Submitting To Her

Autorstwa MissLeeAnn

112K 5K 516

*Sequel to Submitting To Him* Queen Danni and King Jacen have searched the country far and wide for their... Więcej

Submitting To Her
A Clue & An Inn
Memories of the Lost
Identity Check
Dragon's Past
Reunited & Gifted
Training & A phone Call
Nerves & Celebrations
A Meeting & A New Face
Muffins & Mates
Old Romances & Second Chances
The Library & The book
Training & Talks
A Ball, A Bash, A Birthday? & Chaos
A Ball, A Bash, A Birthday? & Chaos
Mike's Plans&A Lightning Show
A Wounded Heart&A Broken Soul
Julian's Return
Submitting To Her
Epilogue- Saying Goodbye
Books by MissLeeAnn

Returning Home

7.4K 311 17
Autorstwa MissLeeAnn

"Prince Julian." A knock sounded causing me to turn over in the bed. "Prince Julian it's time to get up." Groaning I got up and walked to the door. Opening it I leaned against the frame.

"What's on the schedule today Dragon?" I asked tiredly. Dragon stood just a inch shorter than me at six one. His head was shaved bald and his arms were covered in fierce looking tattoos.

"You're going home." He smiled. Instantly I was wide awake.

"Really?" I asked with a laugh.

"Really. I've trained you harder and longer than any of my other students. You know everything I know, now it's time to pack and head home. Your parents believe you're old enough and strong enough to take care of yourself and so do I. Congratulations." He said patting my back. I laughed and hugged him.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this!" I said as I ran across the room to the large dresser. I quickly began to pack my belongings. "I wonder if they've found anything on my sister. You know even though it's been six months since I last saw them I'm sure they've gotten closer to finding her."

When I was younger both or at least one of them would visit me multiple times a week. As I got into my early teens it changed to about once a week or every two weeks. When I became a young man it dropped to at least once a month. I didn't mind, in fact I was getting a bit tired of mom visiting and asking all the same questions.

How have you been? Are you getting three meals a day? Have you eaten today? Are you hungry now? Are you eating healthy? I mean every visit it was the same. I knew she was only worried and missed me but honestly it drove me crazy.

"Prince Julian, please-"

"Dragon, you're practically family, stoping calling me prince." I huffed as I threw shoes and what smelled like dirty socks into a bag.

"Julian, please understand that your sister has been missing for nineteen years. Your parents have searched this country from border to border. If she was here then they would have already found her." I stopped and stood tall.

"That's our problem! We've only searched this country. There's a whole world waiting to be searched. What if she's out there right now searching for us, for her real family. Why hasn't mom and dad left and searched for her anyways?" Dragon sighed. We've had this conversation multiple times but I still don't get it.

"Julian, your parent's domain is here. They have a duty to stay here and protect their kingdom, they have a responsibility to make sure there is peace and that nothing goes wrong. They are the only peacekeepers available so they have to stay here. Don't you think it kills your mother that she can't go looking for her daughter." I knew he was right but there has to be a way for us to find Jewel. I continued to pack my things hoping to find a solution while doing so.

After a few minutes I looked up to see Dragon still standing there. "When does my jet arrive?"

"It's already here. Just take what you need and the rest will be shipped in a few days." He turned around and left. I grabbed the three bags I already had stuffed and followed suit. As we made it out to the jet I looked at what had been my home since I was a young pup. Though I didn't have much of a childhood I had a lot of memories and life lessons here. I would miss this place and of course Dragon as well but I am ready to go home. A lot of people would think of this life as a lonely one but honestly it wasn't. The staff kept my spirits high and Dragon kept me busy. I also had visits from my grandfather, thing one, thing two, and thing three, otherwise known as Maria, Maggie, and Suzzie.

"Well young prince, it has been an honor training you and getting to see you grow." Dragon said then bowed respectfully. I retuned the bow.

"And an honor it's been for me as well. Not only where you my mentor but my friend. I'll miss all our early morning workouts." We both chuckled knowing how big of a lie that was. He held his hand out and I took it firmly. "See you later."

"See ya kid." He smiled. I grabbed my bags and climbed on board.


"Julian!" My mother hollered. I hadn't even took a step out of the jet and she's already excited. I grabbed my bags and headed for the exit. As I stepped out I was nearly knocked down by her small frame. "Oh you've gotten so handsome!" She cried while hugging me.

"Thank you mother." I laughed. She let go and took a bag from my hand. "Mom put that down. I can handle it on my own." Ignoring me she turned around and walked to the large back doors of the palace where my father stood. Both looked as if they haven't aged a day over thirty but I still like to tease them. "I see you're getting some grey hairs, is it already time to retire?" I asked with a crooked smile. He chuckled and hugged me as I approached.

