A Love From The Other Side (W...


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A Love From The Other Side; Dean Ambrose is a professional WWE wrestler. He's been dating to long time girlfr... More

A Love From The Other Side (WWE Fanfic)

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Dean: *walking with renee*  

Renee: I'll see you next week on RAW.  

Dean: That long? I guess I'll see you on Monday too, or maybe Sunday night if even possible. *smiles*  

Renee: Yeah, that too. *smiles*  

Dean: *gives renee a kiss* Alright, take care.  

Renee: Alright, bye. *leaves and boards the plane*  

Dean: *heads off with roman to la*  

(After House Show/Hotel)  

Roman: You ready?  

Dean: Yeah, I just gotta get my stuff and then I'm off.  

Roman: Alright, well I'm gonna head off first.  

Dean: *heads out to the back*  

Fans: *screaming and chanting*  

Dean: *smiles and gets in the car/stops by to get gas*  

Guy 1: Sir, can I please get a ride.  

Dean: I'm sorry, I have to get going on the road, I'm already behind actually.  

Guy 1: My mom's sick and I need a ride to her place.  

Dean: Where does she live?  

Guy 1: A little up north.  

Dean: Alright, I'll take you.  

Guy 1: Thank you.  

Dean: *driving down the road*  

Guy 1: *taking off his seatbelt*  

Dean: What are you doing? Are we there?  

Guy 1: Get out the car.  

Dean: What?  

Guy 1: *pulls out a gun* I said get out.  

Dean: Listen, I don't know why you're doing that, but if you want the money, you can have it all. *reaches for his wallet*  

Guy 1: *pointing the gun at dean* Get out!  

Dean: *gets out the car*  

Guy 1: *follows behind dean*  

Dean: *puts his arms up* You don't have to do this sir.  

Guy 1: *pushes dean against the car*  

Dean: Hey! *turns around and knocks the gun out of the guys hand*  

Guy 1: *runs for the gun*  

Dean: *kicks the gun farther and runs to get it*  

Guy 1: *falls to the ground*  

Dean: *grabs the gun and turns around*  

Guy 1: *runs and stabs dean in the side with a pocketknife*  

Dean: *groans*  

Guy 1: *puts dean down* Now I told you to listen didn't I?  

Dean: *coughs out blood*  

Guy 1: *beats dean up and throws him down the cliff*  

Dean: *tumbles down the cliff*  

Guy 1: *gets in deans car and takes off/crashes into a gas tank and dies in the explosion*  

Seth: *calls renee*  

Renee: Hello?  

Seth: Renee, I have something to tell you.  

Renee: Is it Dean? Is he ok?  

Seth: Renee... Dean's dead.  

Renee: What?! No! He can't be!  

Seth: I confirmed his body at the hospital, he got into an accident. It looks like he ran into a gas tank and...  

Renee: *cries* No! I was just talking to him earlier Seth!  

Seth: I know, but I have his wallet and chain with me.  

Kim: *driving*  

Luke: Why are you so short temper huh? Let me drive, you might get us killed.  

Kim: I got it dad!  

Luke: Pull over I said!  

Kim: No, I am gonna drive us...  

Dean: *jumps out from the side in front of the car*  

Luke: Kim!  

Kim: *breaks hard*  

Luke: What happened?  

Kim: *gets out the car* Are you ok? Sir?  

Dean: *looks at kim and then passes out*  

Luke: Quick, we have to get him to the hospital.  

Kim: *helps luke carry dean to the car*  

Dr. Den: Kim? Why are you here at this time?  

Kim: Dr. I need your help, there's been an accident.  

Dr. Den: *examing dean* What's his name?  

Kim: I don't know.  

Dr. Den: Alright.  

(After Exam)  

Dean: *wakes up*  

Dr. Den: Hi, can you confirm your name for us please?  

Dean: *confused*  

Dr. Den: Do you know your name?  

Dean: *shakes his head slowly*  

Dr. Den: Alright then.  

Dean: *closes his eyes again*  

Dr. Den: I'll come back and check on him.  

Luke: Ok Dr.  

Kim: *sitting and staring at dean*  

Luke: Let's call him Jon Moxley.  

Kim: Why?  

Luke: He looks like a Jon Moxley guy.  

Kim: Ok, we can call him that.  

Dean: *wakes up*  

Kim: *smiles* Hi Jon, are you hungry? I can go buy something for you to eat.  

Dean: *shakes his head*  

Kim: *gives dean an ugly look* Well, then we're gonna go home.  

Luke: Don't be rude honey, he doesn't even know his name, he probably doesn't even know where he lives neither.  

Kim: Where do you live?  

Dean: What?  

Kim: Where do you live?!  

Dean: I, I don't know.  

Kim: He's stupid dad, he doesn't even know.  

Luke: You heard Dr. Den, he suffered memory loss.  

Kim: Right.  

Luke: Let's let him live with us.  

Kim: What?  

Luke: He can help us around the house for a living.  

Kim: Fine.  

Dean: *goes home with kim and luke*  

Kim: This is your room Jon, hope you like it.  

Jon: *looks around* It's nice, I like it. *smiles*  

Kim: *smiles* Good because it's gonna be yours for a while until you remember where you live.  

Jon: *smiles* Ok.  

Kim: I'm gonna go make dinner, come down whenever you want. *leaves the room and goes and cooks*  

Luke: *sitting on the rocking chair*  

Kim: Are you ok dad?  

Luke: Yes, I'm just gonna take a nap.  

Kim: Alright.  

Jon: *walks out the room and sits on the sofa*  

Kim: Dinner's almost ready.  

Jon: Thank you.  

(A Few Days Later)  

Kim: Dad, I'm gonna go for a walk, I'll come back later.  

Jon: I want to go too.  

Kim: No, you just stay with my father. I don't need you going with us.  

Luke: Honey, if he wants to go, let him.  

Jon: *smiles* Thank you Mr. Ryans. *walks up to kim*  

Kim: You're really annoying you know that.  

Jon: Hey! I'm just being a friend here ok. You look lonely, like you don't have any friends.  

Kim: I have a friend; she's just not in town anymore. She's traveling around the world.  

Jon: Liar.  

Kim: Her mother lives here, and she can confirm it.  

Jon: Nope.  

Kim: Whatever. *jogs off*  

Jon: *jogs to catch up to kim*  

(2 Years Later)  

Kim: *fixing her bed*  

Jon: I'll be up in the mountain, come look for me in a bit.  

Kim: Why?  

Jon: *smiles* Because. *walks off*  

Kim: *sighs* What a kid he is. *smiles to herself*  

Luke: Honey?  

Kim: Yes dad?  

Luke: Can I talk to you?  

Kim: Yeah, what is it?  

Luke: Are you and Jon seeing eachother?  

Kim: No, we're not dad.  

Luke: I don't want you two to be in love. I already told you that I'm gonna adopt him into being in our family.  

Kim: Dad, we're all grown now. We're not even really sibling's dad. Plus, we're just friends. *smiles*  

Luke: Still, I don't want you two to be in love.  

Kim: Dad, we're not, but I have to go somewhere. *leaves to the mountain*  

Jon: *sees kim and hides*  

Kim: *sees a mailbox* What the?  

Jon: *smiles* Hi.  

Kim: Jon! *smiles* What is this?  

Jon: It's a mailbox. I figured dad won't let us be together, so this is our secret spot. We can write to eachother here and hang out together here.  

Kim: *smiles* It's beautiful.  

Jon: Open the box.  

Kim: *opens the mailbox and sees a necklace* What's this? *grabs the necklace and opens it*  

Jon: There's something in there.  

Kim: What? *chuckles and opens the necklace and sees a paper*  

Jon: Read it.  

Kim: *reads the paper* Even if my memories don't come back and even if I have to return to where i came from... I promise to always love you and be with you forever. *looks at jon*  

Jon: *smiles* I love you Kim.  

Kim: *chuckles in tears*  

Jon: *hugs kim*  

Seth: So you're still waiting for Dean I'm assuming right?  

Renee: You can tell?  

Seth: Yeah, I can Renee.  

Renee: I don't believe he's dead Seth. I know he's still alive out there.  

Seth: Renee, we all witness them bury him into the ground.  

Renee: Yeah, but I still don't think it's him. My guts are telling me, that he's gonna show up one day.  

Seth: He's not. Now if he did, that'll be scary. *laughs*  

Renee: *looks to the ground*  

Seth: Look Renee, I'm really sorry about Dean ok. I know you love him, but he's not coming back ok. So move on will you?  

Renee: I can't Seth, I can't.  

Seth: Look at me, I'll take care and love you.  

Renee: Seth, I don't love you like that.  

Seth: I know you don't, but I can love you just as much as Dean did.  

Renee: I'm sorry Seth, I have to go. *gets in her car and leaves*  

Jon: Mr. Ryans, I have a confession to make.  

Luke: What is that?  

Jon: I want to marry your daughter.  

Luke: What?  

Jon: *chuckles* Please, I know your daughter nevered really had a love one besides you as her father, but I'm willing to love her just as much as you are.  

Luke: You want to marry my daughter?  

Jon: Yes. *smiles*  

Kim: *stands in silence*  

Luke: *sighs* Fine, when do you want to do the ceremony?  

Kim: *smiles* Really dad?  

Luke: Yes, when?  

Jon: Tomorrow.  

Luke: Tomorrow?  

Jon: Or as soon as possible is fine too.  

Luke: Alright then, tomorrow it is.  

Kim: *hugs luke* Thank you dad.  

Jon: *hugs luke too* Thank you.  

Kathy: *helping kim get dressed* Wow you look so beautiful, I wish the twins were here to see how you look.  

Kim: *smiles* Here, take a picture of me and I'll send it to them.  

Kathy: Ok, smile for the camera.  

Kim: *smiles*  

Kathy: Wow, so beautiful.  

Kim: Thank you Ms. Colace.  

Luke: *sitting in the wheelchair waiting*  

Kathy: We'll be out there, come out when you're ready.  

Kim: *smiles* Ok.  

Kathy: *leaves*  

Kim: *sighs and walks out to the front*  

Jon: *looks at kim* Wow. *smiles*  

Kim: *walks to jon*  

Jon: *takes hims hand*  

Kim: *smiles into jons eyes*  

Jon: *smiles*  

(During Dance Ceremony)  

Ron: *drives by ceremony and sees dean* What the hell? That can't be Dean. *looks at dean and then takes off*  

Seth: What do you mean he's still alive Ron!  

Ron: I saw him; he was getting married to a girl.  

Seth: Married? To what girl idiot!  

Ron: I don't know, she lived in this little cottage up in the mountains.  

Seth: Go get him and take him as far as you can!  

Ron: Alright.  

Seth: *hangs up and throws his phone* Dammit! Why is he still alive!  

Kim: *cleaning up*  

Luke: I'm feeling kind of tired, I'm gonna go sit in the house.  

Kim: *smiles* Ok dad, you go ahead and get some rest, Jon and I will clean up.  

Luke: Ok. *smiles and goes sits in his rocking chair*  

Kim: I'm gonna bring these inside, I'll come back out.  

Jon: *cleaning* Ok.  

