Sadqay Tumhare

By ThatPakistaniGurl

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For your sake. The story of Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil and his first lady. More

Sadqey Tumhare.
First Lady's instagram.
Epilogue + First Lady's Instagram 2.


10.1K 495 90
By ThatPakistaniGurl

Go add fickle in your libraries first. It's going to be really good, I promise. Vote and comment on the intro, I'd love that!!

Thanks for loving sadkey so far ❤️

Angry Zaydaan is probably my favourite than nice Zaydaan. So here's a little bit of that.

Plus drama drama and so much drama.

Long long chapter so I'm expecting alot of comments. Don't be kanjoos, comment more :))


Aaina X Zaydaan.

It wasn't until Zaydaan Ziagil slammed his hands on the table that everyone realised the Prime Minister was angry.

"How did we end up losing one billion dollars? How the hell did that happen?"

He questioned out loud, looking at his cabinet and actually feeling like an idiot himself.

They didn't have an answer and the one who did was his own brother.

The moment he had become the prime minister, everyone had been against his decision to give Ahad the railway ministry.

All his advisors, close friends, high end journalists, everyone had been against this decision. But it was his father's pressure, his mother's orders and his complete faith in his brother's capability that had made up his mind.

Of course, he had doubts and of course, there were people who deserved it way more than him. But a part of him believed that his brother would not let him down.

Unfortunately, Zaydaan was wrong. He hated being wrong.

"Sir, the railway ministry is-" His advisor started to speak, the same advisor who had advised against the prime Minister's decision regarding Ahad.

Zaydaan held up his hand, gesturing him to shut it. He did not want people telling him I told you so.

Even if they did not have the courage to say it out loud, their eyes spoke volumes.

"I know who is to blame! I know, you don't have to fucking tell me. Call Ahad right now!"

Ahad Ziagil, who was right in the next room, waiting for the cabinet to leave so he could explain himself in a better way, heard his brother's loud voice.

After his deadline of twenty four hours, Ahad had made sure to avoid his brother, knowing damn well that Zaydaan would ask him about his decision regarding Saaniya.

But this sudden explosive had poured everything else down the drain.

Ahad hadn't faced such a failure in his life before and he knew damn well that he was not going to be answerable to his brother, but he was going to answer the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

The moment he entered the large hall, his eyes moved across the entire room, he observed the cabinet, the advisors and the prime minister himself, each and every eye was on him and him only.

As everyone saw the hesitation between the two brothers, they started to feel uncomfortable themselves. He had surrounded himself with people who were not the kind to enjoy something like this.

Infact, each and every minister was passionate about the work they did. They were not the kind to feel lifted up by seeing others down.

"We'll clear the room." His ministers started to get up, the foreign minister's announcement ringing in his ears.

They slowly stood up but Zaydaan's cold stare was enough for them to sit back down.

"No. If I can scream at you people, I can also scream at him." He said it with a firmness in his voice.

How many times did he have to tell people that he was not going to spare Ahad just because he was his brother?

Ahad gulped as all attention got diverted towards him yet again.

"Ahad, I gave you three billion dollars, as per your request, where is that money?" Zaydaan questioned as soon as his brother sat on his designated seat, crossing his arms.

Ahad saw the anger and the disappointment, so he fumbled just a little.

"Uhh, the papers and the-" He tried to say something and opened a few files but he truly had no answer.

"Stop stammering and answer me. My ministers don't need to recheck their papers to answer me."

Everyone observed the restraint that Zaydaan was holding himself with. When Zaydaan Ziagil was angry, he didn't care about the people at the receiving end of his anger.

"I want to give you the correct stats, bhai." Ahad stated calmly.

Zaydaan scoffed.

"They told me it was a mistake but I believed in you."

"Bhai, I'm going to figure it all out."

His brother said it so casually that all the anger, which he was trying to dissolve within himself came rushing back.

He stood up.

The money, this money was the reasons several children were homeless, this money was the reason several widows had to beg on the streets, this money was the reason that people old enough to die was sitting on the streets without a home, this money was the reason why economic situation in the country who is not improving as much as he wanted, this money, the money that could make or break the country, even if a tiny bit of it went down the drain, it angered him.

No matter how cold and calculative, no matter how power lusty and manipulative he was, he truly wanted to save the country in the best way possible.

This was the reason why he had hired the people who shared his vision and not the old politicians who only cared about filling their bank accounts.

Twenty five federal ministers, five Ministers of state and five advisors. And none of them had disappointed him more than his own brother had. The one person he truly did not want to be disappointed with.

He already felt so guilty for letting Aaina's father get away with corruption and money laundering, and now he had to be answerable for the three billion dollars that his own brother had let slip away.

The Prime Minister's knuckles turned white from clenching his fist too hard, he gritted his teeth so he wouldn't yell at him.

