An Angel in Hell (CastielxRea...

By cj_is_trash

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Castiel and the Reader are soulmates. Follow their journey starting from the moment they met. Prepare for flu... More

The Deal
Growing Up
Don't Do It
Only Human
Back Again
Lock Down
Apocalypse Aftermath
Next Episode
One More Night
End of Hope
My Angel In Hell
Love Famine
No Turning Back
Hollow Prayers
Playing House
Out of Place
Say Something
Reality Hurts
Frustrations (Crowley)
Losing Everything
French Mistake
Up To Fate
Wild Wild West
Shitty King
Another Update
Okay.. I have an idea (update)
A Wild Update has Appeared

Soul Searching

723 23 0
By cj_is_trash

I sat on one of the beds in my motel room alone. The tv was on The Office, but it was muted, there was a to go bag from my dinner and a few beer bottles on the side table, clothes were thrown haphazardly on the other bed, my phone sat on the bed in front of me.
Another text. 53.
A few minutes pass.
Another phone call. 15.
A few minutes pass.
Another text. 54.
A few minutes pass.
Another phone call. 16.
A few minutes pass.
Another text. 17, wait no this ones from Dean.
I picked up the phone for the first time in three days and saw the hundreds of missed calls and unread texts from Castiel. I opened deans message.
"Hey I know you're really going through a hard time right now but I need help with something. Call me." I thought it over for a minute before dialing his number.
"Hey, Yn, how ya holding up?" He asked.
I sighed, "I guess about as good as girl who just witnessed the love of her life kill the only parental figure she had." I let a dry laugh.
"I really am sorry about that, you know that right?" He asked.
"Yeah.... so what do you need my help with?" I asked after a slightly awkward pause.
"I'm going to talk to Death, get him to give Sam his soul back."
I suddenly understood why he needed my help.
"Is Castiel going to be there?" I asked.
"No." He answered immediately.
"Ok I'm in." I said.
"Alright we'll come on out I'm waiting for you." He said.
I walked out saw Baby waiting for me. I rolled my eyes.
"How'd you know where I was?" I asked.
"This was the first motel listed." He said with a smirk knowing I picked up on that from him and his brother.
"Alright so where are we going and how do you plan on talking to Death with out... you know dying?" I asked.
"This man named Dr.Robert. I'm basically going to pay him to kill us temporarily so we can talk to Death, then he'll revive us." He said.
"Wait us? We're both dying today?" I asked.
"Only temporarily." He said like it was no big deal.
"It better be." I mumbled.
The rest of the ride consisted of old rock music playing through the radio, no more words were said. Dean did turn down the radio once to tell me to get a pice of paper out of his dad journal. He told me that just incase this doesn't work and they can't revive us I should write something to someone. He didn't say it but I knew he meant Castiel. He was really the only person who this would matter to, since Sam wouldn't have his soul still.
When we pulled up to a sketchy apartment building we both got out.
"You can't be serious Dean. This place just screams sketchy." I said following him inside and then up the stairs.
"I know, but I know this is going to work." He said.
We got and I was instantly intimidated, I hate doctors and especially if they are working out of a sketchy apartment. Dean paid the dude and we were both lead to old, slightly rust operation tables and told to lay down.
"Alright last chance to back out. Keep in mind there's a 75% success rate in this procedure." Dr.Robert said.
Me and Dean stole a glance at each other before both taking out our letters.
"If it doesn't work make sure these get to who they are addressed to." Dean said and the doctor nodded.
"Remember you only have three minutes." Dr.Robert said. We both nodded and then we were injected with something that killed us. It hurt for a split second and I began to arc my back in pain but then I was out.
I opened my eyes to be standing next to my body on the table. I saw dean in the same situation.
"This is just weird." I said looking at myself and dean nodded.
With out much warning dean began saying a spell to make a reaper appear.
"Hello Dean." A female reaper showed up out of no where.
"Tessa, I need to speak with your boss. Get Death here now." Dean demanded.
"No, I won't." The reaper, who's name is apparently Tessa, said.
"And why not?" Dean asked.
Before Tessa could answer she was cut off by a voice behind me and Dean.
"Because, Dean, I am already here." I turned to see and older man who really looked like the embodiment of Death, he was thin had bony hands, there was no doubt that I was looking Death in the eyes.
"Oh, I didn't realize I'd be in the presents of royalty. The Queen of Hell. I heard about your loss." He said with what looked almost to be sympathy but I couldn't tell completely.
"It's alright." I managed to squeak out two words.
He turned his attention back to Dean.
"So what can I help you with?" He asked.
"Get Sam's and Adam's soul out of the cage. I'll even give you your ring back if you can get them back." Dean said.
"Well you were only borrowing my ring so I do hope that you plan to give it back to me at some point, besides I know exactly where it is you've hidden it. As for the souls I can get into the cage, but I can only retrieve on of them. You'll have to choose." Death said.
Dean hesitated for a moment. "Sam's. Get Sam's then." He said and Death nodded.
"Alright then I can retrieve and replace Sam's soul, even put the memories of hell behind a wall of sorts, but only if you can do something for me." Death said.
With out hesitation Dean was already asking what he needed to do.
"Take my ring, be Death for the day. You can not take it off not even for a moment. If you can survive that then I'll return Sam's soul." Death says we both nodded.
"Of course if you two are both going to do it, you'll need a second ring. Luckily I planed for this." Death said stepping over to me. He reached for my right hand and I let him take it. He slipped the ring onto my finger.
"The same rules apply to you too." He said before stepping back.
"So it's settled, be me for 24 hours and I'll get Sam's soul back where it belongs." Death said.
"Okay, but why do you want me to be you for the day?" Dean asked.
Before Death could answer we were waking back up in the real world.
"We need to go get the other ring from Bobby's place." Dean said.
We left the apartments and ran by the motel I was staying at I gave Dean some money to pay for my room while I quickly repacked. Within 5 minutes we were on the road again. I had my phone sitting on my thigh and it was repeating the same thing it was earlier. Alternating texts and calls from Castiel.
I ignored it but it was apparently harder for Dean to. "You gonna answer that?" He asked me.