Kim: *looks at luke and sees the look on the floor* Dad? Dad? *wakes up luke* Dad! *gets worried* Dad, wake up. Dad.  

Luke: *doesn't respond*  

Kim: *cries* Dad!  

Jon: *runs into the house* What happened?  

Kim: *crying* Dad's not responding.  

Jon: *checks for the pulse* Kim...  

Kim: No! He's not dead!  

Jon: *cries* I'm sorry Kim.  

Kim: *cries into jons arm*  

(The Next Day)  

Jon: You ok?  

Kim: I feel like going for a walk. I'll be back in a bit.  

Jon: Want me to go with you?  

Kim: No. *smiles softly* I want to get some fresh air by myself. I'll be back ok?  

Jon: Ok, hurry back ok.  

Kim: *smiles* I will. *gives jon a kiss and leaves*  

Ron: *rings the doorbell*  

Jon: *watching tv* What did she forget now?  

Ron: Dean? We missed you so much Dean! *hugs dean and fakes cry*  

Jon: What?  

Ron: It's me, Ron!  

Jon: I don't know you, I nevered seen you in my life.  

Ron: You don't remember? I'm Ron Dean, I'm your best friend!  

Jon: Dean? I'm not Dean, I'm Jon Mox.  

Ron: No, you're Dean Ambrose! Let's go home Dean, I let's go back to your place with your family.  

Jon: Wait, I can't go. My wife is out right now.  

Ron: Forget, let's just go Dean! Your mother is ill and about to die, we can't wait any longer!  

Jon: Ok, just let me call my wife. *calls kim*  

Kim: *taking a walk*  

Jon: C'mon Kim pick up. *leaves a voicemail* Kim, if you hear this, I'll be back home later ok? My friend found me and is taking me to see my mom, she's ill right now and I'm gonna go see her. Bye, I love you! *hangs up* Let's go.  

Ron: C'mon!  

Jon: *gets in the car with Ron*  

Ron: *takes off*  

Jon: Where is she living?  

Ron: Not too far from this alley Dean.  

Jon: *gets worried*  

Ron: Don't worry, we're almost there.  

Kim: *comes home* Jon? Jon. *looks for jon* Jon, where are you? *looks at her phone* A miss call? *listens to the voicemail*  

Jon: Kim, if you hear this, I'll be back home later ok? My friend found me and is taking me to see my mom, she's ill right now and I'm gonna go see her. Bye, I love you!  

Kim: *chuckles* Go without me. I want to meet your mom. *smiles*  

Ron: We're there.  

Jon: What place is this?  

Ron: *quickly shoves dean into another car*  

Jon: *fighting back* Hey! Hey!  

Ron: *walking back to his car*  

Jon: *beats up the other guys and runs for his life*  

Ron: Hey! Hey!  

Jon: *runs into a car*  

Ron: Dean! Someone! Please help! My brother's been hit!  

Cops: *arrives*  

Ron: *sees the cops and leaves the scene quick*  

Dean: *wakes up*  

Cop 1: Are you alright?  

Dean: *pushes the cops back and walks off*  

Cop 2: Sir.  

Dean: Leave me alone! *walks to the taxi*  

Driver: Where are we going?  

Dean: To Las Vegas.  

Driver: Las Vegas?!  

Dean: Yeah, where are we?  

Driver: We are in Pasadena, California.  

Dean: Go, just take me there.  

Driver: Alright.  

Kim: *waiting for jon* Where are you Jon? Do you know what time it is now? It's almost midnight. You been gone the whole day. *sits in bed worried*  

Driver: We're here.  

Dean: *gets out the taxi* Thank you. *looks at his house and sees the lights on*  

Driver: *takes off*  

Dean: *rings the door gate*  

Renee: Who is it?  

Dean: It's Dean.  

Renee: What? *runs out the door to open the gate* Dean! *jumps on dean and hugs him*  

Seth: *eyes widen*  

Renee: *cries* You're back Dean, you're back.  

Seth: Dean?  

Dean: *looks at renee and then seth and smiles*  

Seth: How is this possible? We all thought you were dead.  

Dean: *shakes his head confused* No. I don't know what happened.  

Renee: *hugs dean again* I'm so happy that you're here. I waited 2 years for you to return Dean.  

Dean: *faints*  

Seth: *rushes dean to the hospital*  

Dr. Jameson: Hi, I believe this belongs to Dean.  

Renee: *takes the envelope and sees a necklace/opens the necklace and sees a paper and reads it* Even if my memories don't come back and even if I have to return to where i came from... I promise to always love you and be with you forever. 

(The Next Day)  

Kim: *wakes up* Jon? *sees fruits on the table* Jon? *smiles*  

Kathy: *walks thru the door* Oh hey, you're up.  

Kim: *stops smiling* Oh, hey Ms. Colace.  

Kathy: Did I disappoint you?  

Kim: No, just thought it would be Jon.  

Kathy: Where is he?  

Kim: I don't know, he left me a voicemail from the house phone that his friend found him and is taking him to see his mother. He said he'll be back, but he never did.  

Kathy: Hmm... that's odd.  

Kim: *smiles* Yeah, but did you bring these fruits?  

Kathy: Yes, I did. I wanted to have a cook out with you.  

Kim: With me?  

Kathy: Yes, the girls are in town.  

Kim: Oh, I didn't know. *smiles*  

Kathy: Yeah, they'll be here any minute now.  

Kim: Great, I'll go and get ready then.  

Kathy: Ok honey.  

Nikki: Can you believe, we are finally getting to see Kim after 3 years.  

Brie: I know right, this is so awesome. I can't wait to see her and her new husband.  

Nikki: *rings the doorbell*  

Kathy: *opens the door* Hi girls.  

Brie: Hi mom. *smiles and hugs Kathy*  

Nikki: *hugs Kathy next* Hi mom.  

Kathy: Kim's getting ready in the room.  

Brie: I'll go say hi. Kim!  

Kim: *opens the door* Brie! *runs and hugs brie*  

Brie: Where's your husband?  

Kim: He's not home.  

Brie: Where is he?  

Nikki: *walking to the room* Kim. Hey! *smiles*  

Kim: Nikki. *hugs nikki* Jon is missing.  

Nikki: What?  

Kim: He said he went with his friend to see his mom, but never came back.  

Brie: Well let's file a missing report then.  

Kim: No, it's ok. He'll come back, he said he will.  

Nikki: What if something bad happens to him?  

Kim: He's a strong guy, I'm sure he's ok.  

Brie: Right.  

Kim: Plus, I don't even have a picture with him or one with just him.  

Brie: Kimberly!  

Kim: What?  

Nikki: It's ok, maybe he'll be home tonight.  

Brie: Right.  

(Later That Night)  

Renee: *laying in bed with dean* Do you know how long I've wait for you. Two years, and finally you're back.  

Dean: *looks at renee* Really?  

Renee: I didn't believe you were dead when everyone did.  

Dean: That's why I love you... because you believe in us so much.  

Renee: *smiles and cuddles closer to dean*  

(A Few Days Later)  

Kathy: Be good girls, and Kim be strong ok?  

Kim: *smiles* I will Ms. Colace.  

Kathy: *smiles* I'll look after the house, don't worry.  

Kim: Thank you. *smiles and leaves with the twins*  

Brie: *grabbing her stuff*  

Kim: *grabs her stuff*  

Nikki: We good to go?  

Kim: Yeah.  

Brie: It's so cold this early morning.  

Nikki: I know right. *checks into the hotel*  

Kim: *looking around and sees jon* Jon? Jon!  

Dean: *walking with roman*  

Kim: Jon! *runs up to dean* Jon? Why didn't you tell me you were here?  

Dean: What?  

Security: Mam, we need you to get out the way.  

Brie: It's ok, she's with us. C'mon Kim.  

Dean: Weird. *walks off with roman*  

Kim: *hurt* Jon Mox.  

Dean: *checks in with roman*  

Nikki: Kim, c'mon.  

Kim: *leaves with the twins*  

Brie: Kim, why did you call Dean Ambrose Jon?  

Kim: I'm sorry; he looked just like my Jon Moxley.  

Nikki: That's not Jon Moxley Kim, that's Dean Ambrose, he's a professional wrestler. He's been missing for 2 years and just came back too.  

Kim: Missing? What happened to him?  

Nikki: We believed he was dead, but eventually he came back and surprised everyone.  

Kim: No, I'm sure that was Jon Mox Nicole! That's my Jon Mox.  

Brie: Kim, it's not.  

Kim: *cries*  

Brie: Aw. *hugs kim*  

Kim: *crying*  

(Backstage RAW)  

Brie: Hey Bryan. *hugs and kisses bryan* You remember Kim right?  

Bryan: Yes, I do, how are you Kim?  

Kim: I'm great. *smiles*  

John: Hey. *smiles*  

Nikki: Hey. *smiles and hugs john* John, this is Kim, Brie and I's childhood friend.  

John: Welcome to the WWE Kim. *smiles*  

Kim: *smiles*  

Nikki: This is Kim's first time watching WWE.  

John: Really?  

Kim: Yeah, it is, I nevered seen the girls on TV or even went to an event to watch the girls.  

John: Wow, so first time huh?  

Kim: Yes.  

John: Well let me tell you, it's gonna be fun, great, and entertaining. *smiles*  

Kim: *smiles* Well thank you.  

John: Alright, I'm gonna go get ready, I'll see you later.  

Nikki: *smiles* Ok. *kisses john*  

John: *leaves*  

Dean: *talking with mark*  

Kim: *sees dean* Jon. Jon!  

Brie: Kim!  

Kim: *runs towards jon and grabs his arm*  

Dean: Hey!  

Ref: *grabs kim*  

Kim: Jon!  

Dean: Get her that crazy girl out of this building! Make sure she does not get back in!  

Ref: Alright Dean. *taking kim out the building*  

Nikki: I'll go talk to her.  

Brie: Ok.  

Kim: *crying* Jon! Jon!  

Ref: You have to leave.  

Kim: *walks out the building*  

Nikki: *walks out the building* Kim?  

Kim: Nikki, I'm so sorry.  

Nikki: Why? Why would you do that?  

Kim: That's my Jon Moxley Nicole. That's him, I know it's him.  

Nikki: It's not him Kim.  

Kim: *cries* I know it is Nikki! *leaves in anger*  

Nikki: Kim. *walks back in the building*  

Dean: *fighting kane*  

Kane: *chokeslam dean and gets the win*  

(After RAW)  

Dean: *walking to his car*  

Kim: *sees dean and gets in front of the car and closes her eyes*  

Dean: *breaks* What the hell? *gets out the car* What are you doing? Why are you following me? *leans against the car and crosses his arms*  

Kim: It's me Kim Ryans.  

Dean: I don't know you.  

Kim: It's me Jon! Why are you pretending not to know me!?  

Dean: I'm Dean Ambrose, I don't know who this "Jon Moxley" you are talking about.  

Kim: You want to play it that way then? *cries* Fine! *slaps dean*  

Dean: *groans* You are one crazy person you know that! *gets back in the car and speeds off*  

Kim: *looks back*  

Dean: *exits the parking garage*  

Renee: *smiles* Hey.  

Dean: Hey. *smiles*  

Renee: How was your match?  

