The girl that couldn't smile...

De ArielAAurelius913

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You have a terrible home life. You are traumatized by what your abusive drunk father did to your mother when... Mai multe

Chapter 1: Finding a new place
Chapter Two: The meeting
Chapter 3: Finding the real Boris
Chapter 4: The safe place
Authors Note
Chapter 5: The Issue
Chapter 6: Nightmares are Reality
Chapter 7: What's going on?
Chapter 8: The Battle
Chapter 9: What do I do?
Chapter 10: Hurtful Family memories
Authors Note
Authors note
Chapter 11: Smile?
Chapter 13: Reunited Broken Family
Chapter 14: Happy Birthday (Y/n): Part One
Chapter 15: Happy Birthday (Y/n): Part 2
Not a chapter: I was tagged.
Chapter 16: Party Time
Chapter 17: Tying the Knot. 🍋

Chapter 12: Cleaning? Date? Or Both?

482 10 17
De ArielAAurelius913

3rd POV:

(Y/n) was guided to a kitchen by Bendy to find that all the food she bought and took from the house were somewhat covered in ink. Not badly, so (Y/n) could always just wash it off with some water since it was all packaged and protected by plastic that (Y/n) put over just incase something like this happened but..... Did this place even have running water to wash it off?

Luckily there was a faucet to test this out. (Y/n) turned it on with the cold leaver and.....
There was Cold. Fresh. Water in the studio. You would think there wasn't because of all the Ink and stuff, but there apparently there was.

(Y/n) washed the bagged vegetables, and cut the bag conserving the meat and started to cook her meal for the day.
Bendy could smell the aroma of the food where he was sitting, and like the cartoon character that he is, he started the follow the aroma (Y/n) made by cooking and came behind her hugging her stomach area placing his 'chin's on the top of her head.
(Y/n) was startled a moment and tensed up, but soon relaxed into his embrace.

"What ya making Toots?" He said looking over what she was doing kinda drooling at the smell.

"Oh, Nothing special...Did you want me to make you some too since all you eat is ink and Bacon sou-"

"Yes!" He said without hesitation not letting (Y/n) finish her sentence.

"Yes what?" (Y/n) smiled at his excitement over something simple as this, though if there's anything that's gonna happen is that there was going to manners.

"Uhh...Yes ..please..?"
(Y/n) could tell the uncertainty in his voice when saying this because he never really had to use manners before until now, but oh was that going to change.

Once (Y/n) was done with her little concoction she set a plate for him and her. Then because of how (Y/n) robbed her own house from before coming back to the studio, there's now silverware.
Of course Bendy ate with his hands which isn't surprising, but being the lady (Y/n) was she was eating with the silverware. What was funny is that once Bendy had a mouthful of the food (Y/n) prepared was that he started to moan and grunt because of how delicious the food was.

"Heh. I'm guessing you like the food?" (Y/n) said being the little smart alec she is, chuckling at Bendy's reaction to real food.

"It's sooooo good... who wouldn't love this!" Bendy was shoveling the food in his mouth where it looked like he was chipmunk with how much food was stuffed into that black hole of his.

"Heh. Never knew my cooking was so good to make a demon moan"
(Y/n) Laughed at her own remark as Bendy stopped eating after hearing that remark, he almost choked on the food.

Though two can play at that game.

"Who said it was the food? Maybe it's the cook who made it so good~?"

Bendy said with a smug look on his face. (Y/n) was blushing madly not expecting that sort if comment from him. (Y/n) couldn't look him in the eyes for a moment, but continued to play the flirting game until one of them caved in.

"Make sure not to eat too much or else you'll miss desert."

"Oh? So does this mean your on the menu since your so sweet and look delicious?"

"Who said it's for you? It maybe you who's on my menu since you my kind of dark delectable sweetness I can enjoy."

"Oh?~ So you only crave me eh? Who knew. Though your lips are sweeter than anything I've ever tasted. Then again you're my personal eye candy."


(Y/n) was the one who caved in. Her whole face was a bright crimson red all the way to her ears. (Y/n) covered her face in embarrassment as she shook it side to side trying to shake it off.

Bendy won this round.

His cocky smirk showed a satisfaction of victory as he leaned back on the wooden chair, his arms crossed behind his wrench shaped head.
That was ...
Until he leaned too far back on the chair and fell backward causing (Y/n) to laugh as hard as she's ever done before.

"Haha! I guess you could say you are 'falling' for me huh?"

"Heh heh...Yeah... I guess you could say that"
He said as he rubbed the back of his head in an awkward manner in self humility and embarrassment like he did in his cartoons which made this moment all the more sweet.

"Okay first things first. Are their other people in the studio who can help is clean up around here or no?"
(Y/n) asked as she finally began to eat her plate as she stuck a bite of food in her mouth as Bendy thought a moment.

