Nothing Like Us (L.H.)

By penguinlukex

18.4K 483 351

"You know how, when things start to fall into place, there comes this big bowling ball to disarrange them aga... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17..
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter *

Chapter 18.

300 11 1
By penguinlukex

Sydny's POV

So, basically, things have been weird lately. Why?

I barely see Melissa because of Michael, so I'm always with Andy. Not that I'm complaining. But you can't help but miss Melissa's quirkyness. Luke and I are being awkward. Aaaand if you're asking how can I say so?

I went over to them the other day, because Melissa invited me to go with her. Well, of course she just played some video games with Michael while Calum, Ashton, Luke, and I just sat there in the kitchen. Cal and Ash would always try to start a conversation, and whenever Luke and I would speak the same thing at the same time, everybody would be quiet. I have no idea why it's so awkward. They could've just talked about something... like their fans or plan another twitcam or something. But no. So we just stared at each other's faces half the time. Glad Melissa and Michael are having fun.

Anyway, I'm currently standing by the door of Professor Schmidt's office. Waiting for Melissa. She's asking Professor Schmidt about some stuffs about her project. And I'm right here. Awkwardly scrolling through my phone, pretending I'm texting someone.

And just as I was thinking that, my phone vibrated.

Lou Teasdale :

Hey, sydny. Can you meet me at Starbucks today? Got some important stuffs to tell ya about the research you're asking me about. Hope you can make it xxx

I smiled to myself. Thank God for Lou. I love how he still has some time to help me out, despite how busy she already is.

I replied:

Yeah, sure. :) I need to get something from my flat tho. Will be there by 6. Xxx

I left my journal in my flat. I've been writing notes and lectures on yellow pads all day!!!

After a little while, Melissa was finally done asking Professor Schimdt. She's been a bit livelier than usual. It's probably because of Michael, no doubt. I don't know what Michael did to her, but whatever it is, I should thank Michael for it. He's doing a good job of making my best friend happy.

"I never knew this course could be such a hassle." Melissa sighed.

We started walking down the hallway, and out into the campus. It's just a short walk. The building was the first one you can see when you enter the gates of the university.

"Every course is." I said, matter-of-factly. "We're actually very lucky, in terms of being busy."

"Sure, whatever, Ms. Optimistic." Melissa rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I'm heading to the mall to... Erm, buy stuffs. Do you wanna come?"

I laughed, and shook my head. We both know what she'll do in the mall. Or, who she'll meet. "You go ahead. I need to meet Lou by six. And I still need to get something from my flat."

Melissa shrugged. "Okay, then. I'll text you." She said.

"Alright. Have fun." I smiled.

"You too," she winked, and walked the other way.

I took a cab home, since I'm very tired. And i feel like my legs would feel like jelly again if I walk all the way home.

I almost fell asleep in the cab. Good thing the driver was a nice old man. He told me that he would be dropping me soon, so better not to fall asleep.

Anyway, when I was on the elevator, I thought I could text Lou, and tell her to meet me at seven. I want to take a short nap. But it all changed, when I saw who was standing there in the hallway... His back leaning against my door.

What the fuck is he doing here? He didn't even warn me. I'm not in the mood to entertain anyone. I'm so tired.

"Luke." I said, my voice kind of obviously irritated.

"Hey," he smiled, and straightened up. "I was wondering if---" he started but I cut him off.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I demanded.

Luke frowned. "Woah, there, cowgirl. I could tell you're not so happy to see me." He said, stepping out of my doorway.

I fumbled for my keys and opened the door. "I'm just... Tired. Sorry."

When I entered, Luke just stood there in the doorway looking at me. "What?" He said.

"Are you just gonna' stand there?"

"Well, you didn't invite me in. And I don't want to seem rude so...."

I rolled my eyes. Luke could be so ridiculous sometimes. I almost want to punch him. "Come in, if you want. And cut it off."

"Cut it off." He mimicked in a girly voice, that doesn't even sound like mine.

"I don't even sound like that." I grunted.