I stayed quite. So did he. Then car fell silent too. Wait it was silent. No more phone buzzing.
Then Dean's phone went off. And not surprisingly it was Castiel. Dean answered the phone and I facepalmed.
"Hey Cas...nope haven't seen her... no don't worry about me I'm just going on vamp hunt... yes I'm sure I got this... fine if I need help I'll ask you before I ask her... yes if I see her I'll tell her to call you back... I don't man I've never killed a girls dad before... yes I understand there's no blood relation but it's like you and me Cas, you're my brother just as much as Sammy is but we're not blood related, you don't have to be to family... I don't man, you can only get so many second chances... alright then good luck." And with that he hung up.
"Thanks." I said.
"Don't mention it kid." He said and reached to turn the music up as he sped down back roads.
When we got to Bobby's we told him and Sam about our deal with Death. Sam hated the whole plan especially the mental wall. He kept going on about how it was going to be permanent. We decided to still go through with it. After we got the ring for Dean we asked Bobby to keep an eye on Sam which he of course agreed to.
We went out side and dean slipped the ring on. We were both instantly teleported to somewhere new. Tessa was there. She tells us our job is to make sure everyone that is on our list gets touched by one of to die so she can reap them. Seems easy enough.
Our first 'victim' was a guy robbing a store with a knife. Dean took this one easily, said he deserved it trying to hurt other people like that. The store clerk ended up shooting him.
Next was an overweight man eating a greasy burger. I couldn't help but laugh.
"What's funny about this, Yn?" Dean asked confused.
"Well it makes me think of how you'll go out. Not a vampire, not wendigo, not even Lucifer, but probably choking on burger cause you can't slow down enough to chew properly. That or all the grease you eat is gonna clog your arteries." I teased him.
For a split second his butch face faded and he looked almost scared.
"Shut up." He said.
"Nah, I'm good." I said with a smile.
He rolled his eyes then walked up to the guy and touched his shoulder. The man then had a heart attack.
The next person is a twelve year old girl. She has a heart condition. I knew what was coming next. I knew Dean couldn't do it. But I could, Ive dealt with kids dying for so long, I've dealt with dead people all the time in Hell. I went to touch her arm but Dean grabbed my arm stopping me.
"No." He said. I have him a really look, we both knew it had to happen.
"This is the only way Sam gets his soul back." I said trying to pull my arm away.
"I said no. This isn't fate or any of that bull crap, this is just wrong. We can't do it." He says.
"Dean we have to not just for Sam but the natural order. Bad things happen when you do stuff like that trust me I've done it and my dad had to clean up my mess."
Before he could say anything else a doctor rushed into the room and kept talking about how it's a miracle but the little girl's heat healed itself.
Next we're taken to the scene of a car reck. There's the little girl's doctor. She was losing a lot of blood. She was next.
"What?" Dean asked confused.
"The natural order Dean, I told you that." I said slightly angered that he didn't listen as I touched her shoulder.
"She's right," Tessa chimed in, "her soul was reaped decades early."
Time passed by quickly. We were now in the car with some guy who's obviously been drinking.
"Who's he?" I asked out of curiosity.
"The doctors husband." Tessa said.
I looked ahead and saw that we were heading for a bus full of people. This can't end well.
"Dean do something." I said. I didn't care if he reaped him or took the ring off but he had to something.
He ripped his ring off and jerked the steering wheel out of the mans hand avoiding the bus.
He put the ring back on hopping Tessa didn't see.
"Sorry Dean the deals off." She said as we left the car.
"Fine, but let me fix something." He said.
We went back to the hospital where the girl was. He touched her shoulder and she flatlined. He said he learned his lesson about the natural order, if only he would have listed to me.
Tessa then took us back to Bobby's. When we got there Sam had lost his mind. He was trying to kill Bobby's. Dean attacked him and knocked him out. He drug him down to the panic room while I check on Bobby who just waved me off saying that he was fine.
By the time Dean came back up me and Bobby were already sitting down drinking a beer.
"You two are back early. I guess you didn't do it?" Bobby said and we both shook our heads.
Then to all of our surprise Death walks in.
"I'm here for my ring." He states and Dean hands his over. I go to take mine off too but he stops me. "You May keep yours, you way need it later." He said confusing all of us.
"So although you didn't fulfill the full deal, I'm pleased with you that you learned about the natural order and how it should never be distributed. You can't keep cheating death... so I have decided to still pay up my end of the deal." Death said holding up a brief case.
We lead him down to the panic room and open the door. Sam was sitting on the bed waiting. Death walked in with the brief case. He tells Sam all about the wall and not to go scratching at it. Sam was still very against the whole thing. He really didn't want his soul back for some reason. Then Death opened the case and took out Sams soul. He rear he's over and put it back in to him.
Sam starts screaming in pain and Dean looks panicked. I stood there almost enjoying the screams of pain and agony. I had to imagine they weren't coming from my best friend, but in a way they were soothing. They reminded me of home, Hell. You get used to the screams of damed souls.
I hadn't even noticed when the screaming had stoped until Death said he was leaving. He left an unconscious Sam on the bed of the panic room. Dean was still panicking.
"Dean it's fine it's over." I said trying to calm him down.
"But what if he's not okay?" He asked still clearly worried.
"Fine if you want someone to check on him get Castiel down here." I said.
"Ok, good call-"
I cut him off, "But let me get out of here first. I'm not ready for that. Call me or texted me when he's gone or if something is wrong with Sam." I said.
I went upstairs and found Bobby going through a case file.
"Hey could I borrow a car?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed a pair of keys off the wall. He went hand them over but pulled back.
"Why?" He asked.
"Deans going to Castiel to check on Sam. I don't want to be here when he gets here I'm going to drive into town for a while." I said.
Bobby gave me a sad smile and handed over the keys. "It's the royal blue mustang in the front. Take car of her, she's a favorite." He teased.

