The Game Changer (Blake) 3 ✔️

By DMHosmon21

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Book #3 in The Fire series BLAKE RIVERA "You're the leader of a gang." Aiden yells. I look up at him. ... More

Authors Note
Chapter One Bambino Demone
Chapter Two Past Midnight
Chapter Three This is my Rule
Chapter Four The Big Bad Wolf
Chapter Five Return The Favor
Chapter Six Crown-less King
Chapter Seven Stay Young, Beautiful
Chapter Eight Here We Go Again
Chapter Nine How A Fighter Survivies
Chapter Ten With A Murderer
Chapter Eleven He's Not My- Whatever
Chapter Twelve Flashing Red Light
Chapter Thirteen Learn To Save Myself
Chapter Fourteen Knuckles Like Brass
Chapter Fifteen Finally Be Over
Chapter Sixteen Just Wanna Be Wild
Chapter Seventeen Changing For The Worst
Chapter Eighteen No One Cares
Chapter Nineteen Beautiful Beast
Chapter Twenty Life Of The Party
Chapter Twenty-One Almost Truly Wicked
Chapter Twenty-Two This Is My Game
Chapter Twenty-Three The Fiftieth Floor
Chapter Twenty-Four She's Gone
Chapter Twenty-Five Falling Into Place
Chapter Twenty-Six Never See Her Again
Chapter Twenty-Seven Time To Plan
Chapter Twenty-Eight Urge To Kill
Chapter Twenty-Nine It's Not Over
Chapter Thirty The Most Powerful
Chapter Thirty-One Undesired Truths
Chapter Thirty-Two You Wanna Bet
Chapter Thirty-Three Where The World Ends
Chapter Thrity-Four Kind Of Crazy
Chapter Thirty-Five Battlefield
Chapter Thirty-Seven Demon Longing
Chapter Thrity-Eight Got To Be Kidding
Chapter Thirty-Nine Just Hate Me
Chapter Forty Here's To Joy
Chapter Forty-One Until Death
Chapter Forty- Two Need Your Help
Chapter Forty-Three That Son Of A Bitch
Chapter Forty-Four My Punishment
Chapter Forty-Five Made A Mistake
Chapter Forty-Six Breaking Free
Chapter Forty-Seven Not Our Time To Die
Chapter Forty-Eight Trapped In A Place I Need To Ecape
Chapter Forty-Nine He's Waiting For You
Chapter Fifty Watch Your Headlights Leave
Chapter Fifty-One Secrets Are What Kills Here
Chapter Fifty-Two The Monster Deep Inside
Chapter Fifty-Three Falling. Falling. Gone
Chapter Fifty-Four Really Get To Know Me
Chapter Fifty-Five A Disease That Kills
Chapter Fifty-Six What The Actual Fuck
Chapter Fifty-Seven Bad Guys Bad Lies
Chapter Fifty-Eight Devil Is Real
Chapter Fifty-Nine And She Wants Blood
Chapter Sixty I Am What I Am
Chapter Sixty-One This Is Not The End
Chapter Sixty-Two No Good Man
Chapter Sixty-Three Something is Wrong
Chapter Sixty-Four Raising Hell
Chapter Sixty-Five We Can Never Escape
Chapter Sixty-Six Regret Everything
Chapter Sixty-Seven As Crazy As Crazy Can Get
Chapter Sixty-Eight Is It Finally Over?
Chapter Sixty-Nine Easy To Do, Hard to Say
Chapter Seventy Meet Again In Hell
Chapter Seventy- One The Game Changed
Chapter Seventy-Two Is It Worth It
Chapter Seventy-Three This Was A Mistake
Chapter Seventy-Four I'm Not The Same Girl
Chapter Seventy-Five My People, My Responsibility
Chapter Seventy-Six HaHa Fuck You
Chapter Seventy-Seven Die For You
Chapter Seventy-Eight It Wasn't Me
Chapter Seventy-Nine It's All Of Us Or None Of Us

Chapter Thrity-Six Getting Shown Up By A Girl

1.1K 67 9
By DMHosmon21

Lonely Call- Raelynn

     I load up with Aiden next to me in the car. He was driving and I look back seeing my bike there. We were on our way to Ohio to find Ryder. Dallas' girl. Aiden said that's after what they did trying to get her she hid in a crowd and someone helped her escape. Rocco helped her escape which must've been a good thing because someone exploded her bike. It's good she wasn't on it because Dallas acts like he loves the girl. He would've been broken if she was murdered and he wouldn't stop until he found out who did it.

     Aiden said there's a club down in Ohio where we got word of a boxer named Ryder winning match after match. Unless there was another undefeated boxer down there that goes by Ryder, this is her. I wonder if Dallas knows what she does in her free time. No. If he knew he'd make her stop immediately. After what happened to him, after what he did, he wouldn't want her to go through all that. He killed a boxer in a fight that's what people know. What they don't know if that the boxer was his best friend.

