Sadqay Tumhare

Door ThatPakistaniGurl

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For your sake. The story of Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil and his first lady. Meer

Sadqey Tumhare.
First Lady's instagram.
Epilogue + First Lady's Instagram 2.


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Door ThatPakistaniGurl

Vote, comment and tell me what you think. Long chapter so lots of comments. Okay? Haha.

Aaina x Zaydaan.

Aaina x Zaydaan.

In the early hours of the morning, Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil glanced at the right side of the bed, spotting his wife sound asleep.

Light snores, he could hear light snores as she breathed through her nose, a small smile on her lips as if she was dreaming about something beautiful.

Zaydaan was always so caught up with his work that he often forgot that Aaina was way younger than him, she hadn't seen the dirty politics that he had seen, she hadn't been a part of people's cruel games, well, she had.

But not several times.

He thought about how her father was a complete idiot, an idiot with money but an idiot nonetheless.

Their father was cruel too, maybe selfish at times but Zaydaan knew for a fact that Idrees Ziagil loved his stubborn children with all his heart, the same couldn't be said about Imran Sahab, Aaina's father.

He thought about Aaina's mother, a weak woman. If she had raised Aaina with half the courage that Minal was raised with, Aaina would be fighting her own battles right now.

Instead, her mother raised her with the motto of patience and only patience, sacrifice and only sacrifice, compromise and only compromise.

If she had raised Aaina with the motto Minal's mother had raised her with, fight for what you believe in, things would have been different for his wife today.

He knew it was wrong to compare Minal and Aaina. Minal had seen the world and Aaina had only seen the world from her very tiny bubble.

As he saw the rays of sun starting to show properly, he thought about his brother and the criticism around him.

Opposition was having a field day, Calling Zaydaan out for being a hypocrite, as he gave his brother a ministry without any hard work.

It was true and hypocritical as well, Zaydaan didn't want to do that but Ahad's stupid convincing powers and his father's authority had made him do so.

They wanted the defense ministry for Ahad, Zaydaan gave him the railway one. Apart from lessening the economy fare from Lahore to karachi and adding two more train routes, Ahad had done nothing extra ordinary so far.

Zaydaan wanted to give him more time, he knew Ahad had the potential but he was almost afraid that Ahad's first 100 days report would be disappointing compared to his other ministers.

Ahad had always been a playboy, bragging about his girlfriends, showing him pictures and talking about them, so what was so different about that girl? Why was he protecting her?

Why wouldn't he tell me who the girl is? Aaina was his best friend, did he not care about her security?

He knew for a fact that Aaina knew, and he also knew that she had fake coughed that day, just to get him off Ahad's back. He appreciated her loyalty towards him but hated that she had done that to him.

But for some reason, he couldn't get him self to yell at her. Maybe, because she had been recently attacked or maybe because he knew that she could be alot more help when he was gentle towards her.

Her fear was uplifting but her urge to make him more happy when he was kind and gentle, it was on a whole new level.

He took a deep breath, chuckling at her snores as he shook her. He held her shoulder, shaking it slightly. She groaned.

He shook her once again, she tried to move away as he held her shoulder again.

"Aaina, get up." He said, voice low but firm.

Aaina, who was in her own sleepy zone before, heard her husband's voice and opened her eyes, surprised.

"Hmm? Morning." She mumbled, still shocked that he was actually in bed with her instead of being at work.

She lifted herself up, leaning against the headboard as she checked her phone for the time.

07:00 pm.

She didn't remember the last time she had woken up at seven in the morning. Zaydaan got off the bed, Aaina saw him already dressed in a track suit. She frowned.

"Salam alaikum. Now get up and get dressed."

He greeted, Aaina quickly got off.

"Where are we going?" She asked, covering her mouth as a yawn escaped it.

Zaydaan threw her a look.

"On a morning walk, you've been coped up in the house since the past week, high time you get out there."

As much as she liked that he was doing this, all she wanted to do was crawl back under the blankets and sleep, sleep with him ofcourse. But sleep.

"Zaydaan, it's fine." She tried to say, he shook his head.

