Found horse

By StephanieShear

10.9K 135 97

Going under major editing- Certain things may change. Josephine Williams has had a great life good parents, f... More

falling apart
saying good bye.
Found horse!!
Blue Hill High School!!
Abused and Drake
Meeting Trevor!!
Finding and Fixing Paddock
Beaten By The Bullies!!
Hostpial and meeting Peyton!!
Depressed Angel!!
Chole's party and singing!!
Riding Angel poop war!!!
The Phone Call And Water War!!!!
The Kiss and Saved Twice!!!
He Hit Me!!
The Date!!!!
Forgiving Lucas and Angel gets hurt!!
Horse Show!!!
Josh and Lucas!!
Dad's Finds out!!!
I've Failed Her!!
We Found Her!
Saving Angel and Midnight!!
I don't care about me as long as Angel is safe!!
Please be okay Josie!
Just a Dream?!?
Move On!
Not a Update! Sorry! New Book!
Preview for Found horse Sequel..
Sequel is up!

We never did get the milk or cat food...

236 4 2
By StephanieShear

Chapter 21...

4 months later...

It's been 4 months since Angel got hurt. Her foot healed all the way within 2 weeks, Trevor's and I's relationship is amazing were so in love, Lucas is like a brother to me were close, we bicker and fight but always make up, Nikki and I are best friends BFF's yo, Oh and Trevor's dad has been trying to stop drinking ever since he hit Trevor, Peyton were like still amazing besties even though she's so embarrassing when me and Trevor kiss in front of her but I love her and she turned 16 last month I threw her a party with her mom, Trevor and Lucas get along now once Trevor saw he was no harm to me and they get along now, and we've been jumping Angel we are now jumping 3 foot we also do courses cantering, we jump oxer's, cross rail oxers, verticals, barrels and verticals with ground rails, she is so amazing at jumping she rarely knocks a pole down , and when she see's a jump she perks her ears forward and lengthens her stride and just sours over it, Mittens has gotten so big him and Angel are best buds, and apparently Drake is dating Brittney and so she hasn't messed with me at school any, oh and Drake has stopped ignoring me I still don't know why he was ignoring me in the first place oh well, Oh and dad still abuses me he went so far as to cut me with a knife once, Lucas still doesn't like me living with my dad and wants to go to the police and he wants me to live with him but I always tell him I can't he just still doesn't get it. And that's pretty much it for now so yup..

We canter toward the 3 foot oxer, Angel ears perk forward , 3,2,1 and jump we soured over the jump I lent forward into 2 point position and gave her rein to stretch her neck over the jump,we landed swiftly on the other side of the jump, then I turn her and head her towards the next jump, a set of barrels with poles over it, she lifted her front legs and surged forward and she cleared the jump, I turned her and aimed her at a cross-pole oxer in the middle of the arena, she cleared it with feet to spare, then I turn her the opposite way get a flying lead change and aimed her for the brick wall jump its not real brick plastic, she soured over it, then we went to the barrels she cleared it, and then we headed for the last jump a oxer, she lifted her front legs and soured over it we landed smoothly on the other side of the jump, we canter a circle then I slow her to a walk and I pat her sweaty neck...

"Good girl" I told her as I scratched her neck, she bobbed her head up and down I laughed, I heard clapping and I looked over to the gate to see Trevor, Nikki and Lucas clapping I smiled and trotted over to them.

"That was the best course you've done yet" Trevor said smiling. "Yeah that was epic" Lucas said agreeing with Trevor. "The bomb diggity" Nikki said I laugh at her. "Thanks guys, but it was all her" I said petting Angel's neck. "You don't give yourself enough credit, you both did amazingly awesome" Trevor said. "Yeah I agree with lover boy here" Lucas said Trevor punched him in the shoulder and grumbled something under his breath that I couldn't hear.

"Thanks guys" I said with a smile. "Hey, I want to show you something" Trevor said then ran off to his truck, Hmm wonder what he wants to show me, I thought to myself, I leaned forward and hugged Angel she nudged my foot.

Trevor came running back holding a flyer, I sat back up. "Here look at this" He said handing it to me, I took ahold of it and looked at it...

Regional Classics!!!... Horse Show

in Jackson California... at this show there is...

Hunter jumpers,jumpers,dressage, cross country and steeple chase. Any horse of any size, age, breed or color can show, anyone can show.

Registration fee is $50...

The Regional classic's is one of the best horse shows, that only come to town once a year, you don't want to miss it...

Resister now...

I looked up from the flyer with a eyebrow raised, why the heck is he showing me this??.....

