The Many Lives of Dick Grayso...

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Young Justice & League is transported to a room to watch and react to the many different lives of Dick Grayso... Daha Fazla

Officially Discontinued


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There was suddenly another flash, leaving another note.

Robin walked over and picked it up.

Robin- "It says, 'This is a somewhat major time skip, that skipped out on meeting new characters. So, I will tell you who everyone is.
- First we have Kory Anders, she currently has no memory of who or what she is. All she knows is she has these powers, and she is needs to protect Rachel. She and dick found a prophecy saying that Rachel is supposed to destroy the world, but they don't know what to believe. Kory randomly speaks some other language nobody knows about.
- Next, which you already know is Rachel. Rachel was adopted when she was little, but didn't find out till her "Mom" was shot. She is very powerful, but is scared and doesn't know how to control it. These people after her are working for her father, who you will learn more about.
- Finally, we have Garfield Logan. You know the Gar fro your world, and this one is very similar. When this Gar and his mother were researching animals, she died from a disease. Gar also caught this disease, and was being treated with others. The doctors abandoned the tent, and didn't realize that Gar was having something else happen to him. One guy, "Chief", leader of the doom patrol saved him by injecting him with some syrup. He is not able to change into a tiger on command. You're Gar, is currently going through a similar thing. When Megan gave him her blood, it changed his DNA making him able to shape shift into any animal, on command.

WW- "I wonder what made her loose her memory?"

Batman-"I want to know who Rachel's father is."

BC- "Agreed."

MM-"Megan, when did you give your blood to Garfield Logan?"

The League agreed.

Megan-"When it was Robin's first mission to lead, we met him and his mother. Gar got sick and the only way to save him was to match my bold to his and give it to him. It saved his life, but I didn't know It would give hime powers!"

Batman-"Why was I not informed of this?" (looking at robin)

Robin- *shrugged* It slipped my mind, a lot went on that day."

Batman nodded, accepting the answer.

Scene Change:

Abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere.

Dick- Okay, in order to work together, fight and defend yourselves like a coordinated team, we gotta see what each other can do. Any volunteers? Kory, Rachel said you can create light. Heat, is that right?

Kory- Honestly I'm still trying to figure it out.

Dick- Alright lets figure it out together.

Kory- I think it comes from the sun. I can absorb it's power and direct it. I'm weaker at night, though. I'm sometimes empty. And it takes me a while to recharge.

Dick- How long?

Kory- A few hours, a day, I don't know.

Dick- Can you control it?

Kory- Of course.

Dick- Okay. Could you hit that tractor?

Kory- Watch.

Kory walks closer to the edge of the barn, and stops. She activated her powers and fires at Star bolt, creating a huge while in the tractor.


MM-"She seems to be very powerful."

Superman & Batman- "Agreed."

Kory- (panting) I suppose I could use a bit of practice.

Gar- (chuckles) Sick!

He puts his hand up for a high-five and gets his hand burned from Kory.

Wally- "Thats gotta sting!" (chuckling)

Artemis elbows him.

Dick- You're turn.

Gar- Okay, I just, uh... Give me a second.

Gar moves to where Kory is and starts to hype himself up.

Gar- Okay.

Dick- Anytime today would be good.

Artemis- "Someones impatient."

Gar- it's, uh... I can't ... it's a little weird with you guys watch and all. The first time I transformed, I tore through my clothes and, uh ...

Rachel and Kory start laughing.

Gar- Oh, and, like this is my favorite jacket.

Dick- Hold on..*chuckles* you need to be naked to...

Robin- "that just sound ridiculous!"

Wally- "hahahah... I know right."

Gar- Yea, but it'll be worth it. I promise.

Kory- Heard that before.

Everyone starts laughing hard.

Gar- just, uh, turn around.

Everyone proceeds to turn around, and gar runs to the back behind some hay. You can here zippers and clothes coming off.

Kory- If this wasn't a drill, we'd all be dead by now.


(Loud roar)
Dick jumps and turns around to find a giant green tiger.

Dick- Oh, shit (starts to back up)

Wally- "OMG! Look how scared you are!"(Laughing)

Robin-"I am not!"

Connor-"Seems like it to me."


Robin-"You know what..!" *starts mumbling to himself*

Batman look at robin getting frustrated and smirks.

Gar walks around the room growling, then climbs on top of the hay.

Kory- *chuckles* well what do you know it was worth it.

Dick- (shocked) That's him?

Ollie-"You're blown away!"

Robin-"I mean, this kid just turned into a tiger! Who wouldn't!"

Rachel- I know, right?