"I don't even sound like that." He mimicked once more and giggled.

"Shut up."

"Oh, you want me to?"

I shrugged. "Whatever."

I went to my room. Luke followed me. "Why are you being so hotheaded today?"

"I told you I'm tired." I sighed, and sat at the edge of my bed. It's true. I'm too tired to even find a way to get rid of Luke.

"Take a nap, then." He sat down beside me.

"Can't." I was beginning to yawn, and couldn't help to lie down just for a bit. Wow. My sheets seem to feel warmer, and more inviting this time. "I have to meet Lou by 6. And it's...." I checked the time. "5:30"

"Come on, Sydny. I think you should rest even for a while. I'll go and tell Lou to move your meeting at... 7. Sounds good?"

"7?! No. I'm supposed to be home by 7. Can't miss ANTM. It's the finale!!" Holy shit. I need to know who will win.

He rolled his eyes. "There would be reruns, anyway. Or don't meet with Lou at all."

I groaned. "Dammit, Luke." I sighed, and made a split second decision. "Come on. If we go now, I won't get sleepy."

"We?" He asked, smirking.

I raised my eyebrow. "What, you want my flat all to yourself? You'll find nothing in here."

I walked out of my bedroom, waiting for Luke to follow me. But he just kept on staring at me, and smirking.

"Are you coming or not?"

He chuckled. "I'm coming."

Luke and I decided to walk, to keep me from being sleepy. It was a cold night, probably because it's already September. And I didn't bring a thicker jacket, or even a scarf.

"You okay?" Luke asked, looking at me.

"Yeah. Fine." I smiled. "Why?"

He shook his head. "You seem cold." And without warning, he took my hand.


I wanted so bad to pull away. But I like the feeling of his warm hands on mine. I wanted to pull away, because I don't want for this to happen. I don't like these butterflies. I don't like this feeling, but I like it. I'm confused. And I don't know what to do.

"You can't tell me you're underoxygenated." Luke winked.

"What?" My mind is a mess right now. I can't think straight. Damn it Luke Hemmings.

"The Fault In Our Stars?" He said, looking at me expectantly.

I smiled. It's cool he remembers that. He's such a girl. But I love it.

The rest of the walk was silent. We would just make some comments about some of the stuffs we see on the way. But that's pretty much it. So I was kinda' thankful when we reached Starbucks.

I took the chance to open the door, to detach my hand from Luke's. Not so clever, but whatever.

I immediately spotted Lou, and went over to her. She seems to be busy with her laptop.

"Hey, Lou." I smiled.

She looked up, "Oh, hey, hun." Lou smiled, and pointed over to the seat across her. "Take a seat. I've got everything you need right here."

"Umm, I'm with Luke, by the way." I said. Where is Luke anyway... I looked around, and he's nowhere to be seen.

"No problem. Where is he?"

I sighed. "Will you excuse me? Just a sec."

"Go ahead." Lou smiled.

I went back to the door, and there I saw Luke. He's taking selfies with his fans. He spotted me immediately.

"Oh, hey. Sydny, I'm sorry. I'll be inside shortly." He said.

"No, no. Take your time." I smiled. It's cute seeing him with his fans.

Luke said something to them, that made the girls laugh, and later they said "Awwwww."

After Luke said bye to his fans, (who also smiled and waved at me before going) we went inside.

"Lou!!!" Luke said.

"Oh." Lou looked at Luke. "Hi, Luke. How are ya.."

"I'm good, thanks. Michael, however, needs help. He says he needs a new haircut." Luke said.

Lou just laughed. "I'm sure Melissa can do the job."

Luke looked impressed. "Right. Why didn't I thought of that..." Then he turned to me. "Why don't you do my hair next time?"

"What, me?" I scoffed. "No. You might hate me if it turned out wrong."

He laughed. "I'll never hate you, no matter how hard I try." He winked.

I feel my cheeks start to burn. I can't think of anything to say....

"Aww." Lou spoke up, thank God. "You two are so cute. But sorry to ruin the moment, I need to talk to Sydny."