     His name was Vander. He was a good man but he had anger issues. He couldn't control it as well as he needed to. Dallas was helping him get a hold of his anger and he was getting better, but in the fight, Vander lost it and Dallas ended up killing him. Dallas doesn't forgive himself for it and I don't know if he ever will but I know for a fact he wouldn't want Ryder to go through that. Although from what I hear she's been through a lot. What happened to her by her trainer, a man she trusted- I shake my head. It's just terrible.

     "She's in the building." Aiden says looking down at his phone as he drove. "She's fighting again. You wouldn't be able to get to her unless you fought her or waited until she was done."

     "I'll just have to fight her then." I say cocking my gun and pointing it at the windshield checking the aim. The gun was black and it felt cold in my hand but it was a feeling I've grown used to. Aiden pulls up to a building that was near a bridge that passed over a big body of water and I get out of the car putting the gun in the back of my pants and walking to the back of the van as Aiden opens the doors.

     "How long do you think this will take?" He asks as I jump up and kick the ramp down as I get on my bike.

     "It will take as long as it takes." I kick the stand up and look back as I slowly back up and down the ramp. "You don't have to stay you know, you can leave. I can do this by myself." Aiden hesitates.

     "Are you ordering me to leave?" He asks as I look up at him. I shake my head.

     "No. I'm not ordering you to do anything right now. This is your decision."

     "Then I'm staying." He nods. "Just for back up. Just for emergencies." My phone rings and I look down at it seeing and unknown number but I've memorized it so I know who it is. It was Felix. I silence my phone and look back up to Aiden.

     "Okay then. I'll see you inside." He salutes as I start up my bike and ride around the van and to the other side of the building where I found and alley way and a back entrance. I hide my bike behind a dumpster in the shadows and open the back door stepping inside. This floor must be the bar. People were drinking and others were dancing everywhere. I notice a staircase leading up with a guard by it. That must be where I need to go. I wrap the black boxing robe I had on over my clothes and I tie it in front.

     Pulling up my hood so it covers my whole face, I begin to make my way through the room and over to the guard. He would know who I was just by one look and I knew you couldn't get up stairs unless you were someone special. You wouldn't need a guard otherwise. He notices me as I get closer to him and I tilt my head up allowing my hood to slide back a little bit. His eyes begin to widen but I put a finger to my lips and look down again making to hood go down all the way as I pass by. He doesn't even try to stop me.

     I quietly walk up the stairs reaching the fighters floor and I spot a ring in the middle of the room. Men were fighting, but no one with a hood and I just so happen to look to my left seeing her. She didn't have her hood up yet so I got a good look at her face. In the rain when we fought I didn't get a good look. It's hard to see when rain and other stuff is flying in your eyes. Her hands were wrapped and I watch as she cracks her knuckles while she stood by a few men. She pulls up her hood and then her head looks at me.

     I tilt my head down more hoping she doesn't see my face. Through the shadow of her hood I saw her eyes narrow at me before she looks away shaking her head. Well that was close. She looked as if she was arguing with the man next to her as another man interrupts. Then she makes her way up to the ring as the fight ends and she steps in. She was against a bigger man who looked really strong but she knows what she's doing. I cross my arms and watch as she plays cat and mouse with him tiring him out.

Smart. I would have done the same. She punches him he punches her but soon enough she punches him and he finally doesn't get back up. People carry him out of the ring and she turns back to look at the man she was with and they nod to each other. She started to look away but she quickly looks back seeing something behind us. I start to look back as someone hits my shoulder knocking me forward and I look. Dallas and Rocco. Dallas looks to me and narrows his eyes but before he could say a word I duck behind a yelling man and disappear in the crowd.

Dallas and Rocco are here. They must know she's a boxer. Right? I look at him as he goes over to the man Ryder was with and they begin talking right as the crowd roars to life making my head snap forward. A shirtless man entered the ring and I immediately groan and shake my head. Felix. Ryder was busy motioning to her friend when she stops as Dallas looks to her but Felix grabs her and throws her to the ground making her roll. I put my hand to my forehead and keep shaking my head. Ryder is one to not give up but so is Felix. He's strong and he's tough.

Someone needs to stop this. I look to Dallas but he didn't look worried. He looked interested. He knew it was Felix but he must not know Ryder is the other boxer. He won't stop it. I look back up to Ryder seeing her in her fighting stance as Felix grew closer. She dodges a punch from him before ducking under another one and then tackling him to the ground sitting on his waist. Maybe she has a chance after all. She brought her fist back to punch but he rolled them over so he was on top. Instead of punching, Felix puns her wrists above her.

