Accidentally in love

By sp1nach

355 16 0

Accidentally in love He was just a stranger who helped her out of a tight spot. She was grateful but thought... More

Chapter 1 - Her
Chapter 2 - Him
Chapter 3 - Her
Chapter 4 - Him
Chapter 5 - Her
Chapter 6 - Him
Chapter 7 - Her
Chapter 8 - Him
Chapter 10 - Him
Chapter 11 - Her
Chapter 12 - Him
Chapter 13 - Her
Chapter 14 - Him
Chapter 15 - Her
Chapter 16 - Him
Chapter 17 - Her
Chapter 18 - Him

Chapter 9 - Her

17 0 0
By sp1nach

Chapter 9 - Her

I received a text message and saw it was from Jason. My heart lurched a little at the thought of someone like him coming to my aid at a time like this.

True, this isn't the first time he's helping me, but back then I didn't know who he was.

I sent him the address then headed to the kitchen where Paul, my friend and neighbor, was preparing dinner.

"Hey," he greeted as he saw me enter. "So did you get in touch with them?"

"Yeah, they're coming over to help me handle it. Is it okay if they go to your house?"

I realized that I was asking permission after the fact, but I was confident he wouldn't say no.

"Who's coming? Jason Miller?"

I nodded and pulled a chair beside him so I can watch him work his magic.

Paul was a chef and restaurant owner, and it was always fascinating to watch him move around in the kitchen.

"Tell me again how you met him. I didn't quite follow you earlier."

I chuckled at his request. When I got here an hour ago, I was in a panic and didn't know what to do. So I rushed through the basics of what was happening and begged him to take me in while I was hiding from the reporters.

It was him who suggested, though, that I call Dana and ask for advice on how to deal with these situations as both of us were just regular people and had no clue.

"I had trouble parking at the hotel yesterday and Jason offered to help. I didn't know who he was until I saw our photo splashed on a gossip site this morning," I quickly narrated.

"You should have called me."

"What, to help me park?" I laughed at the absurd suggestion. "You were probably at the restaurant at the time."

"I still would have come, you know."

"Aww, thank you anyway," I said softly, touched at his concern.

Then I remembered he should have been at the restaurant at this time, too.

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot that you're supposed to be on duty right now!"

"Nah, I called ahead and asked my business partner to come in. Don't worry about it."

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have bothered you," I said, feeling guilty at messing up his schedule.

"I said don't worry about it. I'm due for some time off anyway. How about I teach you how to park while I'm on vacation," he told me with a grin.

"Hey!" I protested, slapping him on the shoulder. "That was a sexist comment!"

He laughed at my reaction then sobered up.

"But seriously, I don't like the thought of strangers helping you out. You might run into a creep one of these days."

"Yeah? Like you?" I teased him, referring to our first meeting.

We were both on our separate morning runs around the village when he accidentally bumped into me, making me drop my phone and breaking it.

He immediately offered to have it repaired or to replace it, and we decided to go to the store together.

We talked all the way to the store and found out we liked each other's company, so we agreed it would be nice to do our morning runs together.  And that's how our friendship started, almost a year ago now.

"Hey!" It was his turn to protest and I laughed out loud.

"For all I know, you bumped into me accidentally-on-purpose just to get my number," I playfully told him while wriggling my eyebrows.

"Guilty as charged," he replied seriously and I hesitated. For real?

I was wondering how I should respond when he suddenly burst out laughing.

"You should have seen your face!" He burst out between fits of laughter.

I slapped him on the shoulder again and stood up.

"I really hate you sometimes!"

"Aw come on, you know you love me," he said with a wink.

"Oh I don't know about that. If someone kidnapped you and asked for a dollar ransom, I would have to think about it."

He just laughed and made kissy sounds, and I slapped him again on the shoulder.

"I'm starting to have bruises on my shoulder, you know. I'm going to have to charge you for medical expenses."

"And how much would it cost?" I challenged, playing along.

"A dinner. Maybe two. And not in my restaurant!" He added before I could say anything.

I laughed along with him. It still amazes me how well we could read each other's mind. I sometimes think he could be my brother from another mother - but don't tell my dad, he'll kill me if he heard me say that.

I felt him wipe something on my cheek and when I touched it, I realized it was flour, and it was sticky.

"What the...?"

"That would teach you not to daydream when you're with me," he said, laughing at my expression.

I was plotting my revenge when I heard the doorbell. That must be Jason, I hope Dana went with him. Based on this morning's meeting, I trusted her judgment more.

I glanced at Paul, silently asking for his permission. It's his house after all. He nodded and I quickly headed to the door, with him following close behind.

Jason was standing at the door, Dana a few steps behind him, talking to someone on the phone. She saw me looking at her and she waved, gesturing for us to go inside.

Turning back to Jason, I saw him staring at Paul who was now beside me, then his gaze flickered to my cheek. I realized to my horror that I haven't washed the flour off my face yet and I hurriedly tried to rub it off.

Paul grabbed my hand to stop me.

"Don't, you will irritate your skin. Go inside and wash it with water," he instructed softly.

I hesitated, not sure whether to leave him alone with Jason. The vibes I'm getting from both of them are not very reassuring.

"Go," Paul said, turning me around by the shoulder and pushing me lightly at my lower back.

I glanced back at Jason to see if it was okay to leave him here, and I saw him staring intently at Paul's hand on my back.

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