Dick- How?

Rachel- He got sick, or something.

Kory- So the flu turned him into a tiger?

Gar groans and starts to climb down from the hay.

Dick- Okay, you can turn back now. Into gar.
*Kory slaps Dick*

Gar starts to change back in the middle of the floor, you can hear a few bones snapping. Once he's done, he stands up.... completely naked.




Wally- "I can't..." (rolling on the floor dying)

Everyone is in hysterics, except maybe Batman, but that bats.

The team is close to crying at this point.

Gar- Ta-da!

Rachel- *looking away* Gar.

Gar- *looks down* Ah. Heh.

Everyone starts laughing.

Gar- I, uh... forgot.
(He runs to the back where his clothes are and puts them back on)

Gar- Whew! (Out of breath)

Dick- So have you eaten anyone before?

Gar- *chuckles* 'Eaten'? No. Dude, I haven't even bitten anyone before. 'Eaten anyone' *chuckles*

Kory- Be a lot scarier if he wasn't green... or vegan.


Dick- Okay, So we have sun woman and tiger boy. There's definitely potential here.

Gar- Rachel, you're next.

Rachel- No. No, I could hurt someone.

Kory- Hurting people is kind of the idea here.

Rachel- I could hurt one of you.

Dick- It's a part of you. You gotta stop being afraid of it.

Rachel- *sighs* if something goes wrong...

Dick-You can do this.

Rachel sighs and walks forward. She activated her powers, giving her paler skin and black, cracking eyes. She then lets the "darkness" flow out of her. (AN- they call it that in the show... I don't really know what else to say.)

Everyone is looking at her in shock.

Kory(worried)- Rachel?

Dick- Okay, bring it back in.... Rachel?

The "darkness" starts moving around, growling. It moves to the rest of the group and Kory sets it on fire, causing a huge explosion.

Rachel screams and sucks the "darkness" back into her, falling to the ground.

Dick- Rachel.

Rachel(demon voice)- Stay back.

Some people flinch.

She turns back to normal, and turns around.

Rachel(normal voice)- I'm fine.

Dick- You sure?

Kory- Did I hurt you?

Rachel- I just... I just need a little more practice, that's all.

Gar- So, uh.... we all did are thing. What's You're thing, man?

Dick- I can keep you alive.

Sounds of agreement were heard.

Scene change:

Dick is in his room, when he hears the manager gasp in the hallway. He looks out the door, when the lights turn off. All of a sudden, he's punched in the face and kicked into the room. Mom and Dad from the Nuclear Family walk in.

Wally- "These people again!"

Zatanna- "when will they go away"

Dick grabs his case and the three start to fight. He was easily winning.

Scene change:

Rachel hears Kory knock on the door, and goes to open it. But when she looks through the peep whole, Son tries to hit Kory with a bat.

Son and Daughter start the fight Kory in the hallway, when gar runs down the hallway.

Kory- Get her out of here, Gar!

Gar goes and gets Rachel.

Scene change:

Back with Dick he is still fighting Mom and Dad. Dodging their hits, and hitting them with his case. That goes on for a while..( AN-Not really sure how to write this.. so watch video it's really good) until Dad slams Dick, out the window and onto a car windshield.

WW- "His fighting tactics are extraordinary."

BC-"I know."

Robin-"Damn... Im badass!"

Wally- "You could say that agin!"

Artemis-"Holy Shit!"

Dad grabs Mom's hand.

Dad- Honey, lets check on the kids.

Robin- *Shivers* Creepy.

Scene change:

Kory is still fighting Son and Daughter in the hallway. The both land a few hits. Kory knocks them down for a good few sends, and they come back up like nothing happened.

Roy- "Fucking exorcist!"

Wally- "Its like their possessed!"

Son tries to hit her with a bat, but she throws him down a flight of stairs. Then Daughter tries to hit her with a wire, but ends up getting thrown down as well.

Scene change:

Rachel, Gar, and Kory are in the parking lot.

Rachel- Where's dick?

Kory- *panting* I don't know.

Gar- Kory.

Dad walks out the door, and the rest of the family show up, and surround them.

Kory- Fuck. Stand back. It's time to burn, assholes.

Kory tried to use her powers, but can't because she realizes it's nighttime.

Kory- Fucking night!

Kaldur-"That is not good."

She goes to hit Dad, but he slams her into another car. Rachel and Gar are surround, not knowing what to do. Until a smoke bomb activates. A grapple line shoots out from the smoke, pulling dad away.

(Rachel and Gar start to cough)

Dick, in the robin suit, jumps over the car and lands in front of them. Pulling out his staff.