He says something as I watch her and twitch. She must be so confused. I don't think she knows who she's dealing with. She rolls them getting free from him and getting back into her fighting stance. Felix stands up as Ryder watches him steadily, carefully. They circle each other as they talk and I felt the energy in the crowd getting anxious. She throws a punch that he dodges and throws back but she pushes his fist away. He throws a punch that she quickly dodges before hitting him in the side with a strong hit.

He tried to punch her again but she dodges both his punches and shoved him back hard. He looked furious and it made me smile. He was getting shown up by a girl. Felix got right in front of her and she quickly dodges another punch before she kicks him back. He then pops his neck and flexes his shoulders as he walks toward her again. Suddenly I noticed the look on his face. He was now lost in his anger. He looked too angry. I shake my head as he throws a punch she couldn't dodge and she falls to the ground.

He then sits on her waist throwing punch after punch and I immediately begin moving toward the ring pushing my way through the crowd as his punches don't stop. He swings a fist as I get stuck behind some people I couldn't get past as she stops his hand and throws him off her. He stands and sends her a glare as she gets into her fighting stance again. This was bad. He throws a punch she dodges and I stop moving to watch as she punches him hard across the face making him freeze. She froze also.

I wasn't even the one fighting her but I knew what she was feeling. That was fear. My heart pounds in my chest as I watch another man climb into the ring behind her. He grabs her from behind holding her arms down as Felix nears her. No one was doing a thing and I was too far away to get there in time. Well. I better move fast then. I push the people in front of me apart and I shove past them as Ryder brings her legs up and wraps them around Felix's neck while she turns and wraps her arms around the other man's neck.

They all go to the ground as she chokes both of them out and I roll my eyes. Great. Now she's going to kill them. I stop moving. Maybe I should just let her do her thing. Who cares about those too. I shake my head and start to turn away but something stops me. Oh you've got to be kidding me. I push urgently through the crowd and slide into the ring kneeling next to her. "Let them go." I say but she glares at me.

"Why should I?"

"Because you're killing them." I look to Felix as his eyes meet mine through the shadows of my hood.

"So, maybe they deserve to die." Oh they do. They both do.

"Maybe." I say. "But you don't want to be a killer. A first kill is always the worst. It stays with you no matter what." She loosens her grip on both of them as I sigh in relief when she nods and releases them. She turns and signals to her friend as I go to Felix putting my lips by his ear. "I hope you learned your lesson." I whisper. "Now stay away from Ryder Rexha." I go to the other side of the ring and slide out weaving my way through the crowd trying to disappear again. I get to a corner of the room behind the crowd and I pull up my hood a little, wiping sweat from my face.

I just so happen to look up as my eyes meet Dallas' and he narrows his eyes letting them travel to Felix and then back to me. I shake my head and place a finger to my lips, turning away and watching Ryder and her friend leave the building. Not today. After what she did to Felix- I smile- not today. My phone starts vibrating and I pull it out recognizing Felix's number. I look up seeing him staring at me with the phone to his ear. It was as if he expected me to answer. I raise my eyebrows and hold up my phone pointing to it.

     He nods telling me he wants me to answer but instead I press the off button and shrug acting like I didn't understand or didn't know how to. I slide my phone into my back pocket as his eyes darken and he puts down his phone heading toward me. Oops. Immediately I begin running, pushing my way through the crowd and he does the same chasing after me. I pass by Dallas before running down the stairs and past the guard at the bottom. Then I push my way through the crowd of drunk and dancing people to the back door shoving it open and running out.

     I run to the back into the shadows and behind the dumpster where my bike was. I quickly pull it back and kick the stand up and I get it to where I could ride out of here. I was about to start it up but the door opens and Felix and his friend walk out looking around. They're blocking my exit. Well, I guess they'll both just have to move. I start up my bike letting the engine roar to life as the both turn around, my head light shining on both of them as they raise their arms trying to block it from their eyes.

     "Blake." Felix falls out. "We need to talk. Again."

     "No can do Felix." I call back. I rev my engine before I take off toward them as his friend pulls out a gun and I duck my head but keep going straight. They both jump out of the way allowing me to pass as I turn left heading for the bridge. I start chuckling glad I made it out but then shots ring out and I duck swerving.

     "Stop!" Felix orders just as a bullet hit my back tire making my bike swerve hitting and big bump and it throws me from it and over the railing of the bridge. I was breathing heavily but it took a couple seconds to process what was happening. A had a couple seconds to scream before I hit water and sunk down below. I tried to swim up but the current kept me under and it dragged me along with it. I tried to hold my breath but I couldn't help trying to scream as water filled my lungs causing a burning sensation. It is a terrible feeling. Drowning.

