Wolf Among Us

By FreAkIsHly_NorMaL

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Avery Dunning. She's tried to live life under the radar and for all too good reason. She knows what's out the... More

01 Heat
02 Standoff
03 Silver
04 Rogue
05 Predators
06 Prey
07 Moonlit
08 Mythos
09 Pack
10 Aftereffect
11 Rekindling
12 Rampage
14 Siege
15 Wild
16 Castle
17 Devil
18 Cold
19 Solace
20 Outsiders
21 Resfeber
22 Anarchic
23 Impact
24 Titans
25 Tithe
26 Wolfsbane
27 Home

13 Bloodhounds

102 11 28
By FreAkIsHly_NorMaL

13 Bloodhounds

Avery felt the animal’s paws on her back, just before slamming onto the floor. She registered the pain, but her brain was a rollercoaster. Sensing the wolf sail over her, Avery rolled to her side and hurried to her feet, rushing back to her apartment.

She slammed the door shut, feeling as he lunged against the door. “Crap, crap, crap,” she swore, pressing against the door but nearly falling every time the wolf threw itself at it.

“Shit.” Avery rushed across her wrecked room. Daring to glance at the shaking door, Avery skidded across the floor as she tried to pull up her overthrown armchair. She gritted her teeth, slowly shoving the heavy chair against the door.

“Now what?” she asked herself, frustrated. She sagged onto the ground, her heart racing ahead of her.

The door held within its frame, but she could see the wood crack each time as the animal lashed out against it. Avery was trapped, and it wouldn’t be long until there was no door to protect her.

She grabbed onto her bed and pulled herself up, her teeth chattering as nerves took hold on her. She looked around her apartment desperately, just short of a baseball bat. Whoever that shifter was he had torn right through her room; clothing thrown from her closet, couch on its side, blankets ripped, desk overturned and spilling out its contents.

“Wolfsbane,” she muttered, quickly hurrying to her thrown desk. She was sure she might still have a syringe left. Her hands picked through the mess urgently, the shifter nearly taking her door to splinters. “Gotcha,” she breathed, unzipping the small pouch and finding her savior.

Thrilled, Avery got to her feet and spun around, thinking. Whatever waited on the other side of this door was only one wolf, those shifters out in the woods were another problem.

She walked across her room and peered out the window. She couldn’t see anything, she could barely hear anything above the snarling, but she could almost feel the air vibrate with menace. Looking towards her door, she groaned. One of the hinges was gone.

“Fine then,” she spat, sliding her window open.

The freezing air slapped her face and nearly shoved her back inside the room. She could hear the wolves in the forest, a vicious orchestra hidden just out of eyesight. Holding onto the syringe, Avery carefully put both legs over the sill, looking down at the ground.

Forgetting the pain, Avery pushed herself off into the air, the scream nearly leaving her body. The ground slammed up her feet, nearly staggering her and throwing her to the ground. “Ouch, shit.” She spat out a curse, her legs searing with shock.

From above she heard the daunting boom of her door being ripped apart. The shifter pounced, a second of stillness before letting out a terrorizing roar. Her heart spluttered, seeing the shadow streak through her window.

Avery bolted, shaking her legs awake, and spun the corner onto the street. The animal bounded after her, paws pulling him closer and closer until he was on top of her. Avery finally did scream when its body collided into her like a rocket, picking her off her feet and sent her flying.

For a split second she felt adrift, soaring easily. Then he whirled around after her, both flying through the glass window and rolling into the café. Pinpricks ran up and down her body, her head throbbing madly.

Wild eyes and snapping teeth, the shifter skidded across the broken glass, tossing furniture aside. Avery rolled onto her back, struggling to get away as he came after her. She looked to her hand, blood covering her palm with pieces of glass; the wolfsbane now coating her skin uselessly.

The shifter sprung onto her, it’s paw catching her chest. Avery bit her lip, head smacking the ground again. Desperately, she grabbed a fist full of its fur and tore at him, wishing she had claws.

The wolf let out an ugly snarl, quickly jumping away from her. Shocked, both stared at the other. The wolf stared apprehensively, eyes flickering between her palm and her face. Avery got it. She lunged, the wolf giving a sharp yelp and danced away.

But Avery had faked it, spinning around and running for the counter. She bolted over it before he even started to chase her, rushing passed the swinging kitchen doors. She looked around madly, her hands grabbing a knife from the tables.

The wolf burst in the room, zipping straight for her. Avery leapt onto the table, swinging her knife like a madman. Before he could out maneuver her, she hopped from one counter to the next, his breathe right on her heels, and stumbled at the far end of the kitchen.

Avery took a blind swing, a sharp cry coming from the shifter as she clipped him. Quickly, she reached for the steel handle, throwing open the big refrigerator door and throwing herself in. She held onto the handle, bracing as the shifter banged on the other side.

She waited, the door banging and groaning, but the steel was no match for the shifter. She could hear his claws scrape against the door, yowling pitifully.

