Unexpected Late Night

By rachel_dulay

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{completed} cover by @ mahgadahling Chloe Fisher, The radiant, talented up and coming ballerina preparing fo... More



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By rachel_dulay

Like Lucy had planned, she was throwing a party at the Airbnb for all the wags and well she extended the invite to Joel and I's siblings, already considering them family. We had all pitched in something bought or made or even take out for the party. We had gotten to Lucy's Airbnb at around five thirty or six and planned to eat while the boys would be playing. We were hoping for a win tonight because they've one the past two
games and well they need this win.

"So Chloe? How's the new job? Settled in?"Katerina asks.

I nod and sip on my water "it's going smoothly, the assistant Tessa had already is super nice and patient so it's not bad"I say as Lucie sits down beside me. We continue to talk, the two of us rarely knowing much about each other. We were watching the pregame stuff as everyone was gathered around the living room chatting.

We had sadly ended up losing this game which kind of put a bummer on our wag party but the boys shouldn't be to hard on themselves they've been playing super well on this road trip, hopefully they know that.

📍Los Angeles, California
chloefisher We may have lost tonight's game but that doesn't stop us Wags from having a great party. Thanks Lucy for hosting the party, us girls had fun!!
Tagged lucygardiner_ stephlachancee

christina.marleau my gals💞
stephlachancee this is my new background
kalanileblanc CUTEEEE
unknown42 reason a million and whatever why the Leaf Wags are the best Wags.
joellane we've got the best supporters.
marner_93 I see I've been replaced..... stephlachancee
liamken shouldn't you already be use to that?? marner_93

"You don't have to be so hard on yourself babe"I continue to tell him as him and I changed and got ready for bed. I grab another makeup wipe and continue to take off my makeup, already feeling fresh. Joel comes into the en suite and leans back on the counter beside me, watching me take my makeup off.

"I know, we've done well this road trip but it would've been cool if we won all three games" he crosses his arms and sighs.

"Come on, you all played well" I nudge him and he pushes off the counter and walks behind me. He wraps his arms around me and I immediately lean back into him, he kisses the spot right underneath my jaw.

"At least I've got all day with you tomorrow"he whispers in my ear, a small smirk on his lips. I nod slowly "notice the big hot tub outside?" I laugh.

"Yes joe, I did"

"Well then let's go"he picks me up and I squeal as he walks us into the bedroom.

"You are very touchy tonight"

"After being away from you for almost a week can you blame me?" His hands tighten on my hips as he sets me back on my feet.

"Hmm"I look up at the ceiling before looking back at him "no, I really can't"He smirks and leans down kissing me. I deepen the kiss by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into me, he growls and his hands move down to cup my butt, I squeal and he chuckles.

"Now can we please get dressed to go into the hot tub because one my shoulders are tense and two because I want to see my girlfriend in a good looking bikini"I smack him and he chuckles "What"

"Your so lucky I love you and I've missed you"I kiss the side of his mouth.

"Great, let's go!"he picks me up and spins me around.

joellane We can't get enough of this hot tub. But even more, I can't get enough of her.
Tagged chloefisher

benpatrick this has got to be the most risqué pic on Joel's Instagram.
liamken *whacks Ben upside the head* You ruined a good photo by commenting something so childish.
frederikandersen31 Looks like it's pick on Ben day.
zachhyman Everyday is pick on Ben day.
marner_93 glad it ain't me no more.
williamnylander What the heck are you saying Mitch, everyone still picks on you.
travisdermott can y'all shut up! And just like appreciate this pic.
chloefisher thanks son.
auston_matthews the fact that Dermott is older than both Joel and Chloe but yet Chloe calls Dermott her son.
unknown51 I love this team.
lucygardiner my babies are growing up and have their own babies.
joellane I'm so close to disabling the comments.....

Samantha was taking Cassidy and Lucie out today so Joel and I could have the day to ourselves because tomorrow all of us are going Disneyland before Joel has to leave. Well Joel would be on a plane today but they aren't playing until Monday, and what's a couple days off gonna hurt.

Joel and I walk hand in hand down to Venice beach, we were meeting up with Lucy and Jake because they wanted to come to the beach today as well. Much to Joel's pouting he agreed. I mean how could you say no to Jake and Lucy, especially when their son Henry is so cute.

"Ouu Wait!" I stop Joel and I as I take a good Instagram story picture.

