πšƒπš‘πšŽ πšƒπš›πšŠπšŸπšŽπš•πšŽπš› {Bru...

By kdjoss

4K 147 13

Normalcy was never something Tesla Edison grew up with; she was never really familiar with things that others... More

Summary and Cast
- π™ΏπšŠπš›πš π™Ύπš—πšŽ -
Albert Edison
The Curious Case of Kimberly Adams
It's Just Harvard
Father's Daughter
#8 -- 1917, J.B.B.
Pizza Party
The Boxes
A Research Trip
Tiny Things
The Vanishing of Bruce Banner
The Laboratory
A Short Story, By Nick
The Seers
Bend and Break
Cold Shoulder
Be My Valentine
Ready for Take-Off
The Future
The Scar
- π™ΏπšŠπš›πš πšƒπš πš˜ -
24 Hours
Life Goes On
Trials and Tribulations
Engaged to Be
Your Savior is Here
Dear Me
- π™ΏπšŠπš›πš πšƒπš‘πš›πšŽπšŽ -
April 18th
Parting Ways


191 9 4
By kdjoss

_ _ _

Despite the frustration she feels with her mother moving to be closer to her daughter, Tesla finds herself spending most of her nights off campus in the company of her mother. Tesla hardly ever stays in her dorm room, and she has only spoken to her roommate once or twice. Adjusting to college life is going to be harder than she thought it was. She told Kimberly she can make friends and she assured her mother that she doesn't need her around, but she might be wrong.

For Tesla college feels the same as high school. There are groups that people fall into and never leave. There are similar standards; where you're from, who you are, what you want to do in your future. While Tesla knows that there are students at Harvard with majors and aspirations like her, she struggles to fall into a group. She feels it's a waste of time, something that she doesn't have time for—she lacks the social skills, as well. At least that's what she tells herself: there isn't really much effort on her end; even if she did promise Kimberly and her mother that things would be different.

Without Kimberly by her side to guide her in the right direction of where she should go and where she would fit best in, it was hard to give much thought to socializing and making friends in college. It isn't exactly Tesla's area of expertise to meet people and have connections with them. Bruce is her only exception.

The two of them talk quite a bit outside of classes, and even though Tesla is two years behind Bruce, she finds herself keeping up with a lot of the work that he does in the classroom. Bruce finds it refreshing to have someone to carry a conversation with about biochemistry. It isn't a surprise to Bruce either, when by the end of Tesla's first semester, they will already be in a few classes together in their spring semester. Tesla shines in the classroom. Her physics classes went so well, that she's already planning on taking junior level classes in spring. Her molecular biology classes went well, and with Bruce around to help her when she got stumped—which was rare—she nearly aced everything in the subject. Tesla is well on her way to complete her PhDs, and the professors in her field suggested she sign up for biochemistry.

Tesla doesn't quite understand why an advisor, Mr. Curie is his name, suggests she pick up biochemistry as well as the other majors she wants to complete, but it is definitely something that compliments the other science majors. She isn't as interested in the chemistry aspect of science, but it wouldn't be until later when Tesla realized why Curie—who wasn't even an administrative officer—had told her to sign up for biochemistry.

While the social adjustments are a struggle for the young woman, the academic adjustments are just the challenges she needs, and Bruce Banner is just the person to challenge her academically. With all the time the two of them have spent studying in science labs Tesla really wants to consider him a friend, but she worries that he might not think the same thing. Maybe Tesla is just a school acquaintance to him? Maybe he isn't looking to make friends or he only spends time with Tesla because he feels bad for her? He must know that she doesn't have any friends, and pities her. He is only talking to her because he's a nice guy, not because he genuinely wants to hang out with Tesla.

"You must be thinking about biochemistry."

Tesla blinks, looking away from the biochem homework she definitely isn't thinking about. Her textbook isn't even open; it's being used as a coaster for her cold cup of tea. She has a nearly-full notebook tucked between her stomach and knees, but her pen is capped.

"Or she's just really good at ignoring people," someone else replies, amused.

Bruce shakes his head, smiling. "Tesla always zones out when she's thinking."

