Yep, I'm....Gay

By ZeroSkittlez

376K 12.8K 6K

16 year old Grant Carpenter, is a closet gay. He's so far back in the closet he might as well be in Narnia. H... More

Yep, I'm....Gay {Intro & 1}
Yep, I'm....Gay {2}
Yep, I'm....Gay {3}
Yep, I'm....Gay {4}
Yep, I'm....Gay {5}
Yep, I'm....Gay {6}
Yep, I'm....Gay {7}
Yep, I'm....Gay {8}
Yep, I'm....Gay {9}
Yep, I'm....Gay {10}
Yep, I'm....Gay {11}
Yep, I'm....Gay {12}
Yep I'm....Gay {14}
Yep, I'm....Gay {15}
Yep, I'm....Gay {16}
Yep, I'm....Gay {17}
Yep, I'm....Gay {18}
Yep, I'm....Gay {19} END
Yep I'm....Gay {20; 1 year later} EPILOGUE
Any Questions?
4 Year Anniversary
Author's Note

Yep, I'm....Gay {13}

18.8K 660 400
By ZeroSkittlez

~~~Grant's POV~~~

There was no way. There was no way he had just said that. There was no way Cale Smith had just asked me to be his boyfriend. I stared into his eyes, looking for any sign that this was a joke....but I didn't find one. That serious expression showed again. He was serious. My eyes widened and my lips curved to form a smile. Cale Smith had just asked ME to be HIS boyfriend. He also looked scared. Was he afraid I would say no? That just made me feel even better.

"Yes. Yes, Cale...I would love to be your boyfriend." I said, my smile only getting wider.

He smiled and brought my face closer to his until our lips met. He kissed me and I kissed him back. It felt amazing. He liked me. He actually like me. Cale Smith actually liked me. He pulled back, breaking the kiss and smiled at me, staring into my eyes, a look of pure ecstasy shown in his. He jumped up, pulling me along with him and hugged me, pulling me off the ground. I tossed my cone in the trash as I was held off the ground. I laughed and he stopped looking embarrassed and put me back down.

"I....I don't even know what to say." He said, his green eyes twinkling.

"You don't have to say anything. What you've already said is enough." I said not hiding the big grin plastered on my face. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to me and kissed him on the lips. I could feel him smiling against mine. I back away remembering we were in public and blushed. Cale chuckled, letting know he noticed.

"So is there anything you wanted to do?" He asked me.

"Well we could just go back to your house." I suggested.

"Okay." He said grabbing my hand and pulled me down the sidewalk back to the ice cream shop. I got in my car and he got in his. I pulled out my phone and called Zoey.

"Hey Grant. What's up?" She said when she picked up.

"I'm extremely happy right now and you'll never guess why." I basically squealed into the phone.

"Why?" She said. I could tell she was smiling by her voice.

"Cale asked me out!" I literally yelled.

"Are you for real?!" She squeaked.


"So he actually did it!"

"What do you mean?"

She laughed.

"He called me and told me he liked you."

"He told you?!?!"

"Yep. But I didn't think he was gonna ask you out. Oh my god, congrats, Grant."

"Thanks. Talk to you later." I said before hanging up.

A few minutes later we arrived at Cale's house. I got out off my car and walked up to him as he unlocked the door.

"Hey Cale...and Grant" his brother greeted is lifting one eyebrow.

Mrs. Smith walked in the room and stopped when she saw us, "Hey honey....Uh, what's going on here?"

Cale turned to me and smiled, before taking my hand. Danny literally dropped the remote he was holding and a grin spread across his face.

"Mom, Danny...Grant is my boyfriend." He said slowly. Danny jumped off the couch and ran up and hugged Cale.

"I knew it! I knew it! Ha! See mom, I told you he's just like me." He laughed. Mrs. Smith walked up to us and rolled her eyes at Danny.

"This and your looks are probably the only things about you that are the same. You pretty much complete opposites. He's polite and you're rude. He gets good grade while you don't. You used to be so uptight and he-"

"Mooooom, I was never uptight." Danny whined.

"Oh yes you were. Up until you loss your virginity to a guy. I guess he loosened you up in more ways than one." Cale smirked.

Danny slugged Cale in the arm, "You dirty little boy! And that's not true!"

"Sorry honey but I'm gonna have to agree with Cale on this one." Mrs. Smith laughed.

"Moooom! Ugh! You guys are just wrong!" Danny said faking a pout and going up stairs.

Mrs. Smith laughed again and walked over to Cale and kissed his cheek.