(That's basically the car your driving just not as fresh and new looking)

"Yes sir." I said taking the keys and leaving.
Dean was giving me a 15 minute head start. I now had about ten minutes to put as much distance between me and this house.
I drove into town and went to small cafe coffee shop. I sat and read for a while. I was reading an ancient lore book in enochian.
A man with blond hair walked up to the small table I had been sitting at and tapped my shoulder.
"I'm really sorry to bother you but what language is that on the cover." He asked
I payed the book down on the table still open.
"Old." Is all I said causing us both to laugh.
He glanced over at the empty seat across from me. "May I?" He asked and I nodded.
"I'm studying to become a history professor and I love to learn about accent languages. And I've just never seen anything like the cover and it appears the whole book is written in it." He gesturing to the book. As he did so I noticed his watch had an anti-possession symbol on it. I didn't say anything about it just yet.
"Well this language is called enochian." I said.
"And I'm sure you know what that is seeing that you're a hunter." I said pointing at his watch. His face went red.
"You caught me. So are you a prophet or an angel?" He asked.
"Neither. I'm a human." I said.
"How can you read this then?" He asked incredulously.
"Um... my boyfriend is an angel.... he's been teaching me." I said blushing. I've never had a genuine conversation about my relationship with a stranger.
"No way!" He exclaimed and I nodded then took a sip of my coffee.
"I wish my boyfriend was an angel!" He said causing me to almost choke on my coffee.
"What didn't peg me as the type?" He asked teasingly.
We both laughed. I was really enjoying his company. We talked about how he was on a case about this girl who went missing after a plane crash. He explained that he didn't think this was a hunter thing but his boyfriend did so that's why they were here.
Then my phone went off.
Dean: Hey, Cas just left you're good come back.

I looked back up at the man.
"I'm so sorry, but I've got to go." I said.
"Hey I get it, when duty calls. Can I at least get you're name and number, in case I'm on a hunt and need back up or you need to gossip about your angelic boyfriend."
"Of course!" We exchanged names and numbers and then I left.
I got back to Bobby's place. I told him about how someone was covering the case he was looking at earlier and about Caden, the hunter I meant and his boyfriend Carlos. Bobby was skeptical that they could handle it but I reassured him.
"So how's Sammy doing?" I asked the dreaded question.
"I don't know." Dean admits running his hands down his face.
"Sam always seems to bounce back, this ain't going to be any different." Bobby says.
"Yeah well Sam has never been through something like this!" Dean snapped at him.
"Dean? Bobby? Yn?" We all turned to see Sam standing in the door way of the kitchen.
Dean got to his feet quickly. He walked over to Sam and threw his arms around him. Once he let go Sam moved on to Bobby. Then me.
My head was in the middle of his chest because of the height difference. "We missed you Sammy." I said.
"I missed you guys too."

The next chapter is about the episode "French Mistake" And I'm excited. Heads up it won't follow the episode probably but will have the basic idea of it.

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