"Are you not comfortable in leaving the house?"

I am comfortable to go anywhere with you. But it's seven in the morning and I was having a great dream, we were quite literally enjoying a nice dinner and you want to take me out on a walk? At this time?

Can't you cuddle me to sleep?

"With you, I'm comfortable with you."

She said honestly, Zaydaan nodded.

"Good then, join me for a morning walk."

She looked at her attire, her pajamas and a random t-shirt.

"Alright, I'll change." She announced, walking towards the wardrobe. She opened it, taking out a few random winter clothes that she could wear early in the morning.

Zaydaan sighed.

"Wear your work out clothes, no ones gonna see you anyway." He yelled after her, then walked out of the bedroom.

Aaina changed into a black shirt and sweatpants, wearing a shrug over her clothes to cover herself from the cold.

She quickly brushed her hair and applied a lip balm, knowing that Zaydaan didn't like to wait.

After that, she left the bedroom, spotting her husband sitting in the living room outside.

"Ready?" He gazed at her, she nodded.

"Let's go." He ushered her as both got out of the house, walking towards the PM secretariat and then exceeding his office.

They reached a large ground, situated right against Zaydaan's office.

Aaina hadn't been here before. But Zaydaan seemed quiet familiar with everything.

"Do you do this everyday?" She asked a question to stir up the conversation as they started to walk on the track.

"Yeah, I take an hour break from the office and come here." He told her.

"It's very quiet." She remarked. She couldn't see anyone around, except the few guards outside with their heads turned. Even they were far far away from them.

"Helps me relax." He said back.

"And you brought me here."

"To relax."

Aaina smiled. Did he think she needed to relax? Was that it?

"I'm always relaxed with you, except for when you're well, you know all angry and scary." She told him, she didn't want to but oh well, slip of tongue.

Zaydaan smirked. Why did he like hearing that she could get scared of him?

"I'm not always angry." He defended himself.

She smiled at him yet again. They kept walking.

"These days you're not, I like that." She uttered.

He walked a little fast compared to her even when he was casually walking and not walking to warm up, so he would stop every once in a while so Aaina could catch up.

She caught upto him once again and he stared at her.

"How are your studies going?" He had seen the scattered notes around the table and her laptop with several chits attached on it.

He was glad she was studying and not sitting around doing nothing. And he was definitely happy that she hadn't insisted on going back to the university.

Aaina took a defeated sigh.

"Alright, I guess. Its hard to study at home."

"You need a tutor?" He enquired. She shook her head.

"No, it's fine."

"I'll help you if you need it." He offered.

"Can you do my assignments for me?" She questioned with a laugh.

"No." He blankly responded.

"I had to try."

They started to walk slightly fast and Aaina felt getting out of breath but she didn't say anything, infact she was liking this morning walk thing, she liked that he had offered her, no, ordered her to come with him.

Maybe they were making progress as a couple.

There was no talking for a couple or minutes, just walking and feeling the morning freshness. She shivered as a cold wind blew against her and heard her husband speak.

"So, a week has been good for you, right? I've added a couple of people into your security, Sami is still the head, his bullet wound has healed since it was just a light scrape. You have that breast cancer seminar today?"

I believe this is the most conversation you've had with me, it is usually me asking for something and you yelling it giving me blank answers. I like the new you. Don't change, please.

She focused on him instead of her mind battles.

"It's scheduled but I don't want to go, I don't know, it's just scary." She put forth her hear.

"Aaina, I have people that would give their life before getting you hurt. So you can't cancel, you need to go." He said with such conviction that Aaina couldn't refuse.

Not that she could refuse him anyway.

"Raima emailed me the speech but I haven't even looked at it."

"You have the entire day."

She was still unsure but didn't say anything, she didn't want to anger him but leaving the house meant someone might attack her again, she wasn't fearless like some people around her. She was scared of getting physically hurt. Or worse.

Zaydaan saw the lack of comfort on her face and called out her name.

"Hey, you're going to be okay. Trust me." He told her, words are just words, it's true. But gentle words have a massive impact on the heart.

"Okay," She breathed out.