Joel chuckles and grabs my hand "Come on, I see Henry. I wanna hug the kid"

I allow him to pull me towards the Gardiner family "I thought you didn't want any company?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He shakes his head with a chuckle.

"I love Henry"

"Hmh Okay"I laugh as we walk up to Lucy and Jake. We say our hello's. Joel immediately ends up playing with Henry in the sand.

"And we thought Ben was the kid?" Jake scoffs. I laugh.

"Don't hate on our boy"Lucy smacks him. Joel comes back, carrying a wiggling Henry. He was swinging him around.

"Gards, Hen says he wants ice cream"

"He just ate breakfast"Lucy sighs.

"I'll treat him, we'll be back. Wanna come Chlo?" Joel looks down at me with a cheeky smile. I shrug.

"Sure I'm in"

"Don't get him something big please"Lucy says.

"No worries, I won't"Joel smiles at her as he grabs my hand with his free hand, Henry sitting on his hip on his left.

"I don't trust you"She looks at me "chloe?"

"Don't worry"I smile and Joel pulls me forward. He was talking to Henry as we walked toward an ice cream stand. He truly was amazing, he was caring and sweet and really did know how to make me go crazy. I was living a good life and I could definitely see a future with him.

"What?" Joel asks with a smile as he hands Henry his ice cream. I shrug.

"Nothing, just thinking about how much I love you"His smile softens and he kisses my forehead.

"I love you too and if I weren't holding a small innocent child I would kiss the living hell out of you, but I guess I'll have to wait"he whispers the last few parts into my ear as we walk back to Lucy and Jake. I roll my eyes trying to hide my blush. "Yea, I knew you couldn't resist me"he chuckles as he placed his hand on my lower back.

"You already knew that" he nods slowly as he readjusts Henry.

"Yea, I did. Last night just confirmed it even more"

"I'm dating a perv" he laughs. I film some b roll as we make our back, Henry and Joel goofing around. I had brought my camera to California seeing as that would probably be something people would like to watch, I filmed coming to California and than Lucy's party last night and I planned on filming today and tomorrow as well. Henry slides down Joel's side and runs over to Jake who immediately catches him. I settle down beside Lucy.

The day consisted of us hanging out on the beach before it rain, yes we did get rained on but California when it's raining is actually quite nice compared to Toronto and it's gloominess when it rains.


📍Venice Beach, California.
chloefisher Cali your still beautiful when it rains.
tagged joellane lucygardiner_ jgardiner727
comments disabled

When we got back to the Airbnb Samantha was just about to order some dinner, we all had a hard time agreeing with what we wanted to order in.

"Okay why don't I just go down and drive and get In and Out? Can we all agree with that?" Sam sighs. Joel walks back in with my camera and everyone groans.

"The hard decision of figuring out what to eat" He chuckles.

"Okay are we all fine with burgers!" Sam asks again and we all nod. "Good I'm leaving, get that thing away from me"she lowers the camera in Joel's hand, she swipes her keys and walks out.

"Wanna continue watching?" Lucie asks Cassidy. They nod and walk to the living room. They had hooked up Lucie's laptop to the tv in the living room and are watching some new Netflix show they started together. Joel sets the camera down and walks to the fridge.

"Are you guys still planning on going to the Grove tonight?" I nod.

"We need to get some more shopping in before we leave, it's California"he chuckles. It was only five at night and the day was still young. "What do you plan on doing?"

"Napping"I laugh and kiss his cheek. My phone lights up and we both look down to see mom calling me. I press it and bring it to my ear.

"Mum, hello"I smile. Joel steps behind me and pulls me hair off my shoulder, kissing my neck. I tilt my head in instincts allowing him to continue, his hands grip my waist.

"How are you dear?"

"I'm great. How are you?" Our conversation goes on and I turn to face Joel.

"I didn't want to tell you this but your father has decided to New York" I push Joel back a bit and he takes a stumbling step backwards.

"I beg your fucking pardon" I say loudly.

"Well it isn't a pardon if you use that word"

"Mom, back track for a second. What the hell do you mean?" I ask rubbing my forehead

"Oh right, your father has decided to move to New York, well New Jersey But his work is moving to New York and well"

"I'm going to faint" I mumble:

"Sweetheart"She sighs "I knew I shouldn't have told you over the phone"I shake my head and rush out of the kitchen, I could hear Joel following me.

"Well there isn't any going back so you might as well continue"I sit on the edge of the bed, crossing my right leg over my left and biting my thumb's nail. Joel leans on the wall beside the door watching me carefully.