"Well I mean... there is the Butcher Gang"

"You mean the three characters in your show that tried to pull so many shenanigans in you? Oh! Like that one time they accidentally shrunk you and placed you inside a bottle. Those guys?!"
(Y/n)'s eyes lit up talking about his show as she continued to eat food that wasn't Bacon Soup. Bendy smiled warmly at (Y/n) that was a purely genuine smile and not his drawn one that he shall be forever plastered on his face.
No, he was just happy that someone still watched his cartoons after all these years that wasn't himself and actually remembers the stories/adventures he had with everyone in his world.

"Yes 'Those' guys. They were actually the ones who helped drag your things and shopping down here while I set you down on the bed you were laying on earlier."
What was one thing Bendy didn't want to admit was that he actually couldn't pick up her luggage or all the shopping because it was to heavy for him which was surprising. So he was extremely grateful when the gang helped when they did.

"Well that's good to know, I'll have to thank them later for helping. But do you think they could help us clean up the place? Because this place really needs a tune up"

(Y/n) said as she finished her plate and put it into the sink. She then grabbed Bendy's finished plate and began washing them. Bendy just observed her as she did so, her swaying hips, and how she pulled her hair up so fast it was almost unnoticeable.

"A tune up you say?~"
Bendy asked as he was in deep thought on how to get himself out of doing work, getting (Y/n) out of the thoughts of cleaning the whole place, getting the Butcher gang to do his bidding, somehow completely ignoring Henry keeping (Y/n) away from him for now, and definitely keeping her away from..
Or just people he wanted her to say away from. Therefore, having (Y/n) all to himself is what he was asking himself on how to do and his achievement.

"Well how about I propose this toots. Since the first floor is already pretty clean, and only certain parts on the fifth floor can be cleaned... hows about we go on a date?"

This of course caught (Y/n) off guard as she almost dropped the plate she was drying off.

"Uhh...a d-date?....I'm not quite to sure about that Bendy. Heh. I've actually never been on a-"

"Whatcha mean your not sure? Don't tell me a pretty girl such as yourself never been in a date before."

Silence was in that brief moment.

(Y/n) was gripping onto the sink unable to focus or control the emotions she was having such as fear and self-doubt along with embarrassment, confusion and an odd sense of loneliness wielding up within herself. Bendy stood up from his chair and stood behind (Y/n).

He slowly wrapped his long arms around her pulling (Y/n) towards him lightly, then gently placed his curved chin on top of her head and sighed.

"It's okay if you don't want to. We can just take things slowly, plus you need to get some exercise from how much sleep you- "

"Let's do it"
(Y/n) said as she let go of the sink. (Y/n) placed her hands on Bendy's forearms to loosen herself as she turned herself around to face him only to have to look way up because of how tall he was with the form he is sorta stuck in right now.

"Wait what?" Bendy was shocked by her answer by actually agreeing to this. Maybe he could take his plan into action if he played his cards and charm right.

"I said lets do it. Go a the date."

(Y/n) then slid her hands down from his forearms to his overly large gloved hands to hold them.

"Plus this also gives me the chance to actually see the whole studio without being scared since I'll be with the person who actually haunts the place and see the places I'll have to clean later if the Butcher Gang isn't able to reach it."

(Y/n) mentioned her little scheme with a smirk which made Bendy chuckle at her 'catch' that was a little funny to him because of how bad she wanted to do something in the studio.

(Y/n)'s POV:

I finally have a chance to see the studio in all its glory without becoming lost or being knocked out. Who knows, we might even see Uncle Henry again. That and....
I don't think Bendy's version of 'clean' is the same as my version.
I finished cleaning the dishes we dirtied and put them away in their new places.

"Ready when you are"
I said turning around pitting my apron away that I was using.
Bendy had this goofy excited grin to show me around, tip toe jumping up and down which was fun to see him so happy to give me a tour.

He grabbed my dominant hand and told me to hold my breath.
I was skeptical at first, but did as told along with closing my eyes. I felt wet all over at first like I was just dunked in a pool, but before I was holding Bendy's hand I knew he just probably did something to help out. Like a shortcut or something because the next moment I was completely dry.

I opened my eyes to find we were on the top floor of the studio.
The cleanliness was satisfying enough to meet my standards, just a few minor touches here and there with dusting and polishing, definitely need to install some new lights so it's brighter and not so dark and gloomy as it is right now.
Bendy walked me down stairs where by the end of the stairway was an elevator.

"There's an elevator in this place? Hey, why don't we use the elevator?"
With that being said, Bendy had a nervous look on his face as he started to get smaller from losing some of his overwhelming confidence that he has which was weird to see since I dont think I've ever seen him like this just by staring at something.