"Um, uhh.. Wait" I looked over at the counter. The hot barista was there... What's his name again?????? Drew! Right. I could use a little distraction from the butterflies that Luke gives me. "I'm gonna' go buy some drinks..."

I was walking away, when someone grabbed my arm and stopped me. It was Luke. "I'll go order our drinks. You stay with Lou, and away from that barista."

I frowned. "What? I didn't even do anything!"

"Oh, you were looking at him alright. I still remember that dude from last time." Luke rolled his eyes.

I rolled mine too. "And, so? What do you care?"


"Then why are you stopping me?" I crossed my arms.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Luke crossed his arms as well.

I threw my hand in the air. "AGHHHH! I hate you."

Luke just winked and walked to the counter. I went back to our table.

"So what was the little fight about?" Lou asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

I shook my head. "Luke's being immature."

"Guys..." Lou sighed. "Do you mind if I ask... Are you two going out?"

I chuckled nervously. "No. Why would I wanna' go out with Luke?"

Lou rolled her eyes, "Well, duh?"

"Duh, what?"

"You like him, right?" I've  never seen Lou look so curious before.

I looked down at my hands, thinking of a new subject to change this one to. But, unfortunately, I might have stayed quiet for too long, because Lou said "I knew it."

"I didn't even say anything!" I feel blood rise up to my cheeks.

"Exactly. Silence means yes." Lou winked. "Does Melissa know about this?"

"No. I didn't even say it was true!"

"Stop denying it. You should tell him!" Lou said excitedly.

"Tell who what?" A voice said. I turned around, to see Luke.

Shit. "Oh, umm. Melissa. Tell Melissa the-- uh, the tips in doing a nice haircut."

Luke frowned. "But Lou said 'him'."

"Oh, did I say him? Haha. I meant her." Lou smiled convincingly. Thank her. "My bad."

"Anyway," Luke said, putting our drinks on the table, and sitting down beside me. "Here is your drink."


Luke leaned in and whispered something to my ear, "He called me Lucas." He said in an irritated tone.

I snorted. "He has a sharp memory."

Luke nodded, and said in a more irritated tone "He even asked for you."

"I told you I should have ordered." I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up."

"Uhh, guys." Lou snapped. "I'm right here! Your mentor."

"Sorry." Luke and I muttered.

"Okay." Lou sighed, looking at her phone. "Let's make this quick. Harry's texting me."

"Harry?" Luke asked.

Lou nodded. "He volunteered to babysit Lux for a while."


"Yeah. So Sydny, these are all what you need. You will find it all here... And this...." Lou showed me her laptop.

We discussed about it for a short while. She showed me everything I need to know, and taught me some part that I got confused with. And all the while, Luke was just listening to us. But of course after some time, he got his phone out and just played with it.

"Aand... That's pretty much it." Lou smiled.

"That's it?" I said.

Lou nodded. "I'm just gonna send the file to your email."

"Oh, my. Thank you Lou. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Anytime, love." She started packing her stuffs. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to help Harry."

I chuckled. "Okay. Bye."

"Bye. Have fun." Lou smiled, and off she went.

"Soooo..." Luke started again. "ANTM?"

My eyes widened. I totally forgot about that. "Holy shit. Come on, let's go home."


I cleared my throat. "I mean, I'm gonna head home, sooo... If you wanna' come or not, it's up to you."

"Yeah, I'll come." Luke grinned. "I'd love to see your inner fangirl."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Let's go." And Luke just laughed.




"You know, I like the blonde one." Luke said. The blonde one, Laura, is kinda' good but I'm not really betting on her.

Luke and I are in this comfy position in the couch. I was just sitting, and his head is on my lap as his body lies down the couch. The popcorn was at the top of his abdomen.

Sometimes, when he's not looking, I can't help but look at his hair, and resist the temptation to touch them, and run my fingers through them. Then when he turns to look at me, our eyes would meet and I'd always be the one to look away first.

"I like Kiara." I said.

