guys
I gave all of them a hug and kiss telling each of them that I loved them

The four of us left and headed back to the beach house

Once we arrived , Morgan and Mason went in while Sammy and I headed out to the beach for a walk

Holding hands as we walked along the shoreline the warm water lapping at my feet we just walked not saying anything for awhile letting what had happened process in our minds

We had stopped to watch the dolphins play I wrapped my arms around Sammy he held me tight
" How are you doing " Sammy spoke
" I'm doing better"
" I'm proud of you Harper, you handled Travis as a True Academy Member , I know you are stronger from all that you have gone through"

" I just Wish I didn't have to go through that But the one good thing that has come of this is That You, Morgan and Mason have shown me that I am loved by three of the most amazing men "

" Yes you are right We do love you so much Mi Amor Bello "
He kisses me hard then pulls away

" Come on let's get back so You can show Us how much you love us " Sammy said with a laugh

" Mmmm sounds like fun to me "

We went back to the house , the house was quite all of the kids were asleep the adults were hanging out on the deck
I slipped down to the Bedroom to find Morgan and Mason  while Sammy went to talk to Uncle Owen for a few minutes then he was going to join us

The door to bedroom was slightly closed so I pushed it open to See Morgan laying on the bed shirtless the bathroom door was shut but I could hear the shower running

I went over to bed leaned down kissed Morgan his hands caress my ass then slides up the dress he hooks my panties sliding them down

" Bambino why don't you join Mason in the shower get squeaky clean then we can have some fun " Morgan said

" Mmm Shower "

I pulled my dress up over my head then unhooked the bra dropping everything right there turn and walk to the bathroom and in

Opening the shower door I see Mason leaning back rinsing his hair out I took in the gorgeous view of my man even when he's not hard he's still huge
Stepping in the shower I caress his chest then down his abs to his cock which is stirring
I cup his balls then drop to my knees taking him in my mouth he's pulsating in my mouth getting harder as I suck then lick his shaft like it's a lollipop

" Jellybean Sweet Jellybean " Mason moans out

I continue on enjoying my delicious treat until he stops me

"Jellybean as much as I want to continue this in here let's get you showered then play "

" Yes Sir" I say knowing he loves it when I am submissive to him and his brothers

We shower and get cleaned up

Once out I dried off then wrapped the towel around me and went into the bedroom
Sammy and Morgan both were in the bed their eyes met mine when I came out, I dropped the towel their Eyes traveled up and down my body as the smiles came to their faces

" Damn look at that ass" Morgan says from behind me then he pops me on it

" Mmm Mason "

" Climb up on the bed lay down legs spread " Mason says

I do as I am told to do.
My body is theirs to love and cherish.

" Mason you are going to need to put something in her mouth to keep her somewhat quite don't need Raven busting in " Morgan said with a grin
I let out a giggle
" I don't make that much noise " I say innocently
Now that got them to laugh

" Rmmph "

I was attacked with a kiss from Sammy
That jumbled my thoughts

Fingers glide across my thighs and between my legs inserting themselves into my pussy
I moaned into Sammy's mouth

The fingers twirl around sliding across my gspot several times

" God she is so responsive " Morgan says as his mouth descended on my nipples

My walls clinched down faster than I expected

" Cum Jellybean " Mason Whispered
I let out a scream in Sammy's mouth

I felt the loss of Morgan's fingers but it was quickly replaced by Morgan's hard thick cock he was on his knees he lifted me up to where my ass was sitting on his thighs as he pounded me

This way he was deeper inside me filling me even more
It didn't take me long before I was tittering on edge of my second orgasm , I could tell Morgan was there too so I bucked into him causing him to go even deeper that set his orgasm off he flicked my clit to cause me to cum

He leans down kisses my forehead then my lips
" Love you Bambino "
" Love you Morgan "

Morgan moves slowly off me on to the bed next to me for a few minutes holding me then he moves off the bed to the arm chair , Sammy and Mason move in both had a predatory look on their faces like I was there next meal

They worked in sequence to bring that familiar hum back to my body
Fingers caressed pinched and flicked across my body
I was lifted up and Mason moved under me then moved us to the edge of the bed

Sammy moves in between both of our legs
Mason lifts up just right sliding his cock in my ass then Sammy lines up sliding into my pussy
I let out a moan in Pleasure