They kept walking on the track, her mind and heart at a constant battle. But for some reason, today, she felt so contented.

This morning was definitely a bliss for her. Spending time with Zaydaan was all she ever wanted and it was happening without her even asking or trying for it.

She thought maybe Zaydaan was done talking, maybe he didn't want to talk more. She didn't mind it at all. He had talked to her quite alot today, she seemed actually interested in what she had to say.

What more could she ask for?

"We are going to Germany in three days." He announced so casually that she had to turn her head completely around to look at him.

"We?" She asked.

"Yes, there's a G20 summit. Initially we were not a part of it but we are going to be this year. It's the first time Pakistan will attend."

"Is that good?"

"Great, actually. All the first ladies will be there, you'll have to interact with them, there will be a grand dinner, photographs and alot more."

It sounded scary, but she was going to Germany with her husband. She hadn't even gone on a honeymoon. She could say bye to her anxiety for now and focus on the fact that she as going.

She couldn't wait to tell Saira everything.

"Raima will explain everything in detail." Zaydaan added.

"I wish I had known sooner, I don't have anything prepared."

"That's why there's a stylist, Raima will come with you, and I'll be taking a few of my ministers."

Aaina didn't really care, he could take a hundred ministers with him. All she cared about was the fact that she was going with him.

"Will Ahad go too?" She enquired. Zaydaan shook his head, inwardly happy that Aaina had brought up his brother herself.

He shook his head.

"No, not really."

Zaydaan slowed his pace, starting the conversation with a gentle smile.

"Speaking of Ahad, I do have to talk to you about something."

"Yeah?" She bit her lip, hoping that he wouldn't ask her about Ahad's girlfriend.

"So this girl that Ahad talks about," He trailed off, continuing. "You said you didn't know her."

Aaina gulped, shaking her head.

"I don't." She said the truth, Zaydaan chuckled dryly.

"Right, but darling that is hard to believe. You both are very close and I don't think he wouldn't have told you." His words were said with such conviction that it was hard for Aaina to say that she didn't know.

"Zaydaan, I-" She tried to say something, he interrupted her.

"Aaina, I believe when you say you don't know her, but you do know who she is. Don't you?"

The way he had phrased the question, she couldn't help but look away. She didn't want to betray Ahad's trust and lying to Zaydaan, it was harder than it seemed.

"Zaydaan, please.." She pleaded, as if she wanted an out.

He stopped walking and held her shoulder, his hand reached the nape of her neck, touching it almost delicately as if she would break if he squeezed a little tighter.

"Hey, look at me." She looked at him.

"I'm your husband, you can tell me anything. Okay?"

His voice was so soothing, Aaina wanted to lose herself in it.

"Ahad is a mature guy, he can take care of himself, I'm sure. But I have my doubts and I fear for your safety too. You understand me, right?"

She did. She thought she did. But him being so close to her, it was almost overwhelming. Having him close to her without any fear, without his anger, it was too much.

"I do." She whispered.

"I know, so tell me, who is the girl? I won't be mad at you..Trust me."

Trust me.

She wanted to trust him, she wanted to trust him and she did, more than anyone. But he had lied so much.

But he was all she had.

"You won't be angry at Ahad, right? I mean, he trusted me with it and you're the last person he wants to tell." She asked him instead, Zaydaan didn't promise but nodded anyway.

"Tell me."

Aaina inhaled a deep breath. She wanted to stay loyal to her friend but how could she not answer Zaydaan?

"Okay, her name is Saaniya Chaudhry. She's the sister of Chairman Chaudhry."

She said quickly, as if she wanted to just get it over with. She wanted to please him so bad, but at the same time her heart really felt bad for Ahad. What if Zaydaan yelled at him for it?

"Opposition." Zaydaan mumbled, not asking a question but just clearing it up.

Aaina gulped, nodding her head.


"Are you certain?"

Zaydaan knew Ahad had a thing for women who were against him, women who hated his guts, women with sharp tongues but did he really not care who he was dating? Or fucking for that matter?

Did he really forget that they were the enemies?