Dean: It was good actually. *smiles*  

Brie: Kim.  

Kim: Hey.  

Brie: What happened? Why'd you do that?  

Kim: It was him Brie.  

Brie: Kim, he has a girlfriend, they been together... well now ten years.  

Kim: He has a girlfriend?  

Brie: Yeah, they've been together forever.  

Kim: It can't be.  

Brie: I don't think that's your Jon, if it was, he would of known you and wouldn't have had you escorted out the building.  

Kim: Maybe? *cries* I love him Brie, I love him so much.  

Brie: *hugs kim* I know you do.  

Kim: Maybe he's home.  

Brie: If he was my mom would of called.  

Kim: Right. Why do I always get punished by the ones I love.  

Brie: Don't say that Kim.  

Kim: *crying*  

Stephanie: So your friend wants to work here?  

Nikki: Yes.  

Stephanie: I heard she's already causing trouble.  

Nikki: No, it's just a misunderstanding Stephanie.  

Stephanie: Alright, well, have her come in tomorrow and I'll see what I can do for her as a job here.  

Nikki: Ok, I will. *leaves*  

Brie: Well that was Nicole, she said our boss wants to talk to you tomorrow.  

Kim: Your boss? Am I getting locked up?  

Brie: No. *chuckles* Nikki believes that's your Jon Moxley, and she wants you get you this job, to help him remind himself that he's Jon Moxley.  

Kim: *smiles in tears* Really?  

Brie: Yeah.  

Kim: Aw, Brie.  

Brie: So don't cry, let's hope you get this job.  

Kim: I really hope so too.  

Brie: I'm sure you will Kim. *smiles*  

(The Next Day)  

Kim: *meets up with Stephanie*  

Stephanie: Hi, you must be Kimberly Ryans right?  

Kim: Yes, I am.  

Stephanie: I heard you been causing problems for our talent Dean Ambrose.  

Kim: I... I... I don't think I am.  

Stephanie: I already got two complaints from him, well three actually.  

Kim: I'm sorry.  

Stephanie: Look, I don't want you near him and I don't want you to harass him or putting your hands on him ok. He is a professional wrestler, well respected, and you cannot destroy that for him. You are an embarrassment towards our WWE Company, and I can't have you here with us backstage. You need to go home and not ever come back. This is just a warning. Next time I will have you locked up.  

Kim: I'm sorry I already caused so many problems here.  

Stephanie: Yeah, I don't even know you and you're causing all these stuff here. You're lucky Nikki came to talk to be before I got to you only.  

Kim: *sits in silence*  

Stephanie: Now if Nikki hadn't come and talked to me, you wouldn't even be sitting here, you would be sitting in jail already.  

Kim: *swallows hard* I'm sorry, it won't happen again.  

Stephanie: Now Nikki said you want to work here, is that correct?  

Kim: Uh, yeah? I do actually.  

Stephanie: What are your experiences with us huh?  

Kim: Uh...  

Vince: *walks in* Well hello there Kim.  

Kim: *looks at vince scared*  

Stephanie: She came a little early and I started ahead.  

Vince: That's good, so what's going on Kim? What's this that I keep hearing?  

Kim: I um...  

Stephanie: Harassed Dean Ambrose.  

Kim: Yeah, that. *tries not to cry*  

Vince: Harassing my talents huh?  

Kim: I'm sorry Mr...  

Stephanie: It's Mr. McMahon to you.  

Kim: Mr. McMahon.  

Stephanie: Father, Kim here wants to work here. What do you have to say huh?  

Vince: You want to work here after harassing my talents?  

Kim: It wasn't talents, it was just...  

Vince: Dean Ambrose.  

Kim: Yeah.  

Vince: Well I'm sorry, but after hearing that you're harassing Dean Ambrose, I cannot have you working here with us. You already embarrassed us, and you are a very disappointing person. We cannot have you working here because you already burned the bridge three times.  

Kim: Three?  

Stephanie: Yes, three.  

Kim: How?  

Stephanie: The hotel, backstage, and the slapping him.  

Kim: So I'm not getting the job then am I?  

Stephanie: No.  

Vince: Now get the hell out of this building and do not ever step foot backstage or in attendance ever again.  

Kim: I nevered even been in attendance, so there's not need to say that Mr. McMahon, but to not be backstage. As long as my friends are there, I will respect that as well.  

Stephanie: Good, not get out like my father said.  

Kim: *wipes her tears* I am, and I'm sorry I caused those problems. *leaving the office*  

Nikki: *smiles* Did you get it?  

Brie: Kim? *smiles*  

Kim: *cries* I am banned from a WWE Live event.  

Brie: *hugs kim* Kim.  

Nikki: I'm sorry.  

Kim: I have to go, I can't be here anymore girls. I have to go home now and I'll never get to see Jon again.  

Nikki: *makes a sad face* I'm so sorry Kim.  

Kim: I can't believe this is happening to me.  

Brie: Don't say that, I'm sure time will come when time is right.  

Kim: *leaves to the exit*  

Triple H: *walking to the building*  

Kim: *walking to the taxi*  

Triple H: What's with a beautiful girl with that kind of face?  

Kim: I um... I just got rejected by the company.  

Triple H: What?  

Kim: I lost my father the day of my wedding last week, and the very next day, my husband left and nevered returned home. I was told I was harassing Dean Ambrose because I thought he was my missing husband that I lost. *tries not to cry* All I wanted to do was talk to him and make sure he wasn't my husband that's been missing. *cries* I wanted this job because I thought that if I made it big on TV, he would find me instead. And even if that's him or not in this company with you guys, at least I got to know that there's another person who looks just like him that will make me strong. *wipes her tears* All I want is to find him again.  

Triple H: *feels bad* Who said you couldn't get this job?  

Kim: Mr. McMahon and his daughter.  

Triple H: Stephanie?  

Kim: Yeah, her.  

Triple H: Well, congratulations, you got the job.  

Kim: *looks at triple h* What?  

Triple H: I'm the one making decisions on who to sign and who not to, not them. I don't know your story, but I believe that you can find your husband. And if you want to use us to find him, I am willing to give you that chance. Now you harassing Dean Ambrose, I'm gonna have you stay as far as away from him as possible ok.  

Kim: *stares at triple h with tears* Ok. *smiles in tears*  

Triple H: *hugs kim* C'mon, let's get you back in the building.  

Kim: *walks back with triple h*  

Nikki: Kim?  

Triple H: Do you know the twins?  

Kim: Actually, they're my childhood friends, I came with them, that's how it all started.  

Triple H: Oh, well they can show you around. I got to talk to someone. *leaves*  

Brie: What happened?  

Kim: *smiles softly* I got the job.  

Nikki: What? *smiles big* I'm so happy for you Kim. *hugs kim*  

Brie: As a WWE Diva or?  

Kim: I don't know, he didn't say.  

Stephanie: You gave her the job!? What if it was you Paul!?  

Triple H: Well, it wasn't me, so, I can't say it, but I already hired her.  

Vince: Well, I would say no, but since you're the one making decisions, I guess it's ok then.  

Stephanie: No! I want professional's working here Paul! Professional's!  

Triple H: Don't judge her by her actions, she's lost her father last week and now looking for her lost husband, and I have faith in her that she will find him by being on screen.  

Stephanie: She lost her husband?  

Triple H: Yeah, that's why she's mistaken Dean Ambrose.  

Stephanie: That must really suck.  

Triple H: Yes, find her, call her in, and sign her. I want her working as a backstage interviewer. *walks off*  

Kim: *talking with brie and nikki*  

Stephanie: Kimberly, to the office right now.  

Kim: *looks at the twins*  

Brie: It'll be ok I'm sure.  

Kim: *walks off*  

Stephanie: Triple H told me what happened just now with you and him out there, and I am really sorry for your loss of your father and husband.  

Kim: *smiles in tears* I guess I just missed him so much I thought Dean Ambrose was him. But now I know he's not him, and I don't think I will ever find him anymore. *cries* I just want to find him again.  

Stephanie: Well Triple H gave you this job, and he wants you to work as a backstage interviewer. He says he has faith in you finding your husband.  

Kim: *smiles in sadness*  

Stephanie: Don't give up Kim, I also believe you will find him too. *smiles* And I'm sorry about earlier.  

Kim: *cries* Thank you Stephanie.  

Stephanie: *gives kim a hug*  

Kim: *meets up with nikki and brie*  

Nikki: What happened?  

Kim: *smiles* I got signed and I'll be working as a backstage interviewer.  

Nikki: That's not even enough for you to find your husband.  

Kim: I know, but it's enough for me to be seen on TV.  

Brie: That's right, it's better than not getting shown.  

Dean: *walking backstage*  

Kim: Um, Dean.  

Dean: *looks at kim annoyed* What do you want.  

Kim: Listen, I just want to apologize about before. I thought you were someone I knew, but you aren't. And I am ashamed and embarrassed of myself for it, so... sorry Dean.  

Dean: *chuckles* Idiot. *walks off*  

Kim: *offended*  

Brie: That was rude.  

Kim: He's not my husband; my husband isn't rude like that.  

Nikki: C'mon, let's go over here.  

(The Next Week On RAW)  

Kim: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest Seth Rollins. *smiles* Seth, last week you got the chance to beat Roman Reigns in a no disqualification match, and later tonight you are facing him again in a cage match. How are you feeling? Knowing it's your first cage match ever.  

Seth: How do I feel Kim? How do I feel? I feel great, knowing I will win again tonight! Now, listen to this ok Kim. I am Mr. Money in the Banks.  

Kim: Yeah, you are.  

Seth: I will cash in this contract soon, and I am gonna be the new WWE World Heavyweight...  

Dean: *attacks seth from behind*  

Kim: *screams and runs off*  

Brie: Great mic skills Kim, you did better than I thought.  

Kim: Thanks. *smiles*  

Nikki: For someone to not watch WWE and has no clue what we're all about. Kim you are perfect.  

Kim: *chuckles* No I'm not.  

Jane: Hi Kim, can I have a talk with you?  

Kim: Yeah.  

Jane: Stephanie wants you to change job.  

Kim: Oh? Ok.  

Jane: She's gonna have you as interviewer and your first storyline.  

Kim: First storyline?  

Jane: She's gonna have you work up with Dean Ambrose. She thinks you two needs to make up and get on the same page.  

Kim: Oh? Does he know?  

Jane: Yes I told him before I got to you.  

Kim: What did he say?  

Jane: He was kind of disappointed, but he said he'll do his best on screen with you.  

Kim: Oh, ok. *smileS* Thank you.  

Jane: No problem. *leaves*  

Kim: *walks back to the twins*  

Brie: What happened?  

Kim: I'm getting paired up with Dean for a storyline.  

Brie: What? Who's the other girl then?  

Kim: Wasn't told. Jane just said me and him.  

Brie: Good luck Kim. *smiles* Your dream is coming just a little closer.  

Kim: I'm unexperienced in the ring; I don't know how to wrestle.  

Brie: I'll teach you, don't worry.  

Kim: Alright then. *sighs and then chuckles*  

Dean: Hey!  

Kim: Uh,yeah?  

Brie: I'll let you two talk.  