Luke frowned. "Which one was that?"

"The brunette one. The athlete."

"She's hot." Luke whistled.

"I know." I sighed.

"But you're more beautiful, so you one-up her." Luke winked. "Or onethousand-up her."

I just smiled, trying to stop all the blood rushing to my face.

"Oh, it's back. They're gonna announce the winner." Luke said excitedly, drawing his attention to the screen. Aw, that's cute.

"And the America's Next Top Model is..." Tyra said... I love Tyra Banks. She's a goddess.


Luke got up, suddenly. It was so quick, I was worried he broke his neck. "Hah! She won!!!" He said.

I laughed. "Yeah, alright. You win." I couldn't even get myself to roll my eyes at him. It's so funny to see him that happy over such a little thing. Well, not little for me. But for him...

"Aww, it's okay, Sydny." Luke said, stretching out his arms, inviting me for a hug.

I shook my head. "Nope. I'm gonna go make dinner."

"Oh, come on." Luke pouted.

I just smiled, and went to my kitchen. I searched through my stocks... There was nothing in here that I could cook.

"Shit." I muttered. I forget to buy groceries a while ago. That was what I was supposed to do... "Luke," I called out. "Do you mind having pizza for dinner?"

Luke came into the kitchen. "No. Why?"

"I forgot to buy groceries."  I sighed.

He chuckled. "No problem, babe. I'll order the pizza."

While waiting for the pizza, Luke selected another movie to watch. He was alone at the couch, while I seated on the floor and checked my e-mails. Lou still haven't see me the files. And Melissa just sent me our report for Monday.

It wasn't long before the doorbell ringed.

"I'll get it." Luke smiled and got up.

"Okay." I said, and returned to my e-mails.

2 minutes passed, Luke still hasn't returned. I waited for another minute to pass, before I decided to check on him.

Luke was there, alright. And so was this girl. The pizza delivery girl. He was looking at her, and she was giggling.

"You know where to order pizza next time." The girl winked, and twisted her curls around her finger.

"Yeah." Luke grinned. "Bye."

I just stood there, watching as Luke close the door. He turned around, and smiled. "Come on, let's eat."

Not that I'm jealous, but how dare he act so fucking casual when he just flirted with some bitch in my own doorway, in my own fucking home. But, I have no right to complain. He's a rockstar. He can do whatever he wants.

I followed him to the living room. "Uh, I'm not really hungry, Luke." Partly not true. It's a good thing I had coffee. I'll be hungry soon enough.

"What? You need to eat." Luke said, offering me some.

"No. It's okay, really." I just don't want to eat something that girl touched. Oops. I'm just kidding. "I'll have some later."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I nodded, got my laptop and went to my room.

"Where are you going?"

"To Mars." I fake a smile.

I didn't lock the door, or even closed it, so I could avoid suspicions from Luke. And I just sat there on my bed, pretended I'm busy with something, when in fact I'm just on twitter. If mom was still here, and caught me like this, she would have scold me endlessly.

I sighed. I miss my mom. There's no one I could tell all these stuffs to. Not even Melissa. She's confused about her own life sometimes. I don't want to add up to her problems. And no one gives the best advice other than my mom. If I could just tell her how confused I am...

Oh God. My eyes are starting to burn. I don't want Luke to see me like this.

I shut my laptop off, and got up. I'm already hungry, but I'm still not eating any of those pizzas. Just as I was about to go out, Luke went in my room and headed straight to my bed.

"What do you think you're doing?" I crossed my arms on my chest. "Get out of my bed!" I got one of my pillows and started to beat him with it.

"PILLOW FIGHHHT!" Luke shouted, and started to hit me with pillows too.

He was laughing, and I was half-shrieking, half-laughing the whole time. Then I caught him off guard and hit him a little too hard, he fell on my bed. And I tripped on his feet, (which was limply hanging on the edge) and I fell on top of him.

Luke grunted, and wrapped his arms around me. He turned to the side, and we were in this cuddly position that was so comfortable. I almost didn't wanna' get out of his arms.