"I am, I mean that's what he told me." She said in a hurry, noticing the frown lines on his face and the sudden fixed jaw.

There was anger in his eyes, she could see it, feel it. Heat radiated from his posture, she inhaled a deep breath.

"Zaydaan, I'm sorry." She apologised, he shook his head.

"It's okay, hush now."

The wind blew against them, as they walked back towards the Prime Minister House. Aaina sniffed, feeling the cold against her cheeks and worrying that she had managed to piss Zaydaan off.

He hadn't uttered a word.

"See you then." He said, the moment she entered the living room.

"You're not having breakfast." She commented, seeing how much in a hurry he really was.

"I'm already late, but you have some."

He suggested, she didn't push him anyway.

"Okay, have a good day."

"Oh, I will."

Wearing a red Zainab Chotani shalwar kameez, she fixed herself yet again as she sat there, surrounded by almost a hundred women and photographers who were capturing each and everything.

Her mind drifted towards the fact that she had spilled Ahad's secret to his own brother. And she knew Zaydaan wouldn't keep this to himself, he would question Ahad.

She tried to focus on the woman who was talking about the breast cancer.

"It's a great honor to have with us, the First Lady of Pakistan, Khatoon E Awal ka yahan maujood hona humare liye bauhat hi Fakhar ki baat hai. Hum bauhat shukarr guzar hain ke aap yahan aayi,"

The audience applauded and Aaina smiled in discomfort. She didn't like being the center of attention but here she was.

"At our annual breast cancer awareness seminar, we try and create an atmosphere where the country gets slightly more aware about the symptoms and the women who have those symptoms aren't shy enough to hide them."

"I'm sure today's seminar is getting alot of media coverage because of the first lady's appearance, so let's make the best out of today."

Several women came after that, talking about cancer in general, about breast cancer, women who were so much well researched, well known..

Aaina listened to each and every word, grasping all that she could hear and absorbing it.

"Please welcome, Mrs Aaina Zaydaan."

She stood up, walking from the front seat to the center of the stage.

"Right, hello everyone. I already feel a little weird, I didn't know pink was a dress code." She joked, seeing as all the women were dressed in pink and white, mostly pink.

And yet, she was wearing red.

She looked around the crowded room, eyes squinting at all the flashes abd the people around them.

"Thank you so much for coming here, Asifa was thanking me and I realised that this is a government seminar so it kind of makes it an honour for me that you all are here. Its disheartening that there was no media coverage on this before."

She read from the paper, then looked up at everyone. She had memorised it but still, she wanted to look at the paper every once in a while to make sure it wasn't wrong.

"As a woman I think that one of the most important part of us, are our breasts. I'm not a very outspoken person but I think that you have to become one if you want to change or aware people." She spoke.

"Almost 40,000 women every year in Pakistan die due this disease, not only because of the disease itself but also because of their ignorance and lack of resources."

"I want to announce that from now on, I'm taking sole responsibility of this seminar. It is going to be held annually on a big scale, inshaAllah."

The audience clapped yet again, Aaina thought about Ahad, Zaydaan, about how Ahad would be disappointed in her for saying his secret out loud.

She didn't want to lose him. I shouldn't have told him. I shouldn't have. She regretted it.

"Not only are we going to aware people on breast cancer but we are also going to honor the women who have survived this disease. I want to also acknowledge Neha Taimoor, who has spent a long time researching over breast cancer in Pakistan."

She read from the paper, voice coming out slightly shaky as her mind went to somewhere else.

"I would also like to thank ambassador Nina Baker, who took out the time to join us all here,"

"We live in a country where breast cancer carries shame for a woman, I'm grateful that things are changing now and if God wills, I assure you that things will keep on changing."

"And last but not the least, the government is starting a foundation called the Pink Pakistan foundation which will aid the women suffering from breast cancer and will also continue researching to find out better things to help these women."

"Thank you and good evening."

Aaina didn't know what would happen next, but the one thing she knew for certain, it was that Zaydaan wouldn't hold back and Ahad wouldn't like what she had done.


Alright long chapter.

What do you think is Zaydaan doing? The sudden attitude change?

Love you.

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