I fight the current and keep trying to swim up but each time I broke through and could get air something would drag me back under. I get above the water again and get a glimpse of Aiden standing on the bridge looking for me. He must've saw. "Aide-" I try to shout his name but I was dragged under again as the burning feeling returned. I hate water areas like this just for this reason. Drowning is a scary thing and I didn't think I would have to experience it. Ever. I shake my head and keep fighting but my movements grew slower as did everything else.

     Then I didn't want to fight anymore. I thought I heard Nadia calling out my name. Then, just as I give up and stop fighting something grabs me and pulls me out of the water throwing me onto land. I immediately cough up water and air finally fills my lungs and I keep cough up all the water as I breathe heavily. I fall back on my back and look up seeing Felix next to me. "Your friend- is an asshole." I wheeze out still panting.

     "My friend is dead." He says and my eyes snap to his. I was about to fall into his trap, this little dance we have going but I shake my head snapping out of it and force myself to stand. "Blake, come on." He says as I begin walking away from him.

     "No. I said stay away from me or I'd shoot to kill but you won't listen to me." I shake my head and keep walking past trees as I wrap my arms around my shivering self. I was suddenly freezing.

     "Blake." He grabs my arm and pulls forcing me to face him.

     "Leave me alone!" I shout, shoving him back and trying to get away quickly but he grabs me again and makes me face him as he pushes my back against a tree.

"I can't!" He shouts back shaking his head. "I can't. I'm sorry but I can't."

"You're not even trying!" I struggle to get away from him but he grips my neck and pins my hands above my head.

"I am fighting every urge in my body that's telling me to kiss you. I'm fighting the urge to rip off your clothes right here and now and I'm fighting the urge to stop and leave you but as you can see I can't. I can't leave you as I fight every urge in my body Blake. Don't tell me I'm not trying when I am trying so hard to stay away from you but I can't. I can't just forget you as easy as it may be for you." He takes his hand from my neck and holds his hurt shoulder with it as he looks down.

     "It's not easy." I say. "But I'm in control of my needs and my wants." Felix lets his eyes meet mine again as he leans forward putting his face closer to mine. I take in deep breaths holding back my urges or at least doing my best to.

     "What are your needs and wants?" He asks in a low voice as his eyes glance down at my lips. I do my best to keep my eyes on his.

     "I want-" his lips suddenly touch my neck making the words I was about to say fall from my lips as I tilt my head back and look at the sky. Lord please give me the strength to deny him. I pray.

     "What?" He asks as he keeps kissing my neck and I hold in a moan. PG! We need to keep this PG!

     "I need you to stop because I want to punch you in the face." I spit out as he pulls his head back and looks me in the eyes.

     "You don't love me anymore. Do you?" He asks and I hesitate studying his eyes. This is all a game. It isn't real. None of this was real. It was fake. I open my mouth to answer him but for some reason I couldn't. I didn't want to lie but I couldn't tell him the truth. I couldn't tell him I did. That would give him hope and he doesn't need anymore of that.

     "Blake!" I hear Aiden shout in the distance making my head snap to the side looking for him. I was about to shout back but Felix covers my mouth with his hand and shakes his head. You've got to be kidding me.

     "Not until you answer me." He says. "Do you still love me. Yes. Or no." He doesn't move his hand so I glare at him. "Nod yes or no." I roll my eyes and try to look around for Aiden but Felix makes me look at him. "Yes or no Blake. Yes or no?" His grip loosens on my wrists as he stares into my eyes. His eyes looked hurt. "Come on, Blake. Yes or no?" I couldn't answer. "Blake?" He moves his hand and lets his lips hover over mine. "Yes or no?" He asks again as my eyes study his lips. Then I couldn't look away.

     I look between his eyes and his lips as he leans closer. He was so close to me. With out realizing and before I could stop it I lean forward to close the small space between our lips but he quickly leans back and smiles. Everything is a game to him! I bring up my leg and kick him hard in the chest knocking him back before pulling out my gun and pointing it at him. His eyes widen. "Blake-" I pull the trigger but the gun clicks and I look at it pulling the trigger again but nothing.

     It was as if it was jammed. Then I remember falling into the water. It's wet that's why it's not working. I shake my head and put the gun down looking at him. "Please. Just stay away from me."

     "Blake!" I hear Aiden shout, closer this time and I look back before heading in the direction of his voice.

     "Aiden!" I call back walking up a hill looking for him.

     "Blake." He says more urgently and I rush up the hill.

     "Aiden." We almost trample into each other but he grabs my shoulders and looks me up and down. He suddenly hugs me tightly and shakes his head.

     "I thought you were dead."

     "Me too." I say looking down the hill and spotting Felix watching. "Me too."

Who were the people on the inside that notified Blake's people? Couldn't it have been one of the guards? How did Felix know where to go? Does he have an inside person too? What does he want with Ryder? Information or Blake's attention? Will he continue to go after Ryder? What will Blake do to stop it? Will she stop it? 3-31-19

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