Last kNight (Antisepticeye X...

By MarksmenRose

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A young (Y/N) get captured by the King's army. I am (Y/FN) (Y/LN). I was brought to King Dark as punishment f... More

My Introduction:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10
Q&A and Short
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
In A Writer's Time
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20 and Epilogue:
My Thanks

Chapter 17:

337 14 9
By MarksmenRose

Anti's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining through my window. My arm outstretched to the side of my bed. I sighed.

I got up and went to my bathroom. The hair on my face was growing. My green-dyed hair was slowly fading.

I left my room and headed towards our usual breakfast spot. I walked outside and saw the other two demons having a casual conversation.

"Hello, Anti." Die smiled when I reached the table.

"Anti." Dark looked up at me and continued chatting with Die.

Any word from (Y/N)?

I told you I would tell you if I heard.

I sighed and grabbed a piece of bread.


"Anti, I would like your assistance while interrogating the girls. They aren't telling the truth, and I can't get it out of them." Die smiled.

"The girls who might have killed Lord William?" I asked, trying to remember the situation.

"Yes. (Y/N), gave us three possible individuals." Die shrugged.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Can you interrogate them? You know, your way." Die asked.

"No." I hissed.

"Why?" Die's face scrunched in anger.

"(Y/N) wouldn't want me to." I whispered. Die froze.

"You don't have to." Dark spoke up.

"Anti, I miss her too." Die whispered. I glared at him.

"Anti, we all miss her." Dark tried to ease the situation.

"I am going to go to my room." I announced as I stood up. "If you need anything, come and get me." I said.

"Anti, wait," Die said as he stood up. I stopped and turned around to face him.

"I shouldn't ask you to do something, and you not be comfortable with it. It wouldn't be fair." Die said.

Did he just apologize?


"I accept your apology." I nodded.

"Anti, please finish eating." Dark said softly. I growled and sat down. "Thank you."

"Do you have a plan on how to get into the Magical Realm?" I asked. He hesitated. He rubbed his face slowly.

"The Magical Realm and the Demonic Realm are not friends. The Wars made it hard to form a friendship. Hera is Queen. We can't do anything, legally." Dark smirked.

"You, King of Rules, is suggesting we do this illegally?" I laughed.

"If that is what it takes to get her back for you, yes." Dark smiled. It was weird, seeing him smile.

"Are you okay?" I gave him a concerned look.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Dark raised his shoulders.

"It is nothing." Die chimed in. Dark smiled at Die.

"Oh, bloody hell." I laughed.

"What?" Die and Dark said together.

"That!" I pointed at both of them. They shot each other looks.

Then something changed. I stood up. My face dropped. I started to feel something. A pull.

Die stood up and held on to me.

"What is it?" Die whispered.

"Shut up." I hissed. This caused Dark to stand up. Protective boyfriend.

I focused on the pull. It was low. Not very strong. It was getting more power as time went on. The force was calming, peaceful, and rhythmical.

It was a heartbeat.

It was (Y/N)'s heartbeat. She was alive. My Angel. My Flower. She was alive.

"She is alive." I whispered. Dark and Die froze.

"Can you feel her?" Die asked.

"Yes. I can feel her heartbeat." I whispered while smiling. Dark nodded.

Then something changed. Panic surged once I got a good read on her. The panic was strong. Something had her terrified. Whatever Hera was doing, I would do it back two times worse.

Pain surged through my leg. I gripped the table and screamed. Die grabbed my arm and sat me on the ground. The pain went through my leg to my chest.

The feeling. The feeling of being tortured when you aren't actually being tortured. It was unbearable. What was worse, knowing that what you were feeling, is what she is feeling. Hera is hurting (Y/N).

"The bitch is torturing (Y/N)." I held my chest, trying to breathe.

"Where?" Die yelled.

"Legs. Chest." I winced. Die's irises began to glow as he tried to heal the injuries as they appeared.

"Why is Hera hurting (Y/N)?" Die asked.

"To hurt Anti in the process." Dark whispered. "The ultimate play. Hurt (Y/N), indirectly hurting Anti. Two birds, one stone." Dark helped Die in healing my wounds.

"Anti, stay calm." Die yelled as he started to struggle with healing me.

"I am trying to focus on her thoughts!" I yelled back.

Her thoughts were all over the place. Some about me. Some about the baby. Some about killing Hera. That is my girl.

(Y/N)! Can you hear me?


Yes! It is me, lass! It is Anti.

I can't...I can't breathe.

It is okay! Die is healing me which will heal you.

It hurts, Anti. It hurts.

What is she saying?

Something about revenge. Something about wings.

Fuck! (Y/N), stay awake.

What did Hera steal from me?

What? What do you mean?

Dove mentioned something. Hera stole something from me.

I don't know. I don't know what she means! Who is Dove?


Pain surged through my chest. Hera stabbed (Y/N) in the heart. I struggled to breathe.

"Die, my chest!" I screamed. Die looked up and reached for towards my chest. The warmth of Die's powers entered my veins. I could feel it going to (Y/N) as well.


(Y/N)?? Can you hear me?

I kept screaming in my head, hoping she could hear me. Hoping she would wake up and tell me she was okay. The only thing I could hear in the deafening silence of her mind was her slow heartbeat.

The heartbeat was slow. Resting. Recovering. The heartbeat you would expect from someone who was asleep. I searched her mind for dreams or thoughts. I found something else.

Another heartbeat. Slower. Softer. Not as strong. It was our baby's heartbeat.


Hello, Roses! Sorry for the short upload! Something came up! So I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless. Thank you for reading!

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