"Ahad. Get the hell out of here and don't show me your face." He said instead, he didn't want to scream and insult him in front of everyone, even it he was angry at him.

But Ahad already felt insulted.

"Bhai, I gave one billion for the houses project but NAB had the dealer arrested and -"

He tried to give an excuse, he knew he could get it back but he had to be completely informed of everything first. In his head, admitted that he had ignored his duties due to the stress in his love life.

"You drowned the three billion dollars. That's it." He stated, shrugging.

"Can we talk about it in private?" In private, he could do something to make him understand.

Zaydaan shook his head, letting out a disappointed sigh.

"Fuck off." This time, he said it loud enough for people to hear it.

"Make sure this doesn't get leaked to the media and be back here at six." He announced to his cabinet, then stormed off without a care in the world.


She was a beautiful woman, truly she was. With her broad shoulders and delicate curves, she could get things done with just a smile.

There were not alot of women with chubby cheeks but good cheek bones, her hair long and wavy, brunette in color and so silky that he loved moving his hand across it.

And above it all, she had mastered the art of beautiful seduction.

Nothing so pretty could possibly harm one, right?

She spotted him instantly as he entered the room unannounced, face held in a frown and eyes filled with rage.

"Hello, my love. How are you?" She questioned softly, smiling as she greeted him.

Ahad looked up and she saw how upset he truly was. She clicked her tongue and held his hand.

"Ahad, what happened babe?"

That was enough for Ahad to open up, his hand squeezed her soft one, as he told her the reason for his upset.

"He humiliated me. He humiliated me in front of all of them."

She frowned as he admitted that. Who had the audacity to humiliate a minister? Not alot of people could do that. Besides, Ahad had his way with people. Nobody could say anything mean about him, in front of him.

"Who?" She asked, pulling his hand and making him sit on the sofa as she sat on the floor, looking at him from a position that made the whole situation much more vulnerable.

"Zaydaan." He didn't say bhai, he called Zaydaan by his name.

Saaniya hummed.

"He's your brother, is he not? I don't think he could do that."

"I didn't think he could, but he did."

Ahad had been spoiled and loved his entire life, and he carried the same genes as his brother. He was egoistic too, and the past few days, his brother had been nothing but a bully. He felt that way and he told the same to his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, darling. I'm sure he didn't mean it." She sympathised.

"He meant it." He confirmed.

"What happened?"

She asked next, rubbing soothing circles on his thigh. Ahad took a deep breath, then spilled it out.

"I made a mistake and it costed the ministry three billion dollars. Bhai got to know and he insulted me in front of everyone."

"Did you explain to him that you didn't mean to do it?" He scoffed, as if anyone could explain anything to Zaydaan Ziagil.

"I tried but he was so angry at me, I don't care that he insulted me , I just care that he did that in front of everyone, that he didn't care about insulting his brother in front of others."

Every word stung as he spoke it out loud, only fueling the fire that burned inside of him. He was so enraged that he wanted to rush to his farm but there was a woman, sitting in front of him, with love in her eyes and care in her heart.

So instead, he focused on her.

"I'm sorry, Ahad. I truly am." She whispered, standing up from her earlier sitting position and pulling out her hand, for him to hold it.

He held onto it.

"I love you, okay? I'm here for you, you don't have to worry." She consoled.

Ahad finally let out a smile.

"I love you too."


"Haan Saira, I just arrived back home from an event." Aaina said over the phone as she talked to her sister, Saira was busy ranting and rambling all about what she had been doing the whole day.

Her exam preparations, that cute boy in class, mother and father's weird behavior everytime Aaina got brought up, how much she missed her sister.

"Yaar, I miss you more. How are ammi and abbu? Do they talk about me?" She asked with a sinking heart, knowing damn well that her parents were not as loving as she needed them to be.

"Sometimes, not much." Saira replied casually, her heart sank even more.


"Aapi, I think ammi loves you alot, she cries for you at times but she's just too egoistic and also ashamed to talk to you." She added, Aaina let out a huge sigh, feeling that dull ache in her heart that was always there.

"I miss her, I miss her so much. But when I think about her, all I can feel is pain and her not loving me enough." She completed and walked up the stairs, moving towards her bedroom.

"What about Zaydaan bhai? Is he good?"

Aaina didn't know how to respond to that, he was good to her now, better than he had ever been but, she just didn't know alot when it came to him.

"Zaydaan, he doesn't love me. He might never love me but he's my family. I love him and things have been so good lately, I'm just glad."

She opened the door to her bedroom but before she could even enter it, she spotted Ahad sitting in the living room, the lights were dimmed out and his head was laid back.

Aaina frowned upon looking at him.

"Hey, uh, I'll call you back, okay? I love you." She said to her sister, who realised that once again, Aaina had become busy.

"Love you too, Aapi. Take care."

