The Dark One (Highschool DxD)

By UbelOrias

220K 3K 1.3K

Born Human to a mother who died while giving birth to you. You father didn't take it well abandoning you at t... More

Darkness Comes To Japan
Abilties and Harem
New Kid
Unknown History of King Arthur
Fight Against A Excailbur
Exploring The Darkness
Waking A Deeper Power
Phoenix Flare
More Development
Akeno Special Event (SFW)
Akeno Special Event (NSFW)
Dark Start
Seeking Darkness
Rating Game Part 1: START!
Rating Game Pt 2: Team Knight
Rating Game Pt 3: Team Rook
Raynare's Darkness (NSFW)
The Rating Game Pt 4: Bishop & King
The Rating Games Pt 5: Sudoku/Finish

Chance Meeting

12.8K 189 177
By UbelOrias

Third person

Kuoh Academy

It's around evening time, with Issei and Asia, Asia amazed by how clean the floor is, and Issei admiring a view of Asia's panties thanks to the reflection of the floor.

Asia: *looking at a door* Hey what that's?

Issei: Oh that, that's the forbidden room, never been open. Come on we should head to the club room.

Asia: Alright.

Y/n: *appearing from the shadows* Ohh, the forbidden room, that sounds interesting.

Y/n goes to touch the lock but gets shocked by a Gremory seal protecting the door and whatever might be behind it.

Y/n: Oh Rias, like this can keep me out.

Y/n released some of his power, hoping to corrupt the seal, and after a minute, the once proud red seal of the Gremory family. Now stained by the darkness, glowing a dark purple.

Y/n: I hope Rias don't mind.

Teleporting into the room, Y/n finds himself inside a dark room with a coffin in the middle of the room.

???: *Scared* Ack who their, Rias? Is that you!?

Despair: A male half-vampire, locked in a room, crying out for his master.

Y/n: Sorry kid I'm not your master.

???: Then who are you!?

Y/n: Man this kid is disappointing. Am just curious about the "supposedly" forbidden room.

???: No need, mystery solved, you can leave now!?

Y/n: Are you kidding me, am going to come by more often.

???: What, why!?

Y/n: It's so quiet here, no girls drooling over me, no guys talking about me behind their back. Just a pure quiet place. But besides that, a mystery.

???: Like I said you solved the mystery, no mystery here!

Y/n: *walking towards the head of the coffin* That's wrong, *crouching* the mystery am talking about is, *opens the coffin* what's your name?

???: *Screams*

The small girl jumps out of the coffin, leaning against the door. But when Y/n looked at her, all he saw was a small boy.

Y/n: Jeez, you act as if I'm a vampire hunter.

???: You not, are you!?

Y/n: Nope, but seriously what's your name?

Gasper: *calmer* Oh yeah, it's Gasper, Gasper Vladi.

Y/n: Well Gasper nice to meet you. My name is Y/n L/n. I hope you don't mind me invading your room.

Gasper: It's fine, I don't get a lot of visitors. Well, actually Rias and Akeno sometimes talk to me through the door.

Y/n: Well at least they still remember you.

Gasper: Yeah I guess you're right.

Y/n: So Gasper I was wondering, why do you wear girls clothing?

Gasper: Well girls clothing are cuter.

Y/n: all right then. *Get a light shock*

Despair: The holy swords, here, Excalibur, two pieces.

Gasper: Y/n are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, listen to Gasper there's something I have to do, and I should be going, *Pat's Gasper on the head* it's been fun, Gasper.

Gasper: Yeah see you around Y/n.

Y/n: See you later Gasper.

Y/n slipped the seal, causing him to feel the energy of two holy swords really close.

Y/n: Xenovia. . .

Y/n placed a hand on one of the walls, turning into a shadow. He started swimming towards Rias's club room. After getting to the club room Y/n heard...

Issei: . . . I will spend every last breath to make sure you regret it!

Y/n: Man, this is pathetic, I should intervene. *Pops out of a wall* Alright everybody calms down, Issei stops being a little bitch.

Issei: Hey!

Koneko: Yes, shut up pervert.

Issei: Oh come on.

Xenovia: Y/n, is that really you?

Y/n: *grabs Irina's hand, and kisses it* Irina Shidou.

Rias: Y/n, what are you doing here?

Y/n: Shut up Princess, am not here for you, am here for her *points at Xenovia*

Issei: Her!?

Akeno: What business could you have with a priestess?

There was I small bit of tension between the two locking eyes. Which caused all the people in the room to get worried. All that was washed away by Y/n.