“Thank god,” she whispered, reaching into her pockets. She dialed the only wolf’s number she had, Sawyer, jumping up and down on her feet as she waited for him to pick up. He didn’t.

Avery yelled, nearly throwing her phone across the room. Dammit, she couldn’t just hide in here forever. She typed him a text, hoping he would see it before she froze to death, and went back to pacing up and down the room.

With the shifter out there, and no more wolfsbane, Avery was locked in this freezer. Bravo on the quick thinking, Dunning. But now she had to fight hyperthermia.

She rubbed her free hand along her chest, the ice cold beginning to sink in and steal away all warmth. The wolves, Reece and Adam and Laurel, were all out there taking on the trespassers. Because to the shifters that’s all what it seemed like, rogue wolves.

But the one outside, the one searching through her room, left little doubt the shifters in the woods were just a distraction. She had surprised the vampires with her circle of shifter protection, and now they were trying to break through to her. These shifters were on a payroll. The vampires were switching tactics, but they still wanted Avery. More than that, they were searching her bedroom for something.

Thinking back to her earlier realization, Avery was just glad she didn’t leave the important stuff lying around in her apartment. These vampires were getting mighty close for comfort.

She cursed, sliding down along the wall and cradling her arms around her legs. Wolf Kings had made nasty enemies, and Avery’s blood wasn’t the only thing she had to protect.

The door gave another bang, the wolf still trying to get to her.

“I still can’t believe this is my life,” she muttered, digging her hands into her pocket again.

She took out her phone but felt something else in her pocket. A soft ping went off in her brain as she remembered the paper Holden gave her. Switching on her flashlight, Avery unfolded the paper and read.

Company car. Castle Corporation. Salt Lake City division.

Under the scrawled handwriting was a bit copied off the company’s website. She let the light draw over the logo, the mantra and praise for some internationally acclaimed corporation, having the foot hold all across the globe and in many practices. Biotech and medicine, real estate, charity work, actuarial sciences, military. There wasn’t a pie Castle Corporation didn’t have its finger in.

The anonymity of a company didn’t ease Avery. No, the hairs on her neck prickled as dark thoughts took her mind. Vampires had centuries of money and time. What if this company was just a face, a way to play human will still being elite.

Underneath the printed version, the handwriting continued, address to Avery.

Castle is mega big, all over the world. Though no official business deals appear in public, the founder Arturo Castle has many ties with a larger circle of power, Legion. Illuminati?

Avery rolled her eyes at the conspiracy note Holden left her, but she shivered with both fear and cold. These vampires were way powerful. What exactly was Legion? Was this Arturo Castle the man of her nightmares?

“Avery?” she heard muffled yelling and scrambled to her feet.

Her heart jumped as someone banged on the door, screaming her name. Taking a chance she opened the door and the person darted inside, pulling the door shut after them.

Avery’s eyes widened, after hearing the growing snarls outside knew her rescue would have to wait. She turned, seeing Laurel with a wild expression on her face and blonde hair a total mess.

“It’s freezing in here, Dunning,” she said, nearly spitting.

“It’s colder now with you here,” Avery deadpanned, slinking back to the ground.

Laurel ran her hand through her long hair and fingers pressing all over her face. It seemed like she had run all the way over here, fighting whatever was in her path. The girl winced angrily as her finger pressed on her swollen lip, rolling her eyes at no one.

“What are you doing here anyway?” Avery asked, shining the light onto Laurel’s face.

“Standing by you, I guess. Like we said.” The girl threw out carelessly, pacing up and down. “No offense, but you look like shit.”

“Oh, did you want a mirror?” Avery snapped back, running a hand over her face and wincing. Her face was nearly frozen stiff, but blood caked her hands and face, pieces of glass still digging into her skin.

Plucking the shards out of her palm she sighed. “Can’t believe we still have detention later today.”

Laurel frowned down at Avery, standing still. Then as if remembering, a smile slowly started on her face. “Oh god,” she laughed, clapping her hands together. “We still have detention.” She clutched her stomach, laughing madly at that single thought.

Seeing Laurel lose it like that, Avery started chuckling until it hit her too. Normalcy was a joke. She shook her head, laughing at this mess. Both of them grinned, unable to shake the ridiculous fits of laughter.

“Screw you, Dunning,” Laurel said, still chuckling. She walked over to Avery and slid down next to her. Avery could hear her sigh as she rested against the wall. “Shit, you’re ice cold.”

“Thought it was just my heart,” Avery joked lamely, inching closer to Laurel’s warmth.

Laurel glared at Avery, trying to suppress a grin. She caught Avery’s eyes and shook her head, seeming to give in. Laurel’s arm came around Avery’s shoulder and pulled her closer, both girls huddling against each other for warmth.

“Not exactly how I imagined spending my night,” said Avery, her teeth chattering as she ducked her head and tried to steal every bit of warmth from Laurel.