"Um...B-Because...*Gulp* I g-get very bad motion sickness from that Horrendous contraption Joey made..... Please don't make me get on that"
Bendy dropped his head not wanting to look at me in the eyes.
Wow that's a first. Never knew something like that could happen.

"Oh Alright then. We won't go on it, just for your sake."
I reassured him as I placed both hands on his large one. He smiled genuinely at me which was nice and also made me smile as well.
We made it where broken glass was everywhere and a sound booth for a cartoon character 'Alice Angel' that either me or the Butcher gang will definitely pick up later.
Originally Alice was only supposed to be in the show once, but because the audience really liked her back in the day she made more appearances and finally became permanently on the show.

"Huh... how did that happen I wonder?" I thought out loud.

"There was an experiment Joey tried on the voice actors of us cartoon characters to make them real like myself. However you know what I actually am and helped me change for the better, but after Joey brought me to life he thought he could bring the others to life as well. He first used Susie Cambell to create Alice, then they fell out so he used Allison. Then he tried to create-"

I mumbled to myself thinking I could probably predict what happened next.

"Exactly.. And-"

"Its okay. I think I know what happened after that... I'm so sorry that happened to you guys and those good human people who were dragged into this."
I pulled away from him hugging myself from feeling guilty in an odd way that I couldn't explain. Just the thought of Bendy going through all of that was terrible, along with Boris and Alice.

"Its okay Toots." He said coming from behind to hug me. His long arms wrapping around my mid ridge on top of my arms as his chin went on the nook on the left side of my neck.

"If it makes ya any better, I won't be killing Henry anymore. Plus~ I saved his life from the projectionist."

He kissed my neck lightly after saying that and put his chin back where it was before. It felt weird yet nice at the same time which made me smirk from his little action as we began to sway side to side a little bit.

"Yeah? Well that's nice to hear. Thank you for doing that, I'm very happy you did."

"Hehe~Anything for MY little darling~"

"Haha, such a sweet talker aren't ya?"

"The best there is Toots"

We continued onto the tour and stumbled upon the the toy factory. I started to geek out on all the plushies and jumped onto a large pile of them disappearing like somebody would in a pile of leaves. Then for the first time I got to hear Bendy laugh so hard it made him fall to the floor and roll around watching my childish actions.
Later on we made it to a theme park and played some of the games.

Though Bendy was surprised on how good my aim was from the throwing and shooting game. Then when we went to the game where you hit the hammer on the platform to see if the puck hits the bell, his expression was priceless when I hit the bell on my first try where as for himself it took a few tries with the form he's in, but what was really fun was the haunted house we got to ride in.
It was more cute than it was scary, the only thing that really freaked me out was the spooky looking pictures on the walls and a Alice Angel corpse with a sword through the chest which looked so lifelike that Bendy put his arm around me protectively after seeing that.
However I'm debating now if it's real or fake when I heard Bendy mumbling something under his breath that sounded like
'That's what you get you gold digging Bitch'.

"So how did you like the tour?"
Bendy asked as we ink-ported to a place deeper down to a place where a lot of offices and hallways were at like a mini maze, and that's when I saw a person with a swinging head come after me. It was definitely apparent that he didn't see Bendy yet because even with Bendy being next to me he was hidden by the wall we came out of.
Before he could catch me Bendy came from behind me casting a large shadow looming over me. I don't know what Bendy did to scare him, but all I could see was that now the poor guy was trembling and formed an ink puddle underneath him.

"HeY yA BaRlEy. WhAt Do YoU ThInK yOu'Re DoInG tHeRe?" Bendy was doing his creepy voice which only made the situation worse as he fell backwards from being completely scared. That's when it hit me. This was Barley from the Butcher Gang. I turned around seeing Bendy all puffed up with a very angry look in his eyes that Barley tried to attack me.

"Bendy...Calm Down. He didn't know it was us"
I reasoned, Bendy to a big breath in calming down as he deflated a little as he breathed out knowing that I was right.
Next thing I know was that I got to meet the Butcher Gang which was really fun to do. Though are used to be bullies of Bendy named Charlie, Barley, and Edgar would rather be called Piper, Fisher, and Striker due from there forms now. However I started to laugh internally knowing they were his bullies in the show, when right now they are Bendy's servants which was pure comical irony.

Bendy and I talked to them how we were going to clean the studio since it looked awful and maybe we might be able to restore it to it's old glory before Joey Drew completely messed it up by adding the Ink Machine with all of it's massive pipes. They agreed and got to work as I handed them mops and buckets.

"Oh! I almost forgot to show you the surprise I made for you" Now he had my full attention, curiosity, and suspicion.

"Surprise?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. And how are you able to do that?!"

"Do what? Raise my eyebrow?"


"Easy. You just practice in the mirror and train the muscles"

"That's awesome. Gosh Darn it! Getting off of topic. Anyways, Do you wanna see your surprise?"