Sammy moves his cock out while Mason pushes farther in they alternate their movements until my body was aching for its release

Sammy slams in at the Same time Mason slams up

I let the wave rise and crash I cum
Riding it out Both Sammy and Mason cum with me

" God that was Sexy as Fuck watching her fall apart like that " Morgan said from the chair

Sammy kisses me then moves out of the way
Mason lifts me off him I lay there like a blob for a while until I needed to pee

Sliding out of the bed I stood up getting a little dizzy I fell back on to the bed

" Whoa Harper you Okay " Morgan Asked as he got up out of the chair and came over to me

" Yeah I guess I got up to fast "

"Go Pee and get dressed " Morgan instructs me

I went and took care of business clothes were already in the bathroom so I slipped Mason's T-shirt on and my panties then came out

Mason and Sammy were the only two in the room so I went to bed and sat down on the edge
I still felt dizzy and now nauseous I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and let it out slowly

" Harper "
" Uncle Sean "
" You feeling okay and before you answer that I can read you like a book "
" Just Dizzy and a tad Nauseous "

" Let me check your blood pressure first "

After fifteen minutes Dr Uncle Sean deemed I was okay that I was slightly dehydrated that a bottle of water and sleep would help.

" You went and woke your Daddy up " I asked
" Yes Bambino I did so you owe him something Apple , I did it because I want to make sure you are okay " Morgan says with a sheepish grin

" Fine I will make him An Apple Dutch Baby "

" What is that " Sammy Asked

" It's like a pancake it's made in the oven oh I can do an Apple Cider Syrup too "

" Someone put her to bed before she gets up and starts cooking "Mason says with a laugh

" Let me text Uncle North the ingredients for it then I will go to bed "

I was allowed a few minutes then I had to give my phone to Morgan
Slipping of to sleep curled up in Sammy's arms was just what the doctor ordered

The rest of the week was uneventful I did make the Dutch baby for Uncle Sean we had the Low Country Boil
I ended up doing a Date night with each of the guys while we were at the beach
Our Connection was growing stronger by the day

I did find out that they dumped Travis's body and car on a deserted back road it was set on fire and burned to a shell of the car and you couldn't find a body well you found the teeth and some bones nothing else it was made to look like he crashed his car while drunk

On Monday I started School I met my Professor He was 6'3 pure muscle he looked mean but after ten minutes I knew he wasn't , He was just like North , Hard exterior but an Softy on the inside

The week went by pretty fast I was tired each night I came home between school and working in the cafe but I was loving it I was finally doing what I love to do .

I was home Saturday morning by myself when the downstairs Door man rang the intercom

" Ma'am there is a delivery for you down here"
" Alright Just leave it one of us will be down to get it "
" Yes Ma'am "

I texted The guys and told them there was a delivery downstairs but I know I didn't order anything so I asked did they

I then Texted the Boys and Families to see if they sent anything
Then curiosity got me so I decided to go down to get what ever it was

The elevator opens to the lobby , I don't see anyone so I step slowly off I then see Burt the Lobby Manager

" Burt, Someone rang and said there was a delivery " I asked

"Harper Toma"

That voice made me stand still

" What Harper Cat got your tongue "

" What do you want "

His finger traces my arm up to my shoulder across to my face

" Oh God you are still so Beautiful despite the fact you are nothing but a Whore "

I reached in my back pocket and hit the home button on the phone held it down

"I'll call the police if you take one step closer "

" Oh I would figured to you would call one of your bastard boyfriends "

" You mean Call Morgan "

I heard my phone dial out

" Do you think what your bastard boyfriends did to Travis was right "

" Who says it was them"

" What I don't think you have it in you "

I stepped closer to him

" Oh that's where you are so wrong , I can take you out faster than you could blink "

His hand raised up smack me hard enough to make me stumble back

Looking at him I see his smirk on his face , I also see out of the corner of my eye Papa Corey and Papa Raven Both put their fingers to their lips

" Is that all you got "

I was smacked again I feel the heat of his hand On my face

I just give a laugh then punch him in the stomach
He stumbled then
" Bitch" as his hand comes back up to slap me again

" No that's where your wrong You are my Bitch "

He drops to the floor with a thud

" You Okay Baby Girl "

" Yes Papa I'm fine "

" You sure Little Warrior "

" Yes Papa Raven But He's not going to be once I'm done with him Marshall Bryant is going to be my bitch "

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