Dean: Who are you? Why are you working here?  

Kim: Um, I'm uh... I'm new here.  

Dean: Yeah, I don't even know you and why are we working together?  

Kim: I don't know.  

Dean: Look, only on screen or out there we can talk and look at eachother! But back here like now off camera, we are to not talk or even be in eachother's way ok!  

Kim: Yeah.  

Dean: *rolls his eyes and walks off*  

Kim: *closes her eyes and exhales/turns around*  

Seth: Hey. *smiles*  

Kim: Uh, hi?  

Seth: So, harassing Ambrose huh?  

Kim: It wasn't even like that.  

Seth: Slapping him. *laughs* I give you props for that Kim. Not a huge fan of him either.  

Kim: *smiles*  

Seth: Listen, I have this storyline coming up with you and him. Let's go out and eat afterwards and get to know eachother a little bit more yeah?  

Kim: Oh, so you're the other person. Who's the other girl?  

Seth: There's not.  

Kim: Oh? Well then... yeah, I guess we can.  

Seth: Alright, I'll see you after my match. *smiles and walks off*  

Kim: *stands in awkwardness looking around*  

Summer: Hey, congrats on getting a contract.  

Kim: Thank you.  

Eva: Yeah, we are so proud of you. We heard you got this job because of the twins right? *looks at summer*  

Summer: Yeah, we heard you got this job because of them.  

Kim: Kind of.  

Eva: And the rest was because you are having an affair with Triple H, correct?  

Kim: What? I barely just met him last Tuesday.  

Summer: Right or you were harassing another superstar Dean Ambrose.  

Kim: I wasn't harassing...  

Renee: Hey Summer? What's going on?  

Summer: Renee? We were just welcoming Kim onto the roster. *smiles*  

Renee: Yeah, I heard, congrats. *smiles*  

Kim: *smiles* Thanks.  

Summer: Well, see you later girl. *leaves with eva*  

Renee: Hi, I'm Renee Young.  

Kim: Kim Ryans.  

Renee: It's nice to meet you, you did great at a backstage interviewer. *smiles*  

Kim: *smiles* Thank you Renee.  

Dean: Oh, there you are?  

Renee: Hey baby.  

Dean: What are you doing with her? *looks at kim*  

Kim: *feels stupid*  

Renee: Babe, this is Kim Ryans, she's new here.  

Dean: Yeah, I heard. I'm supposed to be working with her sometime soon with Seth.  

Renee: Oh, how fun. *smiles*  

Dean: Not really. *messes his hair up* Kind of wish it was with you.  

Renee: *smiles* Aw.  

Kim: *smiles* I look forward into working with you, and it was nice to meet you Renee. *smiles and leaves*  

Dean: Seth wants us to go eat with him after the show, let's go.  

Renee: Oh okay yeah.  

Seth: *walks out first to the ring*  

Roman: *walks out next*  

(Cage Lowers Down)  

Seth: *goes and attacks roman first*  

Roman: *fights back*  

Dean: *heads to the match*  

Seth: *curb stomps reigns and heads up the cage*  

Dean: *climbs the other side of the cage*  

Seth: *jumps down and turns around*  

Roman: *runs and spears seth*  

Seth: *laid out*  

Roman: *climbs up the cage and wins*  

Seth: *looks at dean and roman in disappointment*  

Dean: *laughs*  

Roman: *smiles*  

(After The Match)  

Kim: *walking backstage*  

Seth: Hey? Where you going?  

Kim: I was gonna head off.  

Seth: No, you're gonna go out with us remember?  

Kim: Us?  

Seth: Yeah, I invited Dean and his girlfriend Renee too.  

Kim: Oh? Ok.  

Dean: Hey, let's go.  

Seth: C'mon Kim.  

Dean: Wait, she's going?  

Seth: Yeah?  

Renee: What's wrong with that?  

Dean: Nothing, let's go then.  

Seth: So Renee, you must be real happy that Dean's back right?  

Kim: *looks at dean and renee*  

Renee: I am Seth. *smiles* I am.  

Seth: That's good. *smiles*  

Renee: We've been together for 8 years. When guys believed that he was dead, I waited 2 years and look where he is now. Next to me by my side. *smiles*  

Kim: You guys been together for 8 years?  

Renee: Well ten now. *chuckles*  

Kim: *fakes a smile* I envy your relationship.  

Renee: Why?  

Kim: I lost my husband.  

Renee: What happened?  

Kim: He took off with a friend the day after our wedding and never came back.  

Renee: Oh my gosh! That is bad, how long ago was this?  

Kim: This will be the second week now.  

Seth: Recent then, I'm sorry Kim.  

Kim: It's ok. *forces a smile*  

Seth: That's funny Dean came back the same time too, do you remember anything from your past?  

Dean: Nope, no one. *chuckles* But it's ok because none of them mattered anyways. *smiles*  

Kim: *gets hurt*  

Renee: Kim, you alright?  

Kim: *smiles* Yeah, I'm just hungry.  

Seth: The foods coming darling.  

Kim: *fakes a chuckles* Don't call me that please.  

Seth: Sorry.  

Kim: So, do you know when our storyline is starting?  

Seth: I think next week or so, why?  

Kim: Oh, just asking.  

Kathy: *calls kim*  

Kim: *looks at her phone* Hello?  

Kathy: Hi Kim, how are you?  

Kim: *panics* Is he home? Has he came back home yet? Is this why you're calling? He's back is he?  

Dean: *looks at kim*  

Kathy: No he's not, but I just called to tell you that I have to get back home, and I will be back next week to check up on your house.  

Kim: *makes a sad face* Oh... ok, thank you for letting me know, so he's not back then?  

Kathy: No he's not honey.  

Kim: Ok thanks Ms. Colace, take care.  

Seth: Well... let's eat and then head on our way out. *eats first*  

Jane: Kim.  

Kim: Yeah?  

Jane: So we got the scripts done, the storyline is starting today when you interview Seth Rollins.  

Kim: Ok.  

Jane: Alright, see you around. *leaves*  

Kim: *smiles* My guest, Seth Rollins. *smiles* Seth, this past Monday, you lost to Roman Reigns with the interference of Dean Ambrose. How do you feel about it?  

Seth: *chuckles* How do I feel? How do you think I feel?  

Kim: Well if it was me, I would be feeling upset, and wanting a rematch and making sure Dean Ambrose doesn't interfere again.  

Seth: *laughs* It's like you just read my mind Kim.  

Kim: Oh? *laughs*  

Seth: No, like you literally did. You know what, I think I'm gonna take you out to dinner some night. How about tonight yeah?  

Kim: *smiles* Uh, yeah, tonight sounds great. *chuckles*  

Seth: Wow you even smile beautiful.  

Kim: *smiles nervously* Thank you Seth.  

Seth: I'll see you later beautiful. *smiles and walks off*  

Dean: *walks up behind kim*  

Kim: *turns around* Oh. Hi Dean.  

Dean: *staring at kim*  

Kim: *gets nervous*  

Dean: *grabs the mic* Did I just hear him say you smile beautiful?  

Kim: Yeah.  

Dean: I'll tell you what's beautiful. What's beautiful was me watching Seth lose this past Monday on RAW to my brother Roman Reigns! Now that was beautiful. *looks at kim*  

Kim: *smiles*  

Dean: *walks off and turns back* Yeah, that smile is beautiful. *smiles and winks then walks off*  

Kim: *smiles at the camera*  

Renee: Hey.  

Dean: God that was a horrible scene, I did not like it at all.  

Renee: Why? I thought you did great.  

Dean: I don't like her.  

Renee: She seems like a nice girl, what's wrong with her?  

Dean: Nothing, just I don't like her. C'mon. *walks off with renee*  

Kim: *walking backstage*  

Eva: Well look who it is, already getting the big spotlight.  

Kim: What? I don't know get it Eva.  

Summer: I'm sure you're husband isn't lost; he probably just left you because he didn't love you anymore.  

Eva: Or never did love you.  

Summer: *laughs*  

Kim: Listen, I don't know you two and you two don't know me. Please don't act like you know me ok. I'm not here to start drama, I'm not here to make a big name for myself. I'm just here to look for my husband.  

Eva: Yeah, I hope you give the WWE credit if you ever do find him.  

Kim: At least I'm not a disgrace.  

Eva: *gets offended*  

Summer: *chuckles*  

Kim: And at least I'm not a slut.  

Eva: *laughs*  

Summer: *gets mad*  

Kim: *walks off*  

(After Smackdown)  

Seth: *looking at kim* Wow you are so beautiful. *smiles*  

Kim: *smiles* Thank you Seth.  

Seth: I'm so glad you accepted this date, I mean I hate getting rejected.  

Kim: Just like how you late losing right?  

Seth: *chuckles* Yes! Exactly again Kim.  

Kim: Well you did great on your match tonight.  

Seth: Thank you, thank you, I really appreciate it coming from a very beautiful girl like you.  

Kim: Well, I thank you for dinner tonight, but I think it's time we get going now.  

Seth: *looks at his watch* Oh yeah, it's getting late, we should head back. I'll go pay. *leaves*  

Kim: *sitting in the hotel room against the bed on the floor*  

Nikki: Hey, everything ok?  

Kim: *sad* Yeah, everything ok Nicole.  

Nikki: You know you can talk to me about anything right?  

Kim: Yeah, it's just... I wonder how my husband is doing. If he's cold, does he have a warm place to stay, is he fed, does he have a shelter over his head...  

Nikki: Has he at least called you?  

Kim: No.  

Nikki: Kim. *sits next to kim on the floor against the bed* Don't be sad. *hugs kim* I love you, you're my best friend, and I know you can do so much better.  

Kim: *cries* Why do I keep losing the ones I love Nikki? Why do I always have the ones I love disappear from me? Why am I getting treated like this? What am I doing wrong that god's punishing me?  

Nikki: *cries* You didn't do anything Kim. God is not punishing you ok! So stop it. I'm your friend, I'm still here and I will never leave your side no matter what ok. *hugs kim tighter* I love you Kim.  

Kim: *cries more*  

Nikki: Don't cry anymore ok. Let's go out and let's have some fun.  

Kim: I don't want to go.  

Nikki: C'mon, it'll take your mind off Jon.  

Kim: Ok.  

(At The Bar)  

Kim: *drinking heavily*  

Nikki: That is enough Kim, let's go home now.  

Kim: *drunk* No, I want more drink. You go ahead and go first.  

Nikki: No, c'mon Kim.  

Bryan: Kim, that's good, c'mon.  

Kim: I do not want to go ok! *cries* I want to stay here and drink as much as I can until I feel no more pain.  

Brie: If that's what she wants then fine, let's go. *pulling nikki*  

Nikki: *feels bad* Be careful Kim.  

Kim: *drinking and sees dean and renee* Jon, is that you? What happened to you Jon? *walks over to dean*  

Renee: *dancing with dean*  

Kim: *walks up to dean drunk* Jon. *smiles* What are you doing here Jon?  

Dean: What? Can you leave me alone.  

Kim: *puts her hand on deans cheek/cries* Don't you remember me Jon? I'm your wife.  