Y/n: *wrapping his arms around Xenovia sides and lifting her up* Xenovia!!!

Xenovia: : *embarrassed, and trying to get put down* Y/n put me down! Put me down!

This lasted about ten seconds until Xenovia pulled out her Excalibur, and used it to hit Y/n in the face with the flat end, causing her to lose her robe, revealing a skin-tight suit. Sending Y/n to a wall, right of Rias's desk. Who, with her house, and Irina was on the other side of the room.

Y/n: Owww, Xenovia that hurts. I don't see why you would have a problem with that, I use to do that when we were kids.

Xenovia: *embarrassed* Well... I... I... di... didn't-

Y/n: Didn't have those two? *points to her chest*

Xenovia: Have you no shame?

Y/n: Good to see you haven't changed in all these years.

Xenovia: And you change a lot, not only did your personality change, but you're no longer carrying around that pillow.

Y/n: True...

Issei: *snicker* You used to carry a pillow?

Y/n: Yeah, I was asleep most of the time back at the orphanage.

Xenovia: "Most", Y/n you fell asleep while you were holding me in the air, and fell on top of me.

Y/n: It was one time, and from what I remember, you didn't move or woke me up.

Xenovia: I did no such thing, you're the person who fell asleep in church on Sundays.

Y/n: *monotone* Xenovia, you were the highly religious one.

Issei: What is going on!?

Irina: It would be nice to know how you two know each other?

Y/n: This is Xenovia, she was my friend back at the orphanage.

Xenovia: Yep, Y/n would fall asleep at odd times, and I was as he put it "highly" religious.

Y/n: I was monotone, and she, strict.

Issei: How can you be friends with her, she said that Asia should let herself die by her hands. Come on dude, please?

Y/n: Well seeing that I don't care, and it doesn't concern me. But seeing as you said please. . . Xenovia, Asia choose something for herself. You should realize that you have no power in her fate.

Xenovia: I suppose you're right, the last thing we want is to waste time-fighting the Gremory family.

Issei: You're just scared to lose to us, am I, right guys.

Rias's peerage: *silence*

Kiba: I'll have your back Issei, I'll take you all on.

Time Skip

Standing in the backyard are Xenovia, Irina, Kiba, and Y/n. Standing away from the four is the remaining members of Rias's peerage, including Issei being healed by Asia.

Y/n: I don't see why I have to take that blockhead place?

Irina: This is just a friendly little competition, and besides, I'll like to keep my clothes.

Y/n: Yeah I can see that, but can he actually do that?

Issei: I can't believe you would give away my secret to the enemy like that Koneko.

Koneko: Because you are the enemy of all women.

Y/n: She is sassy as fuck, holyshit I like her.

Issei: *looking down* That's hurt.

Y/n: Luckily for me, I have something who would like to fight. *Raising his hand up*

As Y/n lifts up his hand, extending it towards Irina, a beautiful black vortex appeared in front of Y/n.

A woman in full set of armor came out of the portal

Armored woman: Yes Y/n?

Y/n: Can you fight in a little sparring match for me Raynare?

Issei: Wait did he say-

Raynare: Am sorry Y/n but I'm too tired from training but- *Looks at the Gremory's *

Y/n: Don't worry Raynare, I understand. Don't worry about them, it is my job to protect you, just as it your job to protect me.

Raynare: Thank you Y/n.

Issei: That's voice, where have I heard it, it sounds so-

Y/n: Here *opens another portal*

Raynare: Thank you

Raynare deactivates the armor, that turns into an ankle bracelet. Raynare was shown to be wearing a pair of black high heels, denim calf-length pants, and a mega milk shirt that shows off her midriff. Everybody from the Gremory family was shocked to see Raynare breathing. Y/n walked facing Irina as Raynare went into the vortex.

Issei: *anger* Y/n you have a lot of explaining to do!

Asia: Issei calm down.

Issei: How can I calm down, do you have any idea what she did to me Y/n!?

Y/n: Yeah, because of her, you died got reborn, met Rias, met the rest of the OCR, met Asia and found out you have the power to kill God himself and some other stuff along the way.

Issei: What?

Y/n: Am saying if it wasn't for her, you would still be nothing more than a lonely little pervert, Asia would probably still be dead.

Issei: SHUTUP!!! Ugh

Issei gotten hit in the neck, knocking him out.

Rias: Do you care to explain?

Y/n: After the fight.

Rias, akeno, and Asia just now noticed that the fight between the four had already started.

Rias: Fine.

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