"As long as your happy, I'm happy." She smiled.

"Thanks, Mom." Cale said and turned to me, "My room?"

"Yea." I nodded. Cale pulled me upstairs and into his room, closing the door behind him.

"I want to ask again, why do you let those guys beat you up?" He said plopping down on his bed patting the spot beside him. I smiled and sat down next to him.

"Because, I don't want anyone else to get hurt." I say to him.

"But that's stupid." He frowns.

"Are you kidding me? You just asked me to be your boyfriend and now you want to call me stupid? I can break up with you right now you know." I tease.

His eyes widen but he still smiles, "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me." I say crossing my arms. He puts his arm around me and squeezes me, "I'm sorry! Don't do it!"

"That's what I though." I laughed.

I looked up in his eyes and find myself lost in them for a moment. Cale puts one hand on my cheek, circling his thumb, and leans down and kisses me softly. I've never felt so happy. I never would have thought he'd ever ask me out or even kiss me. I was so happy that my first crush wasn't a big disappointment like I though it'd be. I pull back and sigh.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"You can't tell anyone that we're dating, okay?" I tell him.

"I wasn't completely planning on it. But I want to ask have you found Narnia yet?" He chuckled.

"Ha ha, very funny, Cale." I say rolling my eyes. He smiles and stares at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just thinking." He replies.

"About what?"

"The fact that this is really happening. I guess I'm just surprised."

"Trust me I was surprised too. But that didn't mean that I wasn't happy."

"I'm happy too. It just...feels weird."

"What kind of weird?"

"Like I never thought this would ever happened kind of weird."

"So you never saw yourself with a guy?"

"No. More like I never tried to anyway."

"Well life is full of surprises, isn't it?"

He chuckled, "Yea, I guess it is. I just can't believe all this time you had a crush on me. And now I know you were jealous of Audrey and not me."

"I was not!" I shout my face turning red. He laughed and put one arm around my waist, "Yes you were. Remember when you snapped because she kissed my cheek at lunch?"

"I was not jealous of her." I state flatly.

"Then why are you blushing?" He asks a sly smile on his face. I'm pretty sure that made me blush even more. He just laughed and hugged me, "Gotcha."

"Shut up." I said trying to push him off me, "What happened to her though? She was like crying and left a little while after we kissed."

"Oh yea. She was upset because I had rejected her right after." He sighed.

"You don't think she knows why, do you?" I asked getting a little panicked.

"I don't know. But I wouldn't worry about it right now. I told Heath that we were just drunk." Cale responded. He leaned down to kiss me but my phones started buzzing. I picked it up and read a text from Loren, Hey Evan and I are going to the mall. Want to come?. I respond back saying, Sure. Is it okay if I invite someone else?. He replies, Yea okay. Just meet us there in twenty. Put my phone in my pocket and stand up.

"Want to go to the mall? Loren invited me and is bringing Evan. He said it was okay if I brought someone else." I tell Cale.

He stands up and grabs my waist, "Yea I'll go." I stand up on my tiptoes and plant a kiss on his lips. I take his hands of my waist and pull him downstairs.

"You boys going somewhere?" Cale's dad asks when we make it to the bottom.

"Yea we're going to the mall with a couple friends." Cale tells him and grabs his keys.

"Wait. What if they ask why we came in the same car?" I questioned.

"We can just tell them we were hanging out so we just decided to take one car." He says ruffling my hair, "You really worry too much."

"I do not." I pout swatting at his hand. He laughs and kisses my forehead. Then he grabs my hand and pulls me outside. We both get in his car. It's a really nice BMW. Cale starts up the car and backs out of the driveway.

"Do you think I should tell them about us?" I asked Cale. He shrugged.

"They're your friends right? If you trust them I guess it shouldn't really matter."

"I guess your right." I sighed. He looked over at me and put his hand on top of mine, circling his thumb.


After a 15 minute drive, we arrived at the mall. I took out my phone and dialed Loren's number.

"Hey." I heard Evan's voice.