Dean: I'm not Jon. *kind of steps back*  

Kim: *falls and passes out*  

Renee: Kim! *checks on kim* Dean! Do something! She's drunk.  

Dean: *stands in silence*  

Renee: Dean!  

Dean: Fine! I'll take her back to the hotel, will you be ok going to the airport yourself?  

Renee: Yeah, I'll be fine, just take her back to the hotel and get her rested. I'll take the taxi to the airport instead.  

Dean: Alright.  

Renee: *kisses dean and leaves*  

Dean: *carries kim to the car and sets her in the passenger seat*  

Kim: *passed out*  

Dean: *looks at him annoyed* You little shit, why do you have to do this to me for. *starts the engine and drives off to the hotel*  

Kim: *wakes up* Where am I?  

Dean: *annoyed* We're headed back to the hotel.  

Kim: *looks and sees dean* Dean?  

Dean: What!  

Kim: *cries* I'm so sorry.  

Dean: Yeah you should be! You know I have a girlfriend and I love Renee, why do you keep doing this to me Kim! I'm not Jon and I'm not your lost husband ok! So stop it! *stops at the red light*  

Kim: I am... I'm very sorry. *runs out the car*  

Dean: Kim! *runs the red light and parks to the side and runs after kim* Kim! Wait! Stop!  

Kim: *running and passes out to the ground*  

Dean: Kim! *catches up to kim* What the hell Kim! *carries kim back to the car*  

Kim: *lying in the back seat blacked out*  

Dean: *carrying kim/bangs on the hotel door*  

Nikki: *opens the door*  

Dean: Move! *lays kim onto the bed*  

Nikki: Is she ok?  

Dean: Is she ok! Who took her out!?  

Nikki: I told her, but Brie...  

Dean: She came onto me and then pasted out and I take her back here and she runs from the car! What the hell! I am not responsible for someone I strong hate!  

Nikki: Why do you hate her? Just because she mistaken you for someone doesn't mean you grow hatred towards her!  

Dean: Slapping me, made me hate her more. *leaves*  

Kim: *passed out on the bed*  

Nikki: *checks up on kim*  

(The Next Day)  

Kim: *wakes up*  

Nikki: Hey you're up?  

Kim: Yeah. What happened last night? How'd I end up in here?  

Nikki: Dean carried you in.  

Kim: What?  

Nikki: Yeah, he said you went up to him and started crying and acting strange.  

Kim: I don't even remember.  

Nikki: Kim, I know you miss Jon, but that's Dean Ambrose ok. You have to understand that. It's like you're best friend with Brie and only knew her, but then you see me and you think I'm Brie.  

Kim: I'm so sorry Nicole. It won't happen again.  

Nikki: It's ok, c'mon pack up, we have to check out in an hour.  

Kim: Ok. *sits by her suitcase*  

Stephanie: Everyone has been working so hard that Triple H and I have chosen a few of you to go with us on a trip to the woods to camp for the weekend. How do you guys feel? Yeah? No? Maybe? *smiles*  

Triple H: Well, I've chosen a few and they are. The Miz, John Cena, Nikki Bella, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Ron Orton, Dean Ambrose, Eva Marie, Summer Rae, and Kim Ryans.  

Renee: *looks at dean*  

Dean: Why isn't Renee going?  

Stephanie: Well, I feel that she needed to stay behind and be with the others. Perhaps next time?  

Dean: Well, I don't want to go if Renee can't go.  

Renee: It's ok, go, I'll be fine here. *smiles*  

Dean: You sure?  

Renee: Yeah. *smiles*  

Dean: Alright.  


Triple H: Alright, who and who is going together?  

Seth: I have to ride with Randy.  

Eva: Yeah, I have to ride with Summer.  

John: Well, I can take the girls, and Roman with me, that's all 5 spaced filled there.  

Triple H: Yeah, and Miz, Seth and Randy can ride with Steph and I.  

Roman: Well there's Dean and Kim too.  

Nikki: They can ride together. *smiles*  

Stephanie: Yeah, they'll ride together.  

Triple H: Alright then.  

Dean: *pulls up*  

Stephanie: Dean, you are taking your car, Kim will be riding with you.  

Dean: What?  

Kim: *arrives*  

Nikki: *smiles* Kim you're riding with Dean.  

Kim: *looks at dean*  

Dean: *annoyed* Alright, it's cool with me.  

(All Sits In The Car)  

Dean: Sit in the back.  

Kim: *sits in the back*  

Dean: *driving*  

Kim: Are you hungry? I bought some chips to snack on.  

Dean: *annoyed* I don't want any.  

(Later On)  

Kim: Excuse me, Dean, is there a rest stop coming up? I need to go.  

Dean: Oh, we passed it already, I didn't know you needed to use the restroom.  

Kim: Oh, well then can you stop at a gas station please?  

Dean: *drives to the gas station*  

Kim: *runs to the store*  

Dean: *looks back and sees the bag of chips*  

Kim: *buying water*  

Dean: *eating the chips* This is good. *takes a few in his hands*  

Kim: *opens the door*  

Dean: *quickly shoves them in his mouth and chokes on it*  

Kim: *laughs softly* Here. *hands the water to dean*  

Dean: *takes it and takes a gulp* Thank you, I could of died.  

Kim: *smiles then chuckles*  

Dean: *smiles and drives off*  

All: *arrives at the woods*  

Eva: Wow, it's so pretty here.  

Summer: I know, isn't it lovely?  

Nikki: Yeah, it's really pretty, wish Brie was here to see it.  

Kim: *gets out the car*  

Nikki: Kim! *smiles and hugs her*  

Kim: *hugs nikki back*  

Triple H: Alright, let's go hiking up that path. *leads off*  

Eva: *steps on a rock with her heels* Ow! *cries*  

Summer: Eva! Are you ok?  

Eva: No, I think I sprained my ankle.  

Triple H: Let me see. *looks at eva's ankle*  

Eva: Careful, it hurts!  

Triple H: Well obviously, you're wearing 8 in. heels.  

Stephanie: Why would you wear that out here Eva?  

Eva: I didn't know we were gonna hike.  

Ron: She's pretending only because she doesn't want to hike, get up, let's go already.  

Kim: *looks at Ron* She's not kidding Ron! *goes and looks for thick branches* Here, this should help. *takes off her scarf and ties a knot around the woods* There, wait. *grabs miz's scarf*  

Mike: Hey!  

Kim: *ties the scarf around for protection* Ok. *looks at the sun* It's getting dark, we should head back to the car and head to our hotel.  

Eva: *looks at kim*  

All: *leaves back to the car*  

Dean: Where did she learn all that?  

Roman: She lived in the woods all her life with her father. Her mother passed away when she as 10, her father stayed single. She lost her father not too long ago, and not just that, but her husband took off and never came back too.  

Dean: Yeah, I heard.  

Roman: She's a strong person for her size.  

Dean: Yeah, she is.  

Roman: C'mon.  

Kim: Roman, you can ride with Dean, I'll ride with Eva and make sure she's ok.  

Roman: Oh, ok then. *rides with dean*  

(At The Restaurant)  

Dean: *laughing and talking with roman*  

Eva: *looks over at kim*  

Kim: *forces a small smile*  

Eva: *fakes a smile*  

Dean: *phone rings* Oh, I'll be back. *leaves*  

Kim: *looks at dean leaving*  

Nikki: *looking at kim*  

Kim: I'll be back, I'm gonna get some fresh air. *leaves the table*  

Dean: *on the phone*  

Kim: *sees a cart with hot breads*  

Worker: *calls his wife* Hi honey, I'll be home a little late, so don't stay up waiting for me. There's a lot of people buying, and I have to make extra's. Take the kids and go to bed ok? *hangs up*  

Kim: *feels bad/walks to the cart* Hi. *smiles*  

Worker: How many types of bread would you like?  

Kim: I want all of them. *smiles*  

Worker: What? All of them! Are you sure you want them all?  

Dean: *about to walk in the restaurant and sees kim*  

Kim: Yes, all of them, so you can go home and be with your family. *smiles*  

Worker: *bags up all the breads* Alright here you go, total is $125.  

Kim: *grabs her wallet* Huh?  

Dean: I got it, how much?  

Worker: $125.  

Dean: Here, keep the change.  

Worker: Thank you, thank you too very much. God bless you two beautiful hearts. Hope you two last for a long time. *takes his cart and moves on*  

Kim: *looks at dean*  

Dean: *chuckles* Yeah, we're actually not together.  

Nikki: Kim! What are you doing? C'mon, come in.  

Kim: Can you take these in? I'm gonna go for a walk.  

Nikki: Ok, hurry back ok.  

Kim: *smiles and walks towards the lake*  

Dean: *watches kim*  

Kim: *sighs*  

Dean: *slowly walks to kim at the lake*  

Kim: *throws a rock*  

Dean: That's not how you do it.  

Kim: *gets startled* You scared me Dean.  

Dean: This is how you do it. *rock skips*  

Kim: *laughs* Wow, that is so cool? How'd you do that?  

Dean: You have to get the perfect angle. *shows kim*  

Kim: *throws and rock fails* Aw. *makes a sad face*  

Dean: Here, let me help you. *gets behind kim/puts his arms around her and shows her*  

Kim: *leans over*  

Dean: Now throw it.  

Kim: *throws the rock and screams* I did it! I did it! Did you see that!? *chuckles and then smiles*  

Dean: *smiles softly*  

Kim: *smiles to herself at the lake*  

Dean: You seem such like a happy girl. What happened to your husband if I may ask?  

Kim: *stands in silence* He...  

Dean: *phone rings* Oh hold on. Hello?  

Renee: Sorry, I got cut off, how is it there?  

Dean: It's beautiful here, I wish you were here to see it too. Right now I'm at the lake and maybe one day you and I can come here together for a vacation. *smiles*  

Kim: *gets hurt*  

Dean: You want a video? Ok, I'll send you one right now. I love you, bye. *records*  

Kim: *silently* He's dead.  

Dean: *stops recording and looks at kim*  

Kim: *walks off back to the others*  

Roman: Kim! Kim! Let's drink this patron together for you getting this awesome job. *laughs*  

Nikki: No, she doesn't need to drink Roman.  

Roman: *drunk* C'mon, it'll be fun.  

Nikki: No stop it.  

Kim: *smiles* Ok, let's do it. *drinks and takes shots with roman*  

Dean: *looking over at kim*  

Triple H: So any relation change with her?  

Dean: No.  

Triple H: Why not, she seems like a nice girl. She just made a little mistake.  

Dean: Yeah, but I love Renee Hunter. Kim will always be an acquaintance only.  

Stephanie: She's a very lovely and beautiful girl, how can her husband just leave her like that?  

Triple H: I don't know.  

Kim: *walking up the stairs drunk*  

Dean: *watching kim*  

Kim: *tips over*  

Dean: Kim! *catches kim*  

Kim: *smiles drunk* Dean Ambrose. *touches his face in tears* I'm sorry Dean Ambrose. *smiles and passes out*  

Dean: Shit! Uh... *carries kim to his room*  

Kim: *lying on deans hotel bed*  

Dean: *sees kims necklace and opens it and sees a paper* What is this? *unrolls the paper and reads it*Even if my memories don't come back and even if I have to return to where i came from... I promise to always love you and be with you forever. *looks at kim and puts the paper back in the necklace*  

Kim: *passed out*  

Dean: *sits on the couch and goes to sleep* 

Kim: *wakes up and looks around the room* Where am I? *sits up and sees dean sleeping on the couch/gasp* I slept in his room? *looks at herself* Did he? No, he can't. *slowly walks up to the door*  

Roman: Dean, wake up, it's time to go. *knocks on the door* Dean!  