She hung up the phone and quickly put away her bag, as she hurriedly switched the lights on and sat near Ahad.

"Ahad, what happened?"

Ahad didn't say anything, he didn't respond at all. Her heart beat fast as she thought about what Zaydaan might have said or done to him.

She knew that he had to talk to his brother about Saaniya once again, as he had talked to him before.

"Ahad! Look at me, what happened?" She asked again, Ahad looked up at her and then passed her the piece of paper that he had been holding in his hand.

"Bhai fired me." He announced, Aaina didn't even look at the paper.

"What?" She gulped.

"He fired me. He fucking fired me, Aaina." Ahad growled, she didn't know what she could possibly say to make him feel better.

Zaydaan hadn't mentioned anything like that, he hadn't said a word about firing Ahad. Why would he do that?

"I don't understand. I thought-"

"Saaniya told me to talk it out with him and solve things, I went to him and he threw this piece of paper at me."

"Okay, he must be angry. Once that wears off, he's gonna reappoint you."

She said instead, Ahad chuckled dryly.

"Poora mulk hanse ga Mujh par, apne hi bhai ne nikal dia. Sab mazaq banayenge Mera."

There was always that moment between action and reaction, the moment that truly changes a person's perspective over things. Ahad had gone to apologise, he wanted to fix it, he wanted Zaydaan to meet Saaniya and just talk it out with her as well, clear his doubts.

But before he could even suggest that, Zaydaan threw a paper at him.

And that was it.

"Ahad..," Aaina trailed off,

"Saaniya ko sab bataya maine, abhi tak to kisi ko pata nai chala. Bhai tells me to leave her or get fired, so he has fired me anyway. I'll marry her, I'll go and marry her right now."

He hadn't meant to say it, words coming out of his mouth in frustration but the moment that he understood his own words, he realised it wasn't such a bad idea.

He could tell by the look of shock on Aaina's face and her sudden panic that she didn't agree with it.

She opened her mouth to say something, Ahad stopped her.

"Ab mujhe koi farq nahi parta."

He stood up. Aaina held his arm before he could leave.

His face was surpressed with rage, eyes red, cheeks flushed and body so stiff that Aaina didn't understand where the charming Ahad had gone to, where was the kind friend that she knew?

"Ahad! Ruko, ek minute please." She held his arm in a tight grasp.

"Idhar dekho, idhar."

He didn't look at her first and she finally had to hold his face and forcibly make him look at her.

"You're my friend, right? Just sleep it off, bus aaj. Please."

She didn't even know what she could say to make him feel better, or what she could do to fix it all but what she did know was the fact that she had to try her hardest.

She had to protect her friend from that betraying woman and she had to ask Zaydaan to hire Zaydaan.

"Ek din de do mujhe, I'll fix everything."

She repeated, his eyes softened just a little.

"Tum kuch nahi kar sakti, Aaina."

He responded, Aaina shook her head at him.

"Yakeen karo Mujh par. Please."


His heart softened for her, for the girl he knew who herself had gone through alot of pain and was yet hell bent on helping him, so he closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.


"Okay, one day."

So he went back to his room, knowing that he had to sleep before he could do anything irrational.

One day, he could wait one day.


Hey, I need to talk about something important. You fired Ahad?

I did. Why?

Okay, I just want to tell you that I'm going to see Saaniya right now.

What? No.

Zaydaan, Ahad is thinking of marrying her or something and I don't trust her. Especially after you told me about her sexual relations with her bodyguard. We have to save him. I know you're angry but you can't let him dive in fire.

Alright, let me send you something important then. And also, you're the first lady, so act like one when you're with her.

Once Aaina got the confirmation from the man herself, her body ached with tiredness but she still let herself inside the car and scrolled through all the pictures and private messages that her husband had sent her.

She couldn't believe that any woman could steep that low, so low that she could tag two men along and betray the one who loved her so much that it hurt him.

She had already sent Saaniya a message that she was coming to meet him, courtesy of Raima and her endless phone book that had all the contacts.

She felt nervous, hell, she was angry but so nervous.

What was she even going to do there? What was she going to talk with her? How was she going to confront her?

Clearly, the woman had a spark. That's why Ahad had fallen in love with her.

You're the first lady so act like one.

You're the first lady so act like one.

You're the first lady so act like one.

She repeated her husband's words in her head three times, then took one or two deep breaths.



A maroon sweater and a pair of dark grey jeans, straightened hair, earrings, well made eyebrows, light makeup and a beautiful smile.

Clearly, Ahad had fell for her looks first.

She was quite beautiful, not beautiful in the sense that Minal was, but beautiful anyway.

She welcomed the first lady by air kissing both her cheeks, then walked her upto the drawing room and didn't sit until Aaina had sat down on the couch.