Of course I agreed not really knowing what I was getting myself into, but oh well I guess. Bendy covered my eyes and lead me over to wherever his surprise was. He told me to keep my eyes closed as he uncovered them so he could fix some minor details.

When he told me to open them it felt like I was in a small throne room, but with televisions everywhere showing his cartoons back in the past, there where even some that even I haven't seen and was seeing then for the first time. I was at a lost for words as my jaw dropped being surprised in a good way for a first time in what seemed for years.

"Wow....You did all this?...For me?!"
I honestly didn't know what to do because I was so amazed at such magnificence he was able to make.
No one has ever done something like this for me before, I ran to Bendy and tackled hugged him into the chair thanking him for doing something so sweet as this knowing it probably took him awhile to make. He only chuckled as he hugged me back just as tightly as I was hugging him.

"Anything for my Queen. So... wanna watch a few cartoons?"
He asked holding some old movie reels in his hand being excited he has someone to actually enjoy them with as much as he does.

"You freaking bet I am!"
He put the tapes into the projector next to him and we had a cartoon movie marathon until we were sleepy and was almost 2AM, but I didn't care. This was the best day and date of my life, more than I could have hoped for. Bendy was asleep behind me snoring a little, but not too bad to since I could still hear the sounds of the cartoon playing. I continued to sit between his legs watching the cartoons until there was one more left.

I carefully put it on and started to watch it until my attention came across a reel that read 'The End'.
There was something about this I didn't like one bit, so I decided to hide it. I somewhere that was hidden out of sight.
Once that was accomplished I sat back where I originally sat and watched the rest of the cartoon, finally Bendy woke up and realized he fell asleep on me by accident and apologized multiple times which was cute.
Then Because we basically spent 9 hours on a date we decided it was time for bed and ink-ported through many rooms to get back where we were before. Bendy made himself comfortable and I of course was his human plushie he cuddled with. Surprisingly, he was very comfortable being made of ink, then again he's in a weird state right now being half of a half. Soon I started to drift off and fell asleep.

Meanwhile with Henry:

"Not these guys again.... I better stay out of sight"
I said to myself as I saw Charlie walk right past me. I started to look for ink blobs so I can make some pipes that I need to drain a hallway to get to where I need to go next.

"Get off the floor! We're still mopping and we don't need anymore flipping footprints!"

It was the whole Butcher Gang together chasing after me with a...Mop and Bucket? With all of them wearing old plastic yellow cleaning gloves?
What's going on here? This is definitely isn't like it was last time. Why is this different than the rest I wonder?
I hid in the Miracle Machine when now the 'Cleaning Gang' were coming after me. That's when the ink splatters of Bendy started to appear scaring them off. Then that's when I heard Barley say something that he hasn't ever said before.

"That (Y/n) person is a real Sweetheart isn't she? I can see why Bendy likes her so much. That, and how she's the only human person to actually calm Bendy down like that. Haha!"

Wait a minute... Did I hear that correctly? (Y/n) is here? I listened closer to what they were discussing.

"I know right? They're so cute together. Hey... You don't think Henry is related to her to you?"
I heard Edgar say. Yup...this is definitely different than last time.

"From what I've heard in between these that Henry is actually (Y/n)'s Uncle. Therefore... Bendy isn't hurting Henry and is keeping (Y/n) out of Henry's sight until his plan is in full throttle. Apparently (Y/n) is the key of getting out of here."
I heard Barley say. So (Y/n) is here. Oh no.... this means she's in danger!

"But boys... we've known Bendy for a long time now, and even I'm the past whe. we were still in the business of making cartoons.... I haven't seen Bendy smile like that before. And that (Y/n)'s smile... she could light up the whole room with that smile, and her laugh is so genuine it makes me smile in this gloomy forsaken place."

Whoa...what?! They've seen (Y/n) smile and heard her laugh? What happened to her while she was here? And....
those are some strong words for someone like Charlie to say... especially for someone like (Y/n).
This is so frustrating!
I guess I'll have to question her about this when I meet her. Does this mean Aliana is here to? God I hope not.
Okay Henry boy, you've got your pipes you need, now to go to the vault, reunite with your new Alice and Boris, and figure it out from there.

"I'm coming for you (Y/n)"
The door drained the ink and now to go on the next part of this never ending Hell.


Authors Note: Was up my Lovelies! Sorry it's taking so long to update. But hey! At least you get the story from me by the end and I haven't given up on my story, nor do I plan to! Next story I want all of your Opinions...

Do you want Aliana and Henry next? Or a Lemon/Smut? Or somewhere In between where the next chapter is the final chapter. Give me your opinions please because I'd love to hear them

Toodles ~My wonderful Lovelies!~

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