Batman-"Always with the dramatic entrances.'

Robin- "Don't act like you don't do them!"

Rachel (shocked) Dick?

Gar(fangirling)- Thats robin!

Superman- "Its like he's meeting his hero." *chuckles*

Dick starts to easily take down the Nuclear Family one by one. Gar decides to go change to help out, and Rachel lets the "darkness" out.

Robin through a star at moms head, giving her a deep gash.

Mom (isn't fazed)- You should put your toys away when you're finished with them.

Roy & Wally- "EXCORCIST!"

Robin- "Shut up! This is getting good."

Robin proceeds to take out Dad. Gar, in tiger form, grabs Son's bat and tries him far as he is about to hit someone. Rachel easily takes out Daughter with her powers. Robin, finally knocks out Mom, and they all surround the family. Mom gets back up, and turns around. She realizes it's no use, and gives up.

Mom- Well... look at the mess we've made.

Artemis- "No?.. Really?"

Scene change:

The family is tied to chairs in separate rooms. Dick is interrogating Mom and Dad in his room.

Dick- Who are you people? And why are you looking for Rachel?

Mom- Oh, dear, you're tight. How rude of us to not introduce ourselves.

Dad- I'm Dad. This is Mom. We're pleased to meet you Detective Grayson.

Mom- And What a nice bird suit that you have, if I do say so myself. That was quite unexpected.

Dad- Quite

Dick- I asked her a question.

Mom- Yes, you did. My apologies. All the fighting... Yes you did. To deliver her, of course.

Dick- To Who?

Mom- Why, our employer, dear.

Dick- Who's your employer?

Mom- I can't answer that. (Creepy smile) Loose lips sink ships.

Dad- Thats true, Nobody likes a tattletale.

Kory- Okay, it's my turn. (Goes to grab Dads neck)

Dick- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Wait!

Dick pulls Kory aside.

Dick- Come here. They way they're reacting, Ive seen this behavioral in Gotham. They're brainwashed. Beating the sit out of them isn't gonna make a difference.

Connor- "Does that happen a lot?"

Robin- "You'd be surprised."

Connor looks to Batman who just nods.

Kory- Okay, So now what?

Mom- help yourselves, give us the girl. And we'll be on our way, lickety-split.

Dick- *sighs* I'm gonna check their car, see what I find.

Dick walks out the door.

Scene change:
At the car, dick is looking through their stuff, when he finds a GPS. He looks at the saved destinations, when he hears a door open.

Batman- "Smart idea."

Robin-*scoffs* "Of course, its me!"

Batman playfully glares at robin, and the rolls his eyes.

Rachel- So you're Robin, huh? That's you're big secret.

Dick- I was gonna tell you. Look, when I was in Detroit, I was planning on leaving Robin behind.

Rachel- No luck, huh? Why?

Dick- *sighs* When I put on that mask... When I put it on, I become someone... someone I can't control. Someone that like hurting people.

Rachel- I know the feeling.

Dick- I know you do.

Gar walks up to them.

Gar- So, uh, Batman...*chuckles* you know him?

Ollie- "No its just called Batman and Robin for no reason." (sarcastically rolling eyes)

BC- "Stop it." (hits him)

Ollie- "OW!"

Everyone laughs.

Rachel- Of course he knows Batman.

Gar- Are we gonna see him? Uh... I'd really like to meet Batman.

Dick- No, you're not. (Walks to the car door)

Kory- Any luck?

Dick- I'm gonna find out who's running this freak show.

Kory- Yeah, Ill come with you.

Dick- they'll kill any cops who try to handle them.

Kory- Oh, I know what to do with them, all right

Dick- Kory, no killing. Please, there's been enough.

Rachel- I thought we weren't splitting up.

Dick- I'm coming back. I promise. Keep them safe.

Kory- Of course.

Scene change:
At some condo.

Dick walks into the apartment and talks to Dr. Adamson. They talk about Rachel (AN- not really important)

Agents come inside and Dick fights them off. He was doing good until they got the upper hand.

Everyone starts to get nervous. It looks like there is no way for Dick to get out of this.

Dick was gonna loose until a smoke bomb goes off. Another robin takes out all the agents and walks up to dick.

Wally- "The hell?"

Jason Todd- Wow. Dick Grayson in the flesh. Nice to meet you, bro. I'm the new robin.

Everyone turns to Batman

Robin- "THE FU—"

A/N Okay, so this is my second favorite episode of this series, it was just a good one in general, but I can't wait for the next one bc its the best. Well, I don't really have anything to say so . Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Okumaya devam et

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