"Buddy I wouldn't be talking, you'll get them in a couple of years too. Come on let's get you unpacked and washed up for dinner." I watched as he took the large bag from my mom and lightly pecked her lips. Even though I spent all my time training at the castle I still longed for the day when I would find my mate. I wanted to have someone to hold and love yet I want someone to hold and love me back as well. Watching my parents had me wanting a mate even more. I want something special like they have. "Julian, you coming?" Breaking from my thoughts I followed them inside.

"I hope you don't mind, but we've redecorated your room since we thought you might have out grown the whole cars and trains phase." Mom laughed.

"I've defiantly out grown that!" I chuckled. As I opened the door I saw a complete change. Instead of a bed with car printed sheets there laid a large bed with dark navy blue sheets and grey fluffy pillows. The blue walls were now a clean white and the small dresser was now replaced with a large one. Taking the bag from my father I threw it and the others on the floor. "It looks good mom, thanks." I smiled. A large grin spread across her face.

"I'm so glad! Now you can unpack and freshen up. Maria, Maggie, and Suzzie will have dinner ready and will be joining us for dinner as well as your grandfather." I smiled and watched as she took dad's hand and left the room. I quickly unpacked the dirty clothes and replaced them with clean ones. I hurriedly took a shower and dressed accordingly. Racing throughout the palace I dropped the dirty clothes off at the laundry room and made my way to father's study.

Before reaching it I muted my scent. Mentally I thanked my father for passing me his gift. I stopped outside the door and listened. Nothing was heard. Slowly I crept in and shut the door behind me. Racing around the room I opened whatever file I found. Searching for something on Mike and my sister. Hearing someone down the hall I quickly placed everything back. The room was a simple square leaving me with no where to hide. Hastily I jumped on the leather couch and laid down in a relaxing position.

As soon as I laid still grandfather walked in and my father right behind him. "A village in the southern part of-Julian!" I smiled and stood up to greet him.

"Gramps! Looking good for an old man." I laughed.

"This old man can still beat the crap out of you!" He joked while hugging me.

"I'm not so sure of that dad, he has been learning from Dragon for the past thirteen years." Dad said while patting my shoulder. "Julian why are you here?"

"I want to know if we've found anything on Jewel or Mike."

"Julian we've been through this many times." He sighed. "I don't want you worrying or getting involved with any of this. Every time you do your mom starts to worry."

"But dad I-"

"I'm sorry Julian but I agree with your father. It's best that you don't mess with it. We are doing everything we can to find your sister." Sighing I dropped the conversation.

"Why don't you go find Maria, I thought I smelled cookies baking earlier, plus you can say hello to all the women." Dad suggested. I nodded and walked out shutting the door behind me.

"Like I was saying, one of the men said Mike was there with a girl but he couldn't see the girls features." Quietly I pressed my ear to the door.

"Did he say anything else?"

"Jacen, all I know is Mike is somewhere in here. You see these small villages on the coast? He's been spotted in all of them. He always spotted at the trading post. I think he's been there the whole time. It makes sense."

"I don't understand."

"I think Mike has been living there since he took Jewel. I think they're living like poor village people. He's trying to hide her in plain sight." Gramps explained

"And he's done just that in the last nineteen years and pulled it off." Quickly I made a dash for the kitchen only to hear a chorus of laughter.

"And who might these three pretty young things be?" I asked with a smirk.

"Julian!" They all said in unison.

"You have gotten so handsome." Maria said while patting my cheek.

"I'm sure the girls of the kingdom will just flock to you!" Suzzie laughed.

"Not if his mate finds him first!" Maggie smiled and hugged me.

"Ladies, you are all too kind, now down to business. I heard there were cookies?" I asked with raised eyebrows. They all laughed and sat down at the table with me.

"It's so good to have you at home now." Maggie said handing me a cookie.

"Thank you. I'm happy to be back." I sat quietly and finished my cookie. "Maria?"

"Hun what's troubling you?"

"Have you heard anything new about Mike and the situation? Have any of you?" They all had the same look on their faces. Disappointment.

"No baby, we haven't heard anything new. Your father's men scout everyday but report back only once a month. Today we should hear back but of course your father and mother would find out before we do. King Jacen records all the data of every report. If you want answers just talk to them."

"That's the problem. They don't want me getting into it." I sighed and stood. I knew what I had to do. "Thanks for the cookies and the talk ladies. I will see you at dinner." They sadly smiled. I made my way back to my room and decided that a little rest would do me good.