Tesla gulps, confused as to what to say. "Hi," she greets, sitting up properly in the booth. The little restaurant that she's in is one of her favorite places to be. It's relaxing to her; watching the busy sidewalk full of students hurrying to finish their last minute tasks before Thanksgiving. The chilly air creeping in from the window to cool her down when she drinks too much tea at once. The atmosphere is distracting to Tesla in all the right ways. One of the waiter's asked her to consider a job here too, because she's always around.

"Tesla, this is Betty," Bruce introduces. "She's a biochem major too."

Tesla's soft brown eyes snap up to Betty. It feels weird to be looking up at the two students, as if they are more superior. They probably are more superior than Tesla. She gulps again, blinking once, unsure of what to do. Is Bruce trying to introduce Tesla to more people so she'll have more friends? He's sick of having to spend so much time with her, so he's hoping that this girl will be willing to help out someone like Tesla.

Betty stares at Tesla with sharp eyes: not judgmental, but not soft like her own. She has dark brown hair like Tesla, but not as messy. In fact it is perfectly neat in a hair tie on top of her head. The girl is also dressed better too; wearing a tan blazer and a nice pair of jeans Tesla would be jealous of in high school.

Tesla watches the girl blink once: slowly.

"I'm sorry," Tesla blurts, becoming nervous. "Do you want to sit here?"

Betty laughs sweetly, sharing a look with Bruce—which only makes Tesla more nervous. "If you don't mind us sitting with you?"

Tesla sits up straight, tidying up her things. She clears her throat, "Y-yes...I—I don't mind." She feels like she's in junior high again, hiding her things to avoid judgement. Even if these two are studying the exact same thing. Tesla keeps her head down as Bruce and Betty shrug off their fall coats and slide into the booth. Tesla is thrown off when Bruce decides to sit down next to her.

"I recognize you, actually," says Betty, not at all bothered by Tesla's silence. "You are in the biochem class right before mine. Professor Hyde almost never stops talking about you at our meetings." Betty looks to Bruce pointedly. "A freshman in a second level sophomore class." The girl whistles. "Impressive."

"Thanks," Tesla mumbles, raising her head slightly.

"Betty is a junior with me," informs Bruce, smiling down at Tesla gently. He shifts in the booth, his arm brushing against Tesla's. Tesla stares up at him as he talks. "She's been dying to meet you."

Betty, not at all embarrassed, grins. She waves a hand between Tesla and Bruce. "It's not everyday you meet someone that can challenge a genius like Bruce Banner."

Bruce blushes, shaking his head to hide his gratitude at Betty's compliment. "I'm no genius."

"You're modest—as always." Betty turns her sharp eyes back to Tesla, who although is uncomfortable with the attention, understands that Betty's a straight-forward kind of person who loves to support others. "It seems to me you're modest yourself, Tesla. Either that, or Bruce has been too busy to invite you to our meetings." Betty shoots Bruce another pointed look.

He doesn't want to be around her all the time. He already spends enough of his free time as it is with Tesla and biochemistry, but to invite her to something that's his own thing is ridiculous.

"I've been meaning to ask," Bruce says quietly. "I just...you're always so focused on your studies I figured you wouldn't be interested."

Tesla swallows, avoiding Bruce's eye when she asks, "What meetings?"

"Professor Hyde," begins Betty, smiling again. "Supervises a few of us once a week and lets us experiment with biochemistry. There's a small group of us, and it's a great way to study for exams. Besides, with how incredible you are, you could be ahead of all of us in no time."

Tesla shakes her head. "I—I don't want to intrude—"

Bruce chuckles softly. "Tess, you wouldn't be intruding. This is perfect for you. You're a natural at biochemistry. Besides, Professor Hyde is open to all kinds of science. Molecular Biology will definitely be something he'll be willing to explore."

Tesla twists her fingers together in her lap. "I—I could come to a meeting then, I suppose."

Betty grins, winking at Bruce. "Perfect! We meet on Mondays. I can't wait to see you there, Tessie."

Tesla smiles slightly at Betty. The girl does remind her a bit of Kimberly. Tesla fumbles for something to say next as a flood of familiarity washes over her. These adjustments won't be so bad after all.

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