Dean: *knocked out*  

Kim: *looks back at dean and then listens to the door*  

Roman: *walks off*  

Kim: *slowly opens the door and leaves*  

Dean: *hears the door close and wakes up*  

Renee: *views the video* Wow, it is beautiful. *smiles*  

Kim: *in the background* He's dead.  

Renee: Huh? The video stopped. *rewinds it again* Oh? That' weird.  

All: *arrives at the WWE Headquarter*  

Renee: Oh, hey you guys are all back.  

Nikki: Yes, we are. *smiles* You could have come with us Renee, it was so beautiful.  

Renee: Yes, Dean sent me the video, it was beautiful. *smiles*  

Stephanie: Maybe next time you can make it to the list.  

Renee: Yeah.  

All: *gets in their car and leaves*  

Dean: *dropping kim off at the hotel*  

Kim: Thank you for dropping me off here instead Dean.  

Dean: *smiles* You're welcome Kim.  

Kim: *about to get out the car*  

Dean: I'm sorry about your husband.  

Kim: *sits in silence hurt again*  

Dean: I hope you will find love again.  

Kim: *fakes a smile* Thank you Dean. *gets out the car and checks in the hotel*  

Renee: *calls dean*  

Dean: Hello?  

Renee: Hey Dean, where are you?  

Dean: Oh, I just pulled up to the WWE Headquarter right now.  

Renee: Really? Where are you?  

Dean: I just parked in front of the doors, where are you?  

Renee: Me? Oh, I just got out the taxi; I'm on my way to the hotel right now.  

Dean: Oh ok, I'll see you in a bit then.  

Renee: Ok. *fakes a smile*  

Dean: I love you.  

Renee: I love you too Dean.  

Kim: *sitting in her hotel on the floor*  

Brie: *knocks on the door*  

Kim: Who is it?  

Brie: It's Brie.  

Kim: *opens the door* Hey?  

Brie: How was the trip? Nikki told me all about it.  

Kim: It was great.  

Brie: So you got to sit with him on the way there and back I heard?  

Kim: Yeah, I did, but it was nothing. We hardly talked.  

Brie: Aw. Did he at least talk to you a little?  

Kim: Yeah, he did Brie. *smiles* It was nice, but still he didn't remembered me.  

Brie: Aw, it's ok. Are you ready for tomorrow?  

Kim: Yeah, I am. I'm ready to move on now.  

Brie: That's good.  

Kim: Brie, I'm sorry, I'm tired, I'm gonna get some sleep, can you leave?  

Brie: Oh yeah, sorry. *leaves*  

Dean: *meets up with renee at the hotel*  

Renee: *smiles* Hey.  

Dean: Hey. *smiles and hugs renee*  

Renee: How'd you beat me here first?  

Dean: Oh, I took a different route.  

Renee: Oh okay. How was the trip?  

Dean: It was fun, loved it. *smiles*  

(The Next Night)  

Kim: Ladies and gentlemen, Dean Ambrose. *smiles* Dean, last week you interfered into Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns cage match causing Seth to lose, tonight you're put in a cage match against Randy Orton, what's going thru your mind right now?  

Dean: My mind? *messes his hair up* That you're really, really beautiful. *smiles*  

Kim: *chuckles* Oh? Thank you Dean, but that didn't answer my question, how are you feeling right now?  

Dean: I feel great. *chuckles* I get to beat Randy Orton up in that cage and no one gets to interfere. Now let me ask you this, do you know how it feels to be stabbed in the back by your... well he's not my brother anymore, but to get stabbed in the back by someone you trusted?  

Kim: *starts to think of jon* Uh... *looks at the camera* I, I uh, I know how it feels to be stabbed in the back and left alone to suffer Dean.  

Dean: *notices kims character changing and feels bad*  

Kim: I'm sorry. *walks off from the camera*  

Dean: *turns back and looks at kim*  

Kim: *crying*  

Nikki: *hugs kim*  

Dean: *walks up to kim* Are you ok Kim?  

Kim: *wipes her tears and smiles* Yeah, I'm ok Dean.  

Dean: I didn't know that was gonna happen.  

Kim: *cries* Yeah, I'm ok and it's ok Dean.  

Dean: *hugs kim* I'm sorry.  

Renee: *sees dean hugging kim*  

Dean: *sees renee* Renee.  

Renee: *fakes a smile* Hi, I was just looking for you.  

Dean: Why are you looking for me?  

Renee: I wanted to talk about our engagement.  

Nikki: Engagement? Since when?  

Renee: Dean and I got engaged a while back. *smiles* We just didn't want to tell anyone.  

Kim: *even more hurt*  

Dean: Um, yeah, what's up?  

Renee: Well I wanted to go try on dresses this week.  

Dean: Yeah, we can go Thursday.  

Renee: *smiles* Ok. *walks off*  

Kim: You're engage?  

Dean: Yeah, I am Kim. *smiles*  

Kim: I have to go. *walks off*  

Renee: *trying on dresses*  

Dean: I like that one, let's get that one.  

Renee: You like this one?  

Dean: Yeah, I do.  

Renee: Ok, then we'll get this one then.  

Dean: Alright.  

Kim: *takes the next flight home*  

Kathy: Hey honey, you're home.  

Kim: Yeah, I wanted to be home.  

Kathy: How are the twins treating you there?  

Kim: Great. *smiles* I missed this place so much.  

Kathy: I bet you did. I cleaned everything up and did laundry.  

Kim: Thank Ms. Colace. I won't be going back, so you can go home.  

Kathy: Oh? Okay then, I'll leave in the morning.  

Stephanie: What do you mean she resigned?!  

Mark: I tried to tell her, but she wouldn't listen.  

Stephanie: I'm the one that signed her! She has to talk to me! Not you or Jane!  

Triple H: Listen here asshole! Get her back or you'll be fired!  

Mark: Yes, I will. *leaves and calls kim*  

Kim: Hello?  

Mark: Hi, Kim it's Mark calling from WWE.  

Kim: Oh hey Mark.  

Mark: Triple H and Stephanie are very upset with you right now. They want you back in the company tomorrow.  

Kim: I'm not coming Mark, I'm sorry.  

Mark: No, you have to Kim, this is important that you come back. If you don't, I'm fired.  

Kim: They can't fire you! You didn't even do anything wrong.  

Mark: I let you go, that's what was wrong.  

Kim: I'm sorry Mark, I'll come back tomorrow.  

Mark: Thank you Kim, this job means a lot to me and I can't get fired.  

Kim: Alright, I'll be there.  

Mark: Ok.  

Kim: Bye.  

Dean: What!? What do you means he quit? She's in this storyline with us, she can't just leave!  

Seth: Dean! Relax. *laughs* You have a fiancé already, what's so important about her that you need her to be here?  

Dean: Nothing. *walks off*  

(Before SmackDown Taping)  

Kim: *arrives to the arena and gets out the car and walks to the building*  

Ron: Huh? *looks at kim closer* Isn't she?  

Kim: *walks pass ron*  

Ron: *thinks back and remembers kims face*  

Seth: *gets out the car*  

Ron: Seth! Seth! I need to talk to you about something Seth. Do you have a minute?  

Seth: What is it?  

Ron: She's here.  

Seth: *gives ron a concern look* Who?  

Ron: Dean's wife.  

Seth: What?  

Ron: Didn't you see her? She was in the car before you?  

Seth: No? I wasn't paying attention.  

Ron: She's here, what if she snitches us out.  

Seth: Did she see you?  

Ron: No, I don't think she's ever seen me before.  

Seth: Then we're good.  

Kim: *walks back out to the car*  

Ron: Right there! She's right there!  

Seth: *looks* Kim?  

Ron: Yes, that's the girl I saw at the wedding ceremony in the white dress.  

Seth: Ok look, you have to go now ok.  

Ron: No, I need my money first, then I'll go! You promised you'll pay me 50 Grand.  

Seth: No you're not getting the money! You failed! He is back, but you are lucky he doesn't remember what happened to him.  

Ron: He doesn't?  

Seth: No idiot! Now leave before you get caught!  

Ron: I need the money.  

Seth: No! You failed the mission, leave!  

Ron: Fine. *leaves*  

Seth: Gosh! Fuckin bitch man! *walks into the building  

Kim: *walking back to the building*  

Ron: *walking by and looks at kim*  

Seth: Hey Kim?  

Kim: Hey Seth. *smiles*  

Seth: Um listen, do you know who took your husband?  

Kim: No, I don't. All I got was a voicemail from him saying his best friend and him are leaving to see his mother before she took her last breath.  

Seth: So you never seen this friend before right?  

Kim: No, why?  

Seth: Just asking.  

Kim: Do you?  

Seth: No, I don't. *chuckles* I don't even know how your husband looks like Kim.  

Kim: Right. Well I have to get ready for tonight; I'll see you in a bit.  

Seth: Ok. *leaves*  

Dean: So I heard you quit? How come you're here?  

Kim: Oh, I came back, I didn't want Mark to lose his job, so I came.  

Renee: *sees dean talking to kim*  

Dean: You know you're gonna get in trouble by the authority right?  

Kim: Yeah, but it's not like it's my first Dean.  

Dean: Yeah. Well um, I'll see around. *smiles and leaves*  

Kim: Wait.  

Dean: Yeah?  

Kim: Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?  

Dean: I don't know maybe because I like you now. *smiles and walks off*  

Renee: *gets hurt*  

Kim: *stands in silence*  

Summer: Hey Kim, Eva and I opened up a store and we want you to come in to work for us. Is that ok with you?  

Kim: Uh, yeah that's fine with me. When?  

Summer: We are opening Friday night, so be there. Everyone will be there too.  

Kim: Ok, I'll be there.  

Summer: Ok, be professional too ok.  

Kim: Yeah.  

Summer: *leaves*  

Seth: *staring at kim worried*  

Dean: Hey? Everything ok with you?  

Seth: Uh yeah, why?  

Dean: Why do you look so scared?  

Seth: No, I'm good, I'm real good, I'm gonna go get ready for our match. *walks off*  

(Friday- Grand Opening)  

Kim: *walks in*  

Eva: Oh, good you're here, I want this window wiped down clean, everything in here dusted.  

Kim: Ok. *cleans the store*  

Eva/Summer: *setting up the store*  

Guest: *arrives*  

Dean: *arrives with renee*  

Cameron: *talking to renee* Why are you just standing there acting like nothing is wrong?  

Renee: Nothing is wrong Cameron.  

Cameron: I will do something about this, Dean is your man, and she needs to understand that.  

Renee: Cameron, please don't.  