"Julian, it's time for dinner." One of the maids called out.

"Thank you I will be down in a bit." I replied while pulling on the shirt I threw off before laying down. I slipped on the dress shoes that I've only wore to dinners and made my way down to the dinning room. "Good evening." I smiled and bowed politely. Everyone stood and bowed. A chorus of hellos where hear and then nothing but the scraping of chairs on the wooden floors.

Dinner was nice. We all talked about future events and how happy everyone was about me moving home but I couldn't help but notice how no one brought up Mike or Jewel. I also noticed how quiet and sad mother was. With dinner half way over I knew I needed to get on with my plan. Clearing my throat I stood. "May I please be excused?"

"Julian, it's a family dinner." Dad spoke as if it could wait.

"No disrespect father but I have to take a piss."

"Julian, you may be excused." I looked up to see mother frowning but waving me off. I walked out and down the hall. When I heard the conversation start up again I quickly ran to the study. Opening the computer I realized there was a password.

"Crap!" I muttered. "Come on. Uh Danni." I typed. The computer beeped and flashed the words incorrect. "How about Jacen?" I asked myself as I typed. Incorrect it flashed again. Jewel. Incorrect. Maggie. Incorrect. Charles. Incorrect. "Who am I missing?" I beat the desk with a fist. Rolling my eyes I typed one last time. Julian. The computer opened and showed nothing but file after file named report one, report two, report three, and so on.

Finding the most recent I opened it and began to scan through it. Details about Mike's location were there with multiple pictures of him and another figure wearing a cloak. The figure was too short and small to be a male. That was my sister and now that I know their location nothing can stop me from finding her and bringing her back home. Quickly I closed the file and shut the computer.

As I returned to the table I sat and listened to the chatter. Once the noise died down I cleared my throat. With all eyes on me I looked to my father. "I have decided that I will be leaving tomorrow in search of my sister." The room grew still. The three women and gramps shifted in their seats awkwardly.

"Julian you just got home." My mother spoke softly.

"I know." I sighed. "This is something I have to do. You and father have your own responsibilities here which leaves no one else but me capable of finding her."

"Son it's a big world and we don't even know what Jewel looks like. You don't need to go, it's too dangerous."

"I have to go, she's my sister."

"Julian let's not discuss this now." He argued back.

"No dad! We will discuss it now." I shouted.

"There's no need for shouting." My mother said calmly.

"I have made up my mind. I know where they were last seen and that's where I'm going tomorrow."

"Julian may I speak to you out in the hall?" Father asked standing up. I stood and walked out. "How dare you. You just got home and now you start all this? Do you even think about your mother?" He huffed in anger.

"Do I think about her? The real question is do you? Did you see how sad she looked in there? She's hiding the fact that her missing daughter is slowly killing her." I spoke with a clenched jaw. "All I'm trying to do is fix it. What have you done?"

"I have a duty here and you know it!" He said sternly. "You think you can go out and magically find your sister, well sorry but it's not that easy, I've tried! What good is it for you to leave?"

"If I leave I can go across the waters! I can look for her in the villages!" I shouted. His eyes widened when realization hit him.

"You went through the files?"

"Just the last one but I can find her. I just know I can."

"You're not leaving and that's final." He spoke calmly.

"I'm a grown adult and I'm leaving!" I shouted.

"No you're not!"

"Why can't you just let me do this!" I shouted in his face, my wolf scratching at the surface.

"Because I promised your mother I wouldn't let anything happen to our last baby!" He shouted. Tears poured down his face. My heart broke and for reasons unknown I began to cry as well. "When we lost Jewel I promised Danni that everything would be okay and that I would get Jewel back home. I failed and now I can't let her lose you too."

"Dad, I am so sorry. I didn't know."

"No, don't apologize. I should have known I couldn't keep you tucked away from all the dangers of this world, especially when it comes to your sister. I know you're ready for the world out there, dragon taught you well, I'm just worried about your mother. If you really believe you can find her you may leave."

"I do."

"All I ask is that you stay for a week, for your mother, please." I nodded and smiled. "When it's time for you to go I'll set the flight and make sure you have everything you need."

"Thank you. Dad?"

"Yes Julian?"

"I promise I will return but with Jewel."

"I believe you kid."


So there is the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed!

Please give me feed back on it and let me know what you want to see in this book or what you think is going to happen!!!

I absolutely love talking to you all so if you'd like to talk feel free to do so :)

Also if you've enjoyed S.T.Him please go check out my other book The Hunting. It's also supernatural creatures :) if you want more of a serious book I have also just started one called Loving With A Bad Heart (not supernatural)





And always,

Be Blessed!

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