Laurel’s hands rubbed up and down Avery’s arm. “No shit.”

The girls stayed like that for a while, Laurel straining her ears to listen for their rescue. Avery felt her body slowly numb, even with Laurel warming her up. She still couldn’t believe this was her life.

“What’s that?” Laurel asked, jerking Avery from her light doze.

“Oh,” Avery blinked, seeing the slip of paper. “Info on the car the vampire’s drove.”

Laurel picked up the page and nodded appreciatively. “Smart. So how did you get into this mess?” And as usual, her tone was silky careless.

Avery straightened up, putting a little space between the two. “Laurel, you already know way more of my secrets than I’d like you too.”

Laurel smiled but Avery could hear her tongue press against her teeth. She had the same thing as Reece, trying not to show how someone’s words could hurt them. Sighing to herself, and probably going to regret it later, Avery asked, “How about you tell me some of yours? Why do you hate me so much?”

Laurel let out a snort. “I’m trying to keep you alive here. I clearly don’t hate you that much.”

“Feeling the love,” Avery drawled.

“Fine,” Laurel snapped, looking away. “You don’t answer to anybody. I get that it sucks, without the parents and friends and shit, but everything you have you’ve earned, and it shows. You walked into that school like you already knew you who were while the rest of us were still trying to figure it out. People saw you, and you didn’t even have to try.”

Avery frowned. She wished people didn’t see her all that often, but Laurel was right. The ugly truth was that Avery had to carry herself this far, and she knew what she wanted. It wasn’t much, she didn’t have the white picket fence dream, but Avery knew what she wanted.

But that wasn’t what hurt Laurel. “People see you too, Laurel.”

She shook her head, her hair tickling Avery’s face. “I had to work for it, and it’s still not enough. I’m still not enough.”

Avery shifted so she could look to Laurel’s face, demanding the girl meet her eyes. “I don’t know all of what you’re feeling, but you do know Reece depends on you a lot. And you’re also kinda the only person at that school that scares me.”

Laurel laughed, but even that died quickly. “You’ve talked to him a handful of times and he’s already siding with you in whatever this is. How can I do that?”

Avery wanted to tell her she didn’t need Reece to fight her battles. Laurel was vicious, and Avery felt sorry for anyone that tried to take on her. But Laurel’s heart was something Avery couldn’t fix.

Laurel sniffled, quietly crying. “Tomorrow, I mean today, is his birthday. Big eighteen.”

Avery sighed, hating how much she felt Laurel’s pain right now. “He can find his mate,” she guessed.

“I didn’t even get my chance. When I see him again…”

“He’ll still love you,” Avery whispered. “Reece is hardheaded and big ego, but he’s loyal. You won’t lose him, Laurel. And if he doesn’t turn out to be your Prince Charming, it just means there’s someone better out there for you.”

Laurel wiped her cheek, shaking her head quickly. “That’s what I told myself. But it’s still going to hurt, you know.”

Love was most cruel, Avery thought, wrapping her arm around Laurel and pulling her closer. Avery’s had her fun, she’s dated and flirted but never too long. Avery could never put herself out there. Least she ends up crying over a guy in a freezer that didn’t even have ice cream.

The two sat in the cold and stillness together for what felt like hours. Eventually Laurel stiffened, sitting up and wiping away the frozen tear streaks.

“T-they here,” she stuttered, pulling herself up.

Avery grabbed Laurel’s hand and hauled herself to her feet, her body feeling like it had been through the miller. With staggering steps, she shuffled over to the door and let it swing open, both girls gasping as they left the freezer.

“Oh, thank god,” Reece breathed out in relief, rushing through the kitchen. Bare chested and tousled hair, he grabbed Laurel and hugged her closely. “You’re freezing,” he muttered, pulling away with a frown, his eyes going over to Avery and wincing in sympathy.

Avery watched Laurel’s face, the girl forcing a smile, but her eyes were distant. Love was utterly cruel, Avery thought again, walking over to the stoves and carelessly flicking them on.

“Reece?” Another voice yelled, several people running around inside the café.

The kitchen doors swung open and in barreled Adam, a tank-built shifter, and Sawyer. Sawyer froze at the door, looking completely wrecked. Blood matted his dark hair, dried on half his face. Avery ran her eyes down his body, seeing his fingers bent crookedly, a long gash running down his right leg.

Bringing her eyes back up to his face, she found his wavering over her body, counting all her scraps and cuts. His eyes met hers again, this time far from soft.

Avery smiled, “Rough night?”


So not only was shit it the fan, Havana has been trashed, Avery might have a name to her monsters and a lead, and the icicle girls kinda had a bonding moment. Sweet.

Things are spinning out of control as fast as Avery is getting her facts straight. Every hero has their crucible and hers is more exciting than you can yet to imagine.

More twists and turns, and answers to some questions up in the next chapter.

Vote and comment please, your support means the world to me.

Merlin got stung by a freaking wasp.

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