Cameron: No, let me Renee. *walks to kim*  

Kim: *serving people snacks*  

Cameron: *purposely stands in kims way*  

Kim: *turns around and bumps into Cameron*  

Cameron: *scream*  

All: *looks at Cameron and kim*  

Dean: *about to walk to kim*  

Renee: *pulls dean back* I'm not feeling to well Dean, let's go.  

Dean: *looks at kim*  

Kim: I'm so sorry, let me clean that for you.  

Cameron: *grabs the towel from kim angrily* Sorry? *pushes kim* Is that all you can say? Sorry! *pushes kim again*  

Kim: *falls back and knocks down the glass stand*  

Renee: *gasp*  

All: *gasp*  

Dean: Kim! *runs and covers kim*  

(Glass falls on dean)  

Renee: Dean! *gets worried*  

Cameron: *stares down and rolls her eyes*  

Kim: *looks at dean*  

Dean: Are you ok? *helps kim up*  

Summer: What the hell Kim!? I invited you to be help us and be professional! You call this professional!?  

Dean: Maybe you should ask your guest how they are before bitching! *grabs kims hand and walks out of the store*  

Renee: *gets hurt*  

Summer: *screams in anger* I'm sorry everyone, continue on with what you were doing. C'mon.  

Renee: *sees kims necklace and grabs it*  

Kim: Wait a minute! Let go of my hand!  

Renee: *reads the paper* Even if my memories don't come back and even if I have to return to my family... I promise to always love you and be with you forever. Whoever takes off the necklace first will have to obey them for the rest of the year. *gasp*  

Dean: *lets go of kims hand* I'm sorry, it's my fault.  

Dean: Don't you think you say sorry too much?! Anyone can say that they're sorry after making a mistake! So you'll let anyone step all over you like that!  

Kim: Dean...  

Dean: How long will you put up with everything?! Don't you have any pride?! What is it that you want out of your life?! Do you want my sympathy?!  

Kim: Don't you think you're crossing the line?  

Dean: If that's not what you want, do you still see your dead husband in me!  

Kim: *stands in silence hurt/walks off*  

Dean: *grabs onto kims arm* Isn't this what you wanted? You acted like you were weak and mistreated by others so that you could gain my sympathy. You wanted to steal my heart right!? If it was you plan... then you've succeeded. I feel sympathy for you. I felt pity for you when you approached me and called me your dead husband's name. I really pitied your plight!  

Kim: *cries* You're lying right? You're just making that up right?  

Dean: Please... just get out of my sight. It's no longer fun watching you make a fool out of yourself.  

Kim: *cries and runs off*  

Dean: *stands in silence hurt*  

Renee: Dean? Let's go home.  

Dean: *walks off first to the car*  

Renee: *follows behind*  

Dean: *parks the car*  

Renee: I had a great time tonight, I hope you and Kim weren't too hurt from earlier.  

Dean: I'm fine, just go home,  

Renee: *gets out the car and walks into her room*  

Dean: *takes off*  

Renee: *grabs kims necklace and opens the jewelry box and sees the identical necklace that belongs to dean*  

(Monday Night RAW)  

Nikki: *walking backstage*  

Renee: Nikki, is Kim here yet?  

Nikki: She's not coming tonight, something came up, why?  

Renee: Is this Kim's necklace?  

Nikki: Oh, there it is, she's been looking for it. Wait, how'd you end up having it?  

Renee: She dropped it at Summer and Eva's grand opening for their store.  

Nikki: Oh?  

Renee: Do you know why she isn't here?  

Nikki: She quit, she won't be coming back.  

Renee: *stands in silence*  

Kim: *walking to her hotel and sees deans car*  

Dean: *walks out the car*  

Kim: *stares at dean and walks off*  

Dean: Let's talk.  

Kim: Why? You still have more to say to me? I quit just like you wanted me to and I already told you that I would never appear before you again.  

Dean: I didn't know you quit, just thought you called the day off.  

Kim: *stands in silence upset/hurt*  

Dean: If you're quitting because of what I said to you Friday, then I apologize. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that.  

Kim: *tries not to cry* You're apologizing? You said I was a pitiful fool. You feel pity that I have nowhere to go after quitting? But you know what? I don't want to accept your apology, it's too late... You hurt me deeply. If that's all you have to say, then please go.  

Dean: *grabs onto kims arm*  

Kim: Let me go.  

Dean: *yanks onto kims arm harder*  

Kim: *crying* You said it was no longer fun watching me make a fool out of myself! You told me to get out of your sight!  

Dean: *pulls kim and hugs her tightly*  

Kim: *crying*  

Dean: I lied. I thought I could get over my feelings for you.  

Kim: *cries harder*  

Dean: *hugs kim tighter* But I can't... I really can't Kim.  

Kim: *crying*  

Dean: *closes his eyes*  

Renee: *rings the doorbell*  

Kathy: Hi?  

Renee: Hi, I just want to ask you a few questions about this house?  

Kathy: Ok?  

Renee: Who owns this place?  

Kathy: The owner, his daughter, and her husband. The place was so fun, and loud with the three of them. These days, it's kinda lonely now.  

Renee: What happened to the daughter and her husband?  

Kathy: The husband just disappeared one day.  

Renee: Disappeared?  

Kathy: Yes.  

Renee: *hurt* What, what happened after that?  

Kathy: She left with my daughter's to the WWE and got the job there after she thought she saw her husband there.  

Renee: *shocked/hurt*  

Kathy: Is everything ok?  

Renee: Yes, I'm gonna have to go now. *leaves*  

Kim: *spending time with dean* So when did you know you liked me?  

Dean: I think... it all started on that day when you mistook me for Jon Mox.  

Kim: *smiles* You're lying. You were so mean that day.  

Dean: I really think that was the moment I started liking you. That's when I started to like you. My heart started to ache ever since then.  

Kim: *smiles*  

Dean: I heard from someone that your life will become unbearable if you get obsessed with the person you have a crush on. My life became miserable when I started to get obsessed with you... *pulls kim and hugs her* We'll be facing a lot of problems ahead of us, but even if other people despise me and make me feel guilty, I'll stay true to you.  

Kim: *smiles in tears*  

Dean: It's been all day, let's go back to the hotel now.  

Kim: *smiles* Ok.  

Dean: *drops kim off and heads to his hotel*  

Renee: *waiting for dean outside*  

Dean: Renee?  

Renee: I was just waiting for you.  

Dean: Good, we need to talk too. Let's go somewhere private.  

Renee: *follows dean*  

Dean: *talks to renee*  

Renee: *tries not to cry*  

Dean: I'm sorry. I wish I could only leave you with fond memories.  

Renee: *cries* You don't have to be sorry, we still have a lot of time ahead of us right?  

Dean: *takes off his engagement ring and puts it in renee's palm*  

Renee: *looks at it with tears in her eyes*  

Dean: I hope you'll meet someone who won't make you wait... Someone who won't hurt you and will only have eyes for you.  

Renee: *hurt*  

Dean: I thought I could try to keep out relationship together.  

Renee: Is it because of Kim?  

Dean: *looks at renee*  

Renee: *gets angry* What is she to you?! You don't even know her well! She doesn't have a good education, she's has nothing to her name. Can she at least offer you any help in your life?!  

Dean: Those things don't matter.  

Renee: *crying* You're crazy! You're not thinking straight! You are just dazed and confused. You're just interested in a new cheap girl that you've never seen before. I understand that she looks special to you now, but you'll get tired of her because you can't see that you'll get chewed out and tossed away. If you go out with her, this is how I am. I'm in love with someone who's like that.  

Dean: That's me, you can hate me all you want.  

Renee: *cries her heart out*  

Dean: You can go ahead and get angry with me all you want... Until it makes you feel better. Don't ever forgive me.  

Renee: *cont. crying her heart out* Love? You hardly mentioned love while we dated for 10 years. Do you think love is easy to attain? I'll prove it to you... I won't lose you like this... Not like this!  

Dean: *tries not to cry* Goodbye Renee. *walks off*  

Renee: *cries more*  

(Smackdown Taping)  

Kim: *smiles* Ladies and gentlemen, Dean Ambrose. *smiles* Dean, tonight you have a tag team match with Roman Reigns to go against Seth Rollins and Randy Orton.  

Dean: Kim, baby, listen to me. *smiles*  

Kim: *smiles*  

Dean: Roman Reigns and I will win tonight. If you're asking me if we're gonna win, we are ok. *chuckles* Now, let me ask you this Kim. Do you know how good it feels when you win a victory? When you win your biggest match ever?  

Kim: Yeah, I do. *smiles*  

Dean: Good because later tonight when I pin Seth or Randy 1,2,3... and you better be watching. I'm gonna take you out tonight to celebrate that victory and I'll show you exactly what I mean. *smiles*  

Kim: *smiles*  

Dean: *winks and walks off*  

Kim: Well, you heard it from Dean. *smiles*  

Nikki: Hey girl.  

Kim: *smiles* Hey Nikki.  

Nikki: So what's going on with you? You came back.  

Kim: Yeah, I did. I wasn't gonna let Summer or Eva ruin me and my career that I'm already having.  

Nikki: Yeah, you shouldn't. I heard what happened that day too, what a bitch right?  

Kim: Yeah, but it's whatever, I'm not gonna pay attention to her. She's not important to me.  

Dean: *walks to kim* Hey. *smiles*  

Kim: *smiles* Hey Dean.  

Dean: Got a minute? *smiles*  

Nikki: *gives kim a confused look*  

Dean: Can I have a word with my girlfriend please?  

Nikki: *chuckles* What?  

Dean: *gives nikki a serious look* You mind for reals?  

Nikki: Sorry, yeah. *walks off*  

Kim: What's up?  

Dean: Nothing, I just wanted to be with you. *chuckles*  

Kim: *smiles*  

Dean: *leans over and hugs kim*  

Kim: *hugs dean back*  

Renee: *sees them and gets jealous*  

Seth: What's wrong Renee?  

Renee: Can you believe Dean left me for her? I mean, she's not even all that to begin with.  

Seth: Well... wait, he left you? I thought you two were engaged?  

Renee: Nope, not anymore.  

Seth: That sucks.  

Renee: Yeah, it does.  

Seth: When's the wedding?  

Renee: Never. *walks off*  

Seth: *looks over at kim and dean*  

Dean: *gives kim a look*  

Kim: *chuckles* What?  

Dean: Nothing, you're just really beautiful Kim.  

Kim: *blushes* Thank you Dean.  

Dean: So who's better? Me or your dead husband?  

Kim: You're both the same to me. *smiles*  

(A Few Months Later)  

Dean: Hello? *runs*  

Renee: *laying in bed*  

Dean: Stay here, I'll come back ok.  

Kim: Ok.  

Dean: *gives kim a kiss on the forehead and runs off to the room*  

Dean: Renee, Renee, what happened?  

Renee: *crying*  

Dean: Renee.  

Renee: Go away Dean, why are you even here for? You don't even love me anymore.  

Dean: Renee, don't say that, we're still friends.  

Renee: Go away Dean. *crying*  

Kim: *walks to the room by the door*  

Dean: *cries* Renee, if it's because of me, I am sorry. *grabs renee's hand* I am truly sorry for hurting you and not realizing it.  

Renee: Leave me to die Dean.  