"I've told you all I know, he had told Alex last night" I close my eyes.

"You haven't even talked about this with him?"


"Mom"I groan "he can't just leave Toronto much less the country!" I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Your mad"

"I'm furious"I tell her.

"Well I'm sorry there is no other way to tell you"

"How do you suppose on telling Lucie that our own father is choosing to flee the country after divorce files have been sent out?" I whisper yell.

"I didn't mean to hurt you" she sighs.

I rub my forehead with my free hand "Why well didn't you think about that years ago? When you and dad started to fight?"

I hear her sigh "anything else you'd like to inform me to ruin the rest of this vacation?"


"Please think of a better way to tell my younger sister that our father is moving countries and she'll probably never see him in her life ever again, because your announcement to me sucked mom"

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry won't fix it this time, you've used up your sorry's a long time ago mom"I tell her, tears coming down my cheeks. Neither of us said anything and I shake my head, I end the call and throw it to my side, placing my head in my hands.

A feel a pair of hands on my legs, rubbing my thighs "I'm sorry princess, I really am"Joel mumbles.

"I could deal with the fact that my parents are getting divorced but having dad move to New York, we'll never see him again. Lucie will never see him again"I cry out and Joel wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him. We were now sitting on the floor, he held me as I cried out. For Alex, for me, and especially for Lucie.

"I've got you"Joel whispers as he kisses my forehead "I've got you princess"he whispers again.

After I had calmed down and probably sobbed way to much, Joel had moved me from the floor to the bed, tucking me in and telling me he'll be right back. Sam come in with a tub of ice cream. The two of us sitting in the bed eating ice cream.

"Are you going to be the one to tell Lucie?" She asks slowly.

"Probably not, I mean"I sigh "I don't know if I should tell her now or wait till after the vacation"

"Either way, she deserves to know. I know you and Alex wanna protect her from shit like this even after it's been blown up but she isn't some nine year old little girl who needs to be protected, she may not react or even show any emotion but she's sixteen she can take it. You and Alex protecting Lucie won't last forever" she drops her spoon into the ice cream tub and I follow her actions.

"I know that but I won't hurt anyone but try to protect her, she's my baby sister after all"Sam and I share a sigh. Sam wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into her, I lay my head on my shoulder. "What the hell do I do?" I ask her.

It was weird having someone like Sam comfort me, I had always wanted an older sister but I got stuck with two older brothers who are shit at comforting girls just like my boyfriend who seemed to run off like they would. Even thought Sam was only a few years older then me she was great at the whole comforting thing, I mean she probably had some practice from Cassidy.

"You do what you think you have to do because your a big sister"she sighs.

"Joel ran off didn't he?"I ask and she chuckles.

"Yea, he loves you trust me. But even after years of living with two sisters he still hasn't mastered the art of comfort"I laugh. "So if you two get married I guess I'll be coming over to comfort you while he hides out and plays 2K or something"

"You think we'll get married?"

"I think, girl I know. My brother is head over heels for you, everyone can see it and if they don't they are clearly blind to love. He truly does love you and you truly make him happy. I'm just glad he has you because being in the NHL can be hard on a new rookie and you seem to help me overcome his inner mind"

"Are you turning this sweet moment between two friends into the hurt my brother I will kill you speech?" I ask as I lift my head up and she drops her arm from my shoulders.

"Oh no, fuck that. I wouldn't care less, if anything it would be him who would hurt you not you hurting him so. I'm just saying ever since I can remember it had been always hockey and sometimes on the rare occasion after he'd have a rough time with panic attacks and shit he would let us into his mind, showing us how dark it really is in there. His inner thoughts tended to control him a lot and I was so worried that being in the NHL would make it ten times more worse, but not that he has you I'm not worried at all. You bring out the Joel I know and love and the kind of Joel that everyone should see"

"Wow, eh thanks?" She laughs and grabs her spoon and digging it into the ice cream tub.

"Your very welcome. Now after all that I expect to be a bridesmaid"it was now my turn to laugh.

"Of course you'll be bridesmaid, I wouldn't have it any other way"I say grabbing my own spoon now

She smiles "excellent, cheers?" She extends her full spoon of ice cream towards me and I laugh as I hit her spoon, the two metals clinking together. I smile at her as I put the spoon in my mouth, eating the ice cream.

If Sam and I's friendship wasn't already considered a sister like relationship, this moment right here showed us that our friendship had many more opportunities to grow into something more beautiful.

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