"Hey. Why are you picking up Loren's phone?" I asked. I heard someone shouting in the back. It sounded like Loren.

"Stop it! Ow! Sorry Grant, we're in the food court. Shit! What was that for?!" He laughed. Suddenly I heard weird noises and the Loren was on the phone, "Sorry about that Grant. Evan took my phone. You might want to get here fast if you don't want him dead." I laughed and hung up.

"They're in the food court. We should hurry before Loren kills Evan."

A few minutes later we arrived at the food court and I easily spot Loren and Evan. Mainly because Loren was trying to shove Evan's face in bowl of chili. I walked up to them.

"You guys are complete idiots. I don't even know why I'm friends with you two." I said rolling my eyes. Evan's head snapped up and he jumped from the table and ran behind me.

"Save me Grant! Loren's being a big meanie!" He said sticking his tongue out at Loren.

"You are so dead." Loren said. I laughed and sat down on the other side of the table.

"Oh Cale's here." Evan stated noticing Cale.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." Loren replied before looking at me, "I have a questioned for the both of you."

"Go ahead." I said taking a french fry off his tray.

"What's this?" He said holding up his phone, showing me a video of me and Cale kissing at the party from last night. My face turned bright red and Cale held back a laugh. He wasn't embarrassed AND he found my embarrassment amusing?! Jerk! I punched Cale in his arm.

"Okay so look. Me and Cale....are dating." I said ready to run. Loren's eyes widened.

"You're gay?" He asked. I nodded. His lips curved up into a smile.

"Yes! I win!" He said turning to Evan. Evan's surprised expression made me feel a little anxious.

"Wait. What do you mean you win?" I asked Loren.

"I win the bet! You owe fifty dollars!" He cheered.

"Bet? What bet?" I questioned.

"No! Say it isn't so!" Evan frowned.

"Sorry Evan." I stated.

"Dammit!" He said digging in his pocket.

"What bet?" I asked again.

Loren turned to me and smiled, "Evan and I had made a bet, where I would give him fifty dollars if you weren't gay or he would give me fifty dollars if you were."

"You made a bet on my sexuality? So you already knew?" I asked.

"Well I suspected it." He said. Evan handed him a two twenties and a ten.

"I knew I was gonna regret making that bet." Evan groaned.

"So you suspected it too?"


Cale grabbed my hand and I turned to look at him.

"See I told you if you trusted them it wouldn't matter. You're face right now is killing me though." He said laughing.

"I'm glad you find this SO amusing." I said with a pout and crossed my arms. He ruffled my hair with his hand. I dropped my arms and my pout.

"So then the kiss?" Loren asked.

"Well we had been drinking, I got close and it just happened." Cale shrugged.

"How did you get that video?" I asked.

"Zoey sent it to us." Loren answered.

"Things got pretty steamy real quick huh? You had a hold of his ass and there was tongue." Evan said wiggling his eyes brows. I blushed.

"Yea, I guess things did. And he has a nice ass." Cale chuckled pointing at me, which made me blush even more.

"Why are you guys talking about my ass?" I ask rolling my eyes.

The teens at the table next to us gave us confusing looks.

"What? You've never heard someone compliment someone else's ass before?" Loren said holding back a laugh. Me, Cale, and Evan snickered as one of them flipped Loren off.

"Excuse me bitch?!" Loren said. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I began laughing and so did Evan and Cale. Even the other teens started to laugh.

"Loren?" I said trying to catch my breath, "Chill out."

"Only if you compliment my ass for these bitches." He said a sly smile forming on his face. Cale put one arm around my waist.

"He can't do that. He can only compliment my ass." Cale said.

"I'll compliment your ass Loren." Evan laughed.

"No it doesn't count unless it's Grant." He pouted. I sighed but smiled.

"You have such a nice ass Loren that it comes second to Cale's." I said.

"Yay!" Cale said hugging me, sticking his tongue out at Loren.

"Ugh! I hate you Cale!" Loren laughed.

The other kids laughed at us.

"See nothing's wrong with complimenting ass. We all want it anyways. Boy or girl." Evan chuckled. We all laughed and soon got up and left he food court.

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