Dean: Don't say that Renee! I love you ok.  

Renee: *looks at dean*  

Dean: I want to get back Renee, I really do.  

Kim: *gets hurt again*  

Dean: I want to get married Renee, like we always planned.  

Renee: Really?  

Dean: Yeah, I want to Renee, I want to get married.  

Renee: *smiles in tears*  

Dean: *smiles and hugs renee*  

Kim: *cries and leaves*  

Dean: I have to go, I have to show to do tomorrow.  

Renee: Ok, come back ok?  

Dean: I will. *kisses renee and leaves*  

Kim: *packing her bags*  

Dean: *looking for kim* Kim? *calls kim*  

Kim: *slowly* Yeah?  

Dean: Where'd you go Kim?  

Kim: *trying not to cry* Um, I'm leaving Dean.  

Dean: Why? To where babe?  

Kim: Don't call me that please.  

Dean: What? Kim.  

Kim: I'm heading to the Headquarter, I'm leaving for reals now Dean.  

Dean: I thought you loved this job though? With me?  

Kim: I don't, you love Renee Dean, I can tell you truly still do love her. So what are you waiting for? Get back with her and get married like you said.  

Dean: You were listening?!  

Kim: *cries* I'm sorry Dean. *hangs up*  

Dean: *runs to the car and heads back to the hotel*  

Kim: *takes the taxi and leaves the hotel*  

Dean: *misses and doesn't see kim*  

Kim: *on the way to the airport*  

Dean: *opens the hotel door* Kim! *looks for kims things and sees nothing* Shit! *grabs his things and leaves the hotel room/calls kim*  

Operator: I'm sorry the number you dial is not in service right now, please call back again at a later time.  

Dean: No, no, no! This can't be!  

Kim: *boards the flight to Connecticut*  

Dean: *heads off to San Diego*  

Jane: Alright, we will let Stephanie and Triple H. know.  

Kim: Thank you Jane. *leaves*  

Jane: If you ever want to come back, you can ok Kim.  

Kim: *smiles* Thank you. *walks off*  

Dean: *warming up backstage*  

Kim: *walks into her home/smiles* I'm home dad. *sits on the couch* Where are you Jon?  

Brie: What's with the look?  

Dean: Have you seen Kim?  

Brie: No, why?  

Dean: She quit.  

Brie: Again?  

Dean: Yeah.  

Brie: Why?  

Dean: Because of me.  

Brie: *anger* What did you do?!  

Dean: Calm down, I got back with Renee.  

Brie: What?!  

Dean: I had to, Renee hurt herself because of me.  

Brie: And if Kim hurts herself because of you too.  

Dean: Then I'll take the blame and pay for it.  

Brie: You're an ass Dean. *walks off*  

Kim: *walks up to the mountain to the mail box and opens it* Still no mail from him? *grabs the mails* And still the ones I wrote him are still here. *gets sad*  

Kathy: *walks in the house* Kim?  

Kim: *walks in thru the back door*  

Kathy: Kim?  

Kim: Oh, Ms. Colace, I didn't know you were here.  

Kathy: Yes, I came back last night to check up on the house.  

Kim: I'm sorry, I should have called you. I know it must have been tiring driving here back and forth.  

Kathy: It's just 5 hours honey.  

Kim: Yeah, but still.  

Kathy: When are you heading back?  

Kim: Oh, I quit.  

Kathy: Why?  

Kim: Because.  

Kathy: *makes a face* Well ok, I'll leave tomorrow.  

Kim: You don't have to.  

Kathy: Why?  

Kim: Ms. Colace, I know I found Jon already.  

Kathy: Yeah?  

Kim: But he's not who is he anymore I think.  

Kathy: How come?  

Kim: I don't know.  

Kathy: Well, maybe he just isn't the one then honey.  

Kim: I know he isn't anymore. *cries* I really do love him.  

Kathy: *hugs kim* Don't cry, everything will be alright.  

Kim: *sits in silence*  

(The Next Month- RAW)  

Dean: *wrestling seth in a match*  

Seth: *runs and hits dean with a chair shot to the dead*  

Dean: *falls to the ground*  

Seth: *laughs*  

Dean: *shakes his head/having flashbacks*  


Dean: *kicks the gun farther and runs to get it*  

Guy 1: *falls to the ground*  

Dean: *grabs the gun and turns around*  

Guy 1: *runs and stabs dean in the side with a pocketknife*  

Dean: *groans*  

Guy 1: *puts dean down* Now I told you to listen didn't I?  

Dean: *coughs out blood*  

Guy 1: *beats dean up and throws him down the cliff*  

Dean: *tumbles down the cliff*  

Ref: Dean you need to call off the match?  

Dean: *flashback continues*  

Jon: Mr. Ryans, I want to marry your daughter.  

Luke: What?  

Jon: Please, I know your daughter nevered really had a love one besides you as her father, but I'm willing to love her just as much as you are.  

Luke: You want to marry my daughter?  

Jon: Yes. *smiles*  

Luke: *sighs* Fine, when do you want to do the ceremony?  

Kim: *smiles* Really dad?  

Luke: Yes, when?  

Jon: Tomorrow.  

Luke: Tomorrow?  

Jon: Or as soon as possible is fine too.  

Luke: Alright then, tomorrow it is.  

Ref: Dean, are you ok?  

Dean: *shakes his head*  

Ref: You want to call off the match?  

Dean: Kim. *looks at the ref and gets out the ring*  

Ref: Dean! C'mon! *counts* 1! 2! C'mon get back in the ring!  

Dean: *walks off back to the back*  

Ref: 9! 10! Ring the bell!  

John: Dean?  

Dean: *faints*  

John: Dean!  

(The Next Week)  

Renee: Can you believe we are getting married this weekend?  

Dean: *smiles and puts his arms around renee* I can't believe it either, I'm am very happy that we are getting married Renee. *smiles and kisses her*  

Renee: *smiles and hugs dean*  

(The Night Before Smackdown)  

Dean: *dreaming*  

Kim: It's a necklace for couples?  

Jon: Yes, but there's a sad history about these necklaces. The first person that takes off the necklace will be cursed and must obey whatever the other person say.  

Kim: *smiles*  

Jon: *puts the necklace on kim*  

Dean: *wakes up* What the hell dream was that?  

(Later That Day- Smackdown taping)  

Seth: *eating*  

Dean: Hey, can I ask you a question?  

Roman: What is it?  

Dean: Was I carrying anything with me when I got back home from the accident? Like a necklace or something?  

Seth: No? Why?  

Dean: Just asking.  

Roman: Why did you?  

Dean: I don't know, I don't remember.  

(Wedding Weekend)  

Summer: What are you doing? Let's go, we're gonna be late? Where's the necklace and ring?  

Renee: I'll get it.  

Summer: Here, I got it. *grabs the wrong jewelry box* Ok, let's go. *smiles*  

Renee: Ok.  

Dean: *fixing his tie and thinking about his flashback and dream*  

Renee: *leaves to use the restroom*  

Dean: *walks into renee's room*  

Roman: *calls dean*  

Dean: Hello?  

Roman: Where you at? Everyone's here waiting already.  

Dean: Ok, I'll be on my way down. *hangs up and accidently knocks down the jewelry box* Shit. *picks up the box and sees the same necklace as kims* What the heck? *opens the necklace and sees the same paper and reads it*  

Renee: *walks in the room and smiles* Sorry, I had to... *sees dean holding the necklace*  

Dean: *on one knee upset* Why is this necklace here?  

Renee: I, I guess Summer brought the wrong rings, let me go and get them at the house real quick.  

Dean: *upset* Why do you have this necklace?! How did you get this?  

Renee: Well, you see... *stands in silence*  

Dean: You took this from me, didn't you?  

Renee: No, I didn't, actually...  

Dean: You knew everything didn't you? I'm right aren't I?! You knew it all along.  

Renee: *cries*  

Dean: Did you think you'd be able to hide the fact from me by taking this? How could you do this to me Renee?! How could you!  

Renee: *cries in anger* I had no choice Dean! If I gave that back to you, you would have left me Dean!  

Dean: You...  

Renee: You're right! I knew it everything all along! I didn't tell you Kim was the girl in your memories. I prayed that you would never remember what happened, gosh I prayed so hard. *cries*  

Dean: *walks towards the door*  

Renee: *grabs onto deans arm* Don't go Dean, Kim already left you. If you return to her, you'll only hurt her. If you go back to her like this, you'll just bring her pain!  

Dean: No, you're wrong about that. If it weren't for Kim, I wouldn't be here. I would have died if it weren't for her! She saved my life. She showed me what love is. She gave me the strength to live on. You don't know how scary if feels to lose your memory. You cannot deny the fact that if it weren't for Kim, I wouldn't be here! *leaves the room in anger*  

Renee: *cries her heart out again*  

Dean: *driving to Pasadena*  

Kim: *out taking a walk*  

Dean: *rings the doorbell*  

Kathy: Who is it? *opens the door/gasp* Jon?  

Dean: *gives Kathy a look*  

Kim: *comes home* Ms. Colace? *sees a paper on the table and reads it*  

Kathy: Merry Christmas, I prepared a special present for you, so go and look for it at the mailbox on top of the hill.  

Kim: *smiles and puts the letter down and heads to the mountain/sees nothing and heads back to the house*  

Dean: *pops out of nowhere* Did you find your Christmas gift?  

Kim: How'd you find this place?  

Dean: *walks towards kim*  

Kim: *in shocked*  

Dean: *staring at kim*  

Kim: *tries not to cry* How many times do I have to tell you the truth? If you keep following me around, then I'll have to go farther, so even if you come here, it's useless! Why are you here Dean? *turns around and about to leave*  

Dean: I'll obey whatever you say.  

Kim: *turns back around and looks at dean*  

Dean: *walks closer to kim and looks at her necklace*  

Kim: *eyes deans eyes and then sees the necklace on dean too*  

Dean: I took off my necklace first, so I've been cursed for the rest of my life. I have to obey whatever you say.  

Kim: *looks at dean with tears*  

Dean: Even if my memories don't come back, and even if I have to return to where I came from... I promise to always love you... and be with you forever.  

Kim: *cries*  

Dean: I love you Kim. *leans over and hugs kim*  

Kim: *cries her heart out on deans shoulder*  

Dean: *crying* You idiot, why didn't you tell me? That you were Kim, that you were a part of my life that I couldn't remember. That you were the girl Jon Mox loved. You should have gotten mad at me. You should have told me to come to my sense and remember.  

Kim: *cont. crying*  

Dean: But everything's ok now Kim. I remember everything now.  

Kim: *hugs dean tighter*  

Dean: *hugs kim back tighter*  

(Later That Night)  

Dean: *waiting for kim outside the front yard*  

Kim: *walks out to the front*  

Dean: *takes kims hand*  

Kim: *smiles*  

Dean: Can I have this dance?  

Kim: *smiles in tears* Yes.  

Dean: *dances with kim*  

Kim: Can I ask you something.  

Dean: Yeah.  

Kim: Will you save this last dance, only for me?  

Dean: *looks at kim and smiles* I will always save the last dance for you.  

Kim: *smiles and then chuckles*  

Dean: *leans over and kisses kim*

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