Luke's hands traveled down my waist. He was still laughing. I was too. But the laughter died down when we realized how deep we were looking at each other's eyes...

"Sydny," He muttered.

"I--- I need to finish some stuffs." I said. Luke loosened his grip around me, allowing me to stand up.

And very quickly, very awkwardly, I walked to my bedroom door. But before I could get out, Luke spoke up.

"Why, Sydny?" He sounds exasperated.

I turned around, confused. "Why, what?"

Luke stood up. The look on his face was sad. It's making my heart break. "Why have you been distancing yourself from me lately?"

I choked back a gasp. "What? Luke, I don't-- I've been busy, and---"

He groaned. "Don't deny it, Syd. I may not act like I'm not noticing it, but damn it. It's obvious."

"It's just..." What? I don't even know how to say it.

"Did I do something wrong? I thought..." Luke sighed.

"You thought what?" I was suddenly becoming furious again.

He ran his hand through his hair. "I thought we have this thing going on! I thought these are the stuffs that we know to ourselves even if we don't say it."

"Stuffs?" He's not making much sense.

"You. Me. US.. I thought...."

That's it. I'm so fucking done. "Well fuck it. That's the problem, Luke! We think of everything, but we don't say anything. I don't want to sit here and assume you have a thing for me. Assume that I'm special for you. I don't want to assume that this is special for you. I don't want to think that way. Because if I do so, and it would turn out you make every girl feel that way... That you go around kissing girls you want to kiss... That you can have every single girl you want... That maybe you're just leading me on for God knows what reason.. You know what happens when you turn out to be that? I'll just get hurt. And I'm tired." Tears are falling out of my eyes. Why am I even crying? "I'm so fucking tired of getting hurt."

"Sydny..." Luke walked over to me, and wrapped his arms around me.

"Luke, don't." I'm being stupid.

"No, Sydny. Listen to me." He lifted up my chin so I could stare into his eyes. "Do you really think I'm that type of guy? Do you seriously think I would do that to you?"

"You just flirted with that pizza girl right in front of my face, and just talked to me casually like nothing happened!" I pointed out.

"I was trying to get her to leave!!! She was the one flirting with me." Luke threw his hands up in the air. And in a calmer tone, he said "I would never hurt you, Sydny, I thought you would know that."

"I haven't known you my whole life, Luke."

"You've known me long enough to be able to tell." Luke argued.

"But not long enough to be sure." Which was true... Partly.

"Jesus, Sydny!!!" Luke groaned, and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Do you think I would be here if I could just go out in a club and bring a girl home? Do you think I'd call you in a middle of a band meeting just to hear you voice, because I wanna' play with your feelings? Do you think I'd do everything I did for you, break the rules I broke for you if you're nothing to me? God, Sydny. This is stupid. I like you! Hell, I may even be falling in love with you already. No one ever made me feel this way. No one ever made me feel like you do. I may even be crazy now." Luke sighed. "You may think I can get any girl I want. It may be true, i don't know.But whatever. I don't care about them, anyway. All I want is you." His voice was just a muffle now. "You, Sydny. And you're just..."

"Luke..." I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think of all this. I'm still confused but it made more sense now. So I did the best thing I could think of.

I grabbed the back of his neck, and brought him down so his lips would meet with mine. He was surprised, I could tell. But it didn't took him long to respond.

The butterflies in my stomach were wild. Luke smiled into the kiss as my hands traveled to this hair. His hands were at my waist. And all I could see with my eyes closed, were fireworks.

I pulled back first to gasp for air. I rested my hands around his neck. His forehead was resting on mine. He was smiling. And his eyes are sparkling.

"So, I take it... You like me too." Luke grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't push it."

"So, are we like... Together?" Luke said, biting his lower lip. God, that was hot.

I frowned. "Don't you think I need to see some effort before I decide on that?"

He chuckled. "Whatever you say, ma'am."

I laughed. "I hate you."

"No, you don't." He said, pulling me in for another kiss.


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Ily. :)

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