She was pleasant and her face was so observant. Aaina passed her a polite smile for the sake of her own courtesy but she absolutely hated the woman for betraying Ahad.

"I always wanted to meet you, I just didn't think we'd meet under such grave circumstances." She started off.

Aaina passed her a confused smile.

"What grave circumstances?" She asked.

"Oh you know, Zaydaan bhai firing Ahad and everything. I mean, honestly bhabhi, I was so scared but Ahad said you were a great comfort to him."

He's not your bhai, he's your Prime Minister. And I'm not your bhabhi.

She wanted to say, instead she raised an eye and gave another confused smile.


"Well, aren't you my sister in law?" She shot back, Aaina shook her head.

"For that, you'll have to marry my brother in law, no? And I don't see that happening anytime soon."

"What?" Saaniya murmured, shocked.

"Ahad told me you were supportive of our relationship." She continued.

"Ahad doesn't know what I know." Aaina replied, Saaniya chuckled whole heartedly, as if she had cracked a joke.

"And what exactly do you know?"

Let me be Zaydaan Ziagil's wife and not my own self. Let me do what is right for my friend.

"Three boy toys in America, one in Argentina and apparently you have a very special friend in London too."

If Saaniya was affected by her words, she didn't let it show.

"Ahad knows all about my past, I have nothing to hide, bhabhi."

"It's first lady Aaina Zaydaan to you." Aaina declared, correcting her.

Bhabhi? She hated to be called that, especially by her.

"Anyway, that's the past." Saaniya said with a flip of her hair.

"Well, let's talk about the present then. Isn't it too shady for you to be spending hours with your bodyguard?"

Aaina leaned back on the sofa.

"What are you trying to say?"

Saaniya asked, Aaina saw her gulp but her face was so blank that she could understand that the woman was not going down without a fight.

"Drop the act, Saaniya. We all know you've been snitching on Ahad and cheating on him too."

"As a woman, it embarrasses me to do this to you. It truly does." Aaina continued.

"And I promise you these pictures won't see light of the day if you back off right now." She added, holding up her phone and showing whatever she had on her phone.

"But if you continue using Ahad for your family's benefit, I promise you these pictures will do you harm." She promised.

If Zaydaan was there, he would have been proud of her. Hell, even she felt better herself.

Saaniya crossed her arms, standing up. Aaina still kept herself composed, sitting on the sofa, calm.

"Are you threatening me? Should I be threatened from a twenty three year old?"

That twenty three year old insult was truly something that she had stopped feeling, if anything it was a compliment for her now.

"You should feel threatened from the wife of the Prime Minister."

A woman could be anything she wanted to be, she could be independent, she could be her own person or she could be a person related to someone she loved and be identified by that.

"You will break up with Ahad." Aaina announced, finally standing up.

"And you'll tell him that you've been using him,"

Saaniya shook her head.


"Yes. These pictures are with the Prime Minister, you know that, right?" She warned, continuing.

"And while your brother might appreciate you giving him information about our family, I'm very sure he won't like your naked body against the body of your bodyguard."

Underneath every woman, hides a storm. Underneath every woman, there is a a stronger version of herself, a version that she can use to defend herself and the people she care about, underneath every woman is hidden a woman who is better than her current self.

"You truly are Zaydaan Ziagil's wife. You're cunning and you don't care about anything other than having the upper hand." Saaniya accused.

Was that something to feel insulted about?

"Yes, I am his wife and while I am enjoying having the upper hand right now, it truly breaks my heart that Ahad loved someone like you."

Aaina finished. Saaniya clicked her tongue and she saw the facade beginning to break.

"I did love him, I do." She insisted.

"Love is unconditional and not selfish. You cheated on him, that's not love." Aaina murmured, she leaned down to pick up her bag and then looked at the beautiful cheating woman.

"Ahad isn't alone, he has his brother to protect him. And you don't want to cross Zaydaan Ziagil when he's angry."

"So I suggest you stay away from Ahad and our family." Finally, Aaina realised that she had said enough.

All she could do now was pray that Saaniya would listen to her, even though it looked like she wouldn't.

She hadn't even walked away yet when Saaniya stood in front of her.

"You don't know my brother, he is going to ruin your perfect little world." Saaniya threatened.

"And when your world goes up in flames, I'll be right there watching." She completed.

Aaina felt scared, she actually felt scared of the threat but she couldn't show her weakness, never.

"Maybe spending time with Ahad has made you quite dramatic but trust me, this is not a movie and no one's getting ruined."

So she walked out after that, and Saaniya stood there, contemplating what to do next.

So much drama. This was so hard to write tbh. I have exams so I'm either going to be completely ghayb or I'm gonna update like I'm on vacation so let's see lol.

Hope you guys liked it.

What do you think is gonna happen next? So much drama is coming uff can't wait

Love you bubyeee!!

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