"Why are you showing me this?, so what the horse show is in town" I said he rolled his blue perfect eyes at me. "We can enter Angel" He said my eyes widen and I shake my head. "Yeah, I don't think so" I said, they all looked shocked at my answer. "What..why?" Trevor asked.

"Cause Trevor, I don't think she will do good, shes to skittish of people" I said he sighed.

"You said you used to show all the time right?" He asked I nodded. "Yeah so" I said. "Did you like it?" He asked I bit my lip as I remembered my show days. "Yeah, I loved it" I said quietly. "Then why not get back into it showing something that you loved to do, we will work with Angel on her skittishness of people" He said I sigh maybe its not such a bad Idea...

"But what about big crowds she won't like that" I said he ran his hand threw his soft blonde hair.

"We will work on it with her" He said I bit my lip. "What about loud voices and sounds" I argued trying to make up anything for a excuse. "Were work on that too" He said I sigh and bit my lip in nervousness. "Trailer we need a horse trailer to pull her to the show" I argued more it looked like I got him there cause he sighed, but then Lucas spoke up...

"I know a guy who has a horse trailer its a good one and he'll let you borrow it" Lucas said I sighed maybe a show will be good for Angel even if we don't win..

"Do you think she'll be ready?" I asked they all nodded waiting eagerly for my answer. "I know she will be" Trevor said confidently, I sighed and leaned down on Angels neck.

"What do you think girl?, You want to do a show and show them that your the best jumper there is?" I whispered to her her ears flicked back and she bobbed her head up and down and started to dance around in place, I laughed and sat up.

"Well, its a yes from Angel" I said they all smiled widely. "And from you?" Trevor asked I smiled. "Well, I do miss showing a lot, I loved the thrill I got when I found out that I won, so yes both Angel and I will be going to the show and we will show them who' s the best" I said they smiled big and bright at me. "Yes that's the spirit" He said I smiled.

"Yes but its going to be hard work and training to get her ready in time its in a month" I said he nodded. "Yes I know" He said. "That means, barely anytime with friends, pretty much no dates till show day is over and training hard" I said sternly I wanted him and Lucas and Nikki to all understand showing isn't all fun and games it takes hard work for the ribbon you get on show day., Trevor's smile faded a little

"We can still have fun" He said I sigh. "Yes Trevor but not as much if we want to do good we have to prepare her and train its a lot of hard work Trevor" I said he nodded, I got off of Angel, untacked her, hosed her down, gave her a carrot and then took her to the paddock...

"You ready to go to a show in a month hmm.. were show them who the champions are won't we girl" I whispered she bobbed her head up and down and nuzzled me, I gave her a hug and kiss then let her go and shut the gate to her paddock then I headed back up to were everyone was at near the barn.

"Hey, me and Nikki have something to do, so see ya around" Lucas said I nodded and gave him a smile. "Okay, bye see ya around" I said copping him he laughed and gave me a hug and Nikki gave me a hug then they left.

"So this training thing, what all are we going to need to do?" Trevor asked coming to stand beside me. "Well, we half to get her not so skittish of people, loud noises and voices, riding her in different properties, trailering her to places and doing all kinds of different jump courses" I said he nodded.

"Were get her ready Josie, I know we will" He said I sigh. "I sure hope so" I said sighing, he came over and wrapped his hands around my waist and pecked my lips. "We will, trust me" He said I sighed and nodded I layed my head on his chest.

"Okay, I believe you, this is why I love you so much" I said he smiled. "I love you too" He said I looked up and our eyes locked, he leaned in and connected our lips, Fireworks exploded, we moved our lips in sync with each others, I put my hands on his neck.., suddenly his phone rang... he groaned and pulled away to answer his phone...

"Hello?" he spoke into the phone. "Okay yeah mom yeah love you too" He said in the phone then hung up he ran his hand threw his hair. "My mom needs me to go get some milk, do you want to come?" He said/asked I shrugged, "Sure, I need to get cat food for mittens anyways" I said he nodded. "Lets go then" He said I nodded he took my hand we got in the truck and drove off, when we got to wal-mart we got out and went in...

"Okay, so the milk is over here" Trevor said and started to walk over to the milk but then I ran up and jumped on his back he stumbled forward but caught himself, and grabbed ahold of my legs and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Every time Josie Posie, you've got to jump on my back don't ya" He said chuckling I giggled. "Yup" I said popping the 'p', he chuckled,, and he started to walk towards the milk with me on his back, but before he could get to the milk I put my hands over his eyes, he groaned I giggled..

"Seriously Josie" He whined I giggled again.

"Yeah" I said. "Take your hands off of my eyes I can't see" He whined I laughed.

"That's the point silly" I said he groaned, I leaned down and licked his cheek. "Ew..did you just lick my cheek?" He said scrunching his nose up I giggled. "Yup" I said laughing. "of course you would Josie only you" He said I giggled once again...

"Josie?" A voice spoke behind us. "Turn around" I told Trevor he did as told, I still had my hands over his eyes and was still on his back, I looked up to see it was Drake holding hands with Brittney. "Who is it?' Trevor asked. "The ghost from never land coming to eat us" I joke giggling, he groaned. "I'm being serious Josie" he said. "I am too" I said he groaned again, I heard a throat clear. "Uh...Josie?" Drake asked I looked up and took my hands off of Trevor's eyes and put them around his neck.

"Oh hey Drake, what brings you to this lovely wally world" I said in a posh accent Trevor laughs as did Drake, what I'm having a be funny day since for the next month all I'll be doing is training and preparing Angel for the show. "Brittney and I came to get something for my dog, what about ya'll" Drake said. "To get some milk and cat food"I said he raised a eyebrow at us.

"Really?, cause it looks like ya'll are goofing off" He said I smiled innocently. "She is, not me" Trevor said I hit his head how dare he rat me out. "Ow abusive much" He exclaimed, Brittney laughs My head snaps to her and I give her a nasty glare, she looks at me with a guilty eyes, even though she doesn't bully me anymore I still hate her guts she put me in the hospital I would of died if it wasn't for Trevor, Trevor put me down and held my hand holding me close to his side while glaring at Brittney, Yeah he found out about the bulling about 2 months after he saved my life from when she landed me in the hospital, and he tried to talk some sense into her and try to get her to stop but she never stopped and its not like he could hit her she's a girl and the school didn't believe him when he told the principle cause she's miss 'princess' of the school and does no harm at all, so he couldn't do anything but what he did do was stay by me as much as he could cause Brittney wouldn't mess with me as long as he was with me but he couldn't be by my side all the time so she always got some bulling done, she didn't stop bulling me till her and Drake got together and that was 2 months ago....

"Jo..Josie, how are you?" Drake asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm good, how are you?, we haven't talked in forever" I said he nodded. "I'm good to, and I know I've just been so busy lately" he said. "Yeah, me too" I said Brittney kept giving me guilty looks and I just wanted to snap at her but I bit my tongue and held it in...

"Josie can we talk?" Brittney asked I glare at her. "No" I said icily coldly, she frowned and looked at me with guilty eyes. "Do you have a problem with Britt Josie?" Drake asked. "No of course not" I lied right threw my teeth what I wanted to say was yes she freaking bullied me. "Then go talk with her" He said I really don't want to cause if she tries to hit me I'll rip her throat out I'm fed up with her , I thought to myself.

"Fine, I will" I gritted out threw clenched teeth. "Be careful" Trevor whispered in my ear I nodded . "I will" I whispered back, he pecked my lips, and then Brittney and I went out of the store, I sat on the curb while she shifted from foot to foot.

"Well?!!" I Say expectantly, she bit her lip, "If your just going to tell me to stay away from Drake like I've said a billion times before I don't like Drake that way were just friends, besides I'm in a awesome relationship with Trevor" I exclaimed she sighed and sat beside me on the curb. "No...I ..its" She stuttered out she took a deep breath.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for bulling you and for everything so um.. I'm sorry" She said with tears in her eyes, I snorted. "You actually think I'm just gonna up and forgive you like that, your dead wrong, you put me in a hospital you and that Dan guy" I said coldly tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Josie, I was being a stupid girl, I thought that Drake liked you in a more than friend way" She said I rolled my eyes. "Even if he did it doesn't mean you should go bully you should never bully Brittney" I yelled.

"I know that now, I'm really sorry Josie, I feel so guilty and I know you will never forgive me but can you at least give me a chance a second chance?" She said as tears flowed down her cheeks, I sighed I can't believe I'm going to do this she doesn't deserve it but I'm doing it....

"Fine, I'll give you a chance but you are not forgiven" I said sternly, she looked at me shocked to be honest I shocked myself, I know what your thinking you give her a second chance just like that but it took like 2-3 weeks for you to forgive Lucas and she did worst then what Lucas did yeah well after I forgave him aunt Linda found out how I had held a grudge on him and hated him and she talked to me about forgiving people of things and how we cant live our life on not forgiving people and hating them, and it went to heart and ever since I've been more willing to forgive or at least trying to be more forgiving.

"Really?" She asked shocked. "Yeah I guess so" I mumbled she smiled wide. "Oh thank you Josie thank you so much" she exclaimed and hugged me I awkwardly patted her back. "Yeah, just don't blow it" I said sighing she pulled away from the hug thank goodness it was awkward, "Oh I won't trust me you won't regret this" She said. "I better not" I mumbled.

"Yeah, so you and Trevor look so cute together" She squealed I blushed. "Uh...thanks" I mumbled she nodded. "We should head back in" I said she nodded we got up and went back inside the store to hear screaming, what the heck??, we round the corner to see Trevor and Drake on the ground throwing punches at each other, Oh no what happened, Brittney screamed, I rolled my eyes at her and walk over to the fighting boys.

"Trevor!!!" I yelled Nothing. "Trevor Stop Now"I yelled Still nothing. "Trevor, Drake, Stop" I scream at the top of my lungs, they still do not stop, ugh boys, 2 guys round the corner and not just any guys Wes and Evan, I yelled to them and Evan grabbed Drake and pushed him back and Wes grabbed Trevor and pushed him back.

"Thanks Guys" I said they smiled at me. "No problem" Evan said and they walked off.

"Now What Is Going On Here" I yelled at the two boys, They both glared at each other.

"Well we were talking fine but then he said 'I'm surprised your dating a bully' and I asked him what he meant and then he said ' Brittney bullied Josie for months upon months and then I said 'No she didn't she would never do that and then I tackled him" Drake said glaring at Trevor I nodded I looked at Brittney to see she had a guilty look on her face.

"Its true she bullied Josie, tell him Brittney tell him" Trevor said I went over to Trevor and kissed his cheek, he is so caring for me....

"SHE WOULDN'T DO THAT" Drake yelled. "Actually Drake its true I bullied Josie" Brittney said sadly Drake looked at her shocked then it turned to anger. "You bullied her, I don't date bullies we are over" He exclaimed angrily and stormed off, Brittney had tears rolling down her face.

"Josie, what am I going to do" She cried I sighed. "I'll go talk to him" I said I kiss Trevor on the cheek then walked off to find Drake, I found him in the sports area practically pulling his hair out.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, he turned to me and shook his head sighing in anger and frustration. "No, I can't believe she would do something like that" He said I purse my lips together.

"Yeah I know, But she made a mistake I think you should give her another chance" I said he sighed. "I don't know Jose, but shouldn't you hate her for bulling you" He asked I bit my lip, "Yeah well we talked and I told her I'd give her another chance" I said he nodded. "I'll think about it" He said I nodded and we started to walk back... when we got there my mouth dropped open at the sight in front of me...

There Trevor and Brittney were and Brittney had her lips on Trevor's kissing him, I could tell Trevor wasn't kissing back but frozen in a state of shock, my heart broke into a million pieces. He pushed Brittney away from him, tears ran down my face.

"Are you insane I have a girlfriend Josie is my girlfriend" He yelled she smirked. "Not for much longer she won't" She said looking at me smirking she didn't change it was all an act all of it was a act she never wanted my forgiveness or a chance just Trevor a act to get to him. "What do you mean?" He asked he turned to see me there and a pained look came across his face. "Josie" He said I was sobbing now...

"I....Thought you said you changed Brittney" I said she smirked. "Yeah and you were stupid enough to believe it" She said laughing, I shook my head and took off running.

"Josie" I heard Trevor yell and take off after me, I got outside and collapsed on the ground sobbing, my heart felt heavy, Trevor came out and saw me he sat beside me and brought me into his lap and rocked us back and forth as I sobbed into his chest.

"Josie please let me explain this" He said I nodded as I looked up at him threw my tears. "She kissed me I didn't kiss back I was frozen in place from the shock that she just jumped on me and kissed me" He said his voice heartbroken probably afraid I'd break it off with him.

"I know but it still hurts to see your boyfriend the guy you are totally in love with being kissed by someone that's not you" I said he nodded in understanding, he looked at me guilty, pained and saddened. "I'm sorry Josie, so sorry" He said I nodded wiping tears away.

"Its fine" I whisper. "Do you forgive me, are we still together?" He asked I smiled softly and nodded. "Yes to both questions" I said he smiled softly and kissed me, we pulled apart and went to his truck and drove off, my heart was heavy and it hurt but it was good to know that he didn't cheat on me....

We never did get the milk or cat food.... I thought to myself as we drove down the road.


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Authors note!!

Update so I'm gonna give ya'll two chapters this time so yay!!, WOW!!, 2000 reads i'm bouncing off the walls thank you so so so much my readers if you want me to follow you or check your books out let me know... thank thank thank so so so so so so so much how can I ever repay you my readers fans for getting me to 2000 read thank you so much...

So what did you think of Briitney's and Drakes return in the book, drakes still the nice guy he's always been, and Brittney acting as if she change just so she could get to Trevor naughty girl very naughty, tell me what you think of this chapter and the next chapter